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We aimed to explore the population dynamics of snail in 3 sites of the White Nile in Sudan. More specifically, we aimed to investigate the annual patterns of snail populations that act as intermediate hosts of schistosomes and monthly snail infection rates and ecological characteristics presumably related to snail populations. We collected snails for 1 year monthly at 3 different shore sites in the vicinity of El Shajara along the White Nile river in Khartoum State, Sudan. In addition, we measured air and water temperatures, water turbidities, vegetation coverages, and water depths and current speeds. Most of the collected snails were Biomphalaria pfeifferi and Bulinus truncatus. The population densities of snails and their infection rates varied across survey sites. The collected snails liberated S. mansoni and S. haematobium cercariae as well as Amphistome and Echinostome cercariae. Infected snails were found during March–June. The ecological characteristics found to be associated with the absence of snails population were: high turbidity, deep water, low vegetation coverage (near absence of vegetation), high water temperature, and high current speed. To our knowledge, this is the first longitudinal study of the snail population and ecological characteristics in the main basin of the White Nile river.  相似文献   
Auxin and abscisic acid (ABA) modulate numerous aspects of plant development together, mostly in opposite directions, suggesting that extensive crosstalk occurs between the signalling pathways of the two hormones. However, little is known about the nature of this crosstalk. We demonstrate that ROP‐interactive CRIB motif‐containing protein 1 (RIC1) is involved in the interaction between auxin‐ and ABA‐regulated root growth and lateral root formation. RIC1 expression is highly induced by both hormones, and expressed in the roots of young seedlings. Whereas auxin‐responsive gene induction and the effect of auxin on root growth and lateral root formation were suppressed in the ric1 knockout, ABA‐responsive gene induction and the effect of ABA on seed germination, root growth and lateral root formation were potentiated. Thus, RIC1 positively regulates auxin responses, but negatively regulates ABA responses. Together, our results suggest that RIC1 is a component of the intricate signalling network that underlies auxin and ABA crosstalk.  相似文献   
Selected commercial and technical grade pesticides were tested against the egg, preparasite and adult stages of Agamermis unka , a nematode parasite of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens . The commercial insecticide, diazinon (LC = 0.37 ppm), was most toxic to the 50 preparasites, followed by phenthoate (LC = 0.43 ppm), BPMC (LC = 0.44 ppm), IBP 50 50 (LC = 0.46 ppm), cartap hydrochloride (LC = 0.82 ppm) and buprofezin + isoprocarb 50 50 (LC = 1.11 ppm). The least toxic commercial pesticide tested was the fungicide, pencycuron 50 (LC = 2.19 ppm). Out of 12 technical grade insecticides tested, phenthoate, monocrotophos, 50 diazinon and carbofuran (LC = 0.37-0.46 ppm) were highly toxic to the preparasites, followed by 50 buprofezin, BPMC and fenitrothion (LC = 0.74-0.86 ppm). Fenthion, etofenprox, chlorpyrifos, 50 imidacloprid and MIPC (LC = 1.11-2.19 ppm) were the technical grade insecticides least toxic 50 to the preparasites. Most preparasites survived for up to 24 h at the low insecticide concentrations (0.63 and 0.31 ppm). Preparasites that were exposed to BPMC for 24 h at concentrations as high as 5.0 ppm and survived the treatments infected brown planthopper nymphs. Four selected insecticides-chlorpyrifos, BPMC, imidacloprid and carbofuran-had significant adverse effects on A. unka egg hatching. Eggs that were in the insecticide solution for 168 h fared poorly with imidacloprid having the best survival ( > 2% of the eggs hatching at 0.04 ppm). No eggs hatched from the other insecticide treatments. Three selected insecticides, BPMC, imidacloprid and chlorpyrifos, tested against adult A. unka showed that most adults survived the exposure to the insecticides between 0.31 and 2.5 ppm. At 5.0 ppm of BPMC or chlorpyrifos none of the adults survived, whereas with imidacloprid 70% of the adults survived. Egg deposition by the surviving adults was greatly reduced in those treated with the insecticides compared with those in the controls. Imidacloprid had some negative impact on the preparasites' ability to infect BPH nymphs, but it had the least detrimental effect of the insecticides tested on preparasite survival and on the eggs and adults of A. unka .  相似文献   
The application of sensory methodology for measuring deodorizing effect of an air conditioner equipped with electric plasma was introduced. Deodorizing effect was measured using chemical and sensory methods at different time (0, 30 and 60 min) and mode (control, blowing and cooling) of an air conditioner. Smoke from a roll of cigarette in a closed room was used as a source of odor and the concentrations of acetic acid and ammonia were measured as odorous chemical components. As one of the sensory methods triangle test was used and as a first step to obtain deodorizing effects by triangle test, the threshold of each panelist was obtained as the log dilution ratio of odor concentration at which the difference from odorless air was detected. The odor concentration at each time and mode was calculated using the threshold of the panel and the deodorizing effect was obtained