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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: There is an urgent need for the discovery of new anti-malarial drugs. Thus, it is essential to explore different potential new targets that are unique to the parasite or that are required for its viability in order to develop new interventions for treating the disease. Plasmodium serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT), an enzyme in the dTMP synthesis cycle, is a potential target for such new drugs, but convenient methods for producing and assaying the enzyme are still lacking, hampering the ability to screen inhibitors. METHODS: Production of recombinant Plasmodium falciparum SHMT (PfSHMT) and Plasmodium vivax SHMT (PvSHMT), using auto-induction media, were compared to those using the conventional Luria Bertani medium with isopropyl thio-beta-D-galactoside (LB-IPTG) induction media. Plasmodium SHMT activity, kinetic parameters, and response to inhibitors were measured spectrophotometrically by coupling the reaction to that of 5,10-ethylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (MTHFD). The identity of the intermediate formed upon inactivation of Plasmodium SHMTs by thiosemicarbazide was investigated by spectrophotometry, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). The active site environment of Plasmodium SHMT was probed based on changes in the fluorescence emission spectrum upon addition of amino acids and folate. RESULTS: Auto-induction media resulted in a two to three-fold higher yield of Pf- and PvSHMT (7.38 and 29.29 mg/L) compared to that produced in cells induced in LB-IPTG media. A convenient spectrophotometric activity assay coupling Plasmodium SHMT and MTHFD gave similar kinetic parameters to those previously obtained from the anaerobic assay coupling SHMT and 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR); thus demonstrating the validity of the new assay procedure. The improved method was adopted to screen for Plasmodium SHMT inhibitors, of which some were originally designed as inhibitors of malarial dihydrofolate reductase. Plasmodium SHMT was slowly inactivated by thiosemicarbazide and formed a covalent intermediate, PLP-thiosemicarbazone. CONCLUSIONS: Auto-induction media offers a cost-effective method for the production of Plasmodium SHMTs and should be applicable for other Plasmodium enzymes. The SHMT-MTHFD coupled assay is equivalent to the SHMT-MTHFR coupled assay, but is more convenient for inhibitor screening and other studies of the enzyme. In addition to inhibitors of malarial SHMT, the development of species-specific, anti-SHMT inhibitors is plausible due to the presence of differential active sites on the Plasmodium enzymes.  相似文献   
Malaria caused by an infection of Plasmodium knowlesi can result in high parasitemia and deaths. Therefore, effective and prompt treatment is necessary to reduce morbidity and mortality. The study aims to characterize P. knowlesi dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase enzyme (PkDHFR-TS) and its sensitivity to antifolates. The putative Pkdhfr gene was PCR amplified from field isolates collected from the Southern Thailand. Molecular analysis showed 11 polymorphisms in the dhfr domain of the bifunctional dhfr-ts gene. Of these, 1 polymorphism was a non-synonymous substitution (R34L) that had previously been reported but not associated with antifolate resistance. The recombinant PkDHFR-TS enzyme was found to be sensitive to standard antifolates—pyrimethamine and cycloguanil—as well as P218, a registered candidate drug currently first in human clinical trial. Results suggest that antifolates class of compounds should be effective against P. knowlesi infection.  相似文献   
The coding sequence of the bifunctional thymidylate synthase-dihydrofolate reductase (TS-DHFR) from a moderately pyrimethamine-resistant strain (HB3) of Plasmodium falciparum was assembled in a pUC expression vector. The coding sequence possesses unique Nco1 and Xba1 sites which flank 243 bp of the DHFR gene that include all point mutations thus far linked to pyrimethamine resistance. Wild-type (3D7) and highly pyrimethamine-resistant (7G8) TS-DHFRs were made from this vector by cassette mutagenesis using Nco1-Xba1 fragments from the corresponding cloned TS-DHFR genes. Catalytically active recombinant TS-DHFRs were expressed in Escherichia coli, albeit at low levels. Both TS and DHFR coeluted upon gel filtration and copurified upon affinity and anion exchange chromatography. Gel filtration and SDS-PAGE indicated that the enzyme was a dimer with identical 67-kDa subunits, characteristic of protozoan TS-DHFRs. Amino-terminal sequencing gave 10 amino acids which perfectly matched the sequence predicted from the nucleotide sequence. The recombinant TS-DHFR was purified to homogeneity by 10-formylfolate affinity chromatography followed by Mono Q FPLC. The inhibition properties of pyrimethamine toward the purified recombinant enzymes show that the point mutations are the molecular basis of pyrimethamine resistance in P. falciparum.  相似文献   
In various malaria-endemic regions, the appearance of resistance has precluded the use of pyrimidine-based antifolate drugs. Here, a three-step fragment screening was used to identify new non-pyrimidine Plasmodium falciparum dihydrofolate reductase (PfDHFR) inhibitors. Starting from a 1163-fragment commercial library, a two-step differential scanning fluorimetry screen identified 75 primary fragment hits. Subsequent enzyme inhibition assay identified 11 fragments displaying IC50 in the 28-695 μM range and selectivity for PfDHFR. In addition to the known pyrimidine, three new anti-PfDHFR chemotypes were identified. Fragments from each chemotype were successfully co-crystallized with PfDHFR, revealing a binding in the active site, in the vicinity of catalytic residues, which was confirmed by molecular docking on all fragment hits. Finally, comparison with similar non-hit fragments provides preliminary input on available growth vectors for future drug development.  相似文献   
