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In recent years, Janus amphiphilic nanotubes with complex surfaces have been synthesized. However, the self-assembly behaviour of surfactant solutions confined in a Janus amphiphilic nanotube has not been investigated so far. We performed molecular simulations to investigate the morphologies and phase diagrams of a surfactant confined in Janus amphiphilic nanotube consisting of both hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces. We derived a phase diagram of the representative snapshots of equilibrium morphologies. Morphologies that were not observed in the bulk eventuated in confined systems. Moreover, the self-assembled structures were found to be dependent on the spatial confinement. Furthermore, the self-assembled structures confined in hydroneutral and Janus amphiphilic nanotubes were compared. The results suggested that the self-assembled structures confined in the Janus amphiphilic nanotube resembled that confined in the hydroneutral nanotube owing to a strong confinement effect. Further developments in controlling the morphologies and self-assemblies will greatly advance their applications of these materials in nanofluidic devices, or for nanopatterning.  相似文献   
An endo β-1,4-xylanase (XynE15) from a culture broth of a deep subseafloor microorganism, Microcella alkaliphila JAM-AC0309, was purified to homogeneity. The molecular mass of XynE15 was approximately 150 kDa as judged by SDS-PAGE. The optimal pH and temperature for hydrolysis of xylan were pH 8 and 65 °C. The enzyme was stable to incubation for 30 min at up to 75 °C, and the half-life at 50 °C was 48 h. XynE15 hydrolyzed arabinoxylan, oat spelt xylan, and birchwood xylan well, but not avicel, carboxymethylcellulose, or arabinan. Xylooligosaccharides were hydrolyzed to mainly xylobiose from higher than xylotetraose. The genome sequencing analysis of strain JAM-AC03039 revealed that XynE15 was composed of 1,319 amino acids with one catalytic domain and three carbohydrate-binding domains belonging to glycoside hydrolase (GH) family 10 and carbohydrate-binding module (CBM) family 4, respectively.  相似文献   
Although photosystem I (PSI) cyclic electron transport is essential for plants, our knowledge of the route taken by electrons is very limited. To assess whether ferredoxin (Fd) donates electrons directly to plastoquinone (PQ) or via a Q-cycle in the cytochrome (cyt) b(6)f complex in PSI cyclic electron transport, we characterized the activity of PSI cyclic electron transport in an Arabidopsis mutant, pgr1 (proton gradient regulation). In pgr1, Q-cycle activity was hypersensitive to acidification of the thylakoid lumen because of an amino acid alteration in the Rieske subunit of the cyt b(6)f complex, resulting in a conditional defect in Q-cycle activity. In vitro assays using ruptured chloroplasts did not show any difference in the activity of PGR5-dependent PQ reduction by Fd, which functions in PSI cyclic electron transport in vivo. In contrast to the pgr5 defect, the pgr1 defect did not show any synergistic effect on the quantum yield of photosystem II in crr2-2, a mutant in which NDH (NAD(P)H dehydrogenase) activity was impaired. Furthermore, the simultaneous determination of the quantum yields of both photosystems indicated that the ratio of linear and PSI cyclic electron transport was not significantly affected in pgr1. All the results indicated that the pgr1 mutation did not affect PGR5-dependent PQ reduction by Fd. The phenotypic differences between pgr1 and pgr5 indicate that maintenance of the proper balance of linear and PSI cyclic electron transport is essential for preventing over-reduction of the stroma.  相似文献   
