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排序方式: 共有208条查询结果,搜索用时 15 毫秒
Alleles of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A DNAs are classified and expressed graphically by using artificial intelligence “Deep Learning (Stacked autoencoder)”. Nucleotide sequence data corresponding to the length of 822 bp, collected from the Immuno Polymorphism Database, were compressed to 2-dimensional representation and were plotted. Profiles of the two-dimensional plots indicate that the alleles can be classified as clusters are formed. The two-dimensional plot of HLA-A DNAs gives a clear outlook for characterizing the various alleles.  相似文献   
A structure-activity relationship study on three classes of polymyxin analogues focusing on hydrophobicity was conducted.  相似文献   
Positron emission tomography (PET) allows biomolecular tracking but PET monitoring of brain networks has been hampered by a lack of suitable reporters. Here, we take advantage of bacterial dihydrofolate reductase, ecDHFR, and its unique antagonist, TMP, to facilitate in vivo imaging in the brain. Peripheral administration of radiofluorinated and fluorescent TMP analogs enabled PET and intravital microscopy, respectively, of neuronal ecDHFR expression in mice. This technique can be used to the visualize neuronal circuit activity elicited by chemogenetic manipulation in the mouse hippocampus. Notably, ecDHFR‐PET allows mapping of neuronal projections in non‐human primate brains, demonstrating the applicability of ecDHFR‐based tracking technologies for network monitoring. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of TMP analogs for PET studies of turnover and self‐assembly of proteins tagged with ecDHFR mutants. These results establish opportunities for a broad spectrum of previously unattainable PET analyses of mammalian brain circuits at the molecular level.  相似文献   
A rapid, simplified method for production and purification of tetanus toxin from bacterial extracts was described. The extracts were prepared by stirring young cells (ca. 45-h culture) of Clostridium tetani in 1 M NaCl-0.1 M sodium citrate, pH 7.5, overnight at 0 to 4 degrees C. The toxin was purified by a combination of (i) ammonium sulfate fractionation (0 to 40% saturation), (ii) ultracentrifugation for removal of particulate materials, and (iii) gel filtration by high-pressure liquid chromatography on a TSK G3000 SW-type column. This method required 6 days as follows: (i) overnight incubation of the seed culture, (ii) 2 days for growing the bacteria for toxin production, (iii) overnight extraction of the toxin from the bacteria, (iv) overnight precipitation of the toxin with ammonium sulfate, (v) 2 h for ultracentrifugation of the ammonium sulfate concentrate of the bacterial extract, and (vi) 1 h for high-pressure liquid chromatography. The minimum lethal dose of the purified toxin preparations for mice was 1.4 X 10(7) to 1.5 X 10(7) per mg of protein and they showed 360 to 390 Lf (flocculating activity) per mg protein and a 280/260 nm absorbance ratio of 2.0 to 2.1. The final recovery of the toxin from bacterial extracts was 90 to 93%. The purified preparations gave a single band of toxin protein with a molecular weight of 150,000 +/- 5,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. On crossed immunoelectrophoresis, the purified toxin preparations gave a single precipitation arc against anti-crude toxin serum.  相似文献   
Polarized growth in filamentous fungi depends on the correct spatial organization of the microtubule (MT) and actin cytoskeleton. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe it was shown that the MT cytoskeleton is required for the delivery of so-called cell end marker proteins, e.g., Tea1 and Tea4, to the cell poles. Subsequently, these markers recruit several proteins required for polarized growth, e.g., a formin, which catalyzes actin cable formation. The latest results suggest that this machinery is conserved from fission yeast to Aspergillus nidulans. Here, we have characterized TeaC, a putative homologue of Tea4. Sequence identity between TeaC and Tea4 is only 12.5%, but they both share an SH3 domain in the N-terminal region. Deletion of teaC affected polarized growth and hyphal directionality. Whereas wild-type hyphae grow straight, hyphae of the mutant grow in a zig-zag way, similar to the hyphae of teaA deletion (tea1) strains. Some small, anucleate compartments were observed. Overexpression of teaC repressed septation and caused abnormal swelling of germinating conidia. In agreement with the two roles in polarized growth and