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根据已克隆的刺五加鲨烯合酶(squalene synthase,SS)、鲨烯环氧酶(squalene epoxidase,SE)和β-香树酯醇合成酶(β-amyrin synthase,bAS)基因序列信息设计引物,通过半定量RT-PCR分析了SS、SE和bAS基因在刺五加不同生长发育时期和不同器官中表达量的变化.结果表明,SS、SE和bAS基因在各生长发育时期和各器官中均有表达,但表达量差异显著(P<0.05),三者均在盛花期表达量最高,之后降低,进入果实成熟期后SS和bAS的表达量迅速回升,SE无显著变化.SS和bAS在叶片和根中的表达量较高,SE表达量的最大值出现在叶片和幼茎中.刺五加SS、SE和bAS基因的表达间存在显著的正相关关系(P<0.05).研究结果为进一步分析关键酶基因对刺五加三萜皂苷生物合成的影响奠定了基础.  相似文献   
以定虫隆汰选的抗性指数为23.78倍抗性种群(CH-R),并以上海田间种群(SH-R,对定虫隆的抗性指数为9.16倍)作为参比种群,研究小菜蛾Plutella xylostlla(L.)对定虫隆的抗性机制,结果表明:CH—R种群多功能氧化酶O-脱甲基活力比相对敏感种群(SZ-S)提高1倍,而SH-R种群多功能氧化酶O-脱甲基活力虽有所提高,但与SZ-S种群相比差异并不显著;CH-R和SH-R种群羧酸酯酶比活力均明显高于Sz-S种群,分别为SZ-S种群的4.61和2.18倍,且CH-R种群的Km仅为SZ-S种群的1/20;酸性磷酸酯酶和碱性磷酸酯酶比活力种群间无明显差异;CH-R种群的几丁质酶活力降低48%,酚氧化酶活力降低60%。说明小菜蛾对定虫隆的抗性机制具有多因子性,多功能氧化酶解毒代谢能力的提高可能是主导抗性机制之一,羧酸酯酶、几丁质酶和酚氧化酶也参与了小菜蛾对定虫隆的抗性。  相似文献   
繁缕和无瓣繁缕六个居群的数值分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对繁缕(Stellaria media)和无瓣繁缕(S.apetala)的6个居群的57个性状进行Q-聚类和R-聚类的研究。结果表明:(1)Q-聚类中,用一条结合线,可以把繁缕的4个居群聚为一类,无瓣繁缕的2个居群聚为一类。这一结果支持肥繁缕和无瓣繁缕划分为两个物种;(2)R-聚类中,发现了呈现完全正相关、极大正相关和极大负相关的性状,并根据R-聚类的结果,运用一条适当的结合线,把繁缕和无瓣繁缕的57个性状划为5个类群,并分析了各性状的分类学意义。  相似文献   
Trehalose-6-phosphate (T6P), an intermediate in the trehalose biosynthesis pathway, is emerging as an important regulator of plant metabolism and development. T6P levels are potentially modulated by a group of trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS) and trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase (TPP) homologues. In this study, we have isolated 11 TPS genes encoding proteins with both TPS and TPP domains, from rice. Functional complement assays performed in yeast tps1 and tps2 mutants, revealed that only OsTPS1 encodes an active TPS enzyme and no OsTPS protein possesses TPP activity. By using a yeast two-hybrid analysis, a complicated interaction network occurred among OsTPS proteins, and the TPS domain might be essential for this interaction to occur. The interaction between OsTPS1 and OsTPS8 in vivo was confirmed by bimolecular fluorescence complementation and coimmunoprecipitation assays. Furthermore, our gel filtration assay showed that there may exist two forms of OsTPS1 (OsTPS1a and OsTPS1b) with different elution profiles in rice. OsTPS1b was particularly cofractionated with OsTPS5 and OsTPS8 in the 360 kDa complex, while OsTPS1a was predominantly incorporated into the complexes larger than 360 kDa. Collectively, these results suggest that OsTPS family members may form trehalose-6-phosphate synthase complexes and therefore potentially modify T6P levels to regulate plant development.  相似文献   
The objective of this study is to observe the effect of high-mobility group protein B1 A Box (HMGB1 A) box on lung injury in mice with acute pancreatitis and its effect on the level of high-mobility group protein B1 (HMGB1) in lung, to explore the mechanism. A total of 60 male Institute of Cancer Research mice were randomly divided into control group (n = 30) and treatment group (n = 30). Severe acute pancreatitis mice model was induced by 20% L-Arg intraperitoneal injection. The recombination