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The repopulation kinetics of the irradiated lip mucosa of mice has been investigated. Split-dose experiments showed that, in this tissue, repopulation starts within 3 days after the first irradiation and increases exponentially within 10 days. To assess the relative importance of protraction and distribution of irradiations as a function of time, 10 fractions were given in (1) 3 days (three irradiations per day with a 4-hr interval), (2) 11 days (daily fractions), or (3) two short courses, each consisting of five fractions given in 1.5 days separated by a rest period of 8 days, with an overall time of 11 days. The results show that by protracting the treatment from 3 to 11 days (with daily irradiations) repopulation accounts for recovery of approximately 13 Gy. Delivering the radiation in two short courses separated by a rest period leads to an additional recovery of approximately 5 Gy. The most plausible explanation for this observation is that repopulation is much more efficient during the rest period between the two courses than during continuous daily irradiation. Although the regimen of two short courses with a rest period spares the acute reaction, it will not enhance the late tolerance. Before thorough knowledge about the repopulation kinetics of the tumors can be gained, caution should be observed for indiscriminate use of split-course multiple-fraction-per-day (MFD) regimens for treating various tumors.  相似文献   
After reduction and alkylation of the disulfide bonds of the proteinase inhibitor B from the root of the arrowhead (Sagittaria sagittifolia L.) followed by CNBr cleavage three peptide fragments with 68, 62 and 11 amino-acid residues could be separated on DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B. The peptides or the inhibitor itself were further specifically cleaved either by trypsin or by the mixture of (CH3)2SO/HCl/HBr at the arginyl- and the tryptophyl-peptide bond, respectively. The complete amino-acid sequences of the peptides were determined by manual solid phase DABITC/PITC double coupling micro-method and the primary structure of the arrowhead inhibitor B consisting of 141 amino-acid residues was then elucidated. Twenty pairs of amino-acid residues are repeated in the molecule of this inhibitor, three of these pairs even occur three times. The possible locations of the reactive sites are discussed. On the basis of sequence comparisons between this inhibitor and all other serine proteinase inhibitors the arrowhead inhibitor may belong to a new family.  相似文献   
西藏金发藓科植物,已知有7属,30种,4变种;其中新种5个,新变种3个。从水平分布看,大多集中雅鲁藏布江流域附近,因该流域是印度板块北缘与欧亚大陆南缘的缝合线,因而金发藓科植物得以高度集中。本文讨论了该科在本区的地理分布和区系成份的分析等问题,并讨论了青藏高原的隆起对该群藓类的影响。  相似文献   
元江干热河谷山地五百年来植被变迁探讨   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
元江河谷是云南省最干热地区之一,在海拔800—900米以下的山地上广泛分布着稀树灌草丛。根据《元江府志》(1714年编纂)、《元江州志》(1826年编纂)、《元江志稿》(1922年编篡)及对现存植被的考察,本文探讨了元江干热河谷山地五百年来植被的变迁。 元江县森林复盖率的减少与人口的增加有密切关系,十七世纪中期以前,森林复盖率在75%以上,十八、十九世纪时为70%左右,1958年为61.5%,1975年为27.3%,至1982年则为19.3%。研究表明,在十九世纪以前,这个地区分布的主要植被是热带季雨林,甚而热带季节雨林,以后热带稀树灌草丛则迅速发展。植被的历史变化与土壤流失密切相关。植物群落的演变是由以乔木树种为优势演变为以灌木种类为优势,再演变为以多年生草木植物为优势,而最后则成为裸地。本文也讨论了这个地区植被恢复的方法。  相似文献   
埃及伊蚊感染鸡疟原虫(Plasmodium gallinaceum)18天后解剖,电镜下观察唾液腺内孢子体的形态。孢子体长7μm、宽0.8μm;复合膜由一层外膜、二层内膜及膜下微管组成。发达的膜下微管与孢子体重要的运动功能有关。细胞核约位于正中。胞质较均一,有时有空泡存在,胞质中有散在核糖体,未观察到内质网。孢子体有胞口。发达的棒状体及众多的微线体,可能与孢子体需侵入媒介唾液腺细胞、尔后再侵入鸟类宿主中胚层细胞有关。因而,任何作用于棒状体、微线体并导致其结构及功能变化的药物,都将影响甚至阻断孢子体对宿主细胞的入侵,这就为疟疾的药物预防提供重要理论依据。  相似文献   
A431 cells have an amplification of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor gene, the cellular homolog of the v-erb B oncogene, and overproduce an aberrant 2.9-kilobase RNA that encodes a portion of the EGF receptor. A cDNA (pE15) for the aberrant RNA was cloned, sequenced, and used to analyze genomic DNA blots from A431 and normal cells. These data indicate that the aberrant RNA is created by a gene rearrangement within chromosome 7, resulting in a fusion of the 5' portion of the EGF receptor gene to an unidentified region of genomic DNA. The unidentified sequences are amplified to about the same degree (20- to 30-fold) as the EGF receptor sequences. In situ hybridization to chromosomes from normal cells and A431 cells show that both the EGF receptor gene and the unidentified DNA are localized to the p14-p12 region of chromosome 7. By using cDNA fragments to probe DNA blots from mouse-A431 somatic cell hybrids, the rearranged receptor gene was shown to be associated with translocation chromosome M4.  相似文献   
阿坝藏族自治州若尔盖晚更新世地层及哺乳类化石   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文中记述阿坝藏族自治州若尔盖县境内黄河阶地堆积及其所产哺乳动物化石,并经 C~(14) 测定,化石距今约22650±300年,地质时代为晚更新世晚期.  相似文献   
Sujuan  Wang  Zhidong  Xu 《Hydrobiologia》1984,110(1):213-217
A study of food and food selection of Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) on the Sudanese Red Sea coast was carried out. Juveniles feed mainly on algal material. Adults feed on crustacea, annelids, algae, mud and unidentified matter. Adults were opportunistic in their feeding behaviour, but their preference was towards animal protein.Antennae, mouth parts and fore-chelipeds were found to carry long, slender setae which are probably of sensory function. Some setae on the carpus of the endopodite were serrated and seem to be used in grooming. Numerous tufts of setae in the chela of the fore periopods may hold a gustatory function. The inner edges of the chela are lined with a row of peg-like setae, which are probably another site of reception.  相似文献   
培养抗性植物的细胞/组织培养途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
抗性育种在作物品种改良中已日益显得重要。近10多年来,随着细胞/组织培养、遗传操作等生物技术的迅速发展,以及由于植物具有全能性,在人工培养条件下,从单细胞原生质体可以再生成一个完整的个体成功以来,人们试图利用细胞/组织培养等生物技术将野生种的抗性基因引入到作物中来,或是人工诱发抗性变异,从而筛选出抗性愈  相似文献   
诸葛菜组织培养中的器官形成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物组织和细胞培养技术已在农作物的改良及园艺植物的快速繁殖方面得到广泛的应用。在这方面,十字花科植物正在受到相当多的注意。新近,为了建立十字花科植物的细胞转化系统,我们试验了多种十字花科植物,发现诸葛菜的叶和叶柄等外植体具有极强的器官分化能力,现将结果报告如下。本文取材植物诸葛菜,又名二月兰(Oryc-hophragmus violaceus/Moricandia sonchifolia),  相似文献   
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