in septation, TeaC localized to hyphal tips and to septa. TeaC interacted with the cell end marker protein TeaA at hyphal tips and with the formin SepA at hyphal tips and at septa.Filamentous fungi represent fascinating model organisms for studying the establishment and maintenance of cell polarity, because cell growth takes place at the tip of the extremely elongated hyphae. Hyphal extension requires the continuous expansion of the membrane and the cell wall and is driven by continuous fusion of secretion vesicles at the tip (8, 12). The transportation of vesicles is probably achieved by the coordinated action of the MT and the actin cytoskeleton. According to one model, vesicles first travel along MTs, are unloaded close to the hyphal tip, where they form a microscopically visible structure the “Spitzenkörper,” which is also called the “vesicle supply center,” referring to the assumed function (24, 25). For the last step, vesicle transportation from the Spitzenkörper to the apical membrane, actin-myosin-dependent movement is used. Anti-cytoskeletal drug experiments have shown that hyphae can grow for some time in the absence of MTs but not in the absence of the actin cytoskeleton (14, 27, 30a).In Schizosaccharomyces pombe it was shown clearly that the polarization of the actin cytoskeleton depends on the MT cytoskeleton (2, 7). In 1994, polarity mutants of S. pombe were isolated and subsequent cloning of one of the genes identified the polarity determinant Tea1 (19, 29). Because this protein labels the growing cell end, this and other subsequently isolated proteins of this class were named cell end markers. It was shown that cell end localization of Tea1 requires the activity of a kinesin motor protein, Tea2, which transports the protein to the MT plus end (3). Together with the growing MT, Tea1 reaches the cortex, where it is unloaded and binds to a prenylated and membrane-anchored receptor protein, Mod5 (28). The formin For3, which catalyzes actin cable formation, is recruited to the tip through binding to another cell end marker protein, Tea4, which confers tethering to Tea1 (7, 18, 33). Tea4 is required for For3 localization at the cell tip, specifically during initiation of bipolar growth (18).Recently, it was shown that components of this polarity determination machinery are conserved in the filamentous fungus A. nidulans (8). The first component identified was the Tea2 homologue, KipA, a kinesin-7 motor protein (16). Deletion of the gene did not affect hyphal tip extension but polarity determination. Instead of growing straight, hyphae grew in curves. KipA moves along MTs and accumulates at the MT plus end. The identification of Tea1 and a Mod5 homologue was more difficult, because the primary structure of these cell end marker proteins is not well conserved in filamentous fungi. A Tea1 homologue, TeaA, only displayed 27% sequence identity. However, the presence of Kelch repeats in both proteins suggested conserved functions (31). A Mod5 homologue was identified by a conserved CAAX prenylation motif at the C terminus. Systematic analyses of proteins with such a motif in the A. nidulans genome led to the identification of TeaR. Like Tea1 and Mod5, TeaA and TeaR localize at or close to the hyphal membrane at the growing cell end (31). However, correct localization of TeaR requires TeaA. In addition, sterol-rich membrane domains define the place of TeaR attachment to the hyphal tip. In contrast to S. pombe, TeaA and TeaR are still transported to the hyphal tip in the absence of the motor protein KipA, but their localization is disturbed in comparison to wild type. This suggests that other proteins are necessary for exact TeaA positioning, whose localization depends on KipA.We characterized a homologue of the S. pombe cell end marker protein, Tea4, and found that the protein is required for the maintenance of straight polar growth but that it also appears to be involved in septation.  相似文献   
