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The citrus rust mite (CRM), Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Acari: Eriophyidae) is a cosmopolitan key pest of citrus, inflicting severe economic damage if not controlled. In Israel, CRM damages all citrus cultivars. International regulation and increasing control failures of CRM led growers to seek sustainable biological control solutions such as acarine biological control agents. Laboratory studies conducted in Israel have indicated that the indigenous predator species Amblyseius swirskii, Iphiseius degenerans, Typhlodromus athiasae and Euseius scutalis (all Acari: Phytoseiidae) can potentially control CRM. Our general objective in the present study was to bridge the gap of knowledge between laboratory studies and the lack of control efficacy of these species in commercial orchards. Predator augmentation in the field showed that although predator populations increased immediately following releases they later decreased and did not affect CRM populations. When A. swirskii augmentation was combined with a series of maize pollen applications, A. swirskii populations were enhanced substantially and continuously but again CRM populations were not affected. Growth chamber studies with CRM-infested seedlings, with or without a maize pollen supplement, indicated that pollen provisioning led to population increase of E. scutalis and A. swirskii but only E. scutalis significantly lowered CRM populations. Control with E. scutalis was confirmed in the field on CRM infested seedlings with pollen provisioned by adjacent flowering Rhodes grass. While experiments in mature citrus orchard showed that pollen supplement usually increased predator populations they also indicated that other factors such as intraguild interactions and pesticide treatments should be taken into account when devising CRM biological control programs.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study are to evaluate the structure and protein recognition features of branched DNA four-way junctions in an effort to explore the therapeutic potential of these molecules. The classic immobile DNA 4WJ, J1, is used as a matrix to design novel intramolecular junctions including natural and phosphorothioate bonds. Here we have inserted H2-type mini-hairpins into the helical termini of the arms of J1 to generate four novel intramolecular four-way junctions. Hairpins are inserted to reduce end fraying and effectively eliminate potential nuclease binding sites. We compare the structure and protein recognition features of J1 with four intramolecular four-way junctions: i-J1, i-J1(PS1), i-J1(PS2) and i-J1(PS3). Circular dichroism studies suggest that the secondary structure of each intramolecular 4WJ is composed predominantly of B-form helices. Thermal unfolding studies indicate that intramolecular four-way junctions are significantly more stable than J1. The Tm values of the hairpin four-way junctions are 25.2° to 32.2°C higher than the control, J1. With respect to protein recognition, gel shift assays reveal that the DNA-binding proteins HMGBb1 and HMGB1 bind the hairpin four-way junctions with affinity levels similar to control, J1. To evaluate nuclease resistance, four-way junctions are incubated with DNase I, exonuclease III (Exo III) and T5 exonuclease (T5 Exo). The enzymes probe nucleic acid cleavage that occurs non-specifically (DNase I) and in a 5ʹ→3ʹ (T5 Exo) and 3ʹ→5ʹ direction (Exo III). The nuclease digestion assays clearly show that the intramolecular four-way junctions possess significantly higher nuclease resistance than the control, J1.  相似文献   
Mating in arthropods is costly and has negative effects on survival. Such effects are often more strongly expressed when individuals are simultaneously exposed to other stress sources. Consequently, the behaviour of virgin and mated individuals often differs. Mated females, for example, search for suitable oviposition sites, whereas virgin females search more for mates. In the present study, we examine the effect of mating separately for females and males on four key behaviours of the red flour beetles: movement activity, movement along the edges of an arena, latency to emerge from shelter and preference for dark microhabitat. After mating, both sexes increase their activity at the same time as moving less along the arena edge, leading to a change in movement pattern. Females possibly change their movement pattern to locate suitable oviposition sites, whereas males perhaps do so to detect additional females with which to mate. Latency to emerge from shelter and dark preference are not influenced by mating, although they increase when measured again after 1 week. Of these behaviours, only movement activity is consistent at the individual level. We also examine whether mating incurs a cost as expressed in the time required to recover from a chill‐coma. The latter is a common proxy of cold tolerance in ectotherms. By contrast to our prediction, mating has no effect on chill‐coma recovery time, suggesting that either a single mating event does not incur sufficient stress or that there is possibly no trade‐off between the energetic cost of mating and of cold tolerance.  相似文献   
