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The small phytoplankton genus Triparma belongs to the class Bolidophyceae and contains two distinct forms: silicified species and naked flagellated species (formerly Bolidomonas). Recent studies showed that four silicified species/strains (Triparma laevis f. inornata, T. laevis f. longispina, T. strigata, and T. aff. verrucosa) belong to a single clade that is paraphyletic, because it also contains an unclassified flagellated strain, and is sister to a flagellated species, T. eleuthera. In this study, we isolated and characterized two new strains of silicified species to test the phylogenetic unity of silicified bolidophytes. The isolates were identified as T. retinervis strains because they possessed fine areolation on the cell wall. 18S rDNA and rbcL phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that T. retinervis formed a new silicified clade that is sister to the flagellated species T. pacifica. This reveals that there are at least two distinct clades including both silicified and flagellated Triparma species.  相似文献   

Bio-based recycling systems and agricultural production using recycled materials are often evaluated separately. This study performs an environmental and socio-economic life cycle assessment (LCA) of a food waste treatment and spinach farming system in Japan. The environmental and economic tradeoffs of introducing a recycling system and the net environmental benefit of the substitution of market fertilizer considering operation changes are also examined.


Three scenarios were developed and compared. In the conventional (CV) scenario, food waste is collected, incinerated, and disposed of in landfill, and the farmer uses market organic fertilizer. The on-site composting (OC) scenario processes food waste using an on-site garbage disposer and transports compost to a nearby spinach farmer. Food waste in the centralized composting (CC) scenario is transported to a centralized composting facility and resultant compost is sent to the farm. Primary data were obtained from field experiments and interviews. Non-greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the field and nitrogen leaching to water systems were simulated using the denitrification–decomposition (DNDC) model.

The environmental LCA targeted climate change, eutrophication, and waste landfill. An input–output analysis estimated socio-economic indicators, namely gross added value and employment inducement effect.

Results and discussion

The scenario with the lowest impact is the CC scenario. Climate change and eutrophication impacts are highest in the OC scenario and waste landfill impacts are most significant in the CV scenario. The weighted impact by LIME2 can be reduced by 47% in the CC scenario and 17% in the OC scenario due to the recycling of food waste instead of dumping in the landfill. The difference in socio-economic indicators between the scenarios was relatively small, although the CV scenario encouraged more employment. The substitution effect of composting, as well as the environmental impact reduction of replacing market organic fertilizer with compost, will result in 28.7% of the avoided impacts in GHG emissions.


Both composting scenarios are feasible from an environmental and socio-economic perspective when compared with conventional organic production, although there is a tradeoff between waste landfill and GHG emissions for the on-site composting system. However, the OC scenario needs to save electricity to improve its environmental competitiveness with the CV scenario. When considering the substitution effect of composting, it is recommended to take into account that agricultural operation also changes.

