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Structural differences between the two subunits of human plasma fibronectin were studied by analyzing the carboxy-terminal heparin-binding domain (Hep-2). Two fragments (29 kDa and 38 kDa) derived from the Hep-2 domain were purified from thermolysin-digested human plasma fibronectin. Identical NH2-terminal sequences were obtained for both fragments through 16 Edman cycles. Neither domain contained the 90-amino-acid extra domain which is predicted by cDNA analysis of the cellular form of fibronectin. We have examined the primary structures of the 29-kDa and 38-kDa Hep-2 domains produced from the two chains of plasma fibronectin by analyzing the tryptic peptides by fast atom bombardment/mass spectrometry and comparison with the predicted fragments deduced from the corresponding cDNA-derived peptide sequences. Peptides that were unique to each domain were further characterized by microsequence analysis. The two domains showed identical amino acid sequences through 274 residues, followed by a region of variability. The 29-kDa domain contains 279 amino acids with an estimated relative molecular mass (Mr) of 30,460. This domain is located in the heavy chain of plasma fibronectin and contains three repeats of type III sequences plus a portion of the connecting segment (IIICS) region. The 38-kDa domain contains 359 amino acids and one O-linked glycosyl unit for an estimated Mr of 39,263. This domain is from the light chain of plasma fibronectin and contains four repeats of type III sequences with the deletion of the entire 120-amino-acid IIICS area. Secondary structure analysis by Chou/Fasman and circular dichroism reveals extensive beta-sheet structure for these domains. Key sulfhydryl and glycosylation sites are located near the mRNA splice junctions for the two chains. It is postulated that the splice junctions are adjacent to a flexible domain joining two regions of extensive beta-sheet structure.  相似文献   
The effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta) on the growth of A431 epidermoid carcinoma cells were studied. Whereas the monolayer growth of A431 cells was inhibited by EGF, it was stimulated by TGF beta. Contrary to the effects on the monolayer growth, EGF stimulated the soft agar growth of A431 cells. The stimulatory effects of TGF beta on the anchorage-dependent growth were antagonized by EGF and those of EGF on anchorage-independent growth were antagonized by TGF beta. These results suggest that both factors not only convey the proliferative signals to A431 cells but also induce phenotypic changes, resulting in a preference for either anchorage-dependent or anchorage-independent growth. Moreover, as the stimulatory effects of EGF on the soft agar growth of A431 cells paralleled its reported stimulatory effects on their in vivo growth, it is also suggested that in vivo responses of cells to certain growth factors may correlate better with their responses in soft agar culture than with those in monolayer culture.  相似文献   
B cell growth-promoting activity of recombinant human interleukin 4   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Human interleukin 4 (IL-4), also known as B cell stimulatory factor 1, is a T cell-derived glycoprotein consisting of 129 amino acids for which a cDNA has been recently isolated. IL-4 displays little or no B cell growth factor (BCGF) activity in the standard anti-IgM costimulatory assay using suboptimal concentrations of soluble anti-IgM antibody whereas the low m.w. BCGF is very active. When insolubilized anti-IgM was used as the costimulating agent, both IL-4 and the low m.w. BCGF were found to promote B cell proliferation. Human IL-4 is able to induce the proliferation of B lymphocytes preactivated for either 1 day with insolubilized anti-IgM antibody or for 3 days with Staphylococcus aureus strain Cowan I. However, IL-4 is poorly mitogenic for B cells preactivated for 1 day with the Staphylococcus strain whereas the low m.w. BCGF strongly enhances the proliferation of these B cells. These two findings demonstrate that the preactivation signal necessary to induce human B cells to proliferate in response to IL-4 is critical. The increased tritiated thymidine ([3H]dThd) uptake in preactivated B cell cultures with IL-4 reflects cel proliferation because cell cycle analysis demonstrates that IL-4 induces activated B cells to enter the S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle and the addition of IL-4 to preactivated B cell cultures permits the recovery of three- to fourfold more B cells