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We investigated the oligomerization of solid valine and the stabilities of valine and valine peptides under conditions of high temperature (150–200 °C) and high pressure (50–150 MPa). Experiments were performed under non-aqueous condition in order to promote dehydration reaction. After prolonged exposure of monomeric valine to elevated temperatures and pressures, the products were analyzed by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry comparing their retention times and masses. We identified linear peptides that ranged in size from dimer to hexamer, as well as a cyclic dimer. Previous studies that attempted abiotic oligomerization of valine in the absence of a catalyst have never reported valine peptides larger than a dimer. Increased reaction temperature increased the dissociative decomposition of valine and valine peptides to products such as glycine, β-alanine, ammonia, and amines by processes such as deamination, decarboxylation, and cracking. The amount of residual valine and peptide yields was greater at higher pressures at a given temperature, pressure, and reaction time. This suggests that dissociative decomposition of valine and valine peptides is reduced by pressure. Our findings are relevant to the investigation of diagenetic processes in prebiotic marine sediments where similar pressures occur under water-poor conditions. These findings also suggest that amino acids, such as valine, could have been polymerized to peptides in deep prebiotic marine sediments within a few hundred million years.  相似文献   
Thermal stability was measured for variants of cytochrome c-551 (PA c-551) from a mesophile, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and a thermophilic counterpart, Hydrogenobacter thermophilus cytochrome c-552 (HT c-552), by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) at pH 3.6. The mutated residues in PA c-551, selected with reference to the corresponding residues in HT c-552, were located in three spatially separated regions: region I, Phe7 to Ala/Val13 to Met; region II, Glu34 to Tyr/Phe43 to Tyr; and region III, Val78 to Ile. The thermodynamic parameters determined indicated that the mutations in regions I and III caused enhanced stability through not only enthalpic but also entropic contributions, which reflected improved packing of the side chains. Meanwhile, the mutated region II made enthalpic contributions to the stability through electrostatic interactions. The obtained differences in the Gibbs free energy changes of unfolding [Delta(DeltaG)] showed that the three regions contributed to the overall stability in an additive manner. HT c-552 had the smallest heat capacity change (DeltaC(P)), resulting in higher DeltaG values over a wide temperature range (0-100 degrees C), compared to the PA c-551 variants; this contributed to the highest stability of HT c-552. Our DSC measurement results, in conjunction with mutagenesis and structural studies on the homologous mesophilic and thermophilic cytochromes c, provided an extended thermodynamic view of protein stabilization.  相似文献   
A series of 2-hydroxyarylidene-4-cyclopentene-1,3-diones were designed, synthesized, and evaluated with respect to protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) inhibition, mitochondrial toxicity, and antitumor activity. Our results show that the cyclopentenedione-derived TX-1123 is a more potent antitumor tyrphostin and also shows lower mitochondrial toxicity than the malononitrile-derived AG17, a potent antitumor tyrphostin. The O-methylation product of TX-1123 (TX-1925) retained its tyrphostin-like properties, including mitochondrial toxicity and antitumor activities. However, the methylation product of AG17 (TX-1927) retained its tyrphostin-like antitumor activities, but lost its mitochondrial toxicity. Our comprehensive evaluation of these agents with respect to protein tyrosine kinase inhibition, mitochondrial inhibition, antitumor activity, and hepatotoxicity demonstrates that PTK inhibitors TX-1123 and TX-1925 are more promising candidates for antitumor agents than tyrphostin AG17.  相似文献   
In cultures of Vibrio cholerae strains of Ogawa serotype, variant strains which had undergone serotype conversion from Ogawa to Inaba were identified. The rfbT genes cloned from the parent strains were found to produce a 31-kDa protein in the maxicell system, and to cause serotype conversion when introduced into E. coli cells expressing Inaba serotype specificity. On the other hand, rfbT genes cloned from the variant strains neither produced the 31-kDa protein nor caused serotype conversion. Nucleotide sequence of these rfbT genes as well as those of two clinical Vibrio cholerae strains of Inaba serotype revealed that mutations causing premature termination of their rfbT genes were invariably present in strains expressing Inaba serotype specificity. The result strongly suggested that genetic alteration of the rfbT gene is responsible for serotype conversion of Vibrio cholerae O1.  相似文献   
