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Vaginal epithelium is colonized by different bacterial strains and species. The bacterial composition of vaginal biofilms controls the balance between health and disease. Little is known about the relative contribution of the epithelial and bacterial cell surfaces to bacterial adhesion and whether and how adhesion is regulated over cell membrane regions. Here, we show that bacterial adhesion forces with cell membrane regions not located above the nucleus are stronger than with regions above the nucleus both for vaginal pathogens and different commensal and probiotic lactobacillus strains involved in health. Importantly, adhesion force ratios over membrane regions away from and above the nucleus coincided with the ratios between numbers of adhering bacteria over both regions. Bacterial adhesion forces were dramatically decreased by depleting the epithelial cell membrane of cholesterol or sub‐membrane cortical actin. Thus, epithelial cells can regulate membrane regions to which bacterial adhesion is discouraged, possibly to protect the nucleus.  相似文献   
A new series of ligands for the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is described. SAR development was guided by docking 3 into the GR active site and optimizing an unsubstituted phenyl ring for key interactions found in the steroid A-ring binding pocket. To identify compounds with an improved side effect profile over marketed steroids the functional activity of compounds was evaluated in cell based assays for transactivation (aromatase) and transrepression (IL-6). Through this effort, 36 has been identified as a partial agonist with a dissociated profile in these cell based assays.  相似文献   
We have recently reported the discovery of a novel class of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) antagonists, exemplified by 3, containing a 1,2-dihydroquinoline molecular scaffold. Further SAR studies of these antagonists uncovered chemical modifications conveying agonist functional activity to this series. These agonists exhibit good GR binding affinity and are selective against other nuclear hormone receptors.  相似文献   
In the present work, we have studied the kinetic properties of the catalytic domain of CtBP1, a co-repressor belonging to the d-2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase family and known to reduce pyruvate in the presence of NADH. CtBP1 acted on a variety of alpha-keto acids, for which it displayed biphasic curves with inhibition at elevated concentrations, as observed with other dehydrogenases of the same family. Based on catalytic efficiencies, the best substrate was 2-keto-4-methylthiobutyrate, an intermediate of the methionine salvage pathway. It was about 20-fold better than 2-ketoisocaproate and glyoxylate, and 80-fold better than pyruvate. From these data we conclude that 2-keto-4-methylthiobutyrate may be an important regulator of CtBP activity, possibly linking gene repression to the activity of the methionine salvage and spermine synthesis pathways.  相似文献   
To assess the effect of the normal respiratory resistive load on ventilation (VE) and respiratory motor output during exercise, we studied the effect of flow-proportional pressure assist (PA) (2.2 cmH2O.l-1.s) on various ventilatory parameters during progressive exercise to maximum in six healthy young men. We also measured dynamic lung compliance (Cdyn) and lung resistance (RL) and calculated the time course of respiratory muscle pressure (Pmus) during the breath in the assisted and unassisted states at a sustained exercise level corresponding to 70-80% of the subject's maximum O2 consumption. Unlike helium breathing, resistive PA had no effect on VE or any of its subdivisions partly as the result of an offsetting increase in RL (0.78 cmH2O.1-1.s) and partly to a reduction in Pmus. These results indicate that the normal resistive load does not constrain ventilation during heavy exercise. Furthermore, the increase in exercise ventilation observed with helium breathing, which is associated with much smaller degrees of resistive unloading (ca. -0.6 cmH2O.l-1.s), is likely the result of factors other than respiratory muscle unloading. The pattern of Pmus during exercise with and without unloading indicates that the use of P0.1 as an index of respiratory motor output under these conditions may result in misleading conclusions.  相似文献   
