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1. Serum proteins of upstream migrants of Petromyzon marinus were separated electrophoretically on polyacrylamide and agarose as well as by crossed immunoelectrophoresis using anti-lamprey serum antiserum. 2. Some constituents of four of the five major bands separated by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide were located in the agarose and crossed-immunoelectrophoretic patterns. 3. Two serum proteins, SDS-1 and CB-III, were isolated. SDS-1 was found to be a glycoprotein; CB-III may be a lipoprotein. 4. Monospecific antisera were produced against SDS-1 and CB-III and were used in crossed immunoelectrophoresis to analyze lamprey serum. This method revealed that electrophoretically different forms of these two proteins exist in serum. 5. Immunoelectrophoretic methods demonstrated that three of the major bands produced by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of whole serum contained more than a single protein.  相似文献   
Lamprey proglucagon and the origin of glucagon-like peptides.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We characterized two proglucagon cDNAs from the intestine of the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus. As in other vertebrates, sea lamprey proglucagon genes encode three glucagon-like sequences, glucagon, and glucagon-like peptides 1 and 2 (GLP-1 and GLP-2). This observation indicates that all three glucagon-like sequences encoded by the proglucagon gene originated prior to the divergence of jawed and jawless vertebrates. Estimates of the rates of evolution for the glucagon-like sequences suggest that glucagon originated first, about 1 billion years ago, while GLP-1 and GLP-2 diverged from each other about 700 MYA. The two sea lamprey intestinal proglucagon cDNAs have differing coding potential. Proglucagon I cDNA encodes the previously characterized glucagon and the glucagon-like peptide GLP-1, while proglucagon II cDNA encodes a predicted GLP-2 and, possibly, a glucagon. The existence of two proglucagon cDNAs which differ with regard to their potential to encode glucagon-like peptides suggests that the lamprey may use differential gene expression as a third mechanism, in addition to alternative proteolytic processing and mRNA splicing, to regulate the production of proglucagon-derived peptides.  相似文献   
1. Liver, intestine, kidney, muscle and epidermis from larvae, juvenile adults and upstream migrants of the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus L., were assayed for the presence of biliverdin and bilirubin. Urine was also examined for these bile pigments in juveniles and upstream migrants. 2. Bilirubin concentration increased dramatically in the liver and caudal intestine following loss of larval bile ducts while biliverdin levels were highest in the liver of upstream migrants and rose sharply in the caudal intestine immediately following the atresia. 3. Small amounts of bile pigment were present in larval kidneys but high concentrations were found in this organ in upstream migrants. The urine of the latter possessed biliverdin. 4. Mucus of the epidermis may be a vehicle for transport and release of bilirubin in upstream migrants. 5. These data indicate that lampreys utilize different avenues for bile pigment storage and elimination over the course of their life cycle.  相似文献   
The effects of alloxan, an insulin (INS)-secreting cell toxin, and INS immunoneutralization on circulating levels of thyroid hormones (thyroxine, T(4); triiodothyronine, T(3)) were examined in larval landlocked sea lampreys, Petromyzon marinus. Animals were injected intraperitoneally with either (Experiment 1) saline (0.6%) or alloxan (20 or 200 microg/g body weight), or with (Experiment 2) normal rabbit serum or anti-lamprey INS. Alloxan (200 microg/g) decreased plasma T(3), but not T(4), in larvae by about 45-80%. Three, six, or nine hr after acute immunoneutralization of lamprey INS with anti-lamprey INS, plasma T(3) levels decreased by 13-30%, relative to controls. These data indicate that INS deficiency can regulate the thyroid system of larval lampreys. There is some suggestion that INS may mediate the metamorphic processes by modulating thyroid hormone concentrations.  相似文献   
The changing morphology of intercellular junctions in renal morphogenesis during lamprey metamorphosis was followed using freeze-fracture replicas and morphometry. Gap junctions and particle aggregates among strands of occluding junctions are conspicuous in the differentiating podocytes of the renal corpuscle and in the early ciliated neck and proximal segments but not in the distal segment. The cells of the segmented nephron arise from alpha nephrogenic cells which have a focal aggregate (macula occludens) of 4.8 junctional strands. Upon the initiation of metamorphosis the number of strands increases to 8 in undifferentiated cells with either maculae or zonulae occludentes. Differentiation of both neck and proximal segments is accompanied by gradual transformation of a 7-strand zonula occludens to a 4-strand junction but it becomes more shallow in the latter segment. Two types of undifferentiated cell are recognized through five of the seven metamorphic stages. Cells of two types of distal segments begin differentiation at the midpoint of transformation and immediately show zonula occludens of different morphology. Distal segment I (pars recta) has 5 strands and a 0.250 mum depth whereas segment II has 8-9 strands with twice the apical-basal depth. The larval archinephric duct undergoes a moderate transformation in junctional morphology with the addition of 2 strands and no increase in apical-basal depth in zonulae occludentes during metamorphosis. Changes and development of types of intercellular junctions along the nephron in lampreys are discussed with reference to known regional functional specialization in this organism and with the morphology of renal tubular intercellular junctions in other vertebrates.  相似文献   
