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M Tsubaki  A Hiwatashi  Y Ichikawa  H Hori 《Biochemistry》1987,26(14):4527-4534
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of nitric oxide (NO) complexes of ferrous cytochrome P-450scc were measured at 77 K for the first time without using the rapid-mixing and freeze-quenching technique. Without substrate the EPR spectra were very similar to those of cytochrome P-450cam (from Pseudomonas putida) and cytochrome P-450LM (from rat liver microsomes) with rhombic symmetry; gx = 2.071, gz = 2.001, gy = 1.962, and Az = 2.2 mT for 14NO complexes. Upon addition of substrates [such as cholesterol, 22(S)-hydroxycholesterol, 22(R)-hydroxycholesterol, 25-hydroxycholesterol, and 22-ketocholesterol], the EPR spectra exhibited many variations having rhombic symmetry in the major component and an additional minor component with less rhombic symmetry. Furthermore, addition of 20(S)-hydroxycholesterol caused a striking change in the EPR spectrum. The component with rhombic symmetry disappeared completely, and the component with less rhombic symmetry dominated (gx = 2.027, gz = 2.007, gy = 1.984, and Az = 1.76 mT for 14NO complexes). These observations suggest the existence of the following physiologically important natures: (1) the conformational flexibility of the active site of the enzyme due to the steric interaction between the substrate and the heme-bound ligand molecule and (2) the importance of the hydroxylation of the cholesterol side chain at the 20S position to proceed the side-chain cleavage reaction in cytochrome P-450scc.  相似文献   
Three fractions of cytochrome P-450scc (denoted as fractions a, b, and c) were purified by a new procedure from bovine adrenocortical mitochondria. The amino-acid content analyses of these three fractions showed no difference. NH2-terminal amino-acid sequences of cytochrome P-450scc fractions, a and b agreed completely with the sequence deduced by nucleotide sequence of cDNA of cytochrome P-450scc mRNA (Morohashi, K., Fujii-Kuriyama, Y., Okada, Y., Sogawa, K., Hirose, T., Inayama, S. and Omura, T. (1984) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 81, 4647-4651), whereas the sequence of fraction c showed a missing of isoleucine at the NH2-terminal. COOH-terminal ámino-acid sequences of fractions a, b and c were -Gln-Ala-COOH, identical with the deduced sequence from the cDNA. Measurements of the enzymatic activities of cholesterol side-chain cleavage reaction revealed no distinct difference among these three fractions. Although each of these fractions appeared as a single protein staining band upon SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, these fractions showed heterogeneities upon two-dimensional electrophoresis and chromatofocusing. Fraction a contained the major form of cytochrome P-450scc, and its isoelectric point was estimated to be pH 7.8 by isoelectric focusing under both native and denatured conditions, and this value was confirmed by chromatofocusing. Neither of the carbohydrate-specific stainings (such as periodic acid-Schiff staining and lectin-peroxidase stainings using concanavalin A, wheat-germ agglutinin, and soybean agglutinin) of purified cytochrome P-450scc fractions after the electrophoretic resolution on SDS-polyacrylamide gel could show cytochrome P-450scc fractions as glycoproteins, suggesting that the heterogeneities were not due to the glycosylation state.  相似文献   
M Tsubaki  A Hiwatashi  Y Ichikawa 《Biochemistry》1989,28(25):9777-9784
Reduction of cytochrome P-450scc(SF) (SF, substrate free) purified from bovine adrenocortical mitochondria with sodium dithionite (Na2S2O4) or with beta-NADPH mediated by catalytic amounts of adrenodoxin and adrenodoxin reductase in the presence of phenyl isocyanide produced a ferrous cytochrome P-450scc(SF)-phenyl isocyanide complex with Soret absorbance maximum at 455 nm having a shoulder at 425 nm. On the other hand, when a preformed cytochrome P-450scc(SF)-adrenodoxin complex was reduced chemically or enzymatically under the same conditions, the absorbance spectrum showed drastic changes, i.e., an increase in intensity at 425 nm and a concomitant decrease in intensity at 455 nm. Similar spectral changes could be produced by addition of the same amount of reduced adrenodoxin afterward to the ferrous cytochrome P-450scc(SF)-phenyl isocyanide complex. Titration experiments with adrenodoxin showed that (1) a 1:1 stoichiometric saturation of