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Summary Immunocytochemical studies were performed to describe the characteristics of cell types and their distribution in the pars distalis of Japanese long-fingered bat, Miniopterus schreibersii fuliginosus, collected at various stages of the reproductive cycle. Six distinct cell types have been identified in the pars distalis by the unlabeled immunoperoxidase technique and by the ABC method. Growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) cells were immunostained with antisera against chicken GH and ovine PRL. The GH-immunoreactive cells were round or oval orangeophilic cells distributed throughout the pars distalis with prominent aggregation in the posterolateral region. The PRL cells were pleomorphic carminophilic cells that occurred in small groups within the central and dorsocaudal regions of the pars distalis. They were sparsely distributed in the central region of the pars distalis in the hibernating bats, but increased significantly in the pregnant and lactating bats. The adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) cells were large round or polygonal amphophilic cells in the rostroventral and ventrolateral regions of the pars distalis. The thyrotropic (TSH) cells were small rounded or polygonal and distributed mainly in the ventrolateral region of the pars distalis. Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) cells were identified immunocytochemically with antisera against the specific beta subunits of ovine LH and rat FSH. There were two populations of LH and FSH cells, one aggregated in the zona tuberalis and the other scattered singly throughout the rest of the pars distalis. The aggregated cells were immunoreactive with both antisera directed to LH and FSH, while scattered cells were reactive solely with antiserum to either LH or FSH and exhibited seasonal variations. In females, the proportional volume of the pars distalis occupied by LH cells was significantly reduced during pregnancy and lactation. No evidence of involution was observed in pars distalis cells except for PRL cells in males or females during hibernation.  相似文献   
We tested the effect of oleic acid on oxidative phosphorylation and free fatty acid composition in rat brain slices simultaneously to investigate the relationship between the change in respiratory control ratio and the uptake of oleic acid in the brain mitochondria. The uncoupling of mitochondria was observed when the ratio of oleic acid to stearic acid in the free fatty acid fraction was nearly doubled, but was not recovered even by the addition of fatty acid-free bovine serum albumin. The data suggest that the intactness of oxidative phosphorylation of brain mitochondria is maintained by the precise control of the free fatty acid composition in the mitochondrial membranes.  相似文献   
Both Km and Vmax values of cytochrome c oxidase for cytochrome c were elevated in oleic acid-incorporated mitochondria, whereas the amount of oleic acid incorporated into submitochondrial particles was smaller than that into mitochondria and the fatty acid had little effect on the enzyme activity. The degree of change in the bulk membrane fluidity was, however, almost the same in mitochondria and submitochondrial particles. Solubilized cytochrome c oxidase was insensitive to the effect of oleic acid. Oleic acid may act as a modifier of the interaction between cytochrome c oxidase and membrane lipids.  相似文献   
Isolation of novel membrane-associated ATPases, presumably soluble parts of the H+-ATPases, from archaebacteria has been recently reported, and their properties were found to be significantly different from the usual F1-ATPase. In order to assess the relationship of the archaebacterial ATPases to the F1-ATPases and other known ATPases, the amino acid sequence of the alpha subunit of the ATPase from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, an acidothermophilic archaebacterium, was compared with the sequences of other ATPases. The gene encoding its alpha subunit was cloned from the genomic library of S. acidocaldarius, and the nucleotide sequence was determined. The 591-amino acid sequence deduced from the nucleotide sequence contains a small number of short stretches that shows sequence similarity to the alpha and beta subunits of F1-ATPase. However, the overall similarity is too weak to consider it to be a typical member of the F1-ATPase family when the highly conserved sequences of the F1-ATPase subunits among various organisms are taken into account. Moreover, most of these stretches overlap the consensus sequences that are commonly found in some nucleotide-binding proteins. There is no significant sequence similarity to the ion-translocating ATPases, which form phosphorylated intermediates, such as animal Na+,K+-ATPases. Thus, the S. acidocaldarius ATPase and probably other archaebacterial ATPases also appear to belong to a new group of ion-translocating ATPases that has only a distant relationship to F1-ATPase.  相似文献   
