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A survey was conducted to evaluate the number of tree-hole breeding mosquito species and their distribution in the six principal woodland types in Israel. Out of approximately 3,000 mature trees examined, only 38 contained holes that retained water for extended periods of time, and breeding mosquitoes were observed in 27 of them. Two specialized tree-hole breeders, Aedes pulchritarsis Rondani and Aedes geniculatus Oliver, were found breeding at several sites in northern Israel, always at locations 500 m above sea level (a.s.l) and with high annual precipitation. Aedes albopictus Skuse which, in Israel, is known as an opportunistic container breeder, was found in this study to have adapted remarkably well to breeding in tree holes and was found in most forest types investigated and in most tree species which had adequate tree holes. Two other species, Culiseta annulata Schrank and Culex pipiens Linnaeus instars, were found in one of the tree holes, but did not survive to reach maturity.  相似文献   
Specific mutations in the human gene encoding lamin A or in the lamin A-processing enzyme, Zmpste24, cause premature aging. New data on mice and humans suggest that these mutations affect adult stem cells by interfering with the Notch and Wnt signaling pathways.  相似文献   
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is a sensitive analytical tool that allows dynamics and hydrodynamics of biomolecules to be studied under a broad range of experimental conditions. One application of FCS of current interest is the determination of the size of protein molecules in the various states they sample along their folding reaction coordinate, which can be accessed through the measurement of diffusion coefficients. It has been pointed out that the analysis of FCS curves is prone to artifacts that may lead to erroneous size determination. To set the stage for FCS studies of unfolded proteins, we first show that the diffusion coefficients of small molecules as well as proteins can be determined accurately even in the presence of high concentrations of co-solutes that change the solution refractive index significantly. Indeed, it is found that the Stokes-Einstein relation between the measured diffusion coefficient and solution viscosity holds even in highly concentrated glycerol or guanidinium hydrochloride (GuHCl) solutions. These measurements form the basis for an investigation of the structure of the denatured state of two proteins, the small protein L and the larger, three-domain protein adenylate kinase (AK). FCS is found useful for probing expansion in the denatured state beyond the unfolding transition. It is shown that the denatured state of protein L expands as the denaturant concentration increases, in a process akin to the transition from a globule to a coil in polymers. This process continues at least up to 5 M GuHCl. On the other hand, the denatured state of AK does not seem to expand much beyond 2 M GuHCl, a result that is in qualitative accord with single-molecule fluorescence histograms. Because both the unfolding transition and the coil-globule transition of AK occur at a much lower denaturant concentration than those of protein L, a possible correlation between the two phenomena is suggested.  相似文献   
Development and differentiation of the vertebrate caudal midbrain and anterior hindbrain are dependent on the isthmic organizer signals at the midbrain/hindbrain boundary (MHB). The future MHB forms at the boundary between the Otx2 and Gbx2 expression domains. Recent studies in mice and chick suggested that the apposition of Otx2- and Gbx2-expressing cells is instrumental for the positioning and early induction of the MHB genetic cascade. We show that Otx2 and Gbx2 perform different roles in this process. We find that ectopically expressed Otx2 on its own can induce a substantial part of the MHB genetic network, namely En2, Wnt1, Pax-2, Fgf8 and Gbx2, in a concentration-dependent manner. This induction does not require protein synthesis and ends during neurulation. In contrast, Gbx2 is a negative regulator of Otx2 and the MHB genes. Based on the temporal patterns of expression of the genes involved, we propose that Otx2 might be the early inducer of the isthmic organizer genetic network while Gbx2 restricts Otx2 expression along the anterior-posterior axis and establishes an Otx2 gradient.  相似文献   
The 26S proteasome is the end point of the ubiquitin- and ATP-dependent degradation pathway. The 26S proteasome complex (26S PC) integrity and function has been shown to be highly dependent on ATP and its homolog nucleotides. We report here that the redox molecule NADH binds the 26S PC and is sufficient in maintaining 26S PC integrity even in the absence of ATP. Five of the 19S proteasome complex subunits contain a putative NADH binding motif (GxGxxG) including the AAA-ATPase subunit, Psmc1 (Rpt2). We demonstrate that recombinant Psmc1 binds NADH via the GxGxxG motif. Introducing the ΔGxGxxG Psmc1 mutant into cells results in reduced NADH-stabilized 26S proteasomes and decreased viability following redox stress induced by the mitochondrial inhibitor rotenone. The newly identified NADH binding of 26S proteasomes advances our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of protein degradation and highlights a new link between protein homeostasis and the cellular metabolic/redox state.  相似文献   
