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Altered cytosolic free calcium concentrations ([Ca2+]i) accompany impaired brain metabolism and may mediate subsequent effects on brain function and cell death. The current experiments examined whether hypoxia-induced elevations in [Ca2+]i are from external or internal sources. In the absence of external calcium, neither KCl depolarization, histotoxic hypoxia (KCN), nor the combination changed [Ca2+]i. However, with external CaCl2 concentrations as small as 13 M, KCl depolarization increased [Ca2+]i instantaneously while hypoxia gradually raised [Ca2+]i. The combination of KCN and KCl was additive. Increasing external calcium concentrations up to 2.6 mM exaggerated the effects of K+ and KCN on [Ca2+]i, but raising medium calcium to 5.2 mM did not further augment the rise. Diminishing the sodium in the media, which alters the activity and perhaps the direction of the Na/Ca exchanger, reduced the increase in [Ca2+]i due to hypoxia, but enhanced the KCl response. The changes in ATP following K+ depolarization, KCN or their combination in the presence of physiological calcium concentrations did not parallel alterations in [Ca2+]i, which suggests that diminished activity of the calcium dependent ATPase does not underlie the elevation in [Ca2+]i. Valinomycin, an ionophore which reduces the mitochondrial membrane potential, elevated [Ca2+]i and the effects were additive with K+ depolariration in a calcium dependent manner that paralleled the effects of hypoxia. Together these results suggest that hypoxia-induced elevations of synaptosomal [Ca2]i are due to an inability of the synaptosome to buffer entering calcium.  相似文献   
The succession of 38 upper Llandovery–lower Wenlock chitinozoan taxa from graptolitic horizons in the Banwy River section (Powys, Wales) is described. Five new species are named: Bursachitina nestorae Conochitina leviscapulae Conochitina mathrafalensis Belonechitina cavei Belonechitina meifodensis . A further ten taxa are described under open nomenclature. Seven chitinozoan biozones are recognized in the Banwy River section, three of which ( Cingulochitina bouniensis Conochitina acuminata Salopochitina bella ) are new. The base of each biozone is correlated with the graptolite biostratigraphical scheme as follows: Angochitina longicollis Biozone — upper spiralis Biozone; Conochitina acuminata Biozone — lowermost lapworthi Biozone; Margachitina banwyensis Biozone — upper lapworthi Biozone; Margachitina margaritana Biozone — lowermost insectus Biozone; Cingulochitina bouniensis Biozone — upper murchisoni Biozone; Salopochitina bella Biozone — upper firmus Biozone. The succession of chitinozoan biozones in the Banwy River section is compared with that in other sections which have graptolite biostratigraphical control. This has highlighted the following: (1) the correlation of the base of the dolioliformis Biozone with the graptolite biozonation is imprecise; (2) E. dolioliformis is recorded only from levels after the first A. longicollis in Sweden (although this may reflect previously unrecognized synonymies); (3) the longicollis Biozone may be diachronous, its base correlating with levels low in the Telychian in Sweden, Norway and Estonia and with the upper Telychian spiralis Biozone in Wales and the Prague Basin; (4) data herein and from the Prague Basin indicate that the base of the margaritana Biozone correlates with a level low in the insectus Biozone.  相似文献   
Maintenance of immunity to persistent pathogens is poorly understood. In this study, we used a murine model of persistent pulmonary fungal infection to study the ongoing cell-mediated immune response. CBA/J mice with low-level persistent Cryptococcus neoformans infection had CD4+ T cells of effector memory phenotype present in their lungs. Although unable to eliminate the primary infection to sterility, these mice displayed hallmarks of immunologic memory in response to rechallenge with C. neoformans: 1) the secondary cryptococcal challenge was controlled much more rapidly, 2) the inflammatory response developed and resolved more rapidly, 3) CD4+ T and CD8+ T cell responses were higher in magnitude, and 4) effector cytokine production by T cells was greatly enhanced. Depletion of CD4+ T cells at the time of secondary challenge adversely affected clearance of C. neoformans from the lungs. These results demonstrate that persistent low-level infection with C. neoformans does not impair the cell-mediated response to the fungus. Although they are relatively free of overt disease, these mice can respond with a rapid secondary immune response if the burden of C. neoformans increases. These data support the concept that immunologically healthy individuals can maintain low numbers of cryptococci that can become a nidus for re-activation disease during immunodeficient states such as AIDS.  相似文献   
