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南亚热带鹤山5种生态系统的地表径流   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
运用“小集水区径流场”技术对山丘陵试验站5种生态系统地表径流进行了连续5年的观测与实验,结果表明:a.5种系统的地表径流系数马占相思林<果园<豆科混交林<草坡<林草苗系统,分别为2.3%,6.97%,13.30%,17.90%,22.16%;径流模数变率差马占相思林<豆科混交林<林果苗系统<草坡<果园,分别为0.46,0.57,0.63,0.65,1.68,可见两种人工林生态系统在蓄留水分,调节水量上均优于草坡,而两种农林复合生态系统有所欠缺;各系统的地表径流系数均有明显的干,湿季差异,表现为湿季>全年>干季,径流模数变率差的季节变化则恰好与此相反。b.5种系统每场降水的地表径流量与降水量间存在着二次抛物线型回归关系,地表径流量随降水量的增加是非匀速的,年地表径流量主要由几场大的降水所决定;地表径流量与降水强度的关系不大。c.5种系统发生产流的最小降水量马占相思林>果园>豆科混交林>林果苗系统>草坡,辚15.9,13.28,8.1,6.71,5.21mm;各系统对产流和洪峰的滞后约为10-30min,马占相思林滞后时间最长,其含蓄水分,削减洪峰和调节地表径流的作用最为明显,文中讨论了造成林果苗和果园系统水文功能缺陷的一些原因,肯定了亚热带丘陵区上坡构建马占相思林在恢复生态学上的重要意义。  相似文献   
A rapid and efficient regeneration system has been developed for interspecific self-incompatible hybrids between Antirrhinum majus×A. hispanicum. Multiple shoots were induced from hypocotyls explants on Murashige and Skoog medium or Loblolly pine medium supplemented with a low concentration of 3-indoleacetic acid (0.05 mg l–1) and a high concentration of 6-benzyladenine (1 mg l–1). Rooting took place in 1/2 Murashige and Skoog medium without growth regulators. By using this procedure, it takes about 5–6 weeks from seed to plantlet. The hypocotyls also had a potential to expand and form callus, providing a source for a continuous supply of multiple shoots from the calli at periodic intervals.  相似文献   
Rice is a very important food staple that feeds more than half the world''s population. Two major Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) subspecies, japonica and indica, show significant phenotypic variation in their stress responses. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying this phenotypic variation are still largely unknown. A common link among different stresses is that they produce an oxidative burst and result in an increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study, methyl viologen (MV) as a ROS agent was applied to investigate the rice oxidative stress response. We observed that 93-11 (indica) seedlings exhibited leaf senescence with severe lesions under MV treatment compared to Nipponbare (japonica). Whole-genome microarray experiments were conducted, and 1,062 probe sets were identified with gene expression level polymorphisms between the two rice cultivars in addition to differential expression under MV treatment, which were assigned as Core Intersectional Probesets (CIPs). These CIPs were analyzed by gene ontology (GO) and highlighted with enrichment GO terms related to toxin and oxidative stress responses as well as other responses. These GO term-enriched genes of the CIPs include glutathine S-transferases (GSTs), P450, plant defense genes, and secondary metabolism related genes such as chalcone synthase (CHS). Further insertion/deletion (InDel) and regulatory element analyses for these identified CIPs suggested that there may be some eQTL hotspots related to oxidative stress in the rice genome, such as GST genes encoded on chromosome 10. In addition, we identified a group of marker genes individuating the japonica and indica subspecies. In summary, we developed a new strategy combining biological experiments and data mining to study the possible molecular mechanism of phenotypic variation during oxidative stress between Nipponbare and 93-11. This study will aid in the analysis of the molecular basis of quantitative traits.  相似文献   
