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The in vitro heat effect on protein characteristics of thermostable enzyme was examined using a cyclodextrin glucanotransferase (CGTase, EC from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus sp. B1001 as a model protein. The recombinant form of CGTase was obtained as an inclusion body from Escherichia coli cells harboring a plasmid which carried the B1001 CGTase gene (cgtA). CGTase was solubilized by 6 M urea, refolded, purified to homogeneity, and heat treated at 80 degrees C for 20 min. Enzyme characteristics were examined compared with those of unheated CGTase. Cyclization activity was increased by in vitro heat treatment, while hydrolysis activity was decreased. The heated and unheated CGTases were analyzed for structures by circular dichroism (CD). The near- and far-UV CD spectra indicated that the structure of unheated CGTase with low cyclization activity was different from that of heated CGTase with high activity. Differential scanning calorimetry of unheated CGTase showed two absorption peaks at 87 and 106 degrees C with increasing temperature. After heat treatment, the minor peak at 87 degrees C disappeared, suggesting that heat-dependent structural conversion occurred in CGTase. These results indicate that the thermal environment plays an important role for the protein folding process of thermostable CGTase.  相似文献   
An array of lipidic compounds that constitute the cell wall of mycobacteria is recognized by host receptors. Examples include trehalose dimycolate (TDM), which is a major surface-exposed glycolipid of mycobacteria, that interacts with the macrophage inducible C-type lectin, Mincle, and exerts its highly potent adjuvant functions. Recent evidence has suggested that glycerol monomycolate (GroMM), another mycolate-containing lipid species produced by mycobacteria, can stimulate innate immune cells; however, its specific host receptors have yet to be identified. We here demonstrated that cell transfectants expressing human Mincle (hMincle) reacted to both TDM and GroMM, while those expressing mouse Mincle (mMincle) only reacted to TDM and failed to recognize GroMM. Studies using domain swap chimeras confirmed that the ectodomain of hMincle, but not that of mMincle, interacted with GroMM, and site-directed mutagenesis analyses revealed that short stretches of amino acid residues at positions 174–176 and 195–196 were involved in GroMM recognition. To further substantiate the differential recognition of GroMM by hMincle and mMincle, hMincle transgenic/mMincle knock-out mice (i.e. hMincle+ mice) were established and compared with non-transgenic mice (i.e. mMincle+ mice). We showed that macrophages derived from hMincle+ mice were activated by GroMM and produced inflammatory cytokines, whereas those derived from mMincle+ mice did not exhibit any reactivity to GroMM. Furthermore, local inflammatory responses were elicited in the GroMM-injected skin of hMincle+, but not mMincle+ mice. These results demonstrated that GroMM is a unique ligand for hMincle that is not recognized by mMincle.  相似文献   
In bilateral shoulder flexion with the arms moving from the sides of the body to the horizontal level while standing, no preceding activation of the triceps surae (TS) with respect to focal muscles has been found. Considering that preceding activation would offer a useful indicator of anticipatory postural control, it was attempted to induce preceding activation by limiting the anterior displacement range of the center of foot pressure in the anteroposterior direction (CoPap). Subjects were 13 healthy young adults. The 50% anterior range of CoPap displacement caused by shoulder flexion was calculated, and the floor inclined by the subject’s weight when CoPap extended beyond that range. Subjects were instructed not to incline the floor during shoulder flexion. Under the limitation condition, the ankle and knee joints plantarflexed and extended at 1.1°, respectively, with no hip movement; that is, the whole body inclined backward by pivoting at the ankle. This limitation resulted in preceding muscle activation of TS as well as erector spinae and biceps femoris, and no significant differences in onset time were seen between these muscles. These results demonstrated that by limiting CoPap anterior displacement, preceding activation of TS could be induced with backward inclination of the whole body.  相似文献   
Though we recently found some reports on sterile sorting of natural killer cells (NK cells) by flow cytometer (FCM), which manifested cytotoxicity, no reports have concerned antineoplasticity of sterile NK cells on glioma cell lines and cultured surgical materials of brain tumor so far as we know. Monocytes were sampled from the peripheral blood of healthy adults, stained with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled antihuman monoclonal antibodies, and sorted by an FCM, which had been sterilized with 0.5% Hibitane alcohol solution. Over 95% of the cells obtained were NK cells, and their viability was disclosed to be 97% by the FDA staining. Using thus obtained NK cells, the antineoplastic effects were evaluated in 3 kinds of glioma cell lines and 5 surgical specimens by the microcytotoxicity test. The effects varied widely from 9 to 74% (E/T ratio 40) for glioma cell lines, and from 1 to 66% (E/T ratio 10-40) for surgical specimens. It is expected in the future to apply NK cells clinically using this sterile sorting technique.  相似文献   