The bacterial reduction of actinides has been suggested as a possible remedial strategy for actinide-contaminated environments, and the bacterial reduction of Pu(VI/V) has the potential to produce highly insoluble Pu(IV) solid phases. However, the behavior of plutonium with regard to bacterial reduction is more complex than for other actinides because it is possible for Pu(IV) to be further reduced to Pu(III), which is relatively more soluble than Pu(IV). This work investigates the ability of the metal-reducing bacteria Geobacter metallireducens GS15 and Shewanella oneidensis MR1 to enzymatically reduce freshly precipitated amorphous Pu(IV) (OH)4 [Pu(IV)(OH)4(am)] and soluble Pu(IV)(EDTA). In cell suspensions without added complexing ligands, minor Pu(III) production was observed in cultures containing S. oneidensis, but little or no Pu(III) production was observed in cultures containing G. metallireducens. In the presence of EDTA, most of the Pu(IV)(OH)4(am) present was reduced to Pu(III) and remained soluble in cell suspensions of both S. oneidensis and G. metallireducens. When soluble Pu(IV)(EDTA) was provided as the terminal electron acceptor, cell suspensions of both S. oneidensis and G. metallireducens rapidly reduced Pu(IV)(EDTA) to Pu(III)(EDTA) with nearly complete reduction within 20 to 40 min, depending on the initial concentration. Neither bacterium was able to use Pu(IV) (in any of the forms used) as a terminal electron acceptor to support growth. These results have significant implications for the potential remediation of plutonium and suggest that strongly reducing environments where complexing ligands are present may produce soluble forms of reduced Pu species.  相似文献   
Apolipophorin-III (apoLp-III) impaired the adhesion of plasmatocytes and a granular cell-subpopulation of larval Galleria mellonella to glass slides. The protein bound to haemocytes, limited the responses of the plasmatocytes to Bacillus subtilis and increased the percentage of a subgroup of granular cells with adhering bacteria. The total number of bacteria adhering to all the haemocytes on the slides declined. Injections of apoLp-III slowed bacterial removal from the haemolymph without affecting total haemocyte counts and impaired haemocyte attachment to glass slides. Purified apoLp-III bound to B. subtilis. ApoLp-III in serum bound to bacteria within 5 min, peaked at 15 min and was either shed or dissociated by 60 min. ApoLp-III bound to B. subtilis lowered the adhesion of the bacteria to the haemocytes and slowed the removal of the bacteria from the haemolymph.  相似文献   
Previous experiments have demonstrated a temporal relationship between the decline of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity in the peritoneal cavity of DBA/2 mice harboring L5178Y cells in a tumor-dormant state and the appearance of ascitic tumors. Some tumor-dormant mice remain clinically normal for many weeks after the decline of CTL activity, and this activity can be rapidly restimulated by an IP inoculation of irradiated L5178Y cells. We report here that the peritoneal cells from many tumor-dormant mice can be stimulated to cytolytic activity in vitro when cultured for 4 days either with or without the addition of irradiated L5178Y cells. Peritoneal cell populations which cannot be stimulated in vitro can suppress the generation of CTL in those populations which can be stimulated. The tumor-dormant state may terminate when suppressor cells in the peritoneal cavity of tumor-dormant mice inhibit the generation of CTL activity and permit tumor cells to produce an ascitic tumor.  相似文献   
The prototypic chondrichthyan immunoglobulin (Ig) light chain type (type I) isolated from Heterodontus francisci (horned shark) has a clustered organization in which variable (V), joining (J), and constant (C) elements are in relatively close linkage (V-J-C). Using a polymerase chain reaction-based approach on a light chain peptide sequence from the holocephalan, Hydrolagus colliei (spotted ratfish), it was possible to isolate members of a second light chain gene family. A probe to this light chain (type II) detects homologs in two orders of elasmobranchs, Heterodontus, a galeomorph and Raja erinacea (little skate), a batoid, suggesting that this light chain type may be present throughout the cartilaginous fishes. In all cases, V, J, and C regions of the type II gene are arranged in closely linked clusters typical of all known Ig genes in cartilaginous fishes. All representatives of this type II gene family are joined in the germline. A third (kappa-like) light chain type from Heterodontus is described. These findings establish that a degree of light chain class complexity comparable to that of the mammals is present in the most phylogenetically distant extant jawed vertebrates and that the phenomenon of germline-joined (pre-rearranged) genes, described originally in the heavy chain genes of cartilaginous fishes, extends to light chain genes.  相似文献   
