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The methyl-sensitive restriction endonucleases HpaII and HhaI as well as the methyl-insensitive enzyme MspI were used to examine the methylation status of the pro-alpha 1(II) collagen gene of cartilage. Five different cell types with varying abilities to express type II collagen were studied. Chick embryo chondrocytes express type II collagen, while 5-bromodeoxyuridine-treated chondrocytes, retinoic acid-treated chondrocytes, chick embryo fibroblasts, and erythrocytes do not synthesize type II collagen. Both cDNA and genomic probes for the pro-alpha 1(II) collagen gene were used, covering the complete 3' end of the gene and its flanking sequences. The pro-alpha 1(II) collagen DNA was undermethylated in chondrocytes, compared to either fibroblasts or erythrocytes. However, the methylation of the 5-bromodeoxyuridine-treated and retinoic acid-treated chondrocytes was identical to that of control chondrocytes. The methylation pattern of two regions of the gene of the pro-alpha 2(I) collagen chain was identical in all cell types tested, whether or not the gene was expressed. Our results indicate that genes for these collagen chains differ in their methylation pattern. The type II collagen gene shows reduced methylation in expressing cartilage, but does not acquire an increase in methylation in "dedifferentiated" chondrocytes. The changes in DNA methylation that occur during cell differentiation do not appear to be sufficient to explain gene activation and deactivation.  相似文献   
KBSH parvovirus: comparison with porcine parvovirus.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
We compared the molecular, antigenic, and pathogenic properties of KBSH parvovirus to those of porcine parvovirus (PPV) isolate NADL-8. KBSH, propagated in swine testes cells in culture, possessed two major capsid polypeptides of 83 and 64 kilodaltons that were similar in size to those of PPV. KBSH-infected cells also contained an 86-kilodalton nonstructural polypeptide that was identical in size to the PPV nonstructural polypeptide (NS-1). The KBSH polypeptides were structurally similar but not identical to the corresponding PPV polypeptides, as revealed by partial proteolysis mapping. Viral replicative-form DNA from KBSH-infected cells was similar in size to PPV replicative-form DNA and exhibited similar but not identical restriction endonuclease cleavage patterns to that of PPV replicative-form DNA. Antigenically, the two viruses were also very closely related. By using heterologous and homologous antisera, the two viruses were indistinguishable in hemagglutination inhibition and immunoprecipitation assays. However, pathogenically these viruses were dramatically different. NADL-8 caused fetal death when injected into swine fetuses in utero and viremia and high persisting antibody titers when administered orally to weaning-age swine. KBSH-inoculated fetuses were normal in appearance, and pigs orally exposed to KBSH failed to establish viremia and demonstrated only transient antibody titers. Thus, KBSH appears to be a PPV that is very closely related to a highly pathogenic PPV isolate, yet is itself nonpathogenic in swine. This reduced pathogenic potential of KBSH may be attributable to its poor ability to replicate in swine.  相似文献   
Massive scrotal edema is an unreported complication of abdominoplasty. This patient's postoperative decompensation of medial thigh and scrotal lymphatic return may well have been due to an occult lymphedema tarda or previously compromised lymphatics from the fibrosis of venous stasis disease and obesity.  相似文献   
Although the platelets of the mouse are refractory to the direct effects of platelet-activating-factor (PAF), tail vein injection of 10-150 micrograms/kg PAF produces lethal anaphylactic shock. Sensitivity varies with strain and source: Swiss Webster mice show a range of sensitivity and DBA/2 (complement C5-deficient) mice are very resistant. At lethal doses of PAF, animals show labored respiration and general depression; death occurs within 15-45 min. Dexamethasone administered at least 1.5 hr prior consistently protects, whereas the cyclooxygenase inhibitors do not. Antihistamines, adrenergic antagonists, and methysergide have no effect, but cyproheptadine is partially protective at near lethal doses. Calcium entry blockers and calcium chelators, tetracycline and chlortetracycline are partially protective at very high doses consistent with non-specific effects on calcium dependent processes. The arachidonic acid lipoxygenase inhibitors BW755c, phenidone, nordihydroguaiaretic acid and diphenyldisulfide provide nearly complete protection after oral administration of 50-200 mg/kg. Phosphodiesterase inhibitors and dapsone are also effective orally. The leukotriene antagonist FPL55712 administered intraperitoneally (10 mg/kg) 5 min. prior to PAF challenge provides almost complete protection. PAF-induced mortality in the mouse represents a small animal model of systemic anaphylaxis particularly useful for the systemic testing of arachidonic acid lipoxygenase inhibitors and leukotriene antagonists.  相似文献   
