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Reptiles have a wide diversity of sex-determining mechanisms and types of sex chromosomes. Turtles exhibit temperature-dependent sex determination and genotypic sex determination, with male heterogametic (XX/XY) and female heterogametic (ZZ/ZW) sex chromosomes. Identification of sex chromosomes in many turtle species and their comparative genomic analysis are of great significance to understand the evolutionary processes of sex determination and sex chromosome differentiation in Testudines. The Mexican giant musk turtle (Staurotypus triporcatus, Kinosternidae, Testudines) and the giant musk turtle (Staurotypus salvinii) have heteromorphic XY sex chromosomes with a low degree of morphological differentiation; however, their origin and linkage group are still unknown. Cross-species chromosome painting with chromosome-specific DNA from Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis) revealed that the X and Y chromosomes of S. triporcatus have homology with P. sinensis chromosome 6, which corresponds to the chicken Z chromosome. We cloned cDNA fragments of S. triporcatus homologs of 16 chicken Z-linked genes and mapped them to S. triporcatus and S. salvinii chromosomes using fluorescence in situ hybridization. Sixteen genes were localized to the X and Y long arms in the same order in both species. The orders were also almost the same as those of the ostrich (Struthio camelus) Z chromosome, which retains the primitive state of the avian ancestral Z chromosome. These results strongly suggest that the X and Y chromosomes of Staurotypus turtles are at a very early stage of sex chromosome differentiation, and that these chromosomes and the avian ZW chromosomes share the same origin. Nonetheless, the turtles and birds acquired different systems of heterogametic sex determination during their evolution.  相似文献   
In order to elucidate the stabilization mechanism of CutA1 from Pyrococcus horikoshii (PhCutA1) with a denaturation temperature of nearly 150 degrees C, GuHCl denaturation and heat denaturation were examined at neutral and acidic pHs. As a comparison, CutA1 proteins from Thermus thermophilus (TtCutA1) and Oryza sativa (OsCutA1) were also examined, which have lower optimum growth temperatures of 75 and 28 degrees C, respectively, than that (98 degrees C) of P. horikoshii. GuHCl-induced unfolding and refolding curves of the three proteins showed hysteresis effects due to an unusually slow unfolding rate. The midpoints of refolding for PhCutA1, TtCutA1 and OsCutA1 were 5.7 M, 3.3 M, and 2.3 M GuHCl, respectively, at pH 8.0 and 37 degrees C. DSC experiments with TtCutA1 and OsCutA1 showed that the denaturation temperatures were remarkably high, 112.8 and 97.3 degrees C, respectively, at pH 7.0 and that the good heat reversibility was amenable to thermodynamic analyses. At acidic pH, TtCutA1 showed higher stability to both heat and denaturant than PhCutA1. Combined with the data for DSC and denaturant denaturation, the unfolding Gibbs energy of PhCutA1 could be depicted as a function of temperature. It was experimentally revealed that (1) the unusually high stability of PhCutA1 basically originates from a common trimer structure of the three proteins, (2) the stability of PhCutA1 is superior to those of the other two CutA1s over all temperatures above 0 degrees C at neutral pH, due to the decrease in both enthalpy and entropy, and (3) ion pairs of PhCutA1 contribute to the unusually high stability at neutral pH.  相似文献   
A novel psychrotolerant, alkalitolerant bacterium, strain Ths, was isolated from a soil sample immersed in hot spring water containing hydrocarbons and grown on a chemically defined medium containing n-tetradecane as the sole carbon source. The isolate grew at 0 degrees C but not at temperatures higher than 45 degrees C; its optimum growth temperature was 27 degrees C. It grew in the pH range of 7-9. The strain utilized C(13)-C(30) n-alkane and fluorene at pH 9 and 4 degrees C. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the bacterium that utilizes a wide range of hydrocarbons at a high pH and a low temperature. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that strain Ths is closely related to genomic species 6 ATCC 17979 (99.1% similarity), genomic species BJ13/TU14 ATCC 17905 (97.8% similarity), genomic species 9 ATCC 9957 (97.6% similarity) belonging to the genus Acinetobacter and to Acinetobacter calcoaceticus JCM 6842(T) (97.5% similarity). DNA-DNA hybridization revealed that the isolate has 62, 25, 18 and 19% relatedness, respectively, to genomic species 6 ATCC 17979, genomic species BJ13/TU14 ATCC 17905, genomic species 9 ATCC 9957 and A. calcoaceticus, respectively.  相似文献   