HMGB1 A box was used in treatment after modeling. All the mice were killed under anesthesia at 24 and 48 h after the modeling injection. The level of HMGB1 and activity of myeloperoxidase (MPO) in lung were measured. The pathological changes of lung were observed. The level of HMGB1 in lung of A box treatment group decreased more significantly 24 h and 48 h after modeling compared with control group. The activity of MPO in lung of A box treatment group decreased more significantly 24 h after modeling compared with control group. The lung tissue pathologic score of A box treatment group decreased more significantly 48 h after modeling compared with control group. HMGB1 expression levels in the lungs were positively related to histological score of injured lung in acute pancreatitis. It indicates that HMGB1 A box is remarkably protective to lung injury induced by acute pancreatitis.  相似文献   
对TMV不同抗性番茄品种的叶绿体DNA限制性内切酶酶谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用对TMV有抗性和敏感的番茄品种、制备其ct-DNA, 用限制性内切酶BumHI、EcoRI和PstI完全酶解, 三种酶切图谱与前人报道一致, 由酶切片段计算番茄ct-DNA。分子量约为156.9kb。比较抗性和敏感品种的ct-DNA图谱, 发现三种酶切图谱均存在差异, 但由差异片段计算分子量之和又很除近。我们推测这是由于检基顺序变异或小段DNA顺序插入或缺失所造成, 由此证明, 叶绿体基因组与核中的TMV抗性基因, 共同决定着植物体对TMV的抗性。  相似文献   
目的用生物芯片技术分析胚胎干细胞定向分化为神经干细胞过程中microRNA(miRNA)的表达变化,筛选调控的分化的miRNA,研究分化调控机制。方法胚胎干细胞在含LIF培养基中培养3d后,采用经典5步培养方法定向诱导向神经干细胞分化,采用nestin作为神经干细胞标记进行鉴定,送检胚胎干细胞及神经干细胞,提取总RNA以及小分子RNA,经荧光标记后与miRNA基因芯片杂交,获得胚胎干细胞诱导前后miRNA表达谱。结果1)胚胎干细胞在含LIF培养过程中保持未分化状态,Oct-4、碱性磷酸酶表达阳性;2)经典五步法诱导胚胎干细胞定向分化为神经干细胞,nestin阳性细胞为85%;3)通过基因微阵列分析,有90个miRNA的改变显著,其中68个表达上调,22个表达下调。结论miRNA可能对胚胎干细胞定向分化为神经干细胞过程起到关键作用。  相似文献   
应用PCR技术从鼠伤寒沙门氏菌基因组DNA中克隆phoQ基因片段,构建原核表达pUC18重组质粒,测定序列(GenBank登录号为DQ787014),并转入鼠伤寒沙门氏菌,经异丙基硫代半乳糖苷(IPTG)诱导,进行高效表达。对重组菌株、野生菌株进行毒力检测对比实验,通过口腔注入45日龄健康无菌KM小鼠,测定其半数致死量(LD50)。结果发现:重组菌株与野生菌株的毒力存在显著差异,其半致死量分别为3.981×107 cf u/ mL and 5.012×102 cf u/ mL,PhoQ基因重组菌株的毒力远远低于非重组菌株。说明phoQ基因是调节鼠伤寒沙门氏菌致病机制中一个重要的调节因子。  相似文献   
植酸酶及其热稳定性研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
植酸酶能降解植物性饲料中的植酸盐类,释放出无机磷酸,对于提高饲料中磷的利用率,减轻畜禽高磷排泄物对环境的污染以及促进单胃动物对饲料中矿质营养的吸收利用有重要作用,因此植酸酶的研究有重要的科学和实用价值。获得高活性高热稳定性的植酸酶是近年来植酸酶工业的研究热点和难点,综述了植酸酶及其热稳定性研究的现状和提高植酸酶热稳定性方法的最新进展 。  相似文献   
Phosphorylation is an effective method of post-translational protein modification but understanding its significance is hindered by its biological complexity. Many protein kinases and phosphatases have been identified that connect signal perception mechanisms to plant defence responses. Recent studies of mitogen-activated protein kinases, calcium-dependent protein kinases and other kinases and phosphatases have revealed some important mechanisms, but have also raised new questions. The regulation of any phosphorylation pathway is complex and dynamic. There are many protein kinases and phosphatases in the plant genome, which makes it hard to delineate the phosphorylation machinery fully. Genomics and proteomics have already identified new components and will continue to influence the study of phosphorylation profoundly in plant-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   
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