on the basis of the odor concentration. In addition to a triangle test, scaling methods such as category scaling or magnitude estimation were used to measure deodorizing effect of an air conditioner. Deodorizing effects by scaling methods were calculated based on odor intensity with time at each mode. The regression analysis was done between the efficacy of deodorizing effect by sensory test and those by acetic acid and ammonia, the R2 values of the regression equations for triangle test, category scale, and magnitude estimation were 0.84, 0.72 and 0.69, respectively. Deodorizing effect by triangle test explained the decrease of acetic acid and ammonia better than those by category scaling or magnitude estimation while high cost and time consuming labor involved in triangle tests reduced the merit. The results of this study demonstrated that various sensory methods could be used to measure deodorizing effect of air conditioners and further researches on fast and reliable methods are needed to establish the official procedures.  相似文献   
首次报道了纹翅赤眼蜂属Lathromeris Foerster在韩国的分布,并记述了1个新种Lathromeris koreanica Hu,Lin et Kim与1个新纪录种Lathromeris germanica Girault.新种Lathromeris Koreanica与Lathromeris tumicalvata Lin相似,但新种缘前脉到痣脉下有明显的暗褐色斑块;缘前脉端部1/4处和缘脉基部1/9处有断痕.  相似文献   
Hypocotyl segments ofEleutherococcus senticosuscultured on Murashigeand Skoog's (MS) medium with 4.5 µM2,4-D produced somaticembryos directly from the surface of explants without interveningcallus formation. When these somatic embryos were subculturedto the same MS medium with 4.5 µM2,4-D, friable embryogeniccalli were formed mainly from radicle tips of somatic embryos,but at a low frequency (5%). Selected embryogenic calli weremaintained on MS agar or liquid medium with 4.5 µM2,4-D.To induce somatic embryo development, embryogenic calli andcell clumps were transferred to MS medium lacking 2,4-D. Thefrequency of somatic embryo formation differed between culturetypes with 1570 embryos formed per Petri dish from callus cultureand 5514 embryos formed per flask from cell suspension cultures.Somatic embryos formed on agar medium had larger cotyledonsthan those of embryos formed in liquid medium. GA3treatmentwas necessary to induce germination from somatic embryos. Therate of plant conversion was 97% in somatic embryos from callusculture and 76% in embryos from liquid culture. Regeneratedplantlets were successfully acclimatized in the glasshouse.Copyright1999 Annals of Botany Company Eleutherococcus senticosus, micro propagation, somatic embryogenesis.  相似文献   
Ecological immunity studies in invertebrates, particularly insects, have generated new insights into trade-offs between immune functions and other physiological parameters. These studies document physiologically directed reallocations of immune costs to other high-cost areas of physiology. Immunosenescence, recognized as the age-related deterioration of immune functions, is another mechanism of radically altering immune systems. We investigated the hypothesis that aging brings on immunosenescence in adult males of the cricket, Gryllus assimilis. Our data show that the intensity of melanotic nodule formation decreased with adult age from after 3-week post-adult emergence. Circulating hemocyte populations similarly decreased from about 5,000 hemocytes/μl hemolymph to about 1,000 hemocytes/μl hemolymph. The numbers of damaged hemocytes in circulation increased from less than 10% at 1-week post-adult emergence to approximately 60% by 3-week post-adult emergence. The composition of hemocyte types changed with age, with increasing proportions of granulocytes and decreasing proportions of plasmatocytes. The declines in nodule formation were not linked to the adult age of sexual behaviors, which begin shortly after entering adulthood in this species. We infer that age-related senescence, rather than cost reallocations, may account for observed declines in various parameters of immune functions in insects, as seen in other animals.  相似文献   
The susceptibility of Culex tritaeniorhynchus collected from Gwangju, Jeollabuk Province, Republic of Korea (ROK) to insecticides was evaluated under laboratory conditions using ten insecticides (7 pyrethroids and 3 organophosphates) that are currently applied by local public health centers in the ROK. Based on the values of median lethal concentration (LC50), Cx. tritaeniorhynchus larvae were most susceptible to chlorpyrifos (0.006 ppm), fenitrothion (0.022 ppm), fenthion (0.035 ppm) and bifenthrin (0.038 ppm), and were least susceptible to esbiol (1.722 ppm). In comparative resistance tests, the resistance ratios (RRs) of seven insecticides were compared among each other using two strains of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus that were collected from the same locality during 1992 and 2010. Culex tritaeniorhynchus demonstrated significantly increased RRs to pyrethroids over time, while demonstrating decreased RRs among the organophosphates. Among the pyrethroids, permethrin had the highest RR values of 182.1‐ and 833.3‐fold differences, followed by etofenprox with RRs of 138.4‐ and 224.1‐fold differences in values of LC50 and concentration that produced 90% mortality (LC90), respectively. Culex tritaeniorhynchus strains demonstrated the least amount of change in susceptibility to the organophosphates, chlorpyrifos, fenitrothion and fenthion with 0.020‐, 0.019‐ and 0.001‐fold differences in resistance ratios (RRLC50), respectively.  相似文献   
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