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Although an association between chilling tolerance and aquaporinshas been reported, the exact mechanisms involved in this relationshipremain unclear. We compared the expression profiles of aquaporingenes between a chilling-tolerant and a low temperature-sensitiverice variety using real-time PCR and identified seven genesthat closely correlated with chilling tolerance. Chemical treatmentexperiments, by which rice plants were induced to lose theirchilling tolerance, implicated the PIP1 (plasma membrane intrinsicprotein 1) subfamily member genes in chilling tolerance. Ofthese members, changes in expression of the OsPIP1;3 gene suggestedthis to be the most closely related to chilling tolerance. AlthoughOsPIP1;3 showed a much lower water permeability than membersof the OsPIP2 family, OsPIP1;3 enhanced the water permeabilityof OsPIP2;2 and OsPIP2;4 when co-expressed with either of theseproteins in oocytes. Transgenic rice plants (OE1) overexpressingOsPIP1;3 showed an enhanced level of chilling tolerance andthe ability to maintain high OsPIP1;3 expression levels underlow temperature treatment, similar to that of chilling-tolerantrice plants. We assume that OsPIP1;3, constitutively overexpressedin the leaf and root of transgenic OE1 plants, interacts withmembers of the OsPIP2 subfamily, thereby improving the plants’water balance under low temperatures and resulting in the observedchilling tolerance of the plants.  相似文献   
The activation of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 leading to the formation of wrinkle and sagging of skin is an essential step in the skin photoaging on exposure to ultraviolet A (UVA). This study attempted to elucidate the role of peroxidized cholesterol including cholesterol hydroperoxides (Chol-OOHs), primary products of lipid peroxidation in biomembranes, in MMP-9 activation and the effect of dietary beta-carotene in MMP-9 activation. Hairless mice were subjected to periodic UVA irradiation for 8 weeks. The amount of peroxidized cholesterol detected as total hydroxycholesterol in the skin was increased significantly by the exposure. The activity and protein level of MMP-9 were elevated with wrinkling and sagging formation. MMP-9 activity was also enhanced by the intracutaneous injection of Chol-OOHs into the mouse skin. Adding beta-carotene to the diet of the mice during the period of irradiation suppressed the activity and expression of MMP-9 as well as the wrinkling and sagging formation. The amount of cholesterol 5alpha-hydroperoxide, a singlet molecular oxygen oxygenation-specific peroxidized cholesterol, was significantly lowered by the addition of beta-carotene to the diet. These results strongly suggest that Chol-OOHs formed on exposure to UVA contribute to the expression of MMP-9, resulting in photoaging. Dietary beta-carotene prevents the expression of MMP-9, at least partly, by inhibiting photodynamic action involved in the formation of Chol-OOHs.  相似文献   
The adhesin pertactin (Prn) is one of the major virulence factors of Bordetella pertussis, the etiological agent of whooping cough. However, a significant prevalence of Prn-deficient (Prn(-)) B. pertussis was observed in Japan. The Prn(-) isolate was first discovered in 1997, and 33 (27%) Prn(-) isolates were identified among 121 B. pertussis isolates collected from 1990 to 2009. Sequence analysis revealed that all the Prn(-) isolates harbor exclusively the vaccine-type prn1 allele and that loss of Prn expression is caused by 2 different mutations: an 84-bp deletion of the prn signal sequence (prn1ΔSS, n = 24) and an IS481 insertion in prn1 (prn1::IS481, n = 9). The frequency of Prn(-) isolates, notably those harboring prn1ΔSS, significantly increased since the early 2000s, and Prn(-) isolates were subsequently found nationwide. Multilocus variable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) revealed that 24 (73%) of 33 Prn(-) isolates belong to MLVA-186, and 6 and 3 Prn(-) isolates belong to MLVA-194 and MLVA-226, respectively. The 3 MLVA types are phylogenetically closely related, suggesting that the 2 Prn(-) clinical strains (harboring prn1ΔSS and prn1::IS481) have clonally expanded in Japan. Growth competition assays in vitro also demonstrated that Prn(-) isolates have a higher growth potential than the Prn(+) back-mutants from which they were derived. Our observations suggested that human host factors (genetic factors and immune status) that select for Prn(-) strains have arisen and that Prn expression is not essential for fitness under these conditions.  相似文献   


There is an increasing need for animal disease models for pathophysiological research and efficient drug screening. However, one of the technical barriers to the effective use of the models is the difficulty of non-invasive and sequential monitoring of the same animals. Micro-CT is a powerful tool for serial diagnostic imaging of animal models. However, soft tissue contrast resolution, particularly in the brain, is insufficient for detailed analysis, unlike the current applications of CT in the clinical arena. We address the soft tissue contrast resolution issue in this report.