The maternal transmission of Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) can be explained by the mitochondrial DNA mutation. However, the characteristic mode of inheritance, i.e. male predominance and reduced penetrance with late onset in females, suggests the simultaneous involvement of an X-linked gene in development of optic atrophy. We have assessed such a two-locus model of mitocnondrial and X-linked genes in Japanese LHON pedigrees. The goodness-of-fit test on individual male sibship data with a presumed heterozygous mother from maternal lines showed an excellent fit for the 1:1 segregation of a putative X-linked gene, thus supporting the two-locus model in the Japanese pedigrees tested. A calculated frequency of the X-linked gene was 0.10. We could not determine whether the present value is different from the reported one (= 0.08). On the other hand, the estimated penetrance for a heterozygous female was 0.196±0.039, which was about twice as high as the reported value (=0.111) with a 5% level of significance. Such a high penetrance may primarily arise from a low threshold of LHON manifestation, suggesting the ethnic difference between the LHON pedigrees in Japan and in other countries.  相似文献   
S-Adenosyl-L-methionine : scoulerine-9-O-methyltransferase (SMT)catalyzes the transfer of the S-methyl group of S-adenosyl-L-methionineto the 9-hydroxyl group of scoulerine during the biosynthesisof berberine. We have isolated functionally active cDNA clones(pCJSMTs) from a cDNA library prepared from cultured cells ofCoptis japonica. The longest cDNA insert (pCJSMT1) had an openreading frame that encoded 351 amino acids, but the calculatedmolecular mass (38,364 Da) of the deduced product was slightlylower than the experimentally determined molecular mass of purifiedSMT. Rapid amplification of the 5' end of the cDNA indicatedthat the full-length cDNA of SMT consisted of 1,458 nucleotidesthat encoded 381 amino acids. When the full-length cDNA wasexpressed in E. coli, the molecular mass of the expressed SMTwas greater than that of native SMT in Coptis cells. This resultsuggests that SMT might be produced in a pre-mature form andprocessed post-translationally. SMT was also found to exhibitsequence homology to other O-methyltransferases from plantsand N-terminal region of the SMT polypeptide appeared to benecessary for enzymatic activity. 1Present address: High Quality Life Research Laboratories, SumitomoMetal Industries, Ltd., 3-5 Hikaridai, Seika, Sourakugun, Kyoto,619-02 Japan 2Present address: Suntory Research Center, 1-1-1 Wakayamadai,Shimamoto, Mishima-gun, Osaka, 618 Japan 3Present address: Department of Cell Biology, The Scripps ResearchInstitute, La Jolla, CA 92037 U.S.A.  相似文献   
The gdhA gene encoding glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus sp. KOD1 was cloned and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis was performed on an alignment of 25?GDH sequences including KOD1-GDH, and two protein families were distinguished, as previously reported. KOD1-GDH was classified as new member of the hexameric GDH Family II. The gdhA gene was expressed in Escherichia coli, and recombinant KOD1-GDH was purified. Its enzymatic characteristics were compared with those of the native KOD1-GDH. Both enzymes had a molecular mass of 47 300?Da and were shown to be functional in a hexameric form (284?kDa). The N-terminal amino acid sequences of native KOD1-GDH and the recombinant GDH were VEIDPFEMAV and MVEIDPFEMA, respectively, indicating that native KOD1-GDH does not retain the initial methionine at the N-terminus. The recombinant GDH displayed enzyme characteristics similar to those of the native GDH, except for a lower level of thermostability, with a half-life of 2?h at 100°?C, compared to 4?h for the native enzyme purified from KOD1. Kinetic studies suggested that the reaction is biased towards glutamate production. KOD1-GDH utilized both coenzymes NADH and NADPH, as do most eukaryal GDHs.  相似文献   
A highly active nitric oxide reductase was purified from Paracoccus denitrificans ATCC 35512, formerly named Thiosphaera pantotropha, which was anaerobically cultivated in the presence of nitrate. The enzyme was composed of two subunits with molecular masses of 34 and 15 kDa and contained two hemes b and one heme c per molecule. Copper was not found in the enzyme. The spectral properties suggested that one of the two hemes b and heme c were in six-coordinated low-spin states and another heme b was in a five-coordinated high-spin state and reacted with carbon monoxide. The enzyme showed high cytochrome c-nitric oxide oxidoreductase activity and formed nitrous oxide from nitric oxide with the expected stoichiometry when P. denitrificans ATCC 35512 ferrocytochrome c-550 was used as the electron donor. The V max and Km values for nitric oxide were 84 micromol of nitric oxide per min/mg of protein and 0.25 microM, respectively. Furthermore, the enzyme showed ferrocytochrome c-550-O2 oxidoreductase activity with a V max of 8.4 micromol of O2 per min/mg of protein and a Km value of 0.9 mM. Both activities were 50% inhibited by about 0.3 mM KCN.  相似文献   
Several strains of mice were examined for antibody production after intranasal inoculation with a low virulence strain of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), MHV-NuU. C57BL/6N mice were shown to be high responders in the production of complement fixing (CF) antibody as compared to C3H/HeN, BALB/c-AnN, DBA/2N mice. F1 hybrids B6C3 and BDF1 from C57BL/6N mice, showed CF antibody responses as high as C57BL/6N, suggesting that high responsiveness is genetically controlled. All these mouse strains were able to produce high titred neutralizing antibody to MHV.  相似文献   
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