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In an attempt to evaluate taxonomic character of sugar composition of dermatophytes, the purified cell walls from 13 species are analyzed on neutral sugar composition by gas liquid chromatography. The results were principally compatible with those obtained by conventional morphological examination. Neutral sugar components of dermatophytes cell walls were mannose and glucose in the ratio of 1∶2.7 for Epidermophyton and 1∶1.4 for Microsporum. There were two types in Trichophyton, in which the ratios of mannose to glucose were 1∶1.6 and 1∶3.8. The cases of Trichophyton ferrugineum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes were exceptional. The ratio of the former was 1∶1.4, which implied the relation to Microsporum group, and the ratio of the latter was 1∶2.3, which was supposed to be the intermediate of two types of Trichophyton group. Albino type cell wall of Epidermophyton floccosum was more rich in glucose than pigmented type one.  相似文献   
DOCK proteins constitute a family of evolutionarily conserved guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) for Rho family of GTPases. Although DOCK family proteins do not contain the Dbl homology domain typically found in GEFs, they mediate the GTP–GDP exchange reaction through DHR-2 domain. Accumulating evidence indicates that the DOCK proteins act as major GEFs in varied biological settings. For example, DOCK2, which is predominantly expressed in hematopoietic cells, regulates migration and activation of leukocytes through Rac activation. On the other hand, it was recently reported that mutations of DOCK8, another member of the DOCK family proteins, cause a combined immunodeficiency syndrome in humans. This article reviews the structure, functions and signaling of DOCK2 and DOCK8, especially focusing on their roles in immune responses.  相似文献   
N-glycans of a recombinant mouse soluble Fc receptor II (sFcRII) expressed in baby hamster kidney cells were released from glycopeptides by digestion with glycoamidase A (from sweet almond), and the reducing ends of the oligosaccharides were reductively aminated with 2-aminopyridine. The derivatized N-glycans were separated and structurally identified by a three-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) mapping technique on three kinds of HPLC columns [Takahashi, et al. (1995) Anal. Biochem. 226: 139–46]. Eighteen different major N-glycan structures were identified, of which six were neutral (45%), five mono-sialyl (49%), one di-sialyl (4.6%), five tri-sialyl (1.1%), and one tetra-sialyl (0.3%). All N-glycan structures determined were complex type with fucosylation at the N-acetylglucosamine residue of the reducing end, and N-acetylneuraminic acid, when present, was -(2,3)-linked. The existence of a unique structure containing both N-acetylgalactosamine and -(2,3)-N-acetylneuraminic acid residues at the reducing ends, as below, was confirmed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.  相似文献   
We attempted to identify the genes involved in cellularsenescence, telomere maintenance and telomerase regulationthrough subtractive screening of cDNA libraries prepared froma human lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549 and its sublinesnamed A5DC7, CK and AST-9. Cell phenotypes of A5DC7, CK andAST-9 are normal cell-like, cancer cell-like and intermediate,respectively. These cell lines have different phenotypes interms of telomerase activity and telomere maintenance, andthus are thought to be useful for identifying the genesinvolved in cellular senescence and telomerase regulation. In this study, we identified 86 independent cDNA clones bysubtractive screening. Among these cDNA clones, subtractingA5DC7 cDNAs from A549 cDNAs and CK cDNAs gave 7 and 3 cDNAclones which highly and specifically expressed in tester celllines. Genes corresponding to these 10 cDNA clones mightparticipate in maintaining cancer-cell phenotypes. As aresult of database searching, each four of A549 specific cDNAclones are found to correspond to known cDNAs. Each two ofA549 specific and two of CK specific cDNA clones have highhomology to independent ESTs. Sequences having homology toeach one of A549 specific and one of CK specific cDNA cloneshave not been deposited in the Genbank database, indicatingthat these two cDNA clones are part of novel genes. Weanticipate that their involvement in telomerase regulationand/or senescence program can be clarified by functionalanalysis using each full-length cDNA.  相似文献   
