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A high-throughput in planta overexpression screen of a Nicotiana benthamiana cDNA library identified a mitogen activated protein kinase kinase (MAPKK), NbMKK1, as a potent inducer of hypersensitive response (HR)-like cell death. NbMKK1-mediated cell death was attenuated in plants whereby expression of NbSIPK, an ortholog of tobacco SIPK and Arabidopsis AtMPK6, was knocked down by virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS), suggesting that NbMKK1 functions upstream of NbSIPK. In accordance with this result, NbMKK1 phosphorylated NbSIPK in vitro, and furthermore NbMKK1 and NbSIPK physically interacted in yeast two-hybrid assay. VIGS of NbMKK1 in N. benthamiana resulted in a delay of Phytophthora infestans INF1 elicitin-mediated HR as well as in the reduction of resistance against a non-host pathogen Pseudomonas cichorii. Our data of NbMKK1, together with that of LeMKK4,1 demonstrate the presence of a novel defense signaling pathway involving NbMKK1/LeMKK4 and SIPK.Key Words: MAPK, defense, cell death, in planta screenMitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades are highly conserved signaling pathways in eukaryotes, comprising three tiered classes of protein kinase, MAPKKK (MAPKK kinase), MAPKK and MAPK, that sequentially relay phosphorylation signals.2 The Arabidopsis genome carries genes for 20 MAPKs, 10 MAPKKs3 and more than 25 MAPKKKs.4 In plants, MAPK signaling is known to function in various biotic4,5 and abiotic6 stress responses and cytokinesis.7 In defense signaling, extensive research has been carried out for two tobacco MAPKs, SIPK8 (salicylic-acid-induced protein kinase; hereafter designated as NtSIPK) and WIPK9 (wound-induced protein kinase = NtWIPK), and their orthologs in Arabidopsis10 (AtMPK6 and ATMPK3, respectively), partly because kinase activities of these two MAPKs are easy to detect by an in gel kinase assay using myeline basic protein (MBP) as substrate.11 Both NtSIPK and NtWIPK are activated by the interaction between host resistance (R)- gene and cognate avirulence gene of pathogen11,12 and elicitor perception by host cells.13,14 Shuqun Zhang and his group showed that an upstream kinase of both NtSIPK and NtWIPK is NtMEK2.15 Transient overexpression of constitutively active NtMEK2 caused phosphorylation of NtSIPK and NtWIPK, resulting in rapid HR-like cell death in tobacco leaves.15 Later, the same lab showed that overexpression of NtSIPK alone also caused HR-like cell death.16 The downstream target proteins of NtSIPK and AtMPK6 are being identified and include 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid sythase-6 (ACS-6).17,18 Although recent studies identified another MAPK cascade (NtMEK1 → Ntf6) involved in defense responses19,20 we can still say that the current research focus of MAPK defense signaling centers around the cascade comprising [NtMEK2→ NtSIPK/NtWIPK→ target proteins] of tobacco and its orthologous pathways in other plant species.In an effort to search for plant genes involved in HR-like cell death, we have been employing a high-throughput in planta expression screen of N. benthamiana cDNA libraries. In this experimental system, a cDNA library was made in a binary potato virus X (PVX)-based expression vector pSfinx.21 The cDNA library was transferred to Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and 40,000 of the bacterial colonies were individually inoculated by toothpicks onto leaf blades of N. benthamiana leaves. The phenotype around the inoculated site was observed 1–2 weeks following the inoculation. This rapid screen identified 30 cDNAs that caused cell death after overexpression, including genes coding for ubiquitin proteins, RNA recognition motif (RRM) containing proteins, a class II ethylene-responsive element binding factor (EREBP)-like protein22 and a MAPKK protein (this work). Such an in planta screening technique has been used before for the isolation of fungal21 and oomycete23,24 elicitors and necrosis inducing genes, but not for isolation of plant genes. Overexpression screening of cDNA libraries is a common practice in prokaryotes, yeast and amimal cells,25,26 so it is a surprise that this approach has not been systematically applied in plants. Given its throughput, we propose that this virus-based transient overexpression system is a highly efficient way to isolate