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Eight diatom species (Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus Mang ., Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grun ., Skeletonema costatum ( Grev.) Cleve , Asterionella formosa Hass ., Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii Cleve , Detonula confervacea ( Cleve) Gran , Chaetoceros sp., and Nitzschia frigida Grun.) were isolated from various temperature environments ranging from temperate to the Arctic, and their growth responses to temperature were determined. Each species grew over a different temperature range. The lower and upper limits of each species varied from −1.8° to 20° C and from 2° to 30° C, respectively. The width of the growth range of each species. also varied from 3.8° to 25° C, and the growth of these species was observed, as a whole, between a wide temperature range from −1.8° to 30° C .
Within the growth temperature ranges, the growth rate of each species increased with temperature until reaching a maximum, which was followed by a steep decrease up to the upper limit of the growth range. As a result, each species showed a maximum rate at the temperature very near to the upper limit, which was generally higher than the isolation temperature. The specific growth rates were compared among the eight species. The interspecific maximum rate at each temperature exhibited an exponential increase with a Q10 = 1.48. The relative growth rates of each species were calculated by normalizing the specific growth rates with the interspecific maximum rate at each respective temperature. The higher relative growth rates tended to occur at the isolation temperature of each species, suggesting that temperature is a significant control on species distributions in nature .  相似文献   
Unique tissue distribution of a mouse macrophage C-type lectin   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
We examined mouse tissue for the expression of macrophage galactose/N-acetylgalactosamine-specificC-type lectin using a rat monoclonal antibody (mAb) specificfor this lectin (mAb LOM-14). The binding of mAb LOM-14 wasdetected in detergent extracts from tissue by means of immunoblottinganalysis. It was shown that this mAb did not cross-react withmouse hepatic lectins, a structural homologue. The macrophagelectin was widely distributed among various mouse tissues asjudged by the affinity isolation followed by the immunochemicaldetection. The exceptions were brain, liver, kidney, small intestine,and peripheral blood. Extracts from these organs exhibited,at best, very weak signals upon mAb LOM-14 binding, despitethe presence of cells expressing macrophage markers. The mostintense signal was observed in the extract from skin, suggestingthat cells expressing this lectin are abundant in skin. Thetissues shown to contain this lectin were further investigatedby immunohistochemical staining of the sections. Cells weredistributed in the connective tissue and in the interstice,particularly the dermis and subcutaneous layer of skin. Cellslocalized in the epithelium of skin (epidermis) or other epitheliathat we examined were not stained. Perivascular localizationof cells stained with mAb LOM-14 was also demonstrated in cardiacand skeletal muscle tissues. Immunoelectron microscopy revealedthe presence of this lectin along the rough endoplasmic reticulum.In conclusion, the distribution of C-type lectin specific forgalactose/N-acetylgalactosamine in mice was unique. The connectivetissue-specific distribution should provide important informationon the biological role of this lectin. lectin macrophage calcium-type lectin connective tissue  相似文献   
Seven different restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) at the N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase (GALNS) locus were analyzed using Southern blotting and polymerase chain reaction based techniques to search for the frequency of each RFLP produced by StyI, SphI, HaeIII, StuI, HapII, XhoI, and BamHI restriction endonucleases, respectively, in 36 mutant alleles, including two sibling cases and 100 normal alleles. Calculation of heterozygosity indexes showed that these RFLPs were polymorphic, ranging from 0.31 to 0.69 in mucopolysaccharidosis IVA (MPS IVA) patients compared with 0.21 to 0.65 in normal individuals. There was some significant difference in several RFLPs and in the combination with four kinds of RFLPs (SphI, StuI, HapII, XhoI polymorphisms). The normal alleles were composed of 13 different RFLPs haplotypes; the most common among the Japanese population carrying normal alleles was haplotype 8 (bDEF1) (31.3%), the others being dispersed. The same haplotype 8 was the most frequent in the mutant alleles (44.4%), with seven further haplotypes. These findings revealed the striking variety of polymorphic haplotypes in the MPS IVA gene. By using these five kinds of RFLPs, we examined the theoretical informativity of haplotype analysis in heterozygote detection in nine unrelated MPS IVA families and ten unrelated normal families. All the members of the MPS IVA families studied were diagnosed as a patient, carrier, or noncarrier. We propose that prenatal diagnosis or family analysis in cases in which mutations have not been characterized is now feasible.  相似文献   