the spectral change was obtained for both the absorbance increase at 425 nm and the absorbance decrease at 455 nm, (2) there was no spectral change in the presence of 0.35 M NaCl, and (3) there was no spectral change for cytochrome P-450scc(SF) whose Lys residue(s) essential to the interaction with adrenodoxin had been covalently modified with PLP. These results suggest that ternary complex formation of ferrous cytochrome P-450scc(SF)-phenyl isocyanide with reduced adrenodoxin caused a conformational change around the ferrous heme moiety. By analysis of temperature and pH dependencies of the spectral change of the ternary complex, it was suggested that this conformational change may reflect the essential step for electron transfer from reduced adrenodoxin to the ferrous-dioxygen complex of cytochrome P-450scc.  相似文献   
Pheromone clouds sprayed by melon fly males were visually detected by focusing a beam of light at them during dusk when the males were vibrating their wings. The clouds were sprayed to the front, rear and upper sides of the male. We found that special morphological structures are used for spraying the pheromone clouds. When a male melon fly engages in calling behavior, sex pheromone droplets are excreted from his anus. This excretion is wiped off with the tarsus of his hind leg, and then it is deposited on the sexually dimorphic cubital cell hairs on the wing. During wing vibration, the targal bristles on the 3rd abdominal segment, which are peculiar to males, are rubbed against the specialized hairs of the cubital cell. Calling males sprayed clouds of pheromone with these actions. This paper was presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology (Kochi, April, 1988).  相似文献   
Summary We have identified and localized two incompatibility determinants (IncA and IncB) within a 1.3 kb segment of ColE2 sufficient for autonomous replication. The IncA determinant is localized in a region shorter than 250 bp and expresses incompatibility against both ColE2 and ColE3. The region which determines sensitivity to the IncA determinant seems to overlap with the region specifying the IncA determinant. The expression of the trans-acting factor(s) specifically required for replication of ColE2 interferes with expression of the IncA determinant against ColE2 but not against ColE3. The IncA determinant might be at least partly responsible for the copy number control of the plasmid. The IncB determinant is localized in a 50 bp region (origin) which is sufficient for initiation of replication in the presence of the trans-acting factor(s). The IncB determinant is specific for ColE2 and seems to be due to titration of the trans-acting essential replication factor(s) by binding.  相似文献   
We have cloned a 1.6-kb region of chromosomal DNA from Thermoplasma acidophilum into Escherichia coli using as a probe part of the Methanococcus vannielii fus-gene. The sequence of the clone was highly homologous to part of the corresponding Methanococcus vannielii gene. By chromosome walking, a 4.7-kb EcoRI fragment containing the complete gene was isolated. Nucleotide sequencing revealed an open reading frame of 2196 nucleotides. The deduced amino acid sequence contains the known peptide sequence around the ADP-ribosylation site of T. acidophilum elongation factor 2, which unequivocally confirms that the fus-gene has been cloned. The amino acid sequence was compared to that of hamster and E. coli, as well as to known archaebacterial EF-2 sequences.  相似文献   
It was found that there were only two cysteine residues in highly purified cytochrome P-450scc molecule from bovine adrenocortical mitochondria by titration with 5,5'-dithio-bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) in denatured conditions. Only one cysteine residue at position 303 of cytochrome P-450scc could be specifically modified with DTNB in the native state. The resulting cytochrome P-450scc-5-thio-2-nitrobenzoic acid complex (cytochrome P-450scc-TNB) showed no distinct differences in absorption spectra, cholesterol binding, or electron transferring from adrenodoxin, compared to those of untreated cytochrome P-450scc. These observations indicated that the 303rd cysteine residue does not play a role in heme binding, cholesterol (substrate) binding or adrenodoxin binding. The other cysteine residue at 461 could be modified with DTNB only in a denatured condition. These assignments of cysteine residues were made by the subsequent S-cyanylation