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Lithium‐ion batteries (LIBs) are integral parts of modern technology, but can raise safety concerns because of their flammable organic electrolytes with low flash points. Aqueous electrolytes can be used in LIBs to overcome the safety issues that come with organic electrolytes while avoiding poor kinetics associated with solid state electrolytes. Despite advances in aqueous electrolytes, current collectors for aqueous battery systems have been neglected. Current collectors used in today's aqueous battery systems are usually metal‐based materials, which are heavy, expensive, bulky, and prone to corrosion after prolonged use. Here, a carbon nanotube (CNT)–cellulose nanofiber (CNF) all‐fiber composite is developed that takes advantage of the high conductivity of CNT while achieving high mechanical strength through the interaction between CNT and CNF. By optimizing the CNT/CNF weight ratio, this all‐fiber current collector can be made very thin while maintaining high conductivity (≈700 S cm?1) and strength (>60 MPa), making it an ideal replacement for heavy metal current collectors in aqueous battery systems.  相似文献   
Fitness can be profoundly influenced by the age at first reproduction (AFR), but to date the AFR–fitness relationship only has been investigated intraspecifically. Here, we investigated the relationship between AFR and average lifetime reproductive success (LRS) across 34 bird species. We assessed differences in the deviation of the Optimal AFR (i.e., the species‐specific AFR associated with the highest LRS) from the age at sexual maturity, considering potential effects of life history as well as social and ecological factors. Most individuals adopted the species‐specific Optimal AFR and both the mean and Optimal AFR of species correlated positively with life span. Interspecific deviations of the Optimal AFR were associated with indices reflecting a change in LRS or survival as a function of AFR: a delayed AFR was beneficial in species where early AFR was associated with a decrease in subsequent survival or reproductive output. Overall, our results suggest that a delayed onset of reproduction beyond maturity is an optimal strategy explained by a long life span and costs of early reproduction. By providing the first empirical confirmations of key predictions of life‐history theory across species, this study contributes to a better understanding of life‐history evolution.  相似文献   
The mucosal lymphocyte integrin alpha E(CD103)beta 7 is thought to be important for intraepithelial lymphocyte (IEL) localization or function. We cloned the murine integrin gene encoding alpha E, localized it to chromosome 11, and generated integrin alpha E-deficient mice. In alpha E-/- mice, intestinal and vaginal IEL numbers were reduced, consistent with the known binding of alpha E beta 7 to E-cadherin expressed on epithelial cells. However, it was surprising that lamina propria T lymphocyte numbers were diminished, as E-cadherin is not expressed in the lamina propria. In contrast, peribronchial, intrapulmonary, Peyer's patch, and splenic T lymphocyte numbers were not reduced in alpha E-deficient mice. Thus, alpha E beta 7 was important for generating or maintaining the gut and vaginal T lymphocytes located diffusely within the epithelium or lamina propria but not for generating the gut-associated organized lymphoid tissues. Finally, the impact of alpha E deficiency upon intestinal IEL numbers was greater at 3-4 wk of life than in younger animals, and affected the TCR alpha beta+ CD8+ T cells more than the gamma delta T cells or the TCR alpha beta+ CD4+CD8- population. These findings suggest that alpha E beta 7 is involved in the expansion/recruitment of TCR alpha beta+ CD8+ IEL following microbial colonization. Integrin alpha E-deficient mice will provide an important tool for studying the role of alpha E beta 7 and of alpha E beta 7-expressing mucosal T lymphocytes in vivo.  相似文献   
Motivation: In searching for differentially expressed (DE) genesin microarray data, we often observe a fraction of the genesto have unequal variability between groups. This is not an issuein large samples, where a valid test exists that uses individualvariances separately. The problem arises in the small-samplesetting, where the approximately valid Welch test lacks sensitivity,while the more sensitive moderated t-test assumes equal variance. Methods: We introduce a moderated Welch test (MWT) that allowsunequal variance between groups. It is based on (i) weightingof pooled and unpooled standard errors and (ii) improved estimationof the gene-level variance that exploits the information fromacross the genes. Results: When a non-trivial proportion of genes has unequalvariability, false discovery rate (FDR) estimates based on thestandard t and moderated t-tests are often too optimistic, whilethe standard Welch test has low sensitivity. The MWT is shownto (i) perform better than the standard t, the standard Welchand the moderated t-tests when the variances are unequal betweengroups and (ii) perform similarly to the moderated t, and betterthan the standard t and Welch tests when the group variancesare equal. These results mean that MWT is more reliable thanother existing tests over wider range of data conditions. Availability: R package to perform MWT is available at http://www.meb.ki.se/~yudpaw Contact: yudi.pawitan{at}ki.se Supplementary information: Supplementary data are availableat Bioinformatics online. Associate Editor: Martin Bishop  相似文献   