We describe methods for studying axo-dendritic projections, one of the forms of neural connection involved in the complex circuits of the central nervous system, including brainstem auditory pathways. This form of neural connection is often difficult to visualize by conventional tract tracing techniques. Retrogradely identified cells were filled intracellularly with a mixture of fluorescent Lucifer yellow and nonfluorescent HRP in live slice preparations to reveal the detailed morphological features of these cells with special attention to the distal dendrite that may receive projections from suspected or known input axons. Extracellular or intracellular labeling of cells with axons that project to the distal dendrite of the identified cells was accomplished in the same live slice preparation. Using a live slice rather than a fixed slice allows accurate, visually controlled placement of anterograde tracer, which requires living axons for transport, into the source of input to the identified cells within the slice. Live slices also permit one to characterize the identified cells electrophysiologically. Intracellular labeling of cells in a potential source of local input to the identified cells also provides conclusive information concerning with connections of the cells involved.  相似文献   
Carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity was detected in homogenatesfrom Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413, M-2 and M-3, but not inthe suspension of the intact cells. Activity was higher in cellsgrown in ordinary air (low-CO2 cells) than in those grown inair enriched with 2–4% CO2 (high-CO2 cells). Fractionationby centrifugation indicated that the CA from A. variabilis ATCC29413 is soluble, whereas both soluble and insoluble forms existin A. variabilis M-2 and M-3. The addition of dithiothreitoland Mg2 $ greatly decreased the CA activity of A. variabilisATCC 29413. The specific activity of the CA from A. variabilis ATCC 29413was increased ca. 200 times by purification with ammonium sulfate,DEAE-Sephadex A-50 and Sephadex G-100. Major and minor CA peaksin Sephadex G-100 chromatography showed respective molecularweights of 48,000 and 25,000. The molecular weight of the CAdetermined by polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis was 42,000?5,000.The activity of CA was inhibited by ethoxyzolamide (I50=2.8?10-9M), acetazolamide (I50=2.5?10-7 M) and sulfanilamide (I50=2.9?10-6M). (Received January 5, 1984; Accepted April 26, 1984)  相似文献   
The authors report a very rare case of pituitary adenoma producing both GH and ACTH. A 29-year-old female was admitted with obesity, amenorrhea, acromegaly, hirsutism, excessive pigmentation, acne, and diabetes mellitus. Computed tomography revealed an intrasellar tumor 16 mm in height, with a destroyed sellar floor. The blood concentrations of GH, ACTH and cortisol were increased (GH: 92 ng/ml, ACTH: 94 pg/ml, cortisol: 18.3 micrograms/dl). No diurnal variation in the amount of cortisol was observed. The urinary 17-OHCS was suppressed by 8 mg but not by 2 mg of dexamethasone. A subtotal adenomectomy was then performed through the transsphenoidal approach, which led to a sufficient reduction of both blood GH and ACTH (cortisol). Histologically the tumor was an acidophilic pituitary adenoma. Immunoperoxidase staining showed diffuse GH and sporadic ACTH producing cells, but failed to show any cells producing both hormones. The electron micrograms of neoplastic cells showed the ultrastructural characteristics of respective GH and ACTH cells. Another increase in both GH and cortisol, which occurred 19 months after the operation, has been controlled by bromocriptine administration. This case may be the first reported case of a pituitary adenoma producing both GH and ACTH, not accompanied by prolactin (PRL) hypersecretion, which has been fully confirmed endocrinologically and histopathologically.  相似文献   
Just recently, a pair of β-glycolipids was isolated from the cell membrane of Mycoplasma pneumoniae as a mixture of the two compounds. They are the major immunodeterminants of this pathogenic Mycoplasma and indicate high medicinal potential. They have a β-(1→6)-linked disaccharide structure close to each other; one has β-d-galactopyranoside (β-Gal-type 1) at the non-reducing terminal, and another has β-d-glucopyranoside (β-Glc-type 2). In the present study, the first stereoselective synthesis was conducted for each of the two β-glycolipids 1 and 2. 1H NMR and TLC-immunostaining studies of the synthetic compounds enable us to establish the absolute structures having the β-(1→6)-linked disaccharides at the glycerol sn-3 position.  相似文献   
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