after 4 days of culture. IL-4 and the low m.w. BCGF act in concert to induce the proliferation of anti-IgM-preactivated B cells as demonstrated by [3H]dThd uptake and cell cycle analysis. In striking contrast to the demonstrated antagonistic effect of interferon-gamma on the IL-4-induced expression of the low affinity receptor for IgE (Fc epsilon RL/CD23), on B cells, it was found that interferon-gamma enhanced the IL-4-induced proliferation of anti-IgM-preactivated B cells. Finally, it was found that IL-4 had to be present continuously during the culture period to exert an optimal growth-promoting effect on B cell blasts. As a conclusion, IL-4 is able to induce the proliferation of an appropriately activated subpopulation of human B cells.  相似文献   
Two platelet-activating factor (PAF) analogs containing a methyl group at C2 of the glycerol moiety were synthesized, and some of their biochemical properties were investigated. 1-O-Hexadecyl-2-C,O-dimethyl-rac-glycero-3-phosphocholine (2-methyl-2-methoxy PAF) was prepared in a synthetic scheme beginning with the etherification of 2-methylpropen-1-ol. A reaction sequence involving hydroxylation, tritylation, alkylation, and detritylation afforded 1-O-hexadecyl-2-C,O-dimethyl-rac-glycerol, which was converted into the phosphocholine. A 2-lyso derivative of this PAF analog (2-methyl-lyso PAF) was synthesized from 1-O-hexadecyl-2-C-methyl-3-O-trityl-rac-glycerol. Benzylation followed by detritylation gave 1-O-hexadecyl-2-C-methyl-2-O-benzyl-rac-glycerol, which was converted into the phosphocholine compound. Hydrogenolysis afforded 1-O-hexadecyl-2-C-methyl-rac-glycero-3-phospholine (2-methyl-lyso PAF). The 2-methyl-lyso PAF analog served as a substrate for the acetyl-CoA-dependent acetyltransferase that acetylates 1-O-alkyl-2-lyso-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. However, 2-methyl-lyso PAF did not have a significant effect on the activities of a CoA-independent transacylase or of the acetylhydrolase that inactivates PAF, and thus does not appear to be a substrate or an inhibitor, respectively, for these enzymes. In addition, this analog exhibited only one-half of the antitumor activity of rac-1-O-alkyl-2-methoxy-rac-glycero-3-phosphocholine in human leukemic (HL-60) cells, and elicited no hypotensive response in rats and no platelet-activating activity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Using site-directed mutagenesis on the lactate dehydrogenase gene from Bacillus stearothermophilus, three amino acid substitutions have been made at sites in the enzyme which we suggest in part determine specificity toward different hydroxyacids (R-CHOH-COOH). To change the preferred substrates from the pyruvate/lactate pair (R = -CH3) to the oxaloacetate/malate pair (R = -CH2-COO-), the volume of the active site was increased (thr 246----gly), an acid was neutralized (asp-197----asn) and a base was introduced (gln-102 - greater than arg). The wild type enzyme has a catalytic specificity for pyruvate over oxaloacetate of 1000 whereas the triple mutant has a specificity for oxaloacetate over pyruvate of 500. Despite the severity and extent of these active site alterations, the malate dehydrogenase so produced retains a reasonably fast catalytic rate constant (20 s-1 for oxaloacetate reduction) and is still allosterically controlled by fructose-1,6-bisphosphate.  相似文献   
A thymine glycol-DNA glycosylase/AP endonuclease has been identified in human CEM-C1 lymphoblasts. The enzyme is active in the absence of divalent cations and has an apparent molecular size of approximately 60,000 daltons. The enzyme releases thymine glycol from osmium tetroxide-damaged DNA via an N-glycosylase activity and is associated with an endonuclease activity that mediates phosphodiester bond cleavage at sites of thymine glycol and apurinic sites. We propose that this enzyme, which we call redoxyendonuclease, is the human analog of a bacterial enzyme, E. coli endonuclease III, that recognizes oxidative DNA damage.  相似文献   
Concanavalin A binding to glycoprotein bands on nitrocellulose blots was used to detect mannose, sorbose, N-acetylgalactosamine and/or glucose residues on 100% (31/31) of human Bence Jones protein light chains, following sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. All (20/20) light chains form IgG myeloma proteins and light chains from a preparation of normal polyclonal human IgG were also bound by concanavalin A. The specificity of concanavalin A for glycoproteins was demonstrated by its binding to human Fc fragments and a human monoclonal anti-Rhesus D antibody (REG-A), but not to human albumin pFc' fragments and aglycosylated REG-A derived from cells grown in the presence of the glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin. These results suggest that all Bence Jones proteins and light chains from myeloma IgG proteins contain mono- or oligosaccharides linked O-glycosidically to serine or threonine residues.  相似文献   
