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Patients with Danon disease may suffer from severe cardiomyopathy, skeletal muscle dysfunction as well as varying degrees of mental retardation, in which the primary deficiency of lysosomal membrane-associated protein-2 (LAMP2) is considerably associated. Owing to the scarcity of human neurons, the pathological role of LAMP2 deficiency in neural injury of humans remains largely elusive. However, the application of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) may shed light on overcoming such scarcity.In this study, we obtained iPSCs derived from a patient carrying a mutated LAMP2 gene that is associated with Danon disease. By differentiating such LAMP2-deficient iPSCs into cerebral cortical neurons and with the aid of various biochemical assays, we demonstrated that the LAMP2-deficient neurons are more susceptible to mild oxidative stress-induced injury.The data from MTT assay and apoptotic analysis demonstrated that there was no notable difference in cellular viability between the normal and LAMP2-deficient neurons under non-stressed condition. When exposed to mild oxidative stress (10 μM H2O2), the LAMP2-deficient neurons exhibited a significant increase in apoptosis. Surprisingly, we did not observe any aberrant accumulation of autophagic materials in the LAMP2-deficient neurons under such stress condition.Our results from cellular fractionation and inhibitor blockade experiments further revealed that oxidative stress-induced apoptosis in the LAMP2-deficient cortical neurons was caused by increased abundance of cytosolic cathepsin L. These results suggest the involvement of lysosomal membrane permeabilization in the LAMP2 deficiency associated neural injury.  相似文献   
重组葡激酶和水蛭素融合蛋白的血栓靶向性机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解释以凝血因子Xa(FXa)的识别序列为连接肽的葡激酶和水蛭素的融合蛋白(命名为SFH)在体内的强溶栓和低出血的特征,研究分析了SFH的两个血栓靶向性作用机理.首先采用ELISA和免疫组化的方法在体外分析了由水蛭素游离的C末端赋予的SFH对血栓的靶向性,结果显示SFH对凝血酶和富含凝血酶的血栓具有更高的亲和力.为阐明SFH抗凝活性在血栓部位的靶向性释放,构建表达了仅在水蛭素N末端连接FXa识别序列的水蛭素衍生物(命名为FH).体外试验结果表明完整的FH无抗凝活性,在体内FH可以发挥抗栓作用,且出血副作用较低,这些结果说明FXa的识别序列可以封闭水蛭素的抗凝活性,在体内FH可以由于FXa的成功裂解而释放其抗凝活性,且其抗凝活性可能仅局限于血栓局部.这就间接说明了SFH的抗凝活性可以在血栓局部进行靶向性释放.以上两个血栓靶向性作用机理是SFH在体内发挥更高溶栓效率和降低出血副作用的重要机制.  相似文献   
本文报告了25%烧伤后注射免疫抑制剂(地寨米松磷酸钠)大鼠7种肠道细菌的定量、内脏及血液的细菌培养和肠壁的病理形态学改变。单纯烧伤组(B组)和单纯注射免疫抑制剂组(Ⅰ组)动物肠壁的病理改变较轻,肠道菌群改变不明显,其肠道细菌易位率也很低。烧伤后注射免疫抑制剂的动物(BⅠ组)肠壁病变严重,肠道菌群改变明显。其中,肠杆菌在回肠、盲肠,结肠内容物中的菌量均明显升高;回肠内容物中拟杆菌的菌量明显减少;该组动物肠道细菌易位率也明显增高,达60%。此外,BⅠ组、Ⅰ组部分动物发生了由棒状杆菌及由棒状扦菌和肠杆菌混合引起的内源性感染。根据不同肠段肠壁病变严重程度、菌群变化的部位以及不同部位肠管生理功能的不同,我们推测,回肠以上肠段是肠道细菌易位的主要部位。  相似文献   