When mt+ and mt gametes of Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiwere mixed, shedding of cell walls took place in both matingtypes during massive agglutination and/or pairing. This wascaused by a cell wall lytic factor that had been induced byflagellar agglutination and excreted into the medium by cellsconcurrently with their cell wall release. When glutaraldehyde-fixed gametes and isolated flagella of onemating type caused isoagglutination of live gametes of the othermating type, the live mt+ gametes induced the lytic factor andshed their walls, whereas none of the live mt did this.The cell walls of mt gametes were lost only when thelytic factor, which had been excreted by mt+ gametes into themedium, acted from the outside. These data imply that mt+ gametesare responsible for the induction of the lytic factor by agglutination,which acts on cell walls of both mating types either endogenouslyor exogenously. (Received February 28, 1978; )  相似文献   
A new type polyamide containing a glucose unit in the main chain has been synthesized by the polymerization of C1, C3, C4 blocked C6-carboxymethylglucosamine, prepared from chitin. The deblocking procedure gave the water-soluble polyamide, of MW 1.5 × 104, which can be regarded as a model for the recognition site of lectin.  相似文献   
The ability to form functionally active chloroplasts is determined at a certain early stage of leaf development in three non-allelic temperature-sensitive virescent mutants of rice. Temperature-shift analysis, together with anatomical observations, indicates that the intrinsic developmental signals of the virescent genes are expressed at the stage immediately following the formation of basic leaf structure, but just before the onset of leaf elongation. These signals control the expression of chloroplast-encoded genes but do not affect the subsequent morphological development of the leaf or the photo-regulation of the expression of nuclear genes encoding chloroplast proteins.  相似文献   
Summary Lipase was modified with several hydrophilic and hydrophobic synthetic polymers. The modified lipase was solubilized into chloroform by. The catalytic esterification activity of modified lipase increased linearly with the increase of its solubility in chloroform.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of ion-supplemented medium on peroxidase excretion from horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) hairy roots was studied. Supplementation of mannitol instead of ions revealed that the excretion was stimulated not by osmotic pressure in the medium but by ionic properties. Extracellular peroxidase activity per dry cell was proportionally correlated with the ionic strength of the cations. CaCl2 or MgCl2 was found to be the most effective agent for excretion among other combinations. CaCl2 supplementation at the beginning of the culture caused higher peroxidase production in the medium without a significant loss of final cell mass compared with CaCl2 addition during the culture. Repeated batch culture with 50 mM CaCl2 supplementation allowed a continuous retention of cell viability over 149 days and produced a great amount of extracellular peroxidase, 12-fold higher than that achieved in a 40-day-old batch culture with 50 mM CaCl2 supplementation. Correspondence to: T. Kobayashi  相似文献   
Bovine sera collected in various parts of Japan were subjected to seroepizootiological tests with bluetongue virus type 1 (BTV1), type 12 (BTV12), and type 20 (BTV20). All these viruses have been widely disseminated among cattle in the southern part of Japan in 1974. Relatively high incidences of neutralizing (NT) antibody against the three viruses were shown among cattle in the Kyushu district, including Okinawa Prefecture, or the southern part of Japan, but extremely low or incidences in Hokkaido, or the northern part of Japan. The incidence of reactors was higher in old animals. Cattle in Okinawa Prefecture showed a high rate of seroconversion for all the viruses during the summer of 1979. None of the animals seroconverted, however, manifested any sign of disease. Seroepizootiological investigation made it clear that BTV1, BTV12 and BTV20 had existed in Japan and that the epizootic of bluetongue virus infection started during a period from summer through early autumn.  相似文献   
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