We herein examine the effect of cardiac troponin T (CTnT) suppression in cultured chicken cardiomyocytes derived from embryonic cardiac ventricular muscle. TnT is an important protein participating in regulation of striated muscle contraction, but it is not clear whether TnT contributes to the formation of sarcomere structure in myofibrils. Double-stranded RNA homologous to the nucleotide sequence of CTnT (CTnT-siRNA) was introduced into cultured muscle cells two days after plating. Transfection efficiency was above 80%. Immunoblot analyses suggested that the expression of CTnT progressively falls for the three consecutive days after transfection, but partly reappears on the fourth day. Maximum suppression occurs three days after transfection, with almost invisible CTnT protein on immunoblots in all the examined conditions: 0.5-2 nmol CTnT-siRNA towards 1-3 x 10(6) cells. The suppression was specific to CTnT, and the other myofibrillar proteins such as myosin, connectin/titin, tropomyosin, alpha-actinin, and troponin I were all present in transfected cells. The following functional and morphological changes were detected in CTnT-suppressed cells. The population of beating cells decreased significantly after transfection, when compared to control cells. A part of CTnT-suppressed cells showed two non-overlapping types of morphological changes: 1) myofibrils presenting unusually long Z-Z intervals; 2) myofibrils with irregular small striations in cells not connected at their adhesion interfaces of a jagged-appearance. Thus, our results reveal that CTnT is important for stable beating in cultured ventricular muscle cells, and also to some extent, for maintaining myofibrillar structure and cell-to-cell adhesion.  相似文献   
N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V (GnT-V) catalyzes the addition of beta1,6-GlcNAc branching of N-glycans, which contributes to metastasis. N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase III (GnT-III) catalyzes the formation of a bisecting GlcNAc structure in N-glycans, resulting in the suppression of metastasis. It has long been hypothesized that the suppression of GnT-V product formation by the action of GnT-III would also exist in vivo, which will consequently lead to the inhibition of biological functions of GnT-V. To test this, we draw a comparison among MKN45 cells, which were transfected with GnT-III, GnT-V, or both, respectively. We found that alpha3beta1 integrin-mediated cell migration on laminin 5 was greatly enhanced in the case of GnT-V transfectant. This enhanced cell migration was significantly blocked after the introduction of GnT-III. Consistently, an increase in bisected GlcNAc but a decrease in beta1,6-GlcNAc-branched N-glycans on integrin alpha3 subunit was observed in the double transfectants of GnT-III and GnT-V. Conversely, GnT-III knockdown resulted in increased migration on laminin 5, concomitant with an increase in beta1,6-GlcNAc-branched N-glycans on the alpha3 subunit in CHP134 cells, a human neuroblastoma cell line. Therefore, in this study, the priority of GnT-III for the modification of the alpha3 subunit may be an explanation for why GnT-III inhibits GnT-V-induced cell migration. Taken together, our results demonstrate for the first time that GnT-III and GnT-V can competitively modify the same target glycoprotein and furthermore positively or negatively regulate its biological functions.  相似文献   