We performed contrast-enhanced CT (CECT) on mouse models of experimental cerebral infarction and hepatic ischemia. Pathological changes in each lesion were quantified for two weeks by measuring the lesion volume or the ratio of high attenuation area (%HAA), indicative of increased vascular permeability. We also compared brain images of stroke rats and ischemic mice acquired with micro-CT to those acquired with 11.7-T micro-MRI. Histopathological analysis was performed to confirm the diagnosis by CECT.

Principal Findings

In the models of cerebral infarction, vascular permeability was increased from three days through one week after surgical initiation, which was also confirmed by Evans blue dye leakage. Measurement of volume and %HAA of the liver lesions demonstrated differences in the recovery process between mice with distinct genetic backgrounds. Comparison of CT and MR images acquired from the same stroke rats or ischemic mice indicated that accuracy of volumetric measurement, as well as spatial and contrast resolutions of CT images, was comparable to that obtained with MRI. The imaging results were also consistent with the histological data.


This study demonstrates that the CECT scanning method is useful in rodents for both quantitative and qualitative evaluations of pathologic lesions in tissues/organs including the brain, and is also suitable for longitudinal observation of the same animals.  相似文献   
CO2 uptake and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured under non-photorespiratory conditions in leaves from 14 plant species. The rate of CO2-dependent electron transport (JCO2) was calculated as four times rate of gross photosynthesis. The quantum yield of electron transport in photosystem II was estimated from the ratio delta F/Fm', where delta F is the difference between steady-state and maximal fluorescence in the light. As photon flux density (PFD) increased, JCO2 increased linearly first, and then reached saturation. The product (delta F/Fm')PFD, which is a function of electron transport rate, showed a similar response. Therefore, the relationship between (delta F/Fm') PFD versus JCO2 was proportional. However, under high light, a linear correlation was not always maintained. Factors affecting the linear correlation were analyzed by measuring CO2 uptake and chlorophyll fluorescence under illumination from either the upper (adaxial) or lower (abaxial) leaf surface, and by using plants with anatomically symmetric leaves having palisade tissues on both sides. Consequently, it was shown that the parameter delta F/Fm' is based on chlorophyll fluorescence emitted from chloroplasts present near the illuminated surface. Further, it was suggested that this restriction of the origin of fluorescence actually measured is significant in a leaf with high chlorophyll content, resulting in the deviation from linearity in the relationship between JCO2 and (delta F/Fm')PFD.  相似文献   
The role of aquaporin RWC3 in drought avoidance in rice   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Although the discovery of aquaporins in plants has resulted in a paradigm shift in the understanding of plant water relations, the relationship between aquaporins and drought resistance still remains elusive. From an agronomic viewpoint, upland rice is traditionally considered as showing drought avoidance. In the investigation of different morphological and physiological responses of upland rice (Oryza sativa L. spp indica cv. Zhonghan 3) and lowland rice (O. sativa L. spp japonica cv. Xiushui 63) to water deficit, we observed young leaf rolling and the remarkable decline of cumulative transpiration in the upland rice. The expression of water channel protein RWC3 mRNA was increased in upland rice at the early response (up to 4 h) to the 20% polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 treatment, whereas there was no significant expression changes in lowland rice. Protein levels were increased in upland rice and decreased in lowland rice at 10 h after the water deficit. The up-regulation of RWC3 in upland rice fits well with the knowledge that upland rice adopts the mechanism of drought avoidance. The physiological significance of this RWC3 up-regulation was then explored with the over-expression of RWC3 in transgenic lowland rice (O. sativa L. spp japonica cv. Zhonghua 11) controlled by a stress-inducible SWPA2 promoter. Compared to the wild-type plant, the transgenic lowland rice exhibited higher root osmotic hydraulic conductivity (Lp), leaf water potential and relative cumulative transpiration at the end of 10 h PEG treatment. These results indicated that RWC3 probably played a role in drought avoidance in rice.  相似文献   
