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In comparison with the hepatocytes obtained from intact rats and rats pretreated with phenobarbital or 3-methylchoranthrene, the amount of isonicotinic acid (INA) formed from isoniazid (INH) increased substantially after incubation at 37°C using the pretreated hepatocytes. This suggests an oxidative pathway for INA formation from INH, apart from hydrolysis. In order to explore the exact mechanism of INA formation in the hepatocytes, an HPLC assay for INA in the presence of INH and acetylisoniazid was developed. In this assay, INA was extracted after the preparation of an ion pair with tetra-n-butylammonium hydroxide, and analysed using an ODS column and a mobile phase consisting of 0.067 M potassium dihydrogenphosphate solution-methanol (96:4 v/v). The method is simple, accurate and especially suitable for INA determination after incubation of INH in isolated rat hepatocytes.  相似文献   
Introns are generally believed to evolve too rapidly and too erratically to be of much use in phylogenetic reconstructions. Few phylogenetically informative intron sequences are available, however, to ascertain the validity of this supposition. In the present study the supposition was tested on the example of the mammalian class II major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) genes of the DRB family. Since the Mhc genes evolve under balancing selection and are believed to recombine or rearrange frequently, the evolution of their introns could be expected to be particularly rapid and subject to scrambling. Sequences of intron 4 and 5 DRB genes were obtained from polymerase chain reaction-amplified fragments of genomic DNA from representatives of six eutherian orders—Primates, Scandentia, Chiroptera, Dermoptera, Lagomorpha, and Insectivora. Although short stretches of the introns have indeed proved to be unalignable, the bulk of the intron sequences from all six orders, spanning >85 million years (my) of evolution, could be aligned and used in a study of the tempo and mode of intron evolution. The analysis has revealed the Mhc introns to evolve at a rate similar to that of other genes and of synonymous sites of non-Mhc genes. No evidence of homogenization or large-scale scrambling of the intron sequences could be found. The Mhc introns apparently evolve largely by point mutations and insertions/deletions. The phylogenetic signals contained in the intron sequences could be used to identify Scandentia as the sister group of Primates, to support the existence of the Archonta superorder, and to confirm the monophyly of the Chiroptera. Received: 26 October 1998 / Accepted: 21 December 1998  相似文献   
Cytoplasmic dynein is a minus-end directed microtubule motor and plays important roles in the transport of various intracellular cargoes. Cytoplasmic dynein comprises two identical heavy chains and forms a dimer (double-headed dynein); the total molecular weight of the cytoplasmic dynein complex is about 1.5 million. The dynein motor domain is structurally very different from those of kinesin and myosin, and our understanding of the mechanisms of dynein energy transduction is limited mainly because of the difficulty in obtaining a sufficient quantity of purified and active cytoplasmic dynein. We purified cytoplasmic dynein, which was free from dynactin and other dynein-associated proteins. The purified cytoplasmic dynein was active in an in vitro motility assay. The controlled dialysis of the purified dynein against 4 M urea resulted in its complete dissociation into monomeric species (single-headed dynein). The separation of the dynein heads by the treatment was reversible. The MgATPase activities of the single-headed and reconstituted double-headed dynein were comparable to that of intact dynein. The double-headed dynein bundled microtubules in the absence of ATP; the single-headed dynein did not. The single-headed dynein produced in vitro microtubule-gliding motility at velocities very similar to those of double-headed dynein at various ATP concentrations. These results indicate that a single cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain is sufficient to produce robust microtubule motility. Application of the double- and single-headed dynein molecules in various assay systems will elucidate the mechanism of action of the cytoplasmic dynein.  相似文献   