Tidal volume (VT) is usually preserved when conscious humans are made to breathe against an inspiratory resistance. To identify the neural changes responsible for VT compensation we calculated the respiratory driving pressure waveform during steady-state unloaded and loaded breathing (delta R = 8.5 cmH2O X 1(-1) X s) in eight conscious normal subjects. Driving pressure (DP) was calculated according to the method of Younes et al. (J. Appl. Physiol. 51: 963-989, 1981), which provides the equivalent of occlusion pressure at functional residual capacity throughout the breath. VT during resistance breathing was 108% of unloaded VT, as opposed to a predicted value of 82% of control in the absence of neural compensation. Compensation was accomplished through three changes in the DP waveform: 1) peak amplitude increased (+/- 23%), 2) the duration of the rising phase increased (+42%); and 3) the rising phase became more concave to the time axis. There were no changes in the relative decay rate of inspiratory pressure during expiration, in the shape of the declining phase of DP, or in end-expiratory lung volume.  相似文献   
A cDNA library was prepared from poly(A+) RNA isolated from fetal bovine pancreas. Bacterial colonies were screened for sequences homologous to a rat preproinsulin I cDNA probe. Ten positive clones were selected at random and further studied. Northern blot analyses revealed that seven of these clones hybridized to a single RNA species, of approximately 400 nucleotides. Sequence analysis of one of these clones (pbI2885) revealed the entire structural region of bovine preproinsulin mRNA including a 72 nucleotide region encoding a signal peptide enriched in hydrophobic residues. The overall nucleotide homology between bovine and human preproinsulin mRNA was 76% for the preregion, 89% for the A chain, 83% for the B chain, and 68% for the C peptide (including a 15 nucleotide deletion).  相似文献   
The isolated effect of cooling the pulmonary circulation on ventilation was quantified in nine anesthetized dogs. The right pulmonary artery (RPA) was cannulated within the pericardium, and systemic blood was pumped from the left atrium to the RPA between, but not during, periods of cooling. Cooled blood boluses were injected into the RPA under conditions in which either bolus temperature (5-35 degrees C) or volume (0-1.5 ml/kg body wt) varied. Inspiratory time (TI), expiratory time (TE), breath duration (TT), and peak integrated activity (PEAK) were determined from diaphragm EMG. Results for five postinjection breaths were converted to a percent of the values from five preinjection breaths. There was a linear relationship between bolus temperature and TI [r = 0.61, slope (x) = 0.59%/degrees C, P less than 0.001), TE (r = 0.73, x = 1.43%/degrees C, P less than 0.001] as well as TT (r = 0.74, x = 1.10%/degrees C, P less than 0.001), whereas PEAK was unaffected (n = 9). When injection temperature was 5 degrees C, an inverse linear relationship existed between bolus volume and TI (r = 0.75, x = -15.2%.ml-1.kg-1, P less than 0.001) and TE (r = 0.78, x = -23.4%.ml-1.kg-1, P less than 0.001) (n = 4). In two dogs tested the effect of bolus injection was minimal at residual volume and progressively increased with lung volume. The effect of cold bolus injection was eliminated after right vagotomy in three dogs. Results indicate that cooling of some vagal receptor in the lung increases breathing frequency primarily by shortening TE.  相似文献   
To ascertain the relative contributions of vascular distensibility and nonhomogeneous behavior within the pulmonary circulation to the distinctive nonlinear relationship between inflow pressure (Pin) and flow [pressure-flow (P-F) relationship] and between Pin and outflow pressure (Pout) at constant flow (Pin-Pout relationship), we developed a multibranched model in which the elastic behavior of, and forces acting on, individual branches can be varied independently. The response of the multibranched model is described in the companion article (J. Appl. Physiol. 68: 1514-1527, 1990). Here we describe the methods used and the responses of single components of the larger model. Perivascular pressure is modeled as a function of intravascular and transpulmonary pressures (Pv and Ptp, respectively) and vessel length as a function of lung volume. These and the relationship between vascular area (A) and transmural pressure (Ptm) were modeled primarily from the dog data of Smith and Mitzner (J. Appl. Physiol. 48: 450-467, 1980). Vasomotor tone is modeled as a radial collapsing pressure (Pt) in the same plane as Ptm. In view of lack of information about the relationship between Pt and A for a given active state, different patterns were assumed that span a wide range of possible relationships. The P-F and Pin-Pout relationships of single vessels were very similar to those reported for the entire intact circulation. Of note, the slope of the Pin-Pout relationship in the low Pout range (0-5 Torr) was very low (less than 0.25) and increased gradually with Pout toward unity. Vasomotor tone caused an apparent parallel shift in the P-F relationship in the physiological flow range of the dog (2-8 l/min) regardless of the pattern used to model the Pt vs. A relationship; different patterns affected the P-F relationship only over the low flow range before the parallel shift was established.  相似文献   
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