It is challenging to study regulatory genetic variants as gene expression is affected by both genetic polymorphisms and non-genetic regulators. The mRNA allele-specific expression (ASE) assay has been increasingly used for the study of cis-acting regulatory variants because cis-acting variants affect gene expression in an allele-specific manner. However, poor correlations between mRNA and protein expressions were observed for many genes, highlighting the importance of studying gene expression regulation at the protein level. In the present study, we conducted a proof-of-concept study to utilize a recently developed allele-specific protein expression (ASPE) assay to identify the cis-acting regulatory variants of CES1 using a large set of human liver samples. The CES1 gene encodes for carboxylesterase 1 (CES1), the most abundant hepatic hydrolase in humans. Two cis-acting regulatory variants were found to be significantly associated with CES1 ASPE, CES1 protein expression, and its catalytic activity on enalapril hydrolysis in human livers. Compared to conventional gene expression-based approaches, ASPE demonstrated an improved statistical power to detect regulatory variants with small effect sizes since allelic protein expression ratios are less prone to the influence of non-genetic regulators (e.g., diseases and inducers). This study suggests that the ASPE approach is a powerful tool for identifying cis-regulatory variants.  相似文献   
水分是制约很多陆地生态系统植物生长和繁殖的重要因素, 在干旱地区尤为明显。利用稳定同位素技术探究塔里木河下游不同林龄胡杨(Populus euphratica)的水分来源情况, 了解生态输水背景下荒漠河岸林的水分利用循环与利用策略, 可为生态输水提供科学依据, 同时也可对同类地区的生态恢复提供借鉴。本研究通过测定塔里木河下游胡杨茎干水和各潜在水源(土壤水、地下水)的稳定氢氧同位素值(δD、δ18O), 应用多源线性混合模型(IsoSource)分析了各潜在水源对不同林龄胡杨的贡献比例, 并结合3种林龄胡杨不同土壤深度含水量的变化, 分析了胡杨的主要吸水层位。结果表明: (1)不同林龄胡杨样地的不同深度区间上的土壤水δ18O值存在显著差异(P < 0.05): 胡杨幼龄木、成熟木、过熟木木质部δ18O分别为-7.83 ± 0.07‰、-8.53 ± 0.11‰、-9.36 ± 0.21‰; 而δD值不存在显著差异(P > 0.05)。可据此来推断胡杨的主要吸水层位。(2)总体上, 三种林龄胡杨土壤水δ18O值随土壤深度增加而减小, 并趋于接近地下水的δ18O值。其中, 0-60 cm土壤水受蒸发影响比较大, 其同位素组成经历了强烈的蒸发分馏过程, 土壤含水量极少, 土壤水δ18O值偏正。(3)不同林龄胡杨所利用的水分来源不同: 胡杨幼龄木对于地表80 cm以下的土壤水以及地下水均有一定程度的利用, 对80-140 cm、140-220 cm和220-340 cm的土壤水平均利用比率依次为16.2%、21.4%和24.6%, 对地下水平均利用比率为24.5%; 成熟木主要利用220-340 cm的土壤水及地下水, 平均利用比率分别为36.9%和42.3%; 过熟木主要利用140-340 cm的土壤水及地下水, 平均利用比率分别为32.8%和49.3%。  相似文献   
Our goal in this paper is to show an analytical workflow for selecting protein biomarker candidates from SELDI-MS data. The clinical question at issue is to enable prediction of the complete remission (CR) duration for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. This would facilitate disease prognosis and make individual therapy possible. SELDI-mass spectrometry proteomics analyses were performed on blast cell samples collected from AML patients pre-chemotherapy. Although the biobank available included approximately 200 samples, only 58 were available for analysis. The presented workflow includes sample selection, experimental optimization, repeatability estimation, data preprocessing, data fusion, and feature selection. Specific difficulties have been the small number of samples and the skew distribution of the CR duration among the patients. Further, we had to deal with both noisy SELDI-MS data and a diverse patient cohort. This has been handled by sample selection and several methods for data preprocessing and feature detection in the analysis workflow. Four conceptually different methods for peak detection and alignment were considered, as well as two diverse methods for feature selection. The peak detection and alignment methods included the recently developed annotated regions of significance (ARS) method, the SELDI-MS software Ciphergen Express which was regarded as the standard method, segment-wise spectral alignment by a genetic algorithm (PAGA) followed by binning, and, finally, binning of raw data. In the feature selection, the "standard" Mann-Whitney t test was compared with a hierarchical orthogonal partial least-squares (O-PLS) analysis approach. The combined information from all these analyses gave a collection of 21 protein peaks. These were regarded as the most potential and robust biomarker candidates since they were picked out as significant features in several of the models. The chosen peaks will now be our first choice for the continuing work on protein identification and biological validation. The identification will be performed by chromatographic purification and MALDI MS/MS. Thus, we have shown that the use of several data handling methods can improve a protein profiling workflow from experimental optimization to a predictive model. The framework of this methodology should be seen as general and could be used with other one-dimensional spectral omics data than SELDI MS including an adequate number of samples.  相似文献   