Phytoplankton and Microcystis aeruginosa (Kütz.) Kütz. biovolumes were characterized and modeled, respectively, with regard to hydrological and meteorological variables during zebra mussel invasion in Saginaw Bay (1990–1996). Total phytoplankton and Microcystis biomass within the inner bay were one and one‐half and six times greater, respectively, than those of the outer bay. Following mussel invasion, mean total biomass in the inner bay decreased 84% but then returned to its approximate initial value. Microcystis was not present in the bay during 1990 and 1991 and thereafter occurred at/in 52% of sample sites/dates with the greatest biomass occurring in 1994–1996 and within months having water temperatures >19°C. With an overall relative biomass of 0.03 ± 0.01 (mean + SE), Microcystis had, at best, a marginal impact upon holistic compositional dynamics. Dynamics of the centric diatom Cyclotella ocellata Pant. and large pennate diatoms dominated compositional dissimilarities both inter‐ and intra‐annually. The environmental variables that corresponded with phytoplankton distributions were similar for the inner and outer bays, and together identified physical forcing and biotic utilization of nutrients as determinants of system‐level biomass patterns. Nonparametric models explained 70%–85% of the variability in Microcystis biovolumes and identified maximal biomass to occur at total phosphorus (TP) concentrations ranging from 40 to 45 μg · L?1. From isometric projections depicting modeled Microcystis/environmental interactions, a TP concentration of <30 μg · L?1 was identified as a desirable contemporary “target” for management efforts to ameliorate bloom potentials throughout mussel‐impacted bay waters.  相似文献   
Wolverines (Gulo gulo) in the conterminous United States have experienced range contraction, are uncommon, and have been designated as warranted for protection under the United States Endangered Species Act. Data from the southern edge of the wolverine's circumpolar distribution is sparse, and development of effective conservation strategies would benefit from a more complete understanding of the species' ecology. We captured and radio-monitored 30 wolverines in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE), tested for seasonal habitat selection by elevation band, and examined a suite of spatial characteristics to clarify our understanding of the wolverine's niche. Wolverines in GYE selected for areas >2,600 m latitude-adjusted elevation (LAE; n = 2,257 wolverine locations [12 F, 6 M]). Wolverines avoided areas <2,150 m LAE, including during winter when the vast majority of ungulates are pushed to these elevations by deep snow. Wolverine home ranges were large relative to body size, averaging 303 km2 for adult females and 797 km2 for adult males (n = 13 [8 F, 5 M] and 33 wolverine-years). Resident adults fit with Global Positioning System (GPS) collars used an area >75% the size of their multi-year home range in an average of 32 days (n = 7 [5 F, 2 M]). Average movement rates of 1.3 km/2-hr indicated that both sexes move distances equivalent to the diameter of their home range every 2 days or the circumference of their home range in <1 week (n = 1,329 2-hr movements, n = 12 individuals [7 F, 5 M]). This capability for movement, the short time-frame over which home ranges were developed, and a lack of home range overlap by same sex adults ( , 90% CI = 0.0–4.8%, n = 22 pairs) suggested territoriality. We estimated wolverine density to be 3.5/1,000 km2 of area >2,150 m LAE (95% CI = 2.8–9.6). Dispersal movements extended to at least 170 km for both sexes (n = 5 F, 2 M). At the southern edge of distribution, where suitable and unsuitable conditions exist in close proximity, wolverines selected high-elevation areas near alpine tree-line where a mix of forest, meadow, and boulder fields were present, deep snow-cover existed during winter, and low temperatures near freezing can occur throughout the year. Persistence in these areas where the growing season is brief requires large home ranges that are regularly patrolled, a social system that provides exclusive access to resources, and low densities. These characteristics, along with low reproductive rates, are prevalent throughout the species range, indicating that wolverines are specialists at exploiting a cold, unproductive niche where interspecific competition is limited. The vulnerability inherent in occupying this unproductive niche was likely influential in previous declines within the conterminous United States and will remain a factor as wolverines encounter modern human influences. Conserving wolverines in the conterminous United States will require collaborative management over a large geographic scale. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
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