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In the search for the photoreceptor in photocontrolled phycoerythrinformation, photoreversible absorption changes of chromoproteinsin vivo and in vitro were studied with the blue-green alga Tolypothrixtenuis. Neither intact cells nor crude extracts of soluble proteinsshowed any significant absorption changes which were reversiblyinduced by green and red light. However, the photoresponse wasobservable when the crude protein extracts were treated withthe chaotropic reagent guanidine-HCl (0.4 M, for 1 hr in thedark). Isolated phycocyanin and allophycocyanin also showedthe same photoresponse after the guanidine-HCl treatment. Thedifference spectrum (green minus red) of guanidine-HCl-treatedphycocyanin was almost identical with that shown by phycochromea of Bj?rn and Bj?rn (3), and the allophycocyanin showed thesame difference spectrum as those of phycochrome c of Bj?rnand Bj?rn and the photoreversible pigment isolated by Scheibe(7). Urea at a concentration higher than 1 M or alkaline incubation(pH 8.5) also showed the same effect. The results were interpretedas indicating that phycocyanin and allophycocyanin obtain theability for photoresponsiveness when their protein conformation,probably around the chromophore site, is modified. (Received October 30, 1978; )  相似文献   
Carotenoid photobleaching induced by photosystem II action wasstudied using membrane fragments of the blue-green alga Anabaenavariabilis. Special attention was paid to the action of O2. Carotenoid photobleaching elicited by carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone(CCCP) depended on O2. However, the addition of H2O2, sodiumsilicotungstate or potassium ferricyanide (Ferri), an electronacceptor for reaction center II action, removed the O2-dependency.These results indicate that O2 acts as the electron acceptorfor this reaction. When both CGCP and Ferri were present, a short illumination(0.25 sec) caused a rapid photobleaching followed by a slowrecovery in the subsequent dark period. The spectrum of theabsorption decrease in the light was identical with that ofthe absorption increase in the subsequent dark, indicating thata reversible process is involved in the carotenoid photobleaching.The size in the dark recovery relative to the light bleachingbecame larger under anaerobic conditions and smaller under higherpartial pressure of O2. The reuslts were interpreted as indicatingthat O2 does not function in the primary process including areversible bleaching step, but is involved in the slow and irreversiblebleaching process. (Received April 3, 1978; )  相似文献   
Summary Two extracellular -fructofuranosidases (E-1 andE-2) fromAureobasidium sp. ATCC 20524, producing 1-kestose (1F--fructofuranosyl-sucrose) from sucrose, were purified to homogeneity. Molecular weights of the enzymes were estimated to be about 304000 (E-1) and 315000 (E-2) Da by gel filtration. The enzymes contained 33% (w/w) (E-1) and 27% (w/w) (E-2) carbohydrate. TheK m values for sucrose ofE-1 andE-2 andE-2 were 0.34 and 0.28 M, respectively. were 0.34 and 0.28 M, respectively. The enzymatic profiles of these enzymes were almost identical to intracellular enzymesP-1 andP-2 except for the differences in carbohydrate content andK m values ofE-2 andP-2.  相似文献   
A fragment of the nifH gene was amplified from natural populations of Trichodesmium spp. and cloned into a maltose-binding protein (MBP) expression vector. The peptide product of the amplified 359-bp fragment of nifH was cleaved from the fusion protein, purified, and used to generate a specific antibody to the Fe protein of nitrogenase. The antiserum recognized the MBP-nitrogenase fusion protein and the cleaved nif peptide product but not MBP. The antibody cross-reacted with nitrogenase from natural populations of Trichodesmium spp. from the Caribbean Sea and with a cultured isolate from the Kuroshio waters (Trichodesmium sp. strain NIBB1067). The same nifH fragment was amplified, cloned, and sequenced from Trichodesmium sp. strain NIBB1067 and was found to be 98% identical at both the protein and DNA levels to nifH from the Caribbean populations. Three of the six nucleotide differences between the Trichodesmium sp. strain NIBB1067 and the Trichodesmium spp. nifH sequence had also been found in a second sequence from the natural populations, indicating either that there is more than one strain of Trichodesmium sp. in natural assemblages or that there are multiple copies of nifH in the genome. This DNA fragment, which is easily amplified with the polymerase chain reaction, may provide a good indicator of species relatedness without requiring extensive cloning or sequencing. Furthermore, the use of the polymerase chain reaction in combination with a MBP protein fusion vector provides a rapid method for production of highly specific sera, starting with a small amount of DNA.  相似文献   