During inhalation of allergens and experimental sepsis, formation of brominated tyrosine has been reported. In this study, we first examined the immunogenicity of brominated protein prepared by treatment of N-bromosuccinimide (NBS). The immunized serum obtained reacted with brominated bovine serum albumin (BSA). The NBS dose-dependent formation of immunoreactivity, which was estimated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, was observed, and the increase coincided with 3,5-dibromotyrosine (DiBrY) formation in the modified BSA, which was chemically determined by liquid chromatography/quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). Second, by use of immunized mice, monoclonal antibodies to the brominated one were prepared. The two established novel monoclonal antibodies obtained from the immunized mice reacted with DiBrY, 3,5-dichlorotyrosine (DiClY), and 3,5-diiodotyrosine (DiIY). Moreover, 3,5-dihalo-4-hydroxybenzoic acids (3,5-dichloro-4-hydroxybenzoic acid and 3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxybenzoic acid) were recognized by these antibodies. These results suggest that dihalogenated tyrosines (DiBrY, DiClY, and DiIY) are the epitopes. Lastly, we used the antibody in an immunohistochemical study. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was intraperitoneally administered to mice, and livers were removed. Positive staining of LPS-treated mouse liver tissues by both the anti-dihalotyrosine antibody and anti-myeloperoxidase antibody was estimated, suggesting that inflammatory tissue damage induces the formation of dihalotyrosine in vivo.  相似文献   
We examined population dynamics in a mixed culture of clonally related macrolide-resistant and -susceptible Helicobacter pylori strains isolated from a single patient. The resistant strain had a macrolide resistance-conferring A2143G mutation in the 23S rRNA gene. The growth rate of these two strains did not apparently differ when cultured separately. On the other hand, by conducting sequential passage of a mixed culture of the resistant and the susceptible strains, the ratio of the resistant strain to the susceptible strain in the culture typically decreased per passage, indicating that the resistance imposed a significant disadvantage on bacterial fitness in the population.  相似文献   
It has been proposed that plasma low density lipoproteins (LDL) undergo oxidative modification before they can produce foam cells in atherosclerosis. The oxidation of LDL generates a variety of reactive aldehydic products, which covalently bind to the LDL apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB). In the present study, to investigate the mechanisms contributing to the modification of LDL, we analyzed oxidized cholesteryl esters generated during the autoxidation of LDL and characterized their covalent binding to the lysine residues of LDL apoB. In addition, we raised a monoclonal antibody specific to a lysine-bound oxidized cholesteryl ester and determined its production in human atherosclerotic lesions. The peroxidation of LDL with Cu2+ produced 9-oxononanoylcholesterol (9-ONC) and 5-oxovaleroylcholesterol as the major oxidized cholesteryl esters. We observed that the levels of 9-ONC and 5-oxovaleroylcholesterol peaked at 12 h and significantly decreased thereafter. The reduction of the core aldehyde levels was accompanied by (i) the formation of free 7-ketocholesterol and 7-ketocholesteryl ester core aldehydes and (ii) an increase in the amounts of apoB-bound cholesterol and 7-ketocholesterol, suggesting that the cholesteryl ester core aldehydes were further converted to their 7-ketocholesterol- and apoB-bound derivatives. To detect the protein-bound 9-ONC, we raised the monoclonal antibody 2A81, directed against 9-ONC-modified protein, and found that it extensively recognized protein-bound cholesteryl ester core aldehydes. Agarose gel electrophoresis followed by immunoblot analysis of the oxidized LDL clearly demonstrated the formation of antigenic structures. Furthermore, immunohistochemical analysis of the atherosclerotic lesions from the human aorta showed that immunoreactive materials with mAb 2A81 were indeed present in the lesions, in which the intense immunoreactivity was mainly located in the macrophage-derived foam cells and the thickening neointima of the arterial walls. The results of this study suggest that the binding of cholesteryl ester core aldehydes to LDL might represent the process common to the oxidative modification of lipoproteins.  相似文献   
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