Effect of inhibitors on glucose transport in malaria (Plasmodium berghei) infected erythrocytes. International Journal for Parasitology16: 441–446. The effect of cytochalasin B and phloretin on transport of d-glucose and 2-deoxy-d-glucose into Plasmodium berghei-infected mouse erythrocytes was studied. Both the inhibitor-sensitive and insensitive fractions of transport in the infected erythrocytes were increased compared with normal erythrocytes. The i50 values (concentrations of inhibitor producing 50% inhibition) were similar for both infected and normal erythrocytes, indicating that the binding affinities of the carrier were not substantially changed, but the turnover number, availability, or the number of the carrier may have increased in infection. There was a large increase in the transport of l-glucose into infected erythrocytes. Neither inhibitor showed any effect on transport of l-glucose into infected or normal erythrocytes. d-Galactose and d-fructose also showed a large transport increase mostly insensitive to cytochalasin B. The specificity of the transport increase raises the possibility of the presence of a new pathway other than simple diffusion, or the carrier-mediated pathway revealed by cytochalasin B or phloretin inhibition.  相似文献   
Comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) was performed on twenty-three pyrimethamine (pyr) derivatives active against quadruple mutant type (Asn51Ile, Cys59Arg, Ser108Asn, Ile164Leu) dihydrofolate reductase of Plasmodium falcipaarum (PfDHFR). The represented CoMFA models were evaluated based on the various three different probe atoms, C(sp3) (+1), O(sp3) (-1) and H (+1), resulting in the best model with combined three types of probe atoms. The statistical results were r(2)(cv) = 0.702, S(press) = 0.608, r(2)(nv) = 0.980, s = 0.156, and r(2)(test-set) = 0.698 which can explain steric contribution of about 50%. In addition, an understanding of particular interaction energy between inhibitor and surrounding residues in the binding pocket was performed by using MP2/6-31G(d,p) quantum chemical calculations. The obtained results clearly demonstrate that Asn108 is the cause of pyr resistance with the highest repulsive interaction energy. Therefore, CoMFA and particular interaction energy analyses can be useful for identifying the structural features of potent pyr derivatives active against quadruple mutant type PfDHFR.  相似文献   
The capacity of mouse erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium berghei to accumulate chloroquine is developed with maturation of the parasites. This is shown by direct comparison of the early and mature stages, which are separated by density difference. After drug accumulation, infected cells were fractionated by saponin lysis or nitrogen decompression to study the drug distribution. Effectiveness of isolating intact parasites and host components was checked by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by low leakage of parasite-specific lactate dehydrogenase used as a marker enzyme. At low external drug concentration (~10?7M), chloroquine is principally accumulated in the parasites. However, at higher drug concentrations (~10?5and ~10?3M), the proportion of the drug found in the host cytosol fraction is increased. A small but significant proportion of the drug (<20%) is associated with the host cell membrane. The pellet fraction of the freed parasites, further fractionated by freeze-thaw lysis, contains a major proportion of the drug at low external concentrations. However, the pellet fraction obtained from prolonged sonication of the parasites, which contains the bulk of hemozoin pigment, carries only a small proportion of the drug. This indicates that parasite membrane components may bind most of the drug. As external chloroquine concentration is increased, the proportion of drug in the parasite supernatant increases, some or most of which is probably bound by soluble hemecontaining compounds. However, the presence of chloroquine in the parasite does not affect the partition of heme in particulate and soluble forms.  相似文献   
Comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) was performed on twenty-three pyrimethamine (pyr) derivatives active against quadruple mutant type (Asn51Ile, Cys59Arg, Ser108Asn, Ile164Leu) dihydrofolate reductase of Plasmodium falcipaarum (PfDHFR). The represented CoMFA models were evaluated based on the various three different probe atoms, Csp3 (+1), Osp3 ( ? 1) and H (+1), resulting in the best model with combined three types of probe atoms. The statistical results were = 0.702, Spress = 0.608, = 0.980, s = 0.156, and = 0.698 which can explain steric contribution of about 50%. In addition, an understanding of particular interaction energy between inhibitor and surrounding residues in the binding pocket was performed by using MP2/6-31G(d,p) quantum chemical calculations. The obtained results clearly demonstrate that Asn108 is the cause of pyr resistance with the highest repulsive interaction energy. Therefore, CoMFA and particular interaction energy analyses can be useful for identifying the structural features of potent pyr derivatives active against quadruple mutant type PfDHFR.  相似文献   
Recent epidemiological evidence has given increasing support to Haldane's 1949 hypothesis that heterozygotes for such genetic disorders as thalassaemia might be protected against malaria, hence explaining the high gene frequencies for such disorders in endemic areas. As discussed here by Yongyuth Yuthavong and Prapon Wilairat, the possible cellular mechanisms, although still unclear, are emerging from in vitro studies which increasingly point to the importance of immune clearance mechanisms in some cases (such as alpha-thalassaemia and haemoglobin E). In other situations, decreased survival of the intra-erythrocytic parasite or decreased parasite invasion of the variant red blood cells may explain the protective effect. Whatever the cellular mechanisms are, the ultimate decisive factor is the relative fitness of the infected variant host, which may not be simply extrapolated from the cellular studies.  相似文献   
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