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The Mesozoic family Procercopidae is widely treated as the ancient group of Cercopoidea and a transitional unit to recent lineages, but its evolution and diversity are vague due to fragmentary fossil record and confusing taxonomic history. Herein, an extensive taxonomic review of Procercopidae is presented and some new fossils are reported from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of NE China. As a result, Chengdecercopis Hong, 1983 is transferred from Procercopidae to Sinoalidae; Procercopis longipennis Becker-Migdisova, 1962 and P shawanensis Zhang, Wang and Zhang, 2003 are transferred to Procercopina Martynov, 1937, resulting in Procercopina longipennis (Becker-Migdisova, 1962), comb. n. and P shawanensis (Zhang, Wang and Zhang, 2003), comb. n.; Luanpingia senjituensis Hong, 1984 is transferred to Stellularis Chen, Yao and Ren, 2015, leading to Stellulari senjituensis (Hong, 1984), comb. n.; Anthoscytina macula Hu, Yao and Ren, 2014 is transferred to Sinocercopis Hong, 1982, and Sunoscytinopteris (Scytinopteridae) and Cathaycixius (Cixiidae) are treated as junior homonym names of Sinocercopis, leading to Sinocercopis macula (Hu, Yao and Ren, 2014), comb. n., S lushangfenensis (Hong, 1984), comb. n., S pustulosis (Ren, 1995), comb. n., and S trinervis (Ren, 1995), comb. n. Additionally, two new species are erected: Stellularis bineuris Chen and Wang, sp. n. and S minutus Chen and Wang, sp. n. Our cladistic analysis based on wing (tegmen and hind wing) characteristics recovers the high-level relationships within Cercopoidea: Sinoalidae + (Procercopidae + (Cercopionidae + modern cercopoids)). Within the family Procercopidae, the cladistic analysis reveals that the Middle to Late Jurassic Titanocercopis and Jurocercopis and the Cretaceous Cretocercopis occupy the basal position, and a gradual change in wing venation can be recognized from the Early Jurassic Procercopis and Procercopina to the Jurassic Anthoscytina, and then to the Cretaceous Stellularis and Sinocercopis. The two Cretaceous genera, sharing wing traits with extant cercopoids, likely represent transitional forms between Procercopidae and recent Cercopoidea; however, they are very similar to their Jurassic relatives in body structures, suggesting it is applicable to attribute them to Procercopidae. Furthermore, our analysis suggests that the extinction of Procercopidae and the origin and early diversification of modern Cercopoidea approximately coincided with the rise and explosive radiation of angiosperms in the late Early Cretaceous and onwards.  相似文献   
The nutritional traits of maize kernels are important for human and animal nutrition, and these traits have undergone selection to meet the diverse nutritional needs of humans. However, our knowledge of the genetic basis of selecting for kernel nutritional traits is limited. Here, we identified both single and epistatic quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that contributed to the differences of oil and carotenoid traits between maize and teosinte. Over half of teosinte alleles of single QTLs increased the values of the detected oil and carotenoid traits. Based on the pleiotropism or linkage information of the identified single QTLs, we constructed a trait–locus network to help clarify the genetic basis of correlations among oil and carotenoid traits. Furthermore, the selection features and evolutionary trajectories of the genes or loci underlying variations in oil and carotenoid traits revealed that these nutritional traits produced diverse selection events during maize domestication and improvement. To illustrate more, a mutator distance–relative transposable element (TE) in intron 1 of DXS2, which encoded a rate‐limiting enzyme in the methylerythritol phosphate pathway, was identified to increase carotenoid biosynthesis by enhancing DXS2 expression. This TE occurs in the grass teosinte, and has been found to have undergone selection during maize domestication and improvement, and is almost fixed in yellow maize. Our findings not only provide important insights into evolutionary changes in nutritional traits, but also highlight the feasibility of reintroducing back into commercial agricultural germplasm those nutritionally important genes hidden in wild relatives.  相似文献   
Traditional genetic studies focus on identifying genetic variants associated with the mean difference in a quantitative trait. Because genetic variants also influence phenotypic variation via heterogeneity, we conducted a variance‐heterogeneity genome‐wide association study to examine the contribution of variance heterogeneity to oil‐related quantitative traits. We identified 79 unique variance‐controlling single nucleotide polymorphisms (vSNPs) from the sequences of 77 candidate variance‐heterogeneity genes for 21 oil‐related traits using the Levene test (P < 1.0 × 10?5). About 30% of the candidate genes encode enzymes that work in lipid metabolic pathways, most of which define clear expression variance quantitative trait loci. Of the vSNPs specifically associated with the genetic variance heterogeneity of oil concentration, 89% can be explained by additional linked mean‐effects genetic variants. Furthermore, we demonstrated that gene × gene interactions play important roles in the formation of variance heterogeneity for fatty acid compositional traits. The interaction pattern was validated for one gene pair (GRMZM2G035341 and GRMZM2G152328) using yeast two‐hybrid and bimolecular fluorescent complementation analyses. Our findings have implications for uncovering the genetic basis of hidden additive genetic effects and epistatic interaction effects, and we indicate opportunities to stabilize efficient breeding and selection of high‐oil maize (Zea mays L.).  相似文献   
