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In southern China, many freshwater ecosystems, including lakes, rivers and reservoirs, are eutrophic. The nutrient loading coupled with year-round warm weather favors the growth of cyanobacteria, several of which can produce cyanotoxins, especially the potent liver toxins called microcystins, which are often detected in eutrophic drinking water sources. For purifying raw water used as source of drinking water treatment plants, an aquatic vegetable bed (AVB) experiment had been carried out in a hypertrophic waterfront of Lake Taihu, China, since October 2002. AVB was a simplification of the nutrient film technique (NFT) used to produce vegetables, which requires large quantities of water and nutrients. The average removal rates of total microcystin-RR and microcystin-LR were 63.0% and 66.7%, respectively. This study indicated that Ipomoea aquatica was able to absorb microcystins by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and that the roots absorbed more toxins than leaves and stems. We used fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to analyze the density of microcystin-degrading bacteria in AVB sediment. Two species of microcystin-degrading bacteria were detected, which indicated that microcystin bio-degradation processes did occur in AVB. Protozoa and metazoa were abundant in the rhizosphere. Aspidisca sp., Vorticella sp., Philodina sp., and Lecane sp. were the dominant species. The predation function of protozoa and metazoa had a positive effect on removal of cyanobacteria and microcystins.  相似文献   
This study was aimed at isolation and characterization of natural antifungal compounds for grain mold, a key parasitic fungal disease of sorghum. Pseudomonas fluorescens strain isolated from rhizosphere of groundnut crop was selected as a source. Its biocontrolling ability was assessed by testing some biochemical attributes such as phosphatesolubilization, and HCN, NH3, indole‐3‐acetic acid, and siderophore production. The strain showed positive result for all except indole‐3‐acetic acid, revealing its suitability for a further study. The antibiotic‐sensitivity pattern of the strain against 43 antibiotics was also established, which showed resistance to 15 antibiotics. The efficacy of P. fluorescens strain against grain mold was identified by dual culture technique. Hundred percent inhibition was found against Fusarium moniliforme, an important causative agent of this disease. The strain was fermented for secondary metabolites and extracted with AcOEt. Chromatographic separation of the extract yielded four known compounds, cyclo(L ‐Pro‐L ‐Phe) ( 1 ), cyclo(trans‐4‐hydroxy‐L ‐Pro‐L ‐Leu) ( 2 ), cyclo(trans‐4‐hydroxy‐L ‐Pro‐L ‐Phe) ( 3 ), and cyclo(Gly‐L ‐Pro) ( 4 ), which were characterized by spectral analysis and optical rotation. The crude extract, a mixture of 2 and 3 , and isolated 1 were proved to be significantly effective against grain mold fungi. This is the first report on production of these cyclic dipeptides by P. fluorescens and their antagonistic properties.  相似文献   
In order to clarify spatial and temporal patterns in the flowering process of S. veitchii var. hirsuta, the authors investigated the flowering of the species at a regional level in a mountainous area of Kyoto City, and at population/individual culm levels at experimental forest stations within the same municipal region. S. veitchii var. hirsuta flowered in several separate areas spanning ranges between several and more than 10?km north?Csouth and east?Cwest from 2004 to 2007. Sporadic flowering occurred the year before mass flowering. In the mass-flowering year, 98% of the culms in an S. veitchii var. hirsuta population flowered, and the other 2% or so flowered in the years before and after mass flowering. These results show a spatiotemporal synchronous flowering pattern (with most culms of populations gregariously flowering in a year over a large area) and an asynchronous flowering pattern (with a small percentage of the culms of populations flowering before and after the mass-flowering year) for S. veitchii var. hirsuta. It was also clarified that the year and scale of mass flowering differ by area, and that mass flowering occurs in individual areas in successive years. The survey performed at the individual culm level revealed that the mean numbers of open florets and attached seeds per culm showed two peaks from April to July, suggesting that S. veitchii var. hirsuta flowering events occur twice a year.  相似文献   
The accumulation pattern of arachin and its subunits in growinggroundnuts was investigated. Soluble proteins were extractedfrom the kernels at twelve different stages of maturation (4–16weeks after pegging). Fractionation showed arachin, conarachinII, 5S and 2S protein components with sucrose gradient centrifugation.Ten weeks after pegging, only 35% of the maximum amount of arachinhad accumulated, whereas conarachin II was 85%, the 5S component89%, and the 2S component 76%. Arachin, however, increased rapidlyin the later stage of maturation. No change in the subunit ratioin arachin during seed growth was observed on the patterns ofsodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis and gel isoelectricfocusing in the presence of urea. The ratio of the arachin subunitscontained in urea-extractable fraction of the kernels was constantthroughout seed development and was consistent with the subunitratio in arachin. On the other hand, the arachin subunits inthe free forms, if any, accounted for less than 1% of the associatedarachin subunits. Probably, the arachin subunits synthesizedin equimoles are associated into arachin without individualdeposition and are accumulated as arachin associates in growingseeds. (Received July 17, 1980; )  相似文献   
Intravenous injection of purified tetanus toxin(1000-0.06 μg) killed mice within minutes(20–450 min), causing flaccid paralysis indistinguishable from that in botulinum intoxication: a linear relation was found between the log of the toxin dose and that of death time(survival time). The dose and route dependences of the manifestations of the spastic paralysis typical of classical tetanus and of the acute botulinum-like flaccid paralysis were studied in relation to the death time. Treatment of the toxin with trypsin or gangliosides did not affect its acute botulinum-like toxicity. Theophylline delayed the time of acute death due to the botulinum-like intoxication in mice caused by tetanus toxin and provided some protection.  相似文献   
Some of the lysozyme mutants in humans cause systemic amyloidosis. Hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) has been well studied as a model protein of amyloid fibrils formation. We previously identified an amyloid core region consisting of nine amino acids (designated as the K peptide), which is present at 54-62 in HEWL. The K peptide, with tryptophan at its C- terminus, has the ability of self-aggregation. In the present work we focused on its structural properties in relation to the formation of fibrils. The K peptide alone formed definite fibrils having β-sheet structures by incubation of 7 days under acidic conditions at 37°C. A substantial number of fibrils were generated under this pH condition and incubation period. Deletion and substitution of tryptophan in the K peptide resulted in no formation of fibrils. Tryptophan 62 in lysozyme was suggested to be especially crucial to forming amyloid fibrils. We also show that amyloid fibrils formation of the K peptide requires not only tryptophan 62 but also a certain length containing hydrophobic amino acids. A core region is involved in the significant formation of amyloid fibrils of lysozyme.  相似文献   
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