Previously, we characterized 92 Arabidopsis genes (AtSFLs) similar to the S-locus F-box genes involved in S-RNase-based self-incompatibility and found that they likely play diverse roles in Arabidopsis. In this study, we investigated the role of one of these genes, CEGENDUO (CEG, AtSFL61), in the lateral root formation. A T-DNA insertion in CEG led to an increased lateral root production, which was complemented by transformation of the wild-type gene. Its downregulation by RNAi also produced more lateral roots in transformed Arabidopsis plants whereas its overexpression generated less lateral roots compared to wild-type, indicating that CEG acts as a negative regulator for the lateral root formation. It was found that CEG was expressed abundantly in vascular tissues of the primary root, but not in newly formed lateral root primordia and the root meristem, and induced by exogenous auxin NAA (α-naphthalene acetic acid). In addition, the ceg mutant was hyposensitive to NAA, IAA (indole-3-acetic acid) and 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), as well as the auxin transport inhibitor TIBA (3,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid), showing that CEG is an auxin-inducible gene. Taken together, our results show that CEG is a novel F-box protein negatively regulating the auxin-mediated lateral root formation in Arabidopsis. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   
Zhang D  Yang Q  Ding Y  Cao X  Xue Y  Cheng Z 《Genomics》2008,92(2):107-114
Tandem repetitive sequences are DNA motifs common in the genomes of eukaryotic species and are often embedded in heterochromatic regions. In most eukaryotes, ribosomal genes, as well as centromeres and telomeres or subtelomeres, are associated with abundant tandem arrays of repetitive sequences and typically represent the final barriers to completion of whole-genome sequencing. The nature of these repeats makes it difficult to estimate their actual sizes. In this study, combining the two cytological techniques DNA fiber-FISH and pachytene chromosome FISH allowed us to characterize the tandem repeats distributed genome wide in Antirrhinum majus and identify four types of tandem repeats, 45S rDNA, 5S rDNA, CentA1, and CentA2, representing the major tandem repetitive components, which were estimated to have a total length of 18.50 Mb and account for 3.59% of the A. majus genome. FISH examination revealed that all the tandem repeats correspond to heterochromatic knobs along the pachytene chromosomes. Moreover, the methylation status of the tandem repeats was investigated in both somatic cells and pollen mother cells from anther tissues using an antibody against 5-methylcytosine combined with sequential FISH analyses. Our results showed that these repeats were hypomethylated in anther tissues, especially in the pollen mother cells at pachytene stage.  相似文献   
空间幅度变化对景观格局分析的影响   总被引:25,自引:7,他引:25  
申卫军  邬建国  任海  林永标  李明辉 《生态学报》2003,23(11):2219-2231
景观格局指数是量化描述景观格局特征的主要方法之一,各种格局指数的尺度依赖性使比较分析景观格局特征和尺度推绎复杂化,分析不同指数随空间幅度变化的一般行为有助于景观格局分析结果的解释和降低空间尺度推绎的复杂性。研究以2种真实景观和27种模拟景观为分析对象,考查了16种常用的景观水平格局指数随空间幅度变化行为。根据这些指数因幅度变化行为可预测性把它们分为两类:第1类随幅度变化可预测性强,指数与幅度之间的关系可用简单的函数关系来表达;这类指数包括缀块数、边界总长、景观形状指数和缀块丰度密度;前两者随幅度增加呈幂函数形式增加,而缀块丰度密度随幅度增加呈幂函数下降,景观形状指数随幅度增加呈直线增加。第2类指数随幅度变化的可预测性较差,指数随幅度的变化存在多种可能(不同形式的增加、减小或保持不变),不可用一种或多种简单的函数关系来描述所有的情况。这类指数包括缀块丰度、缀块密度、边界密度、最大缀块指数、平均缀块面积、缀块面积标准差、缀块面积变异系数、平均缀块形状指数、面积加权平均缀块形状指数、双对数回归分维数、聚集度指数与Shannon多样性指数。第2类指数随幅度的变化行为受景观格局特征和指数本身算法的影响。总体上来说,第2类格局指数随幅度变化呈折线增加或减小;但当景观的缀块类型较多、各类型优势度比较均等、空间分布格局比较随机时,它们随幅度变化形为的可预测性增加,随幅度增加的函数关系主要有3种:幂函数减小、对数函数增加或直线增加,因指数和格局特征不同而异。研究的结果在揭示了常用景观指数随幅度变化的一般关系外,也启示我们在进行景观格局的比较分析,比较景观的幅度应相同或采用尺度效应图(scalograms)更有效。  相似文献   
The self‐incompatibility (SI) response occurs widely in flowering plants as a means of preventing self‐fertilization. In these self/non‐self discrimination systems, plant pistils reject self or genetically related pollen. In the Solanaceae, Plantaginaceae and Rosaceae, pistil‐secreted S‐RNases enter the pollen tube and function as cytotoxins to specifically arrest self‐pollen tube growth. Recent studies have revealed that the S‐locus F‐box (SLF) protein controls the pollen expression of SI in these families. However, the precise role of SLF remains largely unknown. Here we report that PhSSK1 (Petunia hybrida SLF‐interacting Skp1‐like1), an equivalent of AhSSK1 of Antirrhinum hispanicum, is expressed specifically