Delayed comparison tasks are widely used in the study of working memory and perception in psychology and neuroscience. It has long been known, however, that decisions in these tasks are biased. When the two stimuli in a delayed comparison trial are small in magnitude, subjects tend to report that the first stimulus is larger than the second stimulus. In contrast, subjects tend to report that the second stimulus is larger than the first when the stimuli are relatively large. Here we study the computational principles underlying this bias, also known as the contraction bias. We propose that the contraction bias results from a Bayesian computation in which a noisy representation of a magnitude is combined with a-priori information about the distribution of magnitudes to optimize performance. We test our hypothesis on choice behavior in a visual delayed comparison experiment by studying the effect of (i) changing the prior distribution and (ii) changing the uncertainty in the memorized stimulus. We show that choice behavior in both manipulations is consistent with the performance of an observer who uses a Bayesian inference in order to improve performance. Moreover, our results suggest that the contraction bias arises during memory retrieval/decision making and not during memory encoding. These results support the notion that the contraction bias illusion can be understood as resulting from optimality considerations.  相似文献   
Successful execution of the meiotic program depends on the timely establishment and removal of sister chromatid cohesion. LAB-1 has been proposed to act in the latter by preventing the premature removal of the meiosis-specific cohesin REC-8 at metaphase I in C. elegans, yet the mechanism and scope of LAB-1 function remained unknown. Here we identify an unexpected earlier role for LAB-1 in promoting the establishment of sister chromatid cohesion in prophase I. LAB-1 and REC-8 are both required for the chromosomal association of the cohesin complex subunit SMC-3. Depletion of lab-1 results in partial loss of sister chromatid cohesion in rec-8 and coh-4 coh-3 mutants and further enhanced chromatid dissociation in worms where all three kleisins are mutated. Moreover, lab-1 depletion results in increased Aurora B kinase (AIR-2) signals in early prophase I nuclei, coupled with a parallel decrease in signals for the PP1 homolog, GSP-2. Finally, LAB-1 directly interacts with GSP-1 and GSP-2. We propose that LAB-1 targets the PP1 homologs to the chromatin at the onset of meiosis I, thereby antagonizing AIR-2 and cooperating with the cohesin complex to promote sister chromatid association and normal progression of the meiotic program.  相似文献   


Although disease remission can frequently be achieved for patients with neuroblastoma, relapse is common. The cancer stem cell theory suggests that rare tumorigenic cells, resistant to conventional therapy, are responsible for relapse. If true for neuroblastoma, improved cure rates may only be achieved via identification and therapeutic targeting of the neuroblastoma tumor initiating cell. Based on cues from normal stem cells, evidence for tumor populating progenitor cells has been found in a variety of cancers.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Four of eight human neuroblastoma cell lines formed tumorspheres in neural stem cell media, and all contained some cells that expressed neurogenic stem cell markers including CD133, ABCG2, and nestin. Three lines tested could be induced into multi-lineage differentiation. LA-N-5 spheres were further studied and showed a verapamil-sensitive side population, relative resistance to doxorubicin, and CD133+ cells showed increased sphere formation and tumorigenicity. Oncolytic viruses, engineered to be clinically safe by genetic mutation, are emerging as next generation anticancer therapeutics. Because oncolytic viruses circumvent typical drug-resistance mechanisms, they may represent an effective therapy for chemotherapy-resistant tumor initiating cells. A Nestin-targeted oncolytic herpes simplex virus efficiently replicated within and killed neuroblastoma tumor initiating cells preventing their ability to form tumors in athymic nude mice.


These results suggest that human neuroblastoma contains tumor initiating cells that may be effectively targeted by an oncolytic virus.  相似文献   
The ProtoNet site provides an automatic hierarchical clustering of the SWISS-PROT protein database. The clustering is based on an all-against-all BLAST similarity search. The similarities' E-score is used to perform a continuous bottom-up clustering process by applying alternative rules for merging clusters. The outcome of this clustering process is a classification of the input proteins into a hierarchy of clusters of varying degrees of granularity. ProtoNet (version 1.3) is accessible in the form of an interactive web site at http://www.protonet.cs.huji.ac.il. ProtoNet provides navigation tools for monitoring the clustering process with a vertical and horizontal view. Each cluster at any level of the hierarchy is assigned with a statistical index, indicating the level of purity based on biological keywords such as those provided by SWISS-PROT and InterPro. ProtoNet can be used for function prediction, for defining superfamilies and subfamilies and for large-scale protein annotation purposes.  相似文献   
The activity of a Mg(2+)-dependent ATPase present in highly purified preparations of Avena mitochondria was photoreversibly modulated by red/far-red light treatments. These results were obtained either with mitochondria isolated from plants irradiated with white light prior to the extraction or with mitochondria isolated from unirradiated plants only when purified phytochrome was exogenously added to the reaction mixture. Red light, which converts phytochrome to the far red-absorbing form (Pfr) depressed the ATPase activity, and far-red light reversed this effect. Addition of exogenous CaCl2 also depressed the ATPase activity, and the kinetics of inhibition were similar to the kinetics of the Pfr effects on the ATPase. The calcium chelator, ethyleneglycol-bis(beta-amino-ethyl ether)-N,N' -tetraacetic acid, blocked the effects of both CaCl2 and Pfr on the ATPase. These results are consistent with the interpretation that Pfr promotes a release of Ca2+ from the mitochondrial matrix, thereby inducing an increase in the concentration of intermembranal and extramitochondrial Ca2+.  相似文献   
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