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Accumulation of betacyanin in the peeled green epidermis fromthe stem of P. americana was induced by incubating the epidermisin Murashige and Skoog's medium, under light, and was promotedby the presence of kinetin. However, in the epidermal tissuewith cortex attached, the accumulation of betacyanin was inhibited. (Received March 27, 1989; Accepted January 24, 1990)  相似文献   
Epidemiological typing, based on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), was attempted for the 38 clinical isolates of Moraxella catarrhalis obtained at Shinshu University Hospital during the years 1987 and 1993. Digestion with SmaI or NotI generated well separable, 12 to 5 genomic DNA fragments ranging from 1,000 kb to 30 kb and the strains could be classified into 14 or 13 types, respectively. The electrophoretic profile differed with the strain in most of them and was hence useful to distinguish the each strain. Investigation for their RFLP have, however, suggested that majority of them, including the type strain ATCC25238, may have derived from a common ancestor.  相似文献   
Summary -Fructofuranosidase, which produces fructo-oligosaccharides (1-kestose and nystose) from sucrose, was purified fromAureobasidium and immobilized on DEAE-cellulose at especially high efficiency (95%). The enzymatic profiles of the immobilized enzyme were almost identical to those of the native form except that the stability was slightly improved. The immobilized enzyme was stable during long-term continuous reaction for up to 360 h.  相似文献   
We have developed ODS (Overlapping Oligonucleotide Databasefor Signal Sequence Search)—the first relational databasethat integrates information on biological features into thesearch for signal sequences. In existing biological sequencedatabases, even relational ones, retrieving nucleotide sequencesbased on their biological features involves much labour andtime or even the development of a new program. GenBank sequencedata, including FEATURES records, are organized into three relationaltables in ODS. Nucleotide sequences are transformed into overlappingoligonucleotides in order to facilitate the signal sequencesearch rapidly without the need for specific alignment programs.This transformation leads to a one-to-one correspondence betweenthe nucleotide sequence and its biological feature. The signalsequence search by ODS is done in SQL queries and ODS obviatesthe need for molecular biologists to write computer programs.The application of ODS to searches of promoter regions revealedputative cis-acting elements and basic statistical analysesof occurrences of oligonucleotides showed interesting findingsconcerning the ‘cg’ dinucleotide.  相似文献   
The primary reaction product of chloroplast ascorbate peroxidaseactivity was shown to be monodehydroascorbate radical (MDA).MDA reductase (EC [EC] ) was localized in spinach chloroplaststroma. The MDA reductase activity of spinach chloroplasts,using NAD(P)H as electron donor, could account for the regenerationof ascorbate from MDA produced by ascorbate peroxidase activity.In the absence of MDA reductase, MDA disproportionated to ascorbate(AsA) and dehydroascorbate (DHA). The DHA was reduced to AsAby DHA reductase (EC [EC] ) in chloroplasts. Both NADH andNADPH served as the electron donor of partially purified MDAreductase from spinach leaves. (Received September 24, 1983; Accepted January 23, 1984)  相似文献   
Summary Pituitary glands were examined using reference staining (hematoxylin and eosin, periodic acid-Schiff and alcian blue) and the peroxidase-labeled antibody method, for 1) invading anterior cells in the posterior lobe, 2) intermediate colloid forming follicles, and 3) pars tuberalis cells.The results showed: 1) that the majority of cases possessed invading anterior cells of various amount. Most of these cells were positive for ACTH1–18, ACTH17–39 and -MSH. However, on a few occasions, scattered GH, PRL, FSH, FSH, LH and even TSH cells were also present. 2) Colloid forming follicular cells were mostly ACTH cells, but also contained occasional other hormone-secreting cells. Hormone negative cells were correlated with salivary type epithelium. Well established acinic type salivary glands and ciliated epithelium were negative for any hormones immunohistochemically. 3) Pars tuberalis cells were predominantly gonadotrophs but also included TSH and ACTH cells. Some cells appeared to contain both FSH and LH. When these cells underwent squamous metaplasia, they seemed to lose their hormone secreting activity.Part of this study was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Cancer Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan  相似文献   
A specific elevation of cell-associated α-mannosidase was observed in human skin fibroblasts cultured with concanavalin A for 12–72 hours. There was a latency of several hours before the increase of the enzyme activity occurred. When the cells were washed with α-methylmannoside, α-mannosidase activity was not increased. Other lysosomal enzymes including β-mannosidase showed a slight decrease in activity. It was concluded that the elevation of this enzyme activity was the result of a specific binding to the cell surface mediated by concanavalin A.  相似文献   
In roots of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas Lam. cv. Kokei 14),the metabolic response to wounding was remarkable only in theproximal side. We assumed that the polarity resulted from apolar movement of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) produced in thecut surface (8). As the metabolic response was slight in thedistal side, the effect of IAA and the other plant hormoneson the development of various enzyme activities was examinedin this side. Increases in activities of L-phenylalanine ammonia-lyase,acid invertase, NADPHa2 : cytochrome c oxidoreductase, peroxidase,cytochrome c : O2 oxidoreductase and o-diphenol oxidase, whichdeveloped in response to wounding, were stimulated by the treatmentwith IAA. Gibberellic acid had a stimulative effect on the developmentof only acid invertase activity. Abscisic acid and kinetin hadlittle effect. The results strongly support our hypothesis thatIAA plays an important role in the metabolic response to wounding. (Received September 29, 1979; )  相似文献   
The electrophoretic approaches for detection of mutant proteins in inherited diseases are briefly reviewed and discussed. Mutation of a protein, known to be associated with a specific inherited disease, is detected by immunoblotting, immunoprecipitation or enzyme staining, combined with various electrophoretic techniques. Some instrumental and technological devices for two-dimensional electrophoresis have been reported for the screening of mutant proteins in diseases of currently unknown etiology.  相似文献   
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