Laminin alpha3 chain, a functionally key subunit of laminin-5, contains a large globular module (G module) which consists of a tandem repeat of five homologous LG modules (LG1-5). We previously demonstrated that the LG4 module of laminin alpha3 chain (alpha3 LG4) induces a matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) expression through the interaction with syndecans leading to MAPK activation/IL-1beta expression signaling loop (Utani et al., J. Biol. Chem. 278, 34483-34490, 2003). Here, we show that a recombinant alpha3 LG4 and synthetic peptides containing syndecan binding motif induced a cell motility and a MMP-9 expression in ketarinocytes. The synthetic peptide (A3G756)-induced cell migration and MMP-9 upregulation were inhibited by each application of a heparin and an IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA), suggesting the involvement of syndecans and IL-1beta autocrine. Furthermore, the A3G756-induced cell motility was inhibited by an MMP-9 inhibitor and a neutralizing antibody of MMP-9, indicating induced cell motility was dependent on an MMP-9 activity. Taken these together, laminin-5 alpha3 LG4 module may play an important role in re-epithelialization at tissue remodeling.  相似文献   
Nateglinide, a novel oral hypoglycemic agent, possesses a carbonyl group and a peptide-type bond in its structure. We previously reported that nateglinide transport occurs via a single system that may be identical to the ceftibuten/H(+) cotransport system by the rat small intestine. We speculated that the absorption system present on the intestinal epithelium may be similar to that found on the renal tubular epithelium. The aim of this study was to characterize the transporters on the apical side of the kidney that may contribute to the reabsorption of ceftibuten and nateglinide. The uptake of nateglinide by rat renal brush-border membranes is associated with an H(+)-coupled transport system. Ceftibuten competitively inhibited H(+)-dependent nateglinide uptake. In contrast, Gly-Sar, cephradine and cephalexin had no effect on nateglinide uptake. Nateglinide competitively inhibited H(+)-driven transporter-mediated ceftibuten uptake. We conclude that nateglinide transport occurs via a single system that is H(+)-dependent and may be identical to the ceftibuten/H(+) cotransport system.  相似文献   
Reexpansion of a collapsed lung increases the microvascular permeability and causes reexpansion pulmonary edema. Neutrophils and their products have been implicated in the development of this phenomenon. The small GTP-binding proteins Rho and its target Rho-kinase (ROCK) regulate endothelial permeability, although their roles in reexpansion pulmonary edema remain unclear. We studied the contribution of ROCK to pulmonary endothelial and epithelial permeability in a rabbit model of this disorder. Endothelial and epithelial permeability was assessed by measuring the tissue-to-plasma (T/P) and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid-to-plasma (B/P) ratios with (125)I-labeled albumin. After intratracheal instillation of (125)I-albumin, epithelial permeability was also assessed from the plasma leak (PL) index, the ratio of (125)I-albumin in plasma/total amount of instilled (125)I-albumin. T/P, B/P, and PL index were significantly increased in the reexpanded lung. These increases were attenuated by pretreatment with Y-27632, a specific ROCK inhibitor. However, neutrophil influx, neutrophil elastase activity, and malondialdehyde concentrations in BAL fluid collected from the reexpanded lung were not changed by Y-27632. In endothelial monolayers, Y-27632 significantly attenuated the H(2)O(2)-induced increase in permeability and mitigated the morphological changes in the actin microfilament cytoskeleton of endothelial cells. These in vivo and in vitro observations suggest that the Rho/ROCK pathway contributes to the increase in alveolar barrier permeability associated with reexpansion pulmonary edema.  相似文献   
We conducted simultaneous liver and peripheral blood micronucleus assays in young rats with seven rodent hepatocarcinogens-4,4'-methylenedianiline (MDA), quinoline, o-toluidine, 4-chloro-o-phenylenediamine (CPDA), dimethylnitrosamine (DMN), p-dimethylaminoazobenzene (DAB), and di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)-and two mutagenic chemicals-kojic acid and methylmethanesulfonate (MMS). Quinoline, DMN, and DAB were positive in the liver assay, while o-toluidine, kojic acid, DAB, and MMS were positive in the peripheral blood assay. o-Toluidine, kojic acid, and DAB are reportedly negative in mouse bone marrow micronucleus assays, indicating a species difference. Our results revealed a correlation between micronucleus induction in hepatocytes and hepatocarcinogenicity. This technique can be useful for the detection of micronucleus-inducing chemicals that require metabolic activation, and it enables simultaneous comparison of the micronucleus-inducing potential of chemicals in the liver and peripheral blood in the same individual.  相似文献   