The widespread lycaenid butterfly Tongeia fischeri is distributed from eastern Europe to northeastern Asia and represented by three geographically isolated populations in Japan. In order to clarify the phylogeographic history of the species, we used sequences of three mitochondrial (COI, Cyt b and ND5) and two nuclear (Rpl5 and Ldh) genes of 207 individuals collected from 55 sites throughout Japan and five sites on the Asian continent. Phylogenetic trees and the median-joining network revealed six evolutionary mitochondrial haplotype clades, which corresponded to the geographic distribution of the species. Common ancestors of Japanese T. fischeri might have come to Japan during the mid-Pleistocene by multiple dispersals of continental populations, probably via a land bridge or narrow channel between western Japan and the Korean Peninsula. The geographical patterns of variation of mitochondrial and nuclear markers are discordant in northeastern Kyushu, possibly as a result of introgressive hybridization during the ancient contact between the Kyushu and Shikoku populations in the last glacial maximum. The phylogeographic pattern of T. fischeri in Japan are probably related to the geological history, Pleistocene climatic oscillations and distribution of the host plant.  相似文献   
Erythropoietin (EPO), a type I cytokine originally identified for its critical role in hematopoiesis, has been shown to have nonhematopoietic, tissue-protective effects, including suppression of atherosclerosis. However, prothrombotic effects of EPO hinder its potential clinical use in nonanemic patients. In the present study, we investigated the antiatherosclerotic effects of helix B surface peptide (HBSP), a nonerythropoietic, tissue-protective compound derived from EPO, by using human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and human monocytic THP-1 cells in vitro and Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic spontaneous myocardial infarction (WHHLMI) rabbits in vivo. In HUVECs, HBSP inhibited apoptosis (≈70%) induced by C-reactive protein (CRP), a direct mediator of atherosclerosis. By using a small interfering RNA approach, Akt was shown to be a key molecule in HBSP-mediated prevention of apoptosis. HBSP also attenuated CRP-induced production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and matrix metalloproteinase-9 in THP-1 cells. In the WHHLMI rabbit, HBSP significantly suppressed progression of coronary atherosclerotic lesions as assessed by mean cross-sectional stenosis (HBSP 21.3 ± 2.2% versus control peptide 38.0 ± 2.7%) and inhibited coronary artery endothelial cell apoptosis with increased activation of Akt. Furthermore, TNF-α expression and the number of M1 macrophages and M1/M2 macrophage ratio in coronary atherosclerotic lesions were markedly reduced in HBSP-treated animals. In conclusion, these data demonstrate that HBSP suppresses coronary atherosclerosis, in part by inhibiting endothelial cell apoptosis through activation of Akt and in association with decreased TNF-α production and modified macrophage polarization in coronary atherosclerotic lesions. Because HBSP does not have the prothrombotic effects of EPO, our study may provide a novel therapeutic strategy that prevents progression of coronary artery disease.  相似文献   
Heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins (G proteins) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades involve vegetative hyphal growth, development of infection-related structure, colonization in host plant and female fertility in phytopathogenic ascomycete fungi. In this study, a heterotrimeric G protein β subunit (Gβ), GPB1, and MAPK, MPK1, were characterized from Fusarium sacchari (= Gibberella sacchari; mating population B of the G. fujikuroi-species complex). GPB1 and MPK1 showed high homology to known Gβ and Fus3/Kss1 MAP kinases of other filamentous ascomycetes, respectively. Disruption (Δ) of gpb1 suppressed hyphal branching and accelerated aerial hyphae formation in F. sacchari. Oppositely, disruption of mpk1 caused delayed aerial hyphae formation. These indicated that GPB1 regulates vegetative hyphal growth negatively, and MPK1 does positively in F. sacchari. Both Δgpb1 and Δmpk1 showed female sterility. Level of intracellular cAMP in Δgpb1 was lower than wild type. Exogenous cyclic AMP (cAMP) partially restored enhanced aerial hyphae formation. These suggested that abnormal hyphal growth was caused by depletion of intracellular cAMP in Δgpb1. cAMP has been reported to suppress development of perithecia in crossing between wild type strains. Thus, precise regulation of intracellular cAMP level via Gβ/MAPK is essential for normal hyphal growth and fertility.  相似文献   
The combination of ketamine and xylazine is a widely used anesthetic for laboratory animals. However, due to an abuse problem in Japan, ketamine has been specified as a narcotic since 2007. Instead of using ketamine, Kawai et al. reported an injectable formula with an equivalent effect to the mixture of ketamine and xylazine [11]. The mixture of 0.3 mg/kg body weight (b.w.) medetomidine (Med.), 4.0 mg/kg b.w. midazoram (Mid.), and 5.0 mg/kg b.w. butorphanol (But.) produced an anesthetic duration of around 40 min in outbred ICR mice. However, the anesthetic effect of the mixture for inbred mice strains remains unknown. Therefore, we examined anesthetic effects of the mixture of Med., Mid., and But. in the BALB/c and C57BL/6J strains. After intraperitoneal injection into mice, right front paw, left hind paw, and tail pinch reflexes as well as corneal and righting reflexes were observed. Every 5 min, we scored each reflex category as 0 for reaction or 1 for no reaction. As long as the total score was at least 4 out of 5, we considered the mixture as putting a mouse in a surgical anesthetic state. The mixture produced an anesthetic duration of more than 45 min in both strains of mice. These results indicate that the mixture of Med., Mid., and But. can be a useful and effective anesthesia for the BALB/c and C57BL/6J strains of inbred mice as well as outbred ICR mice.  相似文献   
Fractionated radiotherapy (RT) is widely used in cancer treatment, because it preserves normal tissues. However, repopulation of radioresistant tumors during fractionated RT limits the efficacy of RT. We recently demonstrated that a moderate level of long-term fractionated radiation confers acquired radioresistance to tumor cells, which is caused by DNA-PK/AKT/GSK3β-mediated cyclin D1 overexpression. The resulting cyclin D1 overexpression leads to forced progression of the cell cycle to S-phase, concomitant with induction of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying cyclin D1 overexpression-induced DSBs during DNA replication in acquired radioresistant cells. DNA fiber data demonstrated that replication forks progressed slowly in acquired radioresistant cells compared with corresponding parental cells in HepG2 and HeLa cell lines. Slowly progressing replication forks were also observed in HepG2 and HeLa cells that overexpressed a nondegradable cyclin D1 mutant. We also found that knockdown of Mus81endonuclease, which is responsible for resolving aberrant replication forks, suppressed DSB formation in acquired radioresistant cells. Consequently, Mus81 created DSBs to remove aberrant replication forks in response to replication perturbation triggered by cyclin D1 overexpression. After treating cells with a specific inhibitor for DNA-PK or ATM, apoptosis rates increased in acquired radioresistant cells but not in parental cells by inhibiting the DNA damage response to cyclin D1-mediated DSBs. This suggested that these inhibitors might eradicate acquired radioresistant cells and improve fractionated RT outcomes.  相似文献   
NF-κB signaling plays an essential role in maintaining the undifferentiated state of embryonic stem (ES) cells. However, opposing roles of NF-κB have been reported in mouse and human ES cells, and the role of NF-κB in human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells has not yet been clarified. Here, we report the role of NF-κB signaling in maintaining the undifferentiated state of human iPS cells. Compared with differentiated cells, undifferentiated human iPS cells showed an augmentation of NF-κB activity. During differentiation induced by the removal of feeder cells and FGF2, we observed a reduction in NF-κB activity, the expression of the undifferentiation markers Oct3/4 and Nanog, and the up-regulation of the differentiated markers WT-1 and Pax-2. The specific knockdown of NF-κB signaling using p65 siRNA also reduced the expression of Oct3/4 and Nanog and up-regulated WT-1 and Pax-2 but did not change the ES-like colony formation. Our results show that the augmentation of NF-κB signaling maintains the undifferentiated state of human iPS and suggest the importance of this signaling pathway in maintenance of human iPS cells.  相似文献   
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