novel plant genes by functional screen.27 Since overexpression frequently causes non-specific perturbation of signaling, genes identified by overexpression should be further validated by loss-of-function assays, for instance, VIGS.28Overexpression of the identified MAPKK gene, NbMKK1, triggered a rapid generation of H2O2, followed by HR-like cell death in N. benthamiana leaves (this work). NbMKK1-GFP fusion protein overexpression also caused cell death, and curiously NbMKK1-GFP was shown to localize consistently in the nucleus. Sequence comparison classified NbMKK1 to the Group D of MAPKKs about which little information is available. So far, a MAPKK, LeMKK4, from tomato belonging to the Group D MAPKKs, was shown to cause cell death after overexpression.1 Based on amino acid sequence similarity and phylogenetic analyses, LeMKK4 and NbMKK1 seem to be orthologs. To see whether NbMKK1 transduces signals through SIPK and WIPK, we performed NbMKK1 overexpression in N. benthamiana plants whereby the expression of either NbSIPK or NbWIPK (WIPK ortholog in N. benthamiana) was silenced by VIGS. NbMKK1 did not induce cell death in NbSIPK-silenced plants, suggesting that the NbMKK1 cell death signal is transmitted through NbSIPK. Indeed, NbMKK1 phosphorylated NbSIPK in vitro, and NbMKK1 and NbSIPK physically interacted in yeast two-hybrid assay. These results suggest that NbMKK1 interacts with NbSIPK, most probably with its N-terminal docking domain, and phosphorylates NbSIPK in vivo to transduce the cell death signal downstream.NbMKK1 exhibits constitutive expression in leaves. To determine the function of NbMKK1 in defense, we silenced NbMKK1 by VIGS, and such plants were challenged with Phytophthora infestans INF1 elicitin29 and Pseudomonas cichorii, a non-host pathogen. INF1-mediated HR cell death was remarkably delayed in NbMKK1-silenced plants. Likewise, plant defense against P. cichorii was compromised in NbMKK1-silenced plants. These results indicate that NbMKK1 is an important component of signaling of INF1-mediated HR and non-host resistance to P. cichorii.Together, our analyses of NbMKK1 and independent work from Greg Martin''s lab on LeMKK41 suggest that a Group D MAPKK, NbMKK1/LeMKK4, functions upstream of SIPK and transduces defense signals in these solanaceous plants (Fig. 1). In plants as well as in other eukaryotes, it is common that kinases have multiple partners. The work on these kinases fits this concept. A single MAPK (e.g., SIPK) is phosphorylated by multiple MAPKKs (e.g., NtMEK2 and NbMKK1), and a single MAPKK (e.g., NtMEK2) can phosphorylate multiple MAPKs (e.g., NtSIPK and NtWIPK).Open in a separate windowFigure 1Defense signaling through NbMKK1/LeMKK4. Two defense signal pathways involving NtMEK2 (indicated as MEK2) → WIPK/SIPK and NtMEK1(indicated as MEK1) → Ntf6 are well documented. By our and Pedley and Martin''s1 works, another novel MAPKK, NbMKK1/LeMKK4 was demonstrated to participate in defense signaling by phosphorylation of SIPK.  相似文献   
We investigated the molecular bases for resistance to several classes of herbicides that bind tubulins in green foxtail (Setaria viridis L. Beauv.). We identified two alpha- and two beta-tubulin genes in green foxtail. Sequence comparison between resistant and sensitive plants revealed two mutations, a leucine-to-phenylalanine change at position 136 and a threonine-to-isoleucine change at position 239, in the gene encoding alpha2-tubulin. Association of mutation at position 239 with herbicide resistance was demonstrated using near-isogenic lines derived from interspecific pairings between green foxtail and foxtail millet (Setaria italica L. Beauv.), and herbicide sensitivity bioassays combined with allele-specific PCR-mediated genotyping. Association of mutation at position 136 with herbicide resistance was demonstrated using herbicide sensitivity bioassays combined with allele-specific PCR-mediated genotyping. Both mutations were associated with recessive cross resistance to dinitroanilines and benzoic acids, no change in sensitivity to benzamides, and hypersensitivity to carbamates. Using three-dimensional modeling, we found that the two mutations are adjacent and located into a region involved in tubulin dimer-dimer contact. Comparison of three-dimensional alpha-tubulin models for organisms with contrasted sensitivity to tubulin-binding herbicides enabled us to propose that residue 253 and the vicinity of the side chain of residue 251 are critical determinants for the differences in herbicide sensitivity observed between organisms, and that positions 16, 24, 136, 239, 252, and 268 are involved in modulating sensitivity to these herbicides.  相似文献   
