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A method for the quantitative determination of cycasin from cycad flour by gas-liquid chromatography is described. The flour is extracted with 70% ethanol and the residue from the dried extract is directly trimethylsilylated. Androsterone was found to be an excellent internal standard. The average content of cycasin from ten separate analyses of one lot of flour was 0.429 gm100 gm. The method is rapid, sensitive, and not hindered by contaminating compounds.  相似文献   
An in vitro study of digestion by the subterranean larva of S. geminata revealed the presence of enzymes able to digest starch, trehalose, salicin, cellobiose, melibiose, maltose, sucrose, casein, and several forms of cellulose. The midgut is the major source of all enzymes except invertase and CMC-cellulase, for which hindgut preparations are more active. The pH values of the gut contents are: foregut 6.9, midgut 9.0 and hindgut 7.5. The midgut fluid is pumped forward into the foregut, and the carbohydrases in it are generally more active at the pH of the foregut than at the pH of the midgut. It is possible, therefore, that the foregut, which is itself insignificant as a source of enzymes, is the site of considerable carbohydrate digestion. The proteinase is inhibited 28% by trypsin inhibitors.
Zusammenfassung Eine in vitro-Untersuchung über die Verdauungsvorgänge in den unterirdisch lebenden Larven von S. geminata wies Enzyme nach, die Stärke, Trehalose, Salicin, Cellobiose, Melibiose, Maltose, Rohrzucker, Kasein und mehrere Celluloseformen abbauen können. Versuche mit Vorder-, Mittel- und Enddarmextrakten zeigten, daß der Abbau von Rohrzucker und CMC-Cellulose in Ansätzen mit Enddarmpräparaten prozentual am höchsten war. Maximale Verdauung aller anderen geprüften Substrate erfolgte dagegen mit Mitteldarmpräparaten.Die pH-Werte betrugen im Vorderdarm 6,9, im Mitteldarm 9,0 und im Enddarm 7,5. Im Mittel- und Enddarm lagen die jewciligen optimalen pH-Werte für Maltose bei 6,5–7,0 und 7,5, für Melibiose bei 6,0–7,0 und 7,0–7,5, für Cellobiose bei 6,0–7,0 und 4,5, für Rohrzucker bei 7,0 und 6,0, für CMC bei 5,2 und 5,6.Die Verdauung unlöslicher Celluloseformen war durchweg gering, die der CMC dagegen beträchtlich.Die Mitteldarmflüssigkeit wird nach vorn in den Vorderdarm gepumpt. Die darin enthaltenen Carbohydrasen sind beim pH-Wert des Vorderdarmes meistens wirksamer als in dem des Mitteldarmes. Es ist deshalb möglich, daß im Vorderdarm, welcher selbst wahrscheinlich keine Enzyme produziert, doch eine beträchtliche Kohlenhydratverdauung stattfindet.Die Wirksamkeit der Proteinase wird durch bekannte Tryptin-Hemmstoffe um 28% reduziert.
Ribosomes were isolated from three mesophilic and three thermophilic strains of Bacillus. The ribosomes consisted of about 55% protein and 45% ribonucleic acid. Average ratios for the absorbance at 260/235 and 260/280 mmu were 1.77 and 1.92 for the mesophiles and 1.63 and 1.84 for the thermophiles. Ultracentrifugation revealed mainly components with sedimentation coefficients of about 30, 50, 70, 100, and 120S. All the preparations were shown to contain a ribonuclease which, in the presence of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, led to ribosome breakdown as measured by the increase in acid-soluble nucleotides. The stability of the ribosomes from the thermophiles was consistently greater than that of the ribosomes from the mesophiles. After 5 hr at 37 C, the breakdown was about 80% for the ribosomes from the mesophiles and 55 to 70% for those from the thermophiles. At 60 C, the ribosomes from the mesophiles were broken down slightly more and at a faster rate than those from the thermophiles. At temperatures above 60 C, the breakdown was again more pronounced for the ribosomes from the mesophiles.  相似文献   
We studied the role of the guinea pig tracheal epithelium in modulating tracheal smooth muscle responses to the relaxant agonists albuterol, sodium nitroprusside, and theophylline. We used an in vitro preparation that allowed separation of the fluids bathing the luminal (internal) and serosal (external) surfaces of the trachea, and bronchodilators were administered to either surface of carbachol-contracted tracheae. All three drugs produced dose-dependent relaxation. However, albuterol and nitroprusside were less potent (concentration that produced half-maximal effect increased by 100- and 32-fold, respectively) when given to the epithelial side with the epithelium intact compared with the epithelium denuded or compared with serosal administration with the epithelium intact. These differences were not observed for theophylline, where smooth muscle responses were independent of either the side of stimulation or of the presence or absence of the epithelium. Direct measurements of the diffusion of theophylline across the tracheal wall in the presence or absence of epithelium showed that after 5 h of incubation with a fixed luminal concentration of theophylline, only 1.7% had diffused across the tracheal wall with the epithelium intact. This increased to only approximately 3.3% when the epithelium was denuded. These results suggest that the epithelial is a relatively weak barrier for lipophilic agents but has a major role as a diffusion barrier to hydrophilic substances.  相似文献   
黄山贝母和天目贝母的核型研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文首次报道了产于江西的黄山贝母(F.huangshanensis Y. K. Yanget C. J. Wu)和浙江的天目贝母(F. monantha Migo)的核型:前者为2n=24=2m 2sm 6st(4sc) 14t;后者为2n=24=2m 2sm 6st(4sc) 14t(2sc)。此外,与国内报道的其它贝母属植物的核型进行了比较和讨论。  相似文献   
绕茧蜂属Ropalophorus Curtis,1837是茧蜂科中的一个小属,迄今世界上仅记载有2种。一种为R.clavicornis(Wesmael),1835,分布于欧州及日本,寄生于云杉八齿小蠹Ips typographus及I.amitinus成虫体内;另一种为R.wisconsinensis Shenefelt,1960,仅分布于美国,由于该种是用诱捕器捕到的,因此,其奇主不详,但有可能为I.pini(Shenefelt,1960)。  相似文献   
Simple alkyl (ethyl) esters of polyunsaturated fish oil fatty acids have been proposed as dietary supplements, but their relative efficiency of digestion and absorption have not been determined. Using stomach tubes, we gave rats menhaden or rapeseed oils, or the corresponding methyl and ethyl esters, and determined by chromatographic methods the lipid classes and molecular species recovered from the lumen of the jejunum during the first 1 to 2.5 h of digestion. Hydrolysis of menhaden oil resulted in a preferential retention of a high proportion of the polyunsaturated long chain acids in the sn-2-monoacylglycerols and in the residual triacyglycerols, while digestion of rapeseed oil led to a preferential release of free long chain monounsaturated fatty acids. In contrast, hydrolysis of the alkyl (methyl and ethyl) esters of the fatty acids of either menhaden or rapeseed oil resulted in a composition of free fatty acids which was much more representative of the original esters. It was therefore concluded that the differential lumenal liberation of the long chain and polyunsaturated (three or more double bonds) fatty acids from fish and rapeseed oil is largely due to their characteristic distribution between the primary and secondary positions in the glycerol molecule, and to a much lesser extent to a chain length discrimination by pancreatic lipase. This study also shows that the methyl and ethyl esters are hydrolyzed about 4 times more slowly than the corresponding triacylglycerols, which is sufficient to maintain a saturated micellar solution of fatty acids in the intestinal lumen during absorption.  相似文献   
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