Transplanting primordial germ cells (PGCs) has a number of potential applications in fish bioengineering. Previously, we established a system to visualize live PGCs in the rainbow trout by introducing the green fluorescent protein (Gfp) gene driven by rainbow trout vasa gene regulatory regions. However, for PGC transplantation to be practically useful in aquaculture, visualization of PGCs using a nontransgenic technique is required. In this study, we demonstrate a method for labeling PGCs from various fish species by introducing chimeric RNAs composed of the Gfp coding region and vasa gene 3'-untranslated regions (UTRs); these sequences play a critical role in stabilizing mRNA in zebrafish PGCs. The GFP chimeric RNAs, including vasa 3'-UTR RNAs from rainbow trout, Nibe croaker, and zebrafish, were microinjected into the cytoplasm of fertilized eggs of several Salmonidae species. All the resulting embryos showed specific labeling in PGCs after the somatogenesis stage, which continued to be visible for at least 50 days. To apply this technique to PGC transplantation, PGCs labeled with chimeric RNA were microinjected into the peritoneal cavity of newly hatched salmonid embryos. The GFP labeling was sufficiently long-lived for the initial stage of donor PGC behavior to be followed in the recipient embryos. Importantly, donor PGCs from brown trout and masu salmon were incorporated into xenogeneic genital ridges in recipient rainbow trout. This nontransgenic method for labeling fish PGCs should be extremely useful for applications of PGC transplantation where the resulting progeny are to be released into the environment, such as PGC cryopreservation for fish stocks and surrogate brood stock technology.  相似文献   
Mammalian Chk2 is a Ser/Thr kinase required for cell-division arrest induced by DNA damage. We found six new kinase genes of Entamoeba histolytica by analysis in silico. One of the kinase genes was a homologue of human chk2 gene. The chk2 homologue gene (Eh chk2) was expected to encode 398 amino acids and showed nearly 50% homology to human Chk2 in amino acid sequence. Eh chk2 had a catalytic domain of Ser/Thr kinase and a fork head-associated (FHA) domain that is highly conserved among Chk2 homologues in vertebrates. To examine the biological functions of Eh chk2, we synthesized Eh chk2 mRNA in vitro and injected it into immature frog eggs (Xenopus laevis oocytes) as a model system of cell division. Eh chk2 markedly delayed the cell division of frog eggs by disrupting transition of G2 phase to M phase. Eh chk2 also inhibited the activation of p42 MAPK and Cdc2 kinase which are representative events induced by cell division. These results suggest that Eh chk2 gene should be a cell-division regulator in E. histolytica.  相似文献   
Abstract: In cultured bovine adrenal medullary cells, stimulation of nicotinic receptors by carbachol evoked the Ca2+-dependent exocytotic cosecretion of proadrenomedullin N-terminal 20 peptide (PAMP) (EC50 = 50.1 µ M ) and catecholamines (EC50 = 63.0 µ M ), with the molar ratio of PAMP/catecholamines secreted being equal to the ratio in the cells. Addition of PAMP[1–20]NH2 inhibited carbachol-induced 22Na+ influx via nicotinic receptors (IC50 = 2.5 µ M ) in a noncompetitive manner and thereby reduced carbachol-induced 45Ca2+ influx via voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (IC50 = 1.0 µ M ) and catecholamine secretion (IC50 = 1.6 µ M ). It did not alter high K+-induced 45Ca2+ influx via voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels or veratridine-induced 22Na+ influx via voltage-dependent Na+ channels. PAMP seems to be a novel antinicotinic peptide cosecreted with catecholamines by a Ca2+-dependent exocytosis in response to nicotinic receptor stimulation.  相似文献   
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