The jawless fish, the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), spends part of its life as a burrow-dwelling, suspension-feeding larva (ammocoete) before undergoing a metamorphosis into a free swimming, parasitic juvenile that feeds on the blood of fishes. We predicted that animals in this juvenile, parasitic stage have a great capacity for catabolizing amino acids when large quantities of protein-rich blood are ingested. The sixfold to 20-fold greater ammonia excretion rates (J(Amm)) in postmetamorphic (nonfeeding) and parasitic lampreys compared with ammocoetes suggested that basal rates of amino acid catabolism increased following metamorphosis. This was likely due to a greater basal amino acid catabolizing capacity in which there was a sixfold higher hepatic glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activity in parasitic lampreys compared with ammocoetes. Immunoblotting also revealed that GDH quantity was 10-fold and threefold greater in parasitic lampreys than in ammocoetes and upstream migrant lampreys, respectively. Higher hepatic alanine and aspartate aminotransferase activities in the parasitic lampreys also suggested an enhanced amino acid catabolizing capacity in this life stage. In contrast to parasitic lampreys, the twofold larger free amino acid pool in the muscle of upstream migrant lampreys confirmed that this period of natural starvation is accompanied by a prominent proteolysis. Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase III was detected at low levels in the liver of parasitic and upstream migrant lampreys, but there was no evidence of extrahepatic (muscle, intestine) urea production via the ornithine urea cycle. However, detection of arginase activity and high concentrations of arginine in the liver at all life stages examined infers that arginine hydrolysis is an important source of urea. We conclude that metamorphosis is accompanied by a metabolic reorganization that increases the capacity of parasitic sea lampreys to catabolize intermittently large amino acid loads arising from the ingestion of protein rich blood from their prey/hosts. The subsequent generation of energy-rich carbon skeletons can then be oxidized or retained for glycogen and fatty acid synthesis, which are essential fuels for the upstream migratory and spawning phases of the sea lamprey's life cycle.  相似文献   
This study was designed to evaluate biochemical changes in the fatty acid (FA) compositions of selected lipid depot (kidney and liver) and absorption (intestine) organs in larvae and metamorphosing sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus. Palmitic or stearic acids were generally the predominant saturated fatty acids (SFA) before and during metamorphosis, but the greatest proportion of myristic acid occurred in renal triacylglycerol (TG). Monoenes, dienes, and polyenes consist mainly of 16:1, 18:1, and 20:1, 18:2 and 20:2omega6, and 18:4omega3, respectively. Alterations in these predominant fatty acids occurred during lamprey metamorphosis, but depended on tissue, lipid class, and developmental status. During metamorphosis, kidney TG and phospholipid (PL) classes tended to mobilize SFA and enhance the fatty acid unsaturation, as indicated by increased unsaturated/saturated ratio, unsaturation index (USI), and total mean chain length (MCL). There was a tendency to increase saturation in the fatty acids of liver TG and PL classes and intestine TG, FA and monoacylglycerol (MG) classes, but to increase unsaturation in the fatty acids of liver cholesteryl ester (CE), FA and MG classes and intestine PL and CE classes from larva or stage 3 to stage 7. Increased polyunsaturated fatty acids in kidney TG and PL from larvae to stage 5 transformers and intestine PL and CE from stage 3 to stage 7 transformers may reflect an osmoregulatory pre-adaptation. The presence of branched-chain SFA (BCSFA) and the odd number of fatty acids (ONFA) indicated a significant role of detritivores in the benthic larvae. Decreased abundance of BCSFA, ONFA, and 18:2 dienes occurred in the transformed intestine TG as non-trophic metamorphosis proceeded. These data suggest that sea lamprey metamorphosis may proceed in a habitat, dietary, osmoregulatory, energetic, and developmental pre-adaptation of fatty acid composition from benthic filter-feeding larvae to pelagic parasitic juveniles.  相似文献   
Gap junctions and zonulae occludentes of hepatocytes were examined in thin sections and freeze-fracture replicas from livers of larval and juvenile adult lampreys and during the phase of metamorphosis when bile ducts and bile canaliculi disappear (biliary atresia). Larvae possess zonulae occludentes at the canaliculi which are composed of one to five (mean = 2.81) junctional strands that provide a bile-blood barrier. Morphometry demonstrates that during biliary atresia the decreases in number of junctional strands and apico-basal depth of the zonulae occludentes are accompanied by an increase in the frequency of gaps or interruptions in the strands and in a breakdown of the bile-blood barrier. The zonulae occludentes completely disappear during metamorphosis and are not found in the adult liver. Gap junctions of the larval liver occupy 1% of the surface of the plasma membrane and have a mean area of 0.167 micron 2 but, following an initial decline in these parameters during early biliary atresia, they rise sharply in later stages of metamorphosis and in adults are 3.2% and 0.502 micron 2, respectively. The events of alteration in junctional morphology during lamprey biliary atresia is in many ways comparable to the changes in gap junctions and zonulae occludentes during experimental and pathological intra- and extrahepatic cholestasis in mammals.  相似文献   
The skins of crocodylids and gavialids can be distinguished from those of alligatorids by the presence of darkly pigmented pits, known as integumentary sense organs (ISOs), on the postcranial scales. The structure of ISOs, in Crocodylus porosus, was studied using light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The stratum corneum of the epidermis in the area of the ISO is thinner, while the stratum germinativum is thicker, relative to other regions of the integument. Beneath the epidermal layer the ISO region has a paucity of collagen fibers relative to the rest of the dermis. Widely dispersed fibrocytes, nerve terminals, and chromatophores occur throughout the ISO region of the dermis, but these elements are concentrated in the area immediately beneath the stratum germinativum in the ISO region. The morphology of the ISOs suggests that they are sensory organs. It has traditionally been assumed that sensory organs on the amniote integument have a mechanosensory function. However, alternate functional interpretations of this structure are possible, and a resolution awaits further work. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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