Although the directionally selective cells in many visual cortical areas are organized in columnar manner, the functional organization of direction selectivity of area VI in the monkey still remains unclear. We quantitatively studied the proportion of directionally selective cells, direction selectivity and the functional organization of the striate cortical cells in the monkey and compared those with the cat. The results show that the direction selectivity and directional organization of striate cortical cells in the monkey are significantly weaker than those in the cat, suggesting that the species difference between the two kinds of animal is related to their different anatomic pathways.  相似文献   
微生物原生质体融合育种技术及其应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
工业微生物菌种选育在发酵工业中占有重要地位。微生物原生质体融合(microbial protoplast fusion)技术具有重组频率高、受结合型或致育型限制小以及遗传物质传递完整等优点,是微生物育种最常用的方法之一。结合相关研究进展,分析了原生质体融合技术的组成,包括制备、再生、融合的影响因素以及融合子的筛选方法,重点评述了原生质体融合技术应用在微生物育种中的最新进展,以及微生物原生质体融合技术的发展前景。  相似文献   
家蝇卵黄蛋白基因编码的卵黄蛋白是家蝇胚胎发育的重要营养来源 .根据 3种家蝇卵黄蛋白cDNA保守序列设计引物 ,用PCR技术从家蝇基因组DNA中扩增到大小为 76 8bp的mdYP1基因的部分DNA片段 .经地高辛标记成特异性探针 ,从构建的家蝇基因组文库中筛选出一个阳性克隆 ,并从该克隆中分离到大小为 3991bp的mdYP1基因组基因 .序列分析显示 ,该基因组序列含有约1 6kb的 5′ 上游区和 1 0kb的 3′ 下游区 ,编码区由一个 6 1bp的内含子和大小分别为 2 2 2bp和10 2 8bp的 2个外显子组成 .5′ 上游区含有典型的CAAT TATA盒 .  相似文献   
Ilyocypris是陆相介形类的一个常见属。对其壳体外层瘤状凸起分类意义的认识历来存有争议。本文在对柴达木盆地第四纪具瘤或经常具瘤的Ilyocypris分子进行研究并初步查明其瘤状装饰分类意义的基础上,将其鉴定描述为三个种:Ilyocypris gibba,I.echinata和I.salebrosa。前者个体发育中壳瘤减少直至消失的变化及其与气候环境变迁的相关性表明,I.gibba的壳瘤发育程度是表型特征,区内原定的I.biplicata和I.bradyi实为I.gibba的无瘤类型。I.echinata的壳瘤也不具备分类意义。I.salebrosa则不同,其鲜明而巨大的后背瘤足以与Ilyocypris属的其它种区别开来,是稳定的种征。  相似文献   
Nanostructured V2O5 thin films have been prepared by means of cathodic deposition from an aqueous solution made from V2O5 and H2O2 directly on fluorine‐doped tin oxide coated (FTO) glasses followed by annealing at 500°C in air, and studied as film electrodes for lithium ion batteries. XPS results show that the as‐deposited films contained 15% V4+, however after annealing all the vanadium is oxidized to V5+. The crystallinity, surface morphology, and microstructures of the films have been investigated by means of XRD, SEM, and AFM. The V2O5 thin film electrodes show excellent electrochemical properties as cathodes for lithium ion intercalation: a high initial discharge capacity of 402 mA h g?1 and 240 mA h g?1 is retained after over 200 cycles with a discharging rate of 200 mA g?1 (1.3 C). The specific energy density is calculated as 900 W h kg?1 for the 1st cycle and 723 W h kg?1 for the 180th cycle when the films are tested at 200 mA g?1 (1.3 C). When discharge/charge is carried out at a high current density of 10.5 A g?1 (70 C), the thin film electrodes retain a good discharge capacity of 120 mA h g?1, and the specific power density is over 28 kW kg?1.  相似文献   
寡核苷酸芯片技术是一种高通量发掘和采集生物信息的强大技术平台,目前已广泛应用于生物科学领域 . 为改善寡核苷酸芯片的分析性能,对影响芯片杂交结果的因素,如片基表面的化学处理、探针的长度、间隔臂的长度、杂交条件等,进行了深入的研究和优化 . 对寡核苷酸芯片而言,仍有待解决的问题是如何产生更强的荧光信号来改善其检测灵敏度 . 利用两种类型的多个荧光分子标记的引物,来增强二维寡核苷酸芯片平面上的荧光信号强度 . 两种引物分别命名为:多标记线性引物和多标记分支引物 . 通过增加标记在目标 DNA 片段上的荧光分子数,可以显著增强寡核苷酸芯片上相应捕获探针的信号强度 . 实验表明,使用多标记引物能将所用的寡核苷酸微阵列的检测限 ( 以能够检测的最低模板量计算 ) 降低至单荧光标记引物的 1/100 以下,多重标记技术是一种有效增强微型化探针矩阵检测灵敏度的信号放大方法 .  相似文献   
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