The blue-green eggshell pigment biliverdin is an efficient antioxidant, the deposition of which may be costly and act as a handicap to the female's antioxidant capacity. Thus, it is hypothesized that there exists a positive correlation between the degree of eggshell coloration and the condition and health state of the mother. In this study, we measured the blue-green chroma of collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis eggs, and investigated the associations between egg colour and parental characteristics, laying date, clutch size and laying order. We also analysed the possible correlations between egg size, yolk carotenoid and antibody levels and eggshell pigmentation. Our results revealed no significant relationships between egg colour and female age, morphological and serological variables. Blue-green colour intensity of eggs increased throughout the breeding season, which could be the result of either a proximate constraint or an adaptive strategy. We found a positive association between egg colour saturation and yolk lutein concentration. This relationship could be the result of the seasonal improvement of caterpillar supply, which could influence the deposition of both components into the egg. Furthermore, we found that females mated to lower-quality males produced eggs with higher biliverdin pigmentation. It is possible that deposition of biliverdin is correlated to some unmeasured aspect of egg quality that could enhance the viability of offspring of lower-quality fathers. We found that intensity of blue-green coloration increased with laying order between the first and fifth eggs.  相似文献   
To evaluate the involvement of translation initiation factors eIF4E and eIFiso4E in Chilli veinai mottle virus (ChiVMV) infection in pepper, we conducted a genetic analysis using a segregating population derived from a cross between Capsicum annuum ‘Dempsey’ containing an eIF4E mutation (pvr1 2 ) and C. annuum ‘Perennial’ containing an eIFiso4E mutation (pvr6). C. annuum ‘Dempsey’ was susceptible and C. annuum ‘Perennial’ was resistant to ChiVMV. All F1 plants showed resistance, and F2 individuals segregated in a resistant-susceptible ratio of 166:21, indicating that many resistance loci were involved. Seventy-five F2 and 329 F3 plants of 17 families were genotyped with pvr1 2 and pvr6 allele-specific markers, and the genotype data were compared with observed resistance to viral infection. All plants containing homozygous genotypes of both pvr1 2 and pvr6 were resistant to ChiVMV, demonstrating that simultaneous mutations in eIF4E and eIFiso4E confer resistance to ChiVMV in pepper. Genotype analysis of F2 plants revealed that all plants containing homozygous genotypes of both pvr1 2 and pvr6 showed resistance to ChiVMV. In protein-protein interaction experiments, ChiVMV viral genome-linked protein (VPg) interacted with both eIF4E and eIFiso4E. Silencing of eIF4E and eIFiso4E in the VIGS experiment showed reduction in ChiVMV accumulation. These results demonstrated that ChiVMV can use both eIF4E and eIFiso4E for replication, making simultaneous mutations in eIF4E and eIFiso4E necessary to prevent ChiVMV infection in pepper. These authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   
A retrovirus homologue gene of cellular cyclin D 1 , walleye dermal sarcoma virus rv-cyclin gene (orf A or rv-cyclin), was expressed in the livers of zebrafish under the control of liver fatty acid-binding protein (lfabp) promoter. To prevent possible fatality caused by overexpression of the oncogene, the GAL4/upstream activation sequence (GAL4/UAS) system was used to maintain the transgenic lines. Thus, both GAL4-activator [Tg(lfabp:GAL4)] and UAS-effector [Tg(UAS:rvcyclin)] lines were generated, and the rv-cyclin gene was activated in the liver after crossing these two lines. Since no obvious neoplasia phenotypes were observed in the double-transgenic line, cancer susceptibility of the transgenic fish expressing rv-cyclin was tested by carcinogen treatment. Unexpectedly, transgenic fish expressing rv-cyclin gene (rvcyclin+) were more resistant to the carcinogen than siblings not expressing this gene (rvcyclin–). Lower incidences of multiple and malignant liver tumors were observed in rvcyclin+ than in rvcyclin– fish, and the liver tumors in the rvcyclin+ group appeared later and were less malignant. These results suggest that expression of rv-cyclin protects the fish liver from carcinogen damage and delays onset of malignancy. These findings indicate that transgenic fish models are powerful systems for investigating mechanisms of inhibition and regression of liver tumors.  相似文献   
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