The structural requirements of the NADP+ molecule as a coenzyme in the oxidative decarboxylation reaction catalysed by pigeon liver malic enzyme were studied by kinetic and fluorimetric analyses with various NADP+ analogues and fragments. The substrate L-malate had little effect on the nucleotide binding. Etheno-NADP+, 3-acetylpyridine-adenine dinucleotide phosphate, and nicotinamide-hypoxanthine dinucleotide phosphate act as alternative coenzymes for the enzyme. Their kinetic parameters were similar to that of NADP+. Thionicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate, 3-aminopyridine-adenine dinucleotide phosphate, 5'-adenylyl imidodiphosphate, nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide 3'-phosphate and NAD+ act as inhibitors for the enzyme. The first two were competitive with respect to NADP+ and non-competitive with respect to L-malate; the other inhibitors were non-competitive with NADP+. All NADP+ fragments were inhibitory to the enzyme, with a wide range of affinity, depending on the presence or absence of a 2'-phosphate group. Compounds with this group bind to the enzyme 2-3 orders of magnitude more tightly than those without this group. Only compounds with this group were competitive inhibitors with respect to NADP+. We conclude that the 2'-phosphate group is crucial for the nucleotide binding of this enzyme, whereas the carboxyamide carbonyl group of the nicotinamide moiety is important for the coenzyme activity. There is a strong synergistic effect between the binding of the nicotinamide and adenosine moieties of the nucleotide molecule.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that transforming growth factor alpha is expressed during rodent development. To establish the site(s) of transforming growth factor alpha mRNA expression during rat embryogensis, we performed in situ hybridization and Northern blot analyses on samples of embryonic and maternal tissues at various gestational ages. Our results indicate that the high levels of transforming growth factor alpha mRNA that are observed during early development are the result of expression in the maternal decidua and not in the embryo. Decidual expression appears to be induced after implantation, peaks at day 8, and then slowly declines through day 15 at which time the decidua is being resorbed. Expression of transforming growth factor alpha mRNA is highest in that region of the decidua adjacent to the embryo and is low or nondetectable in the uterus, placenta, and other maternal tissues. The developmentally regulated expression of transforming growth factor alpha mRNA in the decidua, together with the presence of epidermal growth factor receptors in this tissue, suggests that transforming growth factor alpha stimulates proliferation locally through an autocrine mechanism. Since epidermal growth factor receptors are present in the embryo and placenta, transforming growth factor alpha produced in the decidua may also act on these tissues through paracrine or endocrine mechanisms.  相似文献   
The complete nucleotide sequence of the coding region of the chicken carbonic anhydrase II (CA II) gene has been determined from clones isolated from a chicken genomic library. The sequence of a nearly full length chicken CA II cDNA clone has also been obtained. The gene is approximately 17 kilobase pairs (kb) in size and codes for a protein that is comprised of 259 amino acid residues. The 5' flanking region contains consensus sequences commonly associated with eucaryotic genes transcribed by RNA polymerase II. Six introns ranging in size from 0.3 to 10.2 kb interrupt the gene. The number of introns as well as five of the six intron locations are conserved between the chicken and mouse CA II genes. The site of the fourth intron is shifted by 14 base pairs further 3' in the chicken and thus falls between codons 147 and 148 rather than within codon 143 as in the mouse gene. Measurements of CA II RNA levels in various cell types suggest that CA II RNA increases in parallel with globin RNA during erythropoiesis and exists only at low levels, if at all, in non-erythroid cells.  相似文献   
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