Cilia in the canine retina were examined at 40, 46 and 50 days of gestation and at birth by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and by the freeze-fracture technique. Cilia were similar in all age groups examined. Scanning electron micrographs showed them to be smooth-surfaced conical to tubular extensions arising from putative photoreceptor inner segments. Cilia when freeze-fractured contained variable numbers of circumferential rows of 10 nm P-face particles: these constitute the ciliary necklace. Transmission electron micrographs showed the ciliary membrane to contain electron-dense beads which corresponded to the ciliary necklace seen in freeze-fracture replicas. The ciliary necklace identified in the developing canine retina was similar to those found in other types of motile and sensory cilia.  相似文献   
[C-lignin]lignocellulose was solubilized by alkaline heat treatment and separated into different molecular size fractions for use as the sole source of carbon in anaerobic enrichment cultures. This study is aimed at determining the fate of low-molecular-weight, polyaromatic lignin derivatives during anaerobic degradation. Gel permeation chromatography was used to preparatively separate the original C-lignin substrate into three component molecular size fractions, each of which was then fed to separate enrichment cultures. Biodegradability was assessed by monitoring total carbon dioxide and methane production, evolution of labeled gases, loss of C-activity from solution, and changes in gel permeation chromatographic elution patterns. Results indicated that the smaller the size of the molecular weight fraction, the more extensive the degradation to gaseous end products. In addition, up to 30% of the entire soluble lignin-derived carbon was anaerobically mineralized to carbon dioxide and methane.  相似文献   
The BALB/c IgA (immunoglobulin A) myeloma protein M167 contained on average 5.7 free SH groups per IgA dimer. These groups were preponderantly on the heavy chains and comprised two distinct populations: 3.3 exposed SH groups per dimer in the Fc region, and 2.4 buried SH groups per dimer in the Fd region, detectable o only after denaturation. To locate the cysteine residues involved, labelled peptides were purified from thermolysin digests of radioalkylated IgA by high-performance liquid chromatography. From the amino acid compositions of the peptides, the exposed thiol groups were assigned to Cys-307 in the C alpha 2 domain, which thus existed in the reduced form to an extent exceeding 80%. This residue may allow attachment of secretory component to dimer IgA in the mouse to proceed via thiol-disulphide exchange. The buried thiol groups were assigned to Cys-150 and Cys-208, in the C alpha 1 domain, each being in the reduced form to the extent of approx. 30%. This pair of residues would normally give rise to the characteristic intradomain disulphide bridge. It appears that disulphide formation is not a crucial event during folding of the C alpha 1 domain in IgA biosynthesis. The sequence in the region 140-151 was re-investigated, and residue 142 was shown to be serine, not cysteine, helping explain the lack of heavy-chain-light chain bonding in BALB/c mouse IgA. A disulphide-bond model for mouse IgA is proposed on the basis of these assignments and other features of the mouse alpha-chain sequence.  相似文献   
The transmembrane topology of the nucleoside transporter of human erythrocytes, which had been covalently photolabelled with [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine, was investigated by monitoring the effect of proteinases applied to intact erythrocytes and unsealed membrane preparations. Treatment of unsealed membranes with low concentrations of trypsin and chymotrypsin at 1 degree C cleaved the nucleoside transporter, a band 4.5 polypeptide, apparent Mr 66 000-45 000, to yield two radioactive fragments with apparent Mr 38 000 and 23 000. The fragment of Mr 38 000, in contrast to the Mr 23 000 fragment, migrated as a broad peak (apparent Mr 45 000-31 000) suggesting that carbohydrate was probably attached to this fragment. Similar treatment of intact cells under iso-osmotic saline conditions at 1 degree C had no effect on the apparent Mr of the [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine-labelled band 4.5, suggesting that at least one of the trypsin cleavage sites resulting in the apparent Mr fragments of 38 000 and 23 000 is located at the cytoplasmic surface. However, at low ionic strengths the extracellular region of the nucleoside transporter is susceptible to trypsin proteolysis, indicating that the transporter is a transmembrane protein. In contrast, the extracellular region of the [3H]cytochalasin B-labelled glucose carrier, another band 4.5 polypeptide, was resistant to trypsin digestion. Proteolysis of the glucose transporter at the cytoplasmic surface generated a radiolabelled fragment of Mr 19 000 which was distinct from the Mr 23 000 fragment radiolabelled with [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine. The affinity for the reversible binding of [3H]cytochalasin B and [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine to the glucose and nucleoside transporters, respectively, was lowered 2-3-fold following trypsin treatment of unsealed membranes, but the maximum number of inhibitor binding sites was unaffected despite the cleavage of band 4.5 to lower-Mr fragments.  相似文献   
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