In the present study, we have examined in Wistar rats the effects of food or water deprivation of 3 days on the hypophyso-adrenal axis, vasopressinergic system and activity of A1 noradrenergic brain stem cell group, which is involved in the control of the hypothalamic neuro-endocrine activity. Levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and vasopressin (AVP) were determined by radio-immunoassay, and corticosterone level was determined by fluorimetric method. Plasma levels of ACTH and corticosterone were greatly increased in both groups of rats. In water-deprived rats, plasma AVP (13.83 +/- 1.63 vs. 3.03 +/- 0.23 pg/ml) and osmolality levels were significantly elevated with a marked decrease of AVP hypophysis content (272 +/- 65 vs. 1098 +/- 75 ng/mg protein), but not in food-deprived rats in which osmolality did not change and AVP remained stocked (2082 +/- 216 ng/mg protein) in the hypophysis without release in the plasma (1.11 +/- 0.23 pg/ml). These observations indicated that both food-deprivation and water-deprivation stimulated the pituitary adrenal axis thereby suggesting a stress state. AVP production is stimulated both by fluid and food restriction but is secreted with differential effects: during food restriction AVP secretion is limited to supporting the hypothalamic pituitary-adrenal system.  相似文献   
The chemotaxis towards sucrose and yeast extract of nine strains of Xanthomonas campestris representing pathovars campestris, armoraciae, translucens, vesicatoria, and pelargonii was analyzed by using swarm plates. Unexpectedly, each of these strains formed small or reduced swarms typical of nonmotile or nonchemotactic bacteria. With time, however, chemotactic cells appeared on the swarm plates as blebs of bacteria. These cells were strongly chemotactic and were concomitantly deficient in exopolysaccharide production. The switch from the wild type (exopolysaccharide producing and nonchemotactic) to the swarmer type (exopolysaccharide deficient and chemotactic) appeared irreversible ex planta in bacteriological medium. However, in radish leaves swarmer-type strains of X. campestris pv. campestris were able to revert to the wild type. Swarmer-type derivatives of two X. campestris pv. campestris wild-type isolates showed reduced virulence and growth in the host plants cauliflower and radish. However, exocellular complementation of X. campestris pv. campestris Hrp (nonpathogenic) mutant was achieved by coinoculation with a swarmer-type strain.  相似文献   
The majority of agronomically important crop traits are quantitative, meaning that they are controlled by multiple genes each with a small effect (quantitative trait loci, QTLs). Mapping and isolation of QTLs is important for efficient crop breeding by marker‐assisted selection (MAS) and for a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the traits. However, since it requires the development and selection of DNA markers for linkage analysis, QTL analysis has been time‐consuming and labor‐intensive. Here we report the rapid identification of plant QTLs by whole‐genome resequencing of DNAs from two populations each composed of 20–50 individuals showing extreme opposite trait values for a given phenotype in a segregating progeny. We propose to name this approach QTL‐seq as applied to plant species. We applied QTL‐seq to rice recombinant inbred lines and F2 populations and successfully identified QTLs for important agronomic traits, such as partial resistance to the fungal rice blast disease and seedling vigor. Simulation study showed that QTL‐seq is able to detect QTLs over wide ranges of experimental variables, and the method can be generally applied in population genomics studies to rapidly identify genomic regions that underwent artificial or natural selective sweeps.  相似文献   