Summary Locomotor activity of the male cricketGryllus bimaculatus DeGeer was recorded from the 7th or last (8th) instar nymph. The nymph showed a diurnal rhythm (nymphal rhythm = NR), while the adult, on the contrary, was nocturnal (adult rhythm = AR) (Fig. 1). This rhythm reversal occurred suddenly 3 to 5 days after the imaginal molt, almost simultaneously with the first spermatophore formation and the start of stridulation (calling song) (Fig. 2). In addition to the antiphase relationship, both rhythms also differed in the freerunning period (tau) and wave form. Tauscdd was significantly longer in NR (24.33 h) than in AR (23.91 h) (Fig. 3). AR was characterized by a sharp activity peak in each cycle, which NR, however, lacked (Fig. 1, 3, 6). On the basis of these differences, two possibilities are discussed; one is that NR and AR are separate oscillations and the other is that both are coupled to different phase points of one oscillation.Abbreviations LD light dark - DD constant darkness - LL constant light - NR nymphal rhythm - AR adult rhythm  相似文献   
The genetic resources of a particular species of flowering cherry, Cerasus jamasakura, have high conservation priority because of its cultural, ecological and economic value in Japan. Therefore, the genetic structures of 12 natural populations of C. jamasakura were assessed using ten nuclear SSR loci. The population differentiation was relatively low (F ST, 0.043), reflecting long-distance dispersal of seeds by animals and historical human activities. However, a neighbor-joining tree derived from the acquired data, spatial analysis of molecular variance and STRUCTURE analysis revealed that the populations could be divided into two groups: one located on Kyusyu Island and one on Honshu Island. Genetic diversity parameters such as allelic richness and gene diversity were significantly lower in the Kyushu group than the Honshu group. Furthermore, STRUCTURE analysis revealed that the two lineages were admixed in the western part of Honshu Island. Thus, although the phylogeographical structure of the species and hybridization dynamics among related species need to be evaluated in detail using several marker systems, the Kyusyu Island and Honshu Island populations should be considered as different conservation units, and the islands should be regarded as distinct seed transfer zones for C. jamasakura, especially when rapid assessments are required.  相似文献   
本研究通过方法学的改良和观察方式的创新试图阐明这种现象的原因.微卫星非传统的检测方法仅能实现微卫星定性检测,我所在的研究组开发了自动片段分析双荧光标识技术,提高了微卫星检测的感度和重复性,并实现了微卫星片段变化长度的定量.小于6碱基的微卫星变化被定义为修饰型微卫星不稳定,大于8碱基的变化被定义为跳跃型微卫星不稳定,它们的电泳谱截然不同.前者表现为在非肿瘤来源微卫星位点基础上的增加或减少,后者表现为距离非肿瘤微卫星片段远隔部位的新波形的出现.通过研究我们发现,在DNA错配修复缺陷细胞系及基因敲除大鼠自发肿瘤样本,仅有修饰型微卫星不稳定性检出;在人类DNA错配修复缺陷细胞系连续80次传代也没有检出跳跃型变化.跳跃型变化不能通过简单重复序列不稳定基础上的增加或减少的累加而获得.在76例散发大肠癌,我们检测了微卫星不稳定性,KRAS基因突变,并对高频度微卫星不稳定性病例的两个主要DNA错配修复基因MSH2和MLHl进行了全长测序.我们发现,在大肠癌,按频度的传统分类与按波形变化的分类有高度的一致性,高频度微卫星不稳定性病例均检测到跳跃型表现,低频度微卫星不稳定性都表现为修饰型变化.在12例高频度微卫星不稳定病例,有三例检出了跳跃型和修饰型同时存在微卫星不稳定的特殊表型,这3例均检出KRAS的突变,更有趣的是该3例病例也同时检出了DNA错配修复基因MLH1的变异.而在其他9例高频度微卫星不稳定病例,KRAS突变及MLH1、MSH2交变未检出.通过对突变谱的分析我们还发现,修饰型微卫星不稳定与KTAS基因12号密码子的转换型突变高度相关,而微卫星稳定的病例检出的KRAS基因12号密码子突变多为颠换型突变.修饰型微卫星不稳定表型检出的高频度转换突变可由DNA错配修复缺陷的分子背景解释.通过本研究,我们认为以波形为基础的微卫星不稳定新分型可能是解决目前微卫星研究领域矛盾的一个选项.一直公认为高频度微卫星不稳定性是"真正"的DNA错配修复缺陷表型,我们的研究提示实际上高频度微卫星的可能是多元的.修饰型微卫星不稳定与DNA错配修复缺陷直接关联,而跳跃型微卫星不稳定的原因尚未阐明.在高频度为微型不稳定中,携带修饰型变化的病例可以通过DNA错配修复系统缺陷来解释其病因.  相似文献   
Regulation of gonadotropin secretion and puberty onset by neuromedin U   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Neuromedin U (NMU), an anorexigenic peptide, was originally isolated from porcine spinal cord in 1985. As NMU is abundant in the anterior pituitary gland, we investigated the effects of NMU on gonadotropin secretion. Both NMU and its receptors, NMUR1 and NMUR2, were expressed in the pituitary gland. NMU suppressed LH and FSH releases from rat anterior pituitary cells. Moreover, NMU-deficient mice exhibit an early onset of vaginal opening. The LHbeta/FSHbeta ratio, which is an index of puberty onset, is high in young NMU-deficient mice. These results indicate that NMU suppresses gonadotropin secretion and regulates the onset of puberty.  相似文献   
It has recently been reported that expression of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) plays a protective role against many diseases. Furthermore, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were shown to induce HO-1 expression in several cells in vitro, and in a few cases also in vivo. However, very few reports have demonstrated that n-3 PUFAs induce HO-1 in vivo.  相似文献   
Temperature-induced changes in thermotolerance and protein composition were examined in heat-shocked cells and high-temperature-grown cells of the extremely thermophilic bacterium Rhodothermus obamensis. The survival at temperatures superoptimal for growth (90 and 95°C) was enhanced in both heat-shocked cells and high-temperature-grown cells relative to that of cells grown at optimal temperatures. In a comparison of protein composition using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, putative heat shock proteins (HSPs) and high-temperature growth-specific proteins (HGPs) were detected. N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis revealed that the putative HSPs were quite similar to the ATP-binding subunits of ABC transporters and the HGPs were proteins corresponding to domains II and III of elongation factor Tu. These results suggested that this extreme thermophile has developed temperature-induced responses that include increased survival under hyperthermal conditions, changes in protein composition, and also the production of novel HSPs.  相似文献   
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