with KCN followed by incubation in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride at alkaline pH, which causes enhanced cleavage of peptide bonds adjacent to the cyanylated cysteine residues. Analyses of fragmented polypeptides by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis confirmed that there were only two cysteine residues in the molecule and indicated that the cleavage rate of the peptide bond between 460 and 461 becomes high only when both cysteine residues (303 and 461) are cyanylated. These results clearly established that the 461st cysteine residue in cytochrome P-450scc plays a role as the heme fifth ligand on the basis of the general agreement that a thiolated cysteine residue coordinates to the heme iron.  相似文献   
Resonance Raman scattering experiments on CO-complexed cytochrome P-450scc from bovine adrenocortical mitochondria demonstrate the simultaneous enhancement of v(Fe-CO) stretching and bound v(C-O) stretching frequencies at 477 and 1953 cm-1, respectively. These assignments were made on the basis of frequency shifts with the isotope 12C18O. This unusually low v(Fe-CO) stretching frequency in cytochrome P-450scc, compared with other CO-complexed hemoproteins such as CO-hemoglobin and -myoglobin, is presumably due to the thiolate ligation to the heme iron trans to CO and due to the linear and perpendicular configuration of CO binding to the heme.  相似文献   
To study the virulence of Rhodococcus (Corynebacterium) equi, seven ATCC strains of different serotypes were tested for their LD50 in mice, clearance of the organism from the lungs and spleen following intravenous or intratracheal inoculation, and in vitro interaction with murine peritoneal macrophages. Strains ATCC 33704 and 33705 were virulent for mice and multiplied in the lungs and spleen, resulting in death of the animal in 5 days. The other five strains were avirulent for mice. The number of bacteria in the lungs and spleen of mice given these five strains decreased immediately. Pulmonary clearance of strains ATCC 33703, 33706, and 33707 was significantly more rapid than that of the virulent strains ATCC 33704 and 33705 12 hr after inoculation. Complete clearance of the avirulent strain ATCC 33707 occurred by day 14, while that of virulent ATCC 33704 and 33705 strains occurred by day 30. The virulent strains ATCC 33704 and 33705 were resistant not only to phagocytosis but also to intracellular killing by macrophages. Strains ATCC 33702 and 33706 were rapidly killed by macrophages although they were rather resistant to phagocytosis. Strain ATCC 33703 was easily phagocytized though resistant to killing by macrophages. The most avirulent strains, ATCC 33707 and 6939, were easily phagocytized and rapidly killed by macrophages. These results indicate that virulence appeared to be related to the ability of the organisms to resist clearance from the lungs and spleen and to resist phagocytosis and intracellular killing by macrophages.  相似文献   
Reduction of cytochrome P-450S21 (SF) (SF, substrate-free; purified from bovine adrenocortical microsomes) with sodium dithionite (Na2S2O4) in the presence of phenylisocyanide produced a ferrous cytochrome P-450S21 (SF)-phenylisocyanide complex with Soret absorbance maxima at 429 and 456 nm. On the other hand, when a preformed ferric cytochrome P-450S21 (SF)-NADPH-cytochrome-P-450 reductase (Fp2) complex was reduced chemically or enzymatically under the same conditions, the absorbance spectrum of the ferrous cytochrome P-450S21 (SF)-phenylisocyanide complex changed drastically, as characterized by an increase in absorbance intensity at 429 nm and a decrease at 456 nm. Similar spectral changes were observed by addition of reduced Fp2 to the preformed ferrous cytochrome P-450S21 (SF)-phenylisocyanide complex. Experiments to reduce a ferric cytochrome P-450S21 (SF)-phenylisocyanide complex with sodium dithionite in the presence of various amounts of Fp2 showed that; (1), the spectral change reached maxima for both absorption increase at 429 nm and decrease at 456 nm when cytochrome P-450S21 and Fp2 were previously mixed at the cytochrome P-450S21:Fp2 ratio of 1:5; (2), the spectral change was suppressed in 300 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). These results suggest that the absorbance spectral change is due to a conformational change around the heme moiety induced by association with reduced Fp2.  相似文献   
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