Protein 4.1G (4.1G) is a widely expressed member of the protein 4.1 family of membrane skeletal proteins. We have previously reported that Ca2+-saturated calmodulin (Ca2+/CaM) modulates 4.1G interactions with transmembrane and membrane-associated proteins through binding to Four.one-ezrin–radixin–moesin (4.1G FERM) domain and N-terminal headpiece region (GHP). Here we identify a novel mechanism of Ca2+/CaM-mediated regulation of 4.1G interactions using a combination of small-angle X-ray scattering, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and circular dichroism spectroscopy analyses. We document that GHP intrinsically disordered coiled structure switches to a stable compact structure upon binding of Ca2+/CaM. This dramatic conformational change of GHP inhibits in turn 4.1G FERM domain interactions due to steric hindrance. Based upon sequence homologies with the Ca2+/CaM-binding motif in protein 4.1R headpiece region, we establish that the 4.1G S71RGISRFIPPWLKKQKS peptide (pepG) mediates Ca2+/CaM binding. As observed for GHP, the random coiled structure of pepG changes to a relaxed globular shape upon complex formation with Ca2+/CaM. The resilient coiled structure of pepG, maintained even in the presence of trifluoroethanol, singles it out from any previously published CaM-binding peptide. Taken together, these results show that Ca2+/CaM binding to GHP, and more specifically to pepG, has profound effects on other functional domains of 4.1G.  相似文献   
The human α1A voltage-dependent calcium channel (Cav2.1) is a pore-forming essential subunit embedded in the plasma membrane. Its cytoplasmic carboxyl(C)-tail contains a small poly-glutamine (Q) tract, whose length is normally 4∼19 Q, but when expanded up to 20∼33Q, the tract causes an autosomal-dominant neurodegenerative disorder, spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6). A recent study has shown that a 75-kDa C-terminal fragment (CTF) containing the polyQ tract remains soluble in normal brains, but becomes insoluble mainly in the cytoplasm with additional localization to the nuclei of human SCA6 Purkinje cells. However, the mechanism by which the CTF aggregation leads to neurodegeneration is completely elusive, particularly whether the CTF exerts more toxicity in the nucleus or in the cytoplasm. We tagged recombinant (r)CTF with either nuclear-localization or nuclear-export signal, created doxycyclin-inducible rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) cell lines, and found that the CTF is more toxic in the cytoplasm than in the nucleus, the observations being more obvious with Q28 (disease range) than with Q13 (normal-length). Surprisingly, the CTF aggregates co-localized both with cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) and phosphorylated-CREB (p-CREB) in the cytoplasm, and Western blot analysis showed that the quantity of CREB and p-CREB were both decreased in the nucleus when the rCTF formed aggregates in the cytoplasm. In human brains, polyQ aggregates also co-localized with CREB in the cytoplasm of SCA6 Purkinje cells, but not in other conditions. Collectively, the cytoplasmic Cav2.1-CTF aggregates are sufficient to cause cell death, and one of the pathogenic mechanisms may be abnormal CREB trafficking in the cytoplasm and reduced CREB and p-CREB levels in the nuclei.  相似文献   
Background: For quantitative evaluation of masticatory ability of the elderly patients, there should be a simple and reliable method without special techniques and instruments. Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the validity and reliability of a visual scoring method for assessing masticatory performance. Materials and Methods: A 10‐stage scale for visually scoring was rated based on the range of the glucose concentration dissolved from comminuted jelly. Photographic images of comminuted jellies were produced as a standard material for each score. Fifty subjects were recruited as raters who graded the visual score for 50 photographic images of comminuted jellies on the screen of a lap‐top three times in random order. Results: There were strong correlations (rs = 0.911– 0.981, Spearman’s rank coefficient) between the actual scores determined from the glucose concentration and the visual scores graded by subjects in all three measurements. The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) of the inter‐rater reliability and the ICCs of the intra‐rater reliability of the visual scoring ranged from 0.946 to 0.947 and from 0.860 to 0.987 in three measurements, respectively. Conclusions: These results indicated that the visual scoring method was valid and reliable for evaluation of masticatory performance.  相似文献   
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