Phosphorus (P) is an essential macronutrient required for plant development and production. The mechanisms regulating phosphate (Pi) uptake are well established, but the function of chloroplast Pi homeostasis is poorly understood in Oryza sativa (rice). PHT2;1 is one of the transporters/translocators mediating Pi import into chloroplasts. In this study, to gain insight into the role of OsPHT2;1‐mediated stroma Pi, we analyzed OsPHT2;1 function in Pi utilization and photoprotection. Our results showed that OsPHT2;1 was induced by Pi starvation and light exposure. Cell‐based assays showed that OsPHT2;1 localized to the chloroplast envelope and functioned as a low‐affinity Pi transporter. The ospht2;1 had reduced Pi accumulation, plant growth and photosynthetic rates. Metabolite profiling revealed that 52.6% of the decreased metabolites in ospht2;1 plants were flavonoids, which was further confirmed by 40% lower content of total flavonoids compared with the wild type. As a consequence, ospht2;1 plants were more sensitive to UV‐B irradiation. Moreover, the content of phenylalanine, the precursor of flavonoids, was also reduced, and was largely associated with the repressed expression of ADT1/MTR1. Furthermore, the ospht2;1 plants showed decreased grain yields at relatively high levels of UV‐B irradiance. In summary, OsPHT2;1 functions as a chloroplast‐localized low‐affinity Pi transporter that mediates UV tolerance and rice yields at different latitudes.  相似文献   
Chromosome painting is a powerful technique for chromosome and genome studies. We developed a flexible chromosome painting technique based on multiplex PCR of a synthetic oligonucleotide (oligo) library in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L., 2n = 14). Each oligo in the library was associated with a universal as well as nested specific primers for amplification, which allow the generation of different probes from the same oligo library. We were also able to generate double‐stranded labelled oligos, which produced much stronger signals than single‐stranded labelled oligos, by amplification using fluorophore‐conjugated primer pairs. Oligos covering cucumber chromosome 1 (Chr1) and chromosome 4 (Chr4) consisting of eight segments were synthesized in one library. Different oligo probes generated from the library painted the corresponding chromosomes/segments unambiguously, especially on pachytene chromosomes. This technique was then applied to study the homoeologous relationships among cucumber, C. hystrix and C. melo chromosomes based on cross‐species chromosome painting using Chr4 probes. We demonstrated that the probe was feasible to detect interspecies chromosome homoeologous relationships and chromosomal rearrangement events. Based on its advantages and great convenience, we anticipate that this flexible oligo‐painting technique has great potential for the studies of the structure, organization, and evolution of chromosomes in any species with a sequenced genome.  相似文献   
Breast cancer has seriously been threatening physical and mental health of women in the world, and its morbidity and mortality also show clearly upward trend in China over time. Through inquiry, we find that survival rate of patients with early‐stage breast cancer is significantly higher than those with middle‐ and late‐stage breast cancer, hence, it is essential to conduct research to quickly diagnose breast cancer. Until now, many methods for diagnosing breast cancer have been developed, mainly based on imaging and molecular biotechnology examination. These methods have great contributions in screening and confirmation of breast cancer. In this review article, we introduce and elaborate the advances of these methods, and then conclude some gold standard diagnostic methods for certain breast cancer patients. We lastly discuss how to choose the most suitable diagnostic methods for breast cancer patients. In general, this article not only summarizes application and development of these diagnostic methods, but also provides the guidance for researchers who work on diagnosis of breast cancer.  相似文献   
由于形态特征变异和地理分布区域存在重叠,中国特有属藤山柳属(猕猴桃科)的物种划分问题长期以来存在争议,曾被分为20种或修订为含1种4个亚种的单型属。该研究选取了在形态和地理分布上有代表性的29个居群的184份标本,利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察了叶表皮形态和微形态特征,以探讨它们的分类学意义。结果表明:(1)藤山柳属植物叶表皮毛被的形态和微形态特征有3类,即光滑-短柱状毛、刚毛-长柱状毛/长刺毛、绒毛-单列多细胞毛,且这些特征在居群间差异明显,并各具明显的地理分布格局,支持把藤山柳属分为3类,即光滑类、刚毛类和绒毛类。(2)3类藤山柳植物在个别居群表现出部分同域分布现象,在峨眉山不同海拔高度的3个居群存在垂直地带性分布特点。(3)藤山柳属植物叶表皮的其他形态特征,如不规则型表皮细胞、6类气孔器、叶表皮初级蜡质纹饰以网状隆起为主,伴随着2~4类次级纹饰,在居群间变化多样等均没有明显的分类学意义。(4)由于具有相同的叶表皮形态特征和地理分布,建议把繁花藤山柳合并到绒毛藤山柳,故支持藤山柳属是1个正处于分化进程中的单型属,包括1个种3个亚种。  相似文献   
我国大型真菌资源丰富, 由于受气候变化和人类活动等的影响, 近年来很多物种受到不同程度的威胁, 亟待保护。红色名录评估是物种保护的第一步, 为有效保护我国大型真菌多样性, 2016年生态环境部和中国科学院联合启动中国大型真菌红色名录评估项目。合理的评估依赖于完善的物种地理分布、种群数量规模及其动态变化信息。大型真菌评估信息较少, 需要引入新的方法解决评估信息不足的问题。冬虫夏草(Ophiocordyceps sinensis)是一种重要的食药用菌, 具有较高的经济价值, 受到全世界的广泛关注, 评估信息相对充足, 此次被评为易危物种。利用物种分布模型对冬虫夏草未来分布区变化的预测在评估过程中发挥了重要作用。为了将物种分布模型分析方法引入大型真菌的受威胁等级评估, 本文以此前我们利用物种分布模型预测冬虫夏草的潜在分布区及其对气候变化响应的研究为例, 介绍了应用物种分布模型预测大型真菌的潜在分布区、未来气候变化情景下分布区变化趋势的方法和流程, 以及在应用中可能存在的问题和解决方案。通过本文的分析, 我们认为物种分布模型在大型真菌的红色名录评估和保护中具有重要的应用潜力, 值得推广应用。  相似文献   
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