A definite cytotoxic activity was developed in a BALB/c (H-2d) anti-DBA/2 primary mixed leukocyte culture (MLC), which received interleukin 2 (IL-2) on day 3 of culture. This cytotoxic activity was minor histocompatibility antigens (MIHA)-specific at the stimulator level, and was not developed in a syngeneic (BALB/c anti-BALB/c) MLC. The addition of IL-2 on day 3 of culture was crucial; no or very weak cytotoxic activity was developed in MLC receiving IL-2 on day 0 or on both day 0 and day 3. Only appropriate MIHA-allogeneic tumor cells were lysed as the target of the cytotoxic activity. The cytotoxic activity seemed MIHA-specific also at the target level; it lysed tumor cells of DBA/2 mouse origin but not those of BALB/c (syngeneic) origin. Phenotypes of the cytotoxic effector cell were Thy-1+ Lyt-2+. We concluded from these results that MIHA-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) were generated in the MIHA-allogeneic primary MLC. In this newly developed system, we studied genetic and antigenic requirements for primary anti-MIHA CTL responses in vitro. We demonstrated; among spleen cells (SC) of seven B10 H-2-congenic strains only SC of B10.D2 strain whose major histocompatibility complex (MHC) (H-2d) was compatible with the responder MHC effectively stimulated responder BALB/c (H-2d) SC for an anti-MIHA (DBA-C57BL-common) CTL response. Similarly, only SC of two out of seven C x B recombinant inbred strains (C x B.H and C x B.D), which were compatible at the MHC with responder SC, activated responder BALB/c SC for the response. The possibility that cells responding to H-2 alloantigens suppressed the anti-MIHA response was ruled out. Additional experiments showed that compatibility at the H-2K-end or the H-2D-end of the MHC was sufficient for a definite anti-MIHA response. These provided formal evidence that primary anti-MIHA CTL responses in vitro were MHC-restricted at the stimulator level. We then showed that sonication-disrupted SC or Sephadex G-10 column-passed nonadherent SC failed to stimulate responder SC for a primary anti-MIHA CTL response, whereas G-10-passed nonadherent SC responded well to adherent stimulator cells. Further study demonstrated that Ia+ adherent cells were the most active cell type as stimulator. Finally, we confirmed that the primary anti-MIHA CTL responses to adherent stimulator cells was MHC-restricted.  相似文献   
The hst gene was originally identified in surgically obtained human gastric mucosae as a transforming gene which could transform NIH3T3 cells morphologically. The hst cDNA clone was synthesized from mRNA of one of the NIH3T3 transformants. A human leukocyte genomic library was screened with this cDNA clone, and an hst genomic fragment was obtained. This genomic fragment itself had transforming activity, and the protein coding sequences were proved to be completely identical to those of the cDNA clone prepared from mRNA of the NIH3T3 transformant. This fact suggests that rearrangement or other structural alterations in the coding sequence are not required for the activation of the hst gene. The predicted hst protein consists of 206 amino acids and has a significant homology (40-50%) to fibroblast growth factors and int-2 protein. They together make up a new superfamily of growth factors and transforming genes.  相似文献   