Barrett’s esophagus (BE) is metaplastic columnar epithelium converted from normal squamous epithelia in the distal esophagus that is thought to be a precancerous lesion of esophageal adenocarcinoma. BE is attributed to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and therefore gastric acid or bile acids are thought to be factors that cause epithelial cell damage and inflammation in the gastro-esophageal junction. The decrease of adherent junction molecules, E-cadherin has been reported to be associated with the progression of the Barrett’s carcinoma, but the initiation of BE is not sufficiently understood. BE is characterized by the presence of goblet cells and occasionally Paneth cells are observed at the base of the crypts. The Paneth cells possess dense granules, in which human antimicrobial peptide human defensin-5 (HD-5) are stored and secreted out of the cells. This study determined the roles of HD-5 produced from metaplastic Paneth cells against adjacent to squamous cells in the gastro-esophageal junction. A human squamous cell line Het-1A, was incubated with the synthetic HD-5 peptide as a model of squamous cell in the gastro-esophageal junctions, and alterations of E-cadherin were investigated. Immunocytochemistry, flowcytometry, and Western blotting showed that the expression of E-cadherin protein was decreased. And a partial recovery from the decrease was observed by treatment with a CD10/neprilysin inhibitor (thiorphan). In conclusion, E-cadherin expression in squamous cells was reduced by HD-5 using in vitro experiments. In gastro-esophageal junction, HD-5 produced from metaplastic Paneth cells may therefore accelerate the initiation of BE.  相似文献   
alpha-Defensin is an antimicrobial peptide which plays an important role in innate immunity. Human defensin (HD)-5 is stored in the Paneth cells of the small intestine as a pro-form and is cleaved by trypsin, which is co-secreted from the Paneth cell granules. The mature HD-5 is protected from further digestion by the proteolysis enzyme. We generated both recombinant HD-5 and proHD-5, and the reduced form of each peptide in order to determine their physiological roles of the disulfide bonds. The reduced proHD-5 attenuated the bactericidal activity and the stability against the trypsin digestion. Human defensin was protected from the enzymatic degradation by disulfide bridges. We further purified the HD-5 with a disulfide variation in the small intestine of Crohn's disease patients. The HD-5 was sensitive to the trypsin treatment. These observations evidently predict that a defensin deficiency may be caused by a disulfide disorder in the disease.  相似文献   
Methane is used as an alternative carbon source in the denitrification of wastewater lacking organic carbon sources because it is nontoxic and may be efficiently produced by anaerobic biological processes. Methane-dependent denitrification (MDD) in the presence of oxygen requires the co-occurrence of methanotrophy and denitrification. Activated sludge was incubated with 13C-labeled methane in either a nitrate-containing medium or a nitrate-free medium. Then, bacterial and methanotrophic populations were analyzed by cloning analysis and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis targeting 16S rRNA gene and cloning analysis targeting pmoA genes. DNA-based stable-isotope probing (DNA-SIP) analysis of the 16S rRNA gene revealed an association of the Methylococcaceae and the Hyphomicrobiaceae in a MDD ecosystem. Furthermore, supplementation of nitrate stimulated methane consumption and the activity of methanotrophic populations (i.e. the stimulation of uncultivated relatives of distinct groups of the Methylococcaceae). In particular, uncultured type-X methanotrophs of Gammaproteobacteria were dominant when nitrate was added, i.e. in the MDD incubations. On the other hand, most methanotrophs (types I, II, and X methanotrophs) were found to have been labeled with 13C under nitrate-free conditions. This DNA-SIP study identifies key bacterial populations involved in a MDD ecosystem.  相似文献   
Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) induced the inhibition of glioma cell migration. Here, we characterized the signaling mechanisms involved in the inhibitory action by S1P. In human GNS-3314 glioblastoma cells, the S1P-induced inhibition of cell migration was associated with activation of RhoA and suppression of Rac1. The inhibitory action of S1P was recovered by a small interference RNA specific to S1P2 receptor, a carboxyl-terminal region of Gα12 or Gα13, an RGS domain of p115RhoGEF, and a dominant-negative mutant of RhoA. The inhibitory action of S1P through S1P2 receptors was also observed in both U87MG glioblastoma and 1321N1 astrocytoma cells, which have no protein expression of a phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN). These results suggest that S1P2 receptors/G12/13-proteins/Rho signaling pathways mediate S1P-induced inhibition of glioma cell migration. However, PTEN, recently postulated as an indispensable molecule for the inhibition of cell migration, may not be critical for the S1P2 receptor-mediated action in glioma cells.  相似文献   
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