in pollen and acts as an adaptor in an SCF(Skp1‐Cullin1‐F‐box)SLF complex, indicating that this pollen‐specific SSK1‐SLF interaction occurs in both Petunia and Antirrhinum, two species from the Solanaceae and Plantaginaceae, respectively. Substantial reduction of PhSSK1 in pollen reduced cross‐pollen compatibility (CPC) in the S‐RNase‐based SI response, suggesting that the pollen S determinant contributes to inhibiting rather than protecting the S‐RNase activity, at least in solanaceous plants. Furthermore, our results provide an example that a specific Skp1‐like protein other than the known conserved ones can be recruited into a canonical SCF complex as an adaptor.  相似文献   
基于S-核酸酶的自交不亲和性的分子机制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
自交不亲和性是一种广泛存在于显花植物中的种内生殖障碍,可以抑制近亲繁殖而促进异交。其中,以茄科、玄参科和蔷薇科为代表的配子体自交不亲和性是最常见的类型。这类自交不亲和性是由单一的多态性S-位点所控制。目前的研究发现这一位点至少包含两个自交不亲和反应特异性决定因子:花柱中的S-核酸酶和花粉中的SLF(S-Locus F-box)蛋白。该文将主要介绍并讨论基于S-核酸酶的自交不亲和性分子机制的研究进展。  相似文献   
Li  Xiuxiu  Chen  Zhuo  Zhang  Guomin  Lu  Hongwei  Qin  Peng  Qi  Ming  Yu  Ying  Jiao  Bingke  Zhao  Xianfeng  Gao  Qiang  Wang  Hao  Wu  Yunyu  Ma  Juntao  Zhang  Liyan  Wang  Yongli  Deng  Lingwei  Yao  Shanguo  Cheng  Zhukuang  Yu  Diqiu  Zhu  Lihuang  Xue  Yongbiao  Chu  Chengcai  Li  Aihong  Li  Shigui  Liang  Chengzhi 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2020,63(11):1688-1702

Genotyping and phenotyping large natural populations provide opportunities for population genomic analysis and genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Several rice populations have been re-sequenced in the past decade; however, many major Chinese rice cultivars were not included in these studies. Here, we report large-scale genomic and phenotypic datasets for a collection mainly comprised of 1,275 rice accessions of widely planted cultivars and parental hybrid rice lines from China. The population was divided into three indica/Xian and three japonica/Geng phylogenetic subgroups that correlate strongly with their geographic or breeding origins. We acquired a total of 146 phenotypic datasets for 29 agronomic traits under multi-environments for different subpopulations. With GWAS, we identified a total of 143 significant association loci, including three newly identified candidate genes or alleles that control heading date or amylose content. Our genotypic analysis of agronomically important genes in the population revealed that many favorable alleles are underused in elite accessions, suggesting they may be used to provide improvements in future breeding efforts. Our study provides useful resources for rice genetics research and breeding.

Cleft lip with or without palate (CL/P) is a common congenital anomaly with a high birth prevalence in China. Based on a previous linkage signal of nonsyndromic CL/P (NSCL/P) on the chromosomal region 4q31–q32 from the Chinese populations, we screened the 4q31–q32 region for susceptibility genes in 214 trios of Han Chinese. PDGF-C, an important developmental factor, resides in the region and has been implicated in NSCL/P. However, in our family-based association test (transmission disequilibrium test; TDT), we could not conclude an association between PDGF-C and NSCL/P as previously suggested. Instead, we found strong evidence for parent-of-origin effect at a PDGF-C SNP, rs17035464, by a likelihood ratio test (unadjusted p-value = 0.0018; Im = 2.46). The location of rs17035464 is 13 kb downstream of a previously reported, NSCL/P-associated SNP, rs28999109. Furthermore, a patient from our sample trios was observed with a maternal segmental uniparental isodisomy (UPD) in a region containing rs17035464. Our findings support the involvement of PDGF-C in the development of oral clefts; moreover, the UPD case report contributes to the collective knowledge of rare variants in the human genome.  相似文献   
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