The protective effect of heat-killed Lactobacillus casei (LC) against murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) infection was examined. ICR mice treated once with LC 1 day or 2 days before challenge survived lethal infection, but untreated or Lactobacillus fermentum (LF)-treated mice did not. The protective effect was evidenced by an increase in plaque-forming units (PFU) per 50% lethal dose (LD50) and a decrease in titers of infectious viruses replicated in the target organs. This was further confirmed by severity of histopathological damage to the target organs, especially the liver. LC neither inactivated MCMV nor inhibited its replication in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF). The spleen cells from LC-treated mice inhibited its replication in MEF on co-cultivation. Augmentation by LC of splenic natural killer (NK) cell activity correlated with survival of mice from otherwise lethal MCMV infection. Cytotoxic activity of peritoneal cells and level of serum interferon (IFN) were elevated after MCMV infection, but they were not associated with survival of mice nor with treatment of LC. The protective effect of LC was not clear in NK-deficient beige mutant (bgJ/bgJ) mice, when compared with that in their littermate (bgJ/+) mice. Poor protection of bgJ/bgJ mice by LC treatment correlated with failure to induce NK cell activity by LC treatment in the mutant mice. Thus, it is likely that LC protects mice from MCMV infection by augmentation of NK cell activity.  相似文献   
Summary The distribution and development of serotonin-and RFamide-like immunoreactivities in the nervous system of Chaetognatha, Paraspadella gotoi, were examined in whole-mount preparations. In adults, a single serotonin-like immunoreactive (5HTLI) neuron and numerous RFamide-like immunoreactive (RFaLI) neurons were found in the central nervous system. Based on the structure of the fins, hooks, and eyes, seven postembryonic developmental stages were recognized. The most obvious features of the stages are: stage 1, newly hatched young; stage 2, elongation of a continuous lateral tail fin; stage 3, separation of the lateral and tail fins; stage 4, appearance of hooks; stage 5, pigmentation of eyes, stage 6, attachment by tail adhesive fins; stage 7, prey capture. Stage 1 did not show any immunoreactivity. The 5HTLI neuron first appeared at stage 4 and its axonal pathway became similar to the adult at stage 6. On the other hand, the RFaLI neurons appeared at stage 3 in the ventral ganglion. Some of their somata disappeared at stage 5 and the neuronal architecture resembled the adult at stage 7 although the RFaLI neurons in the cerebral ganglion were complete at the juvenile stage.We are sad to announce that Dr. M. Yoshida died on 29 October 1988  相似文献   
The effect of regucalcin, isolated from rat liver cytosol, on neutral proteolytic activity in the hepatic cytosol was investigated. The Ca2+-requiring proteinase required 5–10 µM Ca2+ for maximal activity in the presence of a protein substrate (globin). The proteinase activity was markedly elevated by the addition of regucalcin (0.25–2.0 µM) in the absence or presence of Ca2+ (5.0 µM) added. The effect of regucalcin, however, was the greater in the absence of Ca2+ than that in the presence. The pronounced effect of regucalcin on the proteinase activity was also seen in the presence of 1.0 mM EGTA with or without Ca2+ (5.0 µM). In the absence of Ca2+, the regucalcin-increased proteinase activity was clearly inhibited by the presence of anti-regucalcin antiserum (diluted to 240-fold), leupeptin (20 and 200 µg/ml), and heavy metals (25 µM cadmium or 25 µM zinc), although the inhibition was not complete at the concentration used. The present findings suggest that regucalcin increases proteolytic activity in rat liver cytosol, and that regucalcin may activate Ca2+-independent neutral cysteinyl-proteinase.  相似文献   
RFP is a DNA binding protein associated with the nuclear matrix.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
We reported that the RFP gene encodes a protein with putative zinc finger domains and was involved in the activation of the ret proto-oncogene. To further characterize the RFP protein, we developed a polyclonal antibody against the product synthesized from a fragment of the RFP cDNA expressed in Escherichia coli. Western blot analysis showed that RFP was identified as a 58 kDa protein in cell lysates from four human and rodent cell lines and from mouse testis. In addition, a unique 68 kDa protein was detected in the testis. Using AH7974 (rat ascites hepatoma) and Raji (human Burkitt lymphoma) cells, we demonstrated strong association of RFP with the nuclear matrix. Furthermore, RFP solubilized from the nuclear matrix had DNA-binding activity although it appears to bind more preferentially to double-stranded DNA than to single-stranded DNA. These results thus suggest that RFP may play a role in molecular processes which occur in the nuclear matrix.  相似文献   
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