Filamentous pathogens, such as plant pathogenic fungi and oomycetes, secrete an arsenal of effector molecules that modulate host innate immunity and enable parasitic infection. It is now well accepted that these effectors are key pathogenicity determinants that enable parasitic infection. In this review, we report on the most interesting features of a representative set of filamentous pathogen effectors and highlight recent findings. We also list and describe all the linear motifs reported to date in filamentous pathogen effector proteins. Some of these motifs appear to define domains that mediate translocation inside host cells.  相似文献   
Aims: The objective of this study was to demonstrate that fish‐processing by‐products could be used as sole raw material to sustain the growth of Staphylococcus xylosus for lipase production. Methods and Results: Bacterial growth was tested on supernatants generated by boiling (100°C for 20 min) of tuna, sardine, cuttlefish and shrimp by‐products from fish processing industries. Among all samples tested, only supernatants generated from shrimp and cuttlefish by‐products sustained the growth of S. xylosus. Shrimp‐based medium gave the highest growth (A600 = 22) after 22 h of culture and exhibited the maximum lipase activity (28 U ml?1). This effect may be explained by better availability of nutrients, especially, in shrimp by‐products. Standard medium (SM) amendments to sardine and tuna by‐product‐based media stimulated the growth of S. xylosus and the highest A600 values were obtained with 75% SM. Lipase activity, however, remained below 4 U ml?1 for both sardine and tuna by‐product‐based media. Conclusions: Fish by‐products could be used for the production of highly valuable enzymes. Significance and Impact of the Study: The use of fish by‐products in producing S. xylosus‐growth media can reduce environmental problems associated with waste disposal and, simultaneously, lower the cost of biomass and enzyme production.  相似文献   
Oomycete plant pathogens deliver effector proteins inside host cells to modulate plant defense circuitry and to enable parasitic colonization. These effectors are defined by a conserved motif, termed RXLR (for Arg, any amino acid, Leu, Arg), that is located downstream of the signal peptide and that has been implicated in host translocation. Because the phenotypes of RXLR effectors extend to plant cells, their genes are expected to be the direct target of the evolutionary forces that drive the antagonistic interplay between pathogen and host. We used the draft genome sequences of three oomycete plant pathogens, Phytophthora sojae, Phytophthora ramorum, and Hyaloperonospora parasitica, to generate genome-wide catalogs of RXLR effector genes and determine the extent to which these genes are under positive selection. These analyses revealed that the RXLR sequence is overrepresented and positionally constrained in the secretome of Phytophthora relative to other eukaryotes. The three examined plant pathogenic oomycetes carry complex and diverse sets of RXLR effector genes that have undergone relatively rapid birth and death evolution. We obtained robust evidence of positive selection in more than two-thirds of the examined paralog families of RXLR effectors. Positive selection has acted for the most part on the C-terminal region, consistent with the view that RXLR effectors are modular, with the N terminus involved in secretion and host translocation and the C-terminal domain dedicated to modulating host defenses inside plant cells.  相似文献   
A number of plant pathogenic and symbiotic microbes produce specialized cellular structures that invade host cells where they remain enveloped by host‐derived membranes. The mechanisms underlying the biogenesis and functions of host–microbe interfaces are poorly understood. Here, we show that plant late endocytic trafficking is diverted toward the extrahaustorial membrane (EHM); a host–pathogen interface that develops in plant cells invaded by Irish potato famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans. A late endosome and tonoplast marker protein Rab7 GTPase RabG3c, but not a tonoplast‐localized sucrose transporter, is recruited to the EHM, suggesting specific rerouting of vacuole‐targeted late endosomes to a host–pathogen interface. We revealed the dynamic nature of this process by showing that, upon activation, a cell surface immune receptor traffics toward the haustorial interface. Our work provides insight into the biogenesis of the EHM and reveals dynamic processes that recruit membrane compartments and immune receptors to this host–pathogen interface.   相似文献   
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