Effect of salinity on quality of various agricultural crops   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary The effect of salinity on the quality of various agricultural crops has not yet been explored much. This information is very important to Israel due to the increasing use of saline water for irrigation. This paper reports the effect of saline irrigation water on the quality, especially the taste, of several crops. Fruits from a processing tomato cultivar exposed to various degrees of salinity had higher values for total soluble solids (TSS) and acidity than their controls. The yield of fruit after saline water irrigation is lower, but this is offset by the nigher fruit quality and its consequent higher value. Melon fruits from plants subjected to saline water scored higher in taste than their controls when the fruits were analyzed fresh. After 3–4 weeks of storage at room temperature, there was no longer any difference in taste. Even though salinity slightly increased the TSS content, this did not correlate with the taste scores. Iceberg lettuce grown with saline water did not significantly differ in taste from its control, even when the sensitive triangle taste test was used. The same was true for peanuts. Thus, for these two crops no advantage of better quality would compensate for possible lower yields. Salinity had little effect on the yield of two varieties of Chinese cabbage, but increased the frequency of tipburn.  相似文献   
Feeding of Phlebotomus papatasi Scopoli on nectar and honeydew was investigated in Neot Hakikar, an oasis in the southern Jordan Valley. Sand flies were caught with miniature light traps in cleared areas with large Tamarix nilotica Bunge bushes, in colonies of the sandrat Psammomys obesus Cretzschmar. Fly series were trapped and compared according to the condition of T. nilotica bushes: with flowers, soiled with honeydew excreted by cicadas, or without flowers. Near flowering bushes the catch was five times greater (7.9: 1.6 flies/trap) and the proportion of sugar-positive flies was also much greater (49.9:17.3%) than near bushes without flowers. The catch was three times greater (6.6:2.2 flies/trap) near cicada- infested than near uninfested bushes. Color markers within the gut, obtained from infested or uninfested bushes that had been sprayed with food dye, indicated feeding of 33.2% and 4.5% of these series, respectively. Sand flies were strongly attracted to flowers of T. nilotica. In similar trap series, those baited with flowering branches caught 231 flies, whereas with baits of honeydew- soiled branches, control regular branches or wet filter paper, the catch ranged between 11 to 15 flies. This study is the first evidence of nectar feeding by sand flies in the field and it indicates that nectar may be an important and an attractive source of sugar.  相似文献   
The customary method for controlling leishmaniasis and sand fly bites in Israel is the spraying of large quantities of residual insecticides on walls of houses and neighboring surfaces. However, the high summer temperatures, strong radiation, and dust limit the efficacy of the method. The sand fly vectors of Leishmania appeared to come uphill to the village of Kfar Adumim. Therefore, to block their path and improve control, beta-cyfluthrine or DDT were repeatedly sprayed on a strip of cloth that was stretched on the ground along and near the peripheral houses. The efficacy of the treatments was examined by comparing the proportions of sand flies that had been caught before and after the treatments, below and above the belt. The capture near the houses of sand flies that had been marked by colored sugar baits below the protective belt indicated that they were moving uphill and crossing the strip. The catches showed a gradual uphill decrease, up to the houses, in the number of sand flies. However, the proportions of sand flies caught in the different sites were similar before and after insecticide treatments showing that the belt was ineffective. Laboratory tests of pieces of the sprayed strip and exposure of sand flies to similar pieces indicated that the lack of effect was not caused by deficiency of insecticides.  相似文献   
The post-emergence growth (deposition of endocuticle and growth of skeletal muscles) in Sarcophaga falculata is induced by a blood-borne factor secreted from the head of the pharate adult. The secretion begins 24 to 28 hr before eclosion (at 28°C). A second blood-borne factor, appearing in the haemolymph of the flies a few hours after tanning, suppresses the post-emergence growth in flies, the heads of which have been ligatured at the time of eclosion.  相似文献   
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