Although ethanol and osmotic stress affect the vacuolar morphology of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, little information is available about changes in vacuolar morphology during the processes of wine making and Japanese sake (rice wine) brewing. Here, we elucidated changes in the morphology of yeast vacuoles using Zrc1p-GFP, a vacuolar membrane protein, so as to better understand yeast physiology during the brewing process. Wine yeast cells (OC-2 and EC1118) contained highly fragmented vacuoles in the sake mash (moromi) as well as in the grape must. Although sake yeast cells (Kyokai no. 9 and no. 10) also contained highly fragmented vacuoles during the wine-making process, they showed quite a distinct vacuolar morphology during sake brewing. Since the environment surrounding sake yeast cells in the sake mash did not differ much from that surrounding wine yeast cells, the difference in vacuolar morphology during sake brewing between wine yeast and sake yeast was likely caused by innate characters.  相似文献   
Autophagy-related degradation selective for mitochondria (mitophagy) is an evolutionarily conserved process that is thought to be critical for mitochondrial quality and quantity control. In budding yeast, autophagy-related protein 32 (Atg32) is inserted into the outer membrane of mitochondria with its N- and C-terminal domains exposed to the cytosol and mitochondrial intermembrane space, respectively, and plays an essential role in mitophagy. Atg32 interacts with Atg8, a ubiquitin-like protein localized to the autophagosome, and Atg11, a scaffold protein required for selective autophagy-related pathways, although the significance of these interactions remains elusive. In addition, whether Atg32 is the sole protein necessary and sufficient for initiation of autophagosome formation has not been addressed. Here we show that the Atg32 IMS domain is dispensable for mitophagy. Notably, when anchored to peroxisomes, the Atg32 cytosol domain promoted autophagy-dependent peroxisome degradation, suggesting that Atg32 contains a module compatible for other organelle autophagy. X-ray crystallography reveals that the Atg32 Atg8 family-interacting motif peptide binds Atg8 in a conserved manner. Mutations in this binding interface impair association of Atg32 with the free form of Atg8 and mitophagy. Moreover, Atg32 variants, which do not stably interact with Atg11, are strongly defective in mitochondrial degradation. Finally, we demonstrate that Atg32 forms a complex with Atg8 and Atg11 prior to and independent of isolation membrane generation and subsequent autophagosome formation. Taken together, our data implicate Atg32 as a bipartite platform recruiting Atg8 and Atg11 to the mitochondrial surface and forming an initiator complex crucial for mitophagy.  相似文献   
Oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) catalyzed by a bio-inspired iron porphyrin bearing a hanging carboxylic acid group over the porphyrin ring, and a tethered axial imidazole ligand was studied by DFT calculations. BP86 free energy calculations of the redox potentials and pK a’s of reaction components involved in the proton coupled electron transfer (PCET) reactions of the ferric-hydroxo and -superoxo complexes were performed based on Born–Haber thermodynamic cycle in conjunction with a continuum solvation model. The comparison was made with iron porphyrins that lack either in the hanging acid group or axial ligand, suggesting that H-bond interaction between the carboxylic acid and iron-bound hydroxo, aquo, superoxo, and peroxo ligands (de)stabilizes the Fe–O bonding, resulting in the increase in the reduction potential of the ferric complexes. The axial ligand interaction with the imidazole raises the affinity of the iron-bound superoxo and peroxo ligands for proton. In addition, a low-spin end-on ferric-hydroperoxo intermediate, a key precursor for O–O cleavage, can be stabilized in the presence of axial ligation. Thus, selective and efficient ORR of iron porphyrin can be achieved with the aid of the secondary coordination sphere and axial ligand interactions.  相似文献   
A set of homozygous diploid deletion mutants of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was screened for the genes required for tolerance to aliphatic alcohols. The screen identified 137, 122 and 48 deletion mutants sensitive to ethanol, 1-propanol and 1-pentanol, respectively. A number of the genes required for ethanol tolerance were those also required for tolerance to other alcohols. Numerous mutants with defective genes encoding for vacuolar H+ -ATPase (V-ATPase) were cosensitive to these alcohols. A global screening approach of yeast deletion library mutants was useful in elucidating the mechanisms of alcohol tolerance based on different lipophilicities.  相似文献   
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