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In a systematic attempt to identify residues important in the folding and stability of T4 lysozyme, five amino acids within alpha-helix 126-134 were substituted by alanine, either singly or in selected combinations. Together with three alanines already present in the wild-type structure this provided a set of mutant proteins with up to eight alanines in sequence. All the variants behaved normally, suggesting that the majority of residues in the alpha-helix are nonessential for the folding of T4 lysozyme. Of the five individual alanine substitutions it is inferred that four result in slightly increased protein stability and one, the replacement of a buried leucine with alanine, substantially decreased stability. The results support the idea that alanine is a residue of high helix propensity. The change in protein stability observed for each of the multiple mutants is approximately equal to the sum of the energies associated with each of the constituent substitutions. All of the variants could be crystallized isomorphously with wild-type lysozyme, and, with one trivial exception, their structures were determined at high resolution. Substitution of the largely solvent-exposed residues Asp 127, Glu 128, and Val 131 with alanine caused essentially no change in structure except at the immediate site of replacement. Substitutions of the partially buried Asn 132 and the buried Leu 133 with alanine were associated with modest (< or = 0.4 A) structural adjustments. The structural changes seen in the multiple mutants were essentially a combination of those seen in the constituent single replacements. The different replacements therefore act essentially independently not only so far as changes in energy are concerned but also in their effect on structure. The destabilizing replacement Leu 133-->Ala made alpha-helix 126-134 somewhat less regular. Incorporation of additional alanine replacements tended to make the helix more uniform. For the penta-alanine variant a distinct change occurred in a crystal-packing contact, and the "hinge-bending angle" between the amino- and carboxy-terminal domains changed by 3.6 degrees. This tends to confirm that such hinge-bending in T4 lysozyme is a low-energy conformational change.  相似文献   
Ribose-binding protein is a bifunctional soluble receptor found in the periplasm of Escherichia coli. Interaction of liganded binding protein with the ribose high affinity transport complex results in the transfer of ribose across the cytoplasmic membrane. Alternatively, interaction of liganded binding protein with a chemotactic signal transducer, Trg, initiates taxis toward ribose. We have generated a functional map of the surface of ribose-binding protein by creating and analyzing directed mutations of exposed residues. Residues in an area on the cleft side of the molecule including both domains have effects on transport. A portion of the area involved in transport is also essential to chemotactic function. On the opposite face of the protein, mutations in residues near the hinge are shown to affect chemotaxis specifically.  相似文献   
松辽盆地阿尔必期微体浮游植物新属种   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
该文描述了松辽盆地中白垩世阿尔必期泉头组三段的微体浮游植物化石1新属7新种,隶属于微咸水沟鞭藻类2属5新种(含4新亚种),淡水绿藻1属1种和疑源类1新属1新种。并对沟鞭藻 Ngktericysta Bint,1986进行了修订。  相似文献   
记真盔甲鱼类两新属——兼论真盔甲鱼类系统发育关系   总被引:11,自引:11,他引:0  
本文记述了早泥盆世真盔甲鱼类两新属:憨鱼属(Nochelaspis)和翼角鱼属(Pterogonaspis).真盔甲鱼类是盔甲鱼类的一个单系类群,现有七属十二种,文中运用分支系统学原理对其系统发育关系进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   
中国的脊棱齿象属(Stegolophodon)化石   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
剑齿象属 Stegodon 起源于脊棱齿象属 Stegolophodon,两者都是亚洲大陆晚新生代的特有动物,本文讨论两属中一些种的性质和分类位置问题,并记述了药铺脊棱齿象 Stegolophodon officinalis 的新材料.  相似文献   
中更新世以来兽类地理分布的变化及其天文气候学的解释   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中更新世以来,兽类的地理分布曾发生过重大的变化,如西伯利亚的兽类曾三次大举西迁,入侵西欧.它们分别发生在氧同位素的第16、6、2-4阶段.如果考察过去73万年以来全球所获得的、北半球冬半年平均的太阳辐射量的变化,那么第16、6、2-4阶段乃是太阳辐射量比较低的时期.故中更新世以来兽类地理分布的变化是受气候变迁的制约的.而后者则是受天文因素的自然变化所控制的.  相似文献   
不同利用方式下稻田效益的综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言评价是多目标系统优化和决策的基础。和任何其他农业生态系统一样,稻田生态系统具有多目标、多功能的特点,单项指标难以反映系统的优劣。目前,川东南地区稻田开发利用方式多种多样,但效益评价主要是采用简单的比较分析或粗放的定性描述,尚未形成系统的  相似文献   
脂质过氧化对人红细胞膜脂流动性的影响   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
研究枯稀过氧化氢/高铁血红素体系所产生的烷基过氧自由基对红细胞的损伤。测定了脂质过氧化的产物——丙二脂的生成,并证明阿魏酸钠对脂质过氧化的抑制。荧光偏振的结果指出,膜脂过氧化以后降低了膜脂的流动性。人红细胞用5DSA和16DSA标记并用ESR检测膜脂流动性,结果表明,序参数S几乎没有发生变化,旋转相关时间τ值的增加证明膜脂过氧化以后,疏水尾部的物理状态发生了改变。经脂质过氧化以后,红细胞膜中的不饱和脂防酸的减少,可能是降低膜脂流动性的原因之一。  相似文献   
茧蜂亚科已知有123个属(Quicke,1987),其中窄腹茧蜂属Angustibracon Quicke是Quicke(1987)根据分布在印度的1个种Bracon leptogaster Cameron重新组合为1个新属而建立,迄今已定名种仅此1种。我们整理广西茧蜂标本时,鉴定出该属1新种。这是本属种类在我国分布的首次报道,现将该属属征和新种形态记述如下。新种模式标本存湖南农学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   
世界蚜虫分类研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文综述了世界蚜虫分类研究进展。内容包括形态分类、细胞分类、生物化学分类以及化石研究等,并以M.L.Sharma的文献目录为基础,对世界蚜虫分类研究报告篇数进行统计。结果表明:世界各国蚜虫分类研究进展极不平衡,美国、加拿大、日本及欧洲的一些国家包括荷兰、丹麦、瑞典、捷克、波兰、德国等其α分类任务基本完成,印度也进展较快,离完成α分类任务为期不远。苏联欧洲部分也已基本完成,亚洲部分和中国尚有大量α级分类工作有待完成。  相似文献   
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