An important challenge is to understand the functional specialization of dynein heavy chains. The ciliary outer arm dynein from Tetrahymena thermophila is a heterotrimer of three heavy chains, called alpha, beta and gamma. In order to dissect the contributions of the individual heavy chains, we used controlled urea treatment to dissociate Tetrahymena outer arm dynein into a 19S beta/gamma dimer and a 14S alpha heavy chain. The three heavy chains remained full-length and retained MgATPase activity. The beta/gamma dimer bound microtubules in an ATP-sensitive fashion. The isolated alpha heavy chain also bound microtubules, but this binding was not reversed by ATP. The 19S beta/gamma dimer and the 14S alpha heavy chain could be reconstituted into 22S dynein. The intact 22S dynein, the 19S beta/gamma dimer, and the reconstituted dynein all produced microtubule gliding motility. In contrast, the separated alpha heavy chain did not produce movement under a variety of conditions. The intact 22S dynein produced movement that was discontinuous and slower than the movement produced by the 19S dimer. We conclude that the three heavy chains of Tetrahymena outer arm dynein are functionally specialized. The alpha heavy chain may be responsible for the structural binding of dynein to the outer doublet A-tubule and/or the positioning of the beta/gamma motor domains near the surface of the microtubule track.  相似文献   
The ability of various tea catechins to generate H2O2 and the hydroxyl radical in the presence of the Cu2+ ion was investigated and compared with the effect of iron ions. The presence of Cu2+ accelerated the generation of H2O2 by EGC, while EGCg with Cu2+ generated a little H2O2. The presence of iron ions inhibited the generation of H2O2 by EGC. EGC and EC with Cu2+ generated the hydroxyl radical, while EGCg and ECg with Cu2+ did not. The fact that EGCg showed less prooxidative activity than EGC can be explained by the chelating ability of catechin gallates to metal ions under the experimental conditions.  相似文献   
Does seed production of spring ephemerals decrease when spring comes early?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To predict the effect of global warming on plant reproductive success, seed-sets of spring ephemerals were compared between a year of extremely warm spring (2002) and normal years at cool-temperate deciduous forests in northern Japan. The spring of 2002 was the warmest in the last 40years and most spring-ephemeral plants bloomed 7–17days earlier than usual. The seed-set of bumblebee-pollinated Corydalis ambigua drastically decreased in 2002 in every population. The small bee-pollinated Gagea lutea also significantly decreased in 2002. However, the seed-sets of two fly pollinated species, Adonis ramosa and Anemone flaccida, were not influenced by early flowering. These results indicat that the effect of global warming on seed production of spring ephemerals differs between species depending on the type of pollinators, and that bee-pollinated species can have serious impacts on reproductive success as a result of climate change.  相似文献   
We report here on crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of plant class I chitinase from rice (OsChia1b). Similar single crystals of full-length OsChia1b were obtained under two independent conditions. The crystals grown under these conditions diffracted up to 2.1 and 2.5 angstroms resolution, respectively, at a synchrotron beamline, and were found to belong to the tetragonal space group P4(3)2(1)2.  相似文献   
During development, the vertebrate hindbrain is subdivided along its anteroposterior axis into a series of segmental bulges called rhombomeres. These segments in turn generate a repeated pattern of rhombomere-specific neurons, including reticular and branchiomotor neurons. In amphioxus (Cephalochordata), the sister group of the vertebrates, a bona fide segmented hindbrain is lacking, although the embryonic brain vesicle shows molecular anteroposterior regionalization. Therefore, evaluation of the segmental patterning of the central nervous system of agnathan embryos is relevant to our understanding of the origin of the developmental plan of the vertebrate hindbrain. To investigate the neuronal organization of the hindbrain of the Japanese lamprey, Lethenteron japonicum, we retrogradely labeled the reticulospinal and branchial motoneurons. By combining this analysis with a study of the expression patterns of genes identifying specific rhombomeric territories such as LjKrox20, LjPax6, LjEphC and LjHox3, we found that the reticular neurons in the lamprey hindbrain, including isthmic, bulbar and Mauthner cells, develop in conserved rhombomere-specific positions, similar to those in the zebrafish. By contrast, lamprey trigeminal and facial motor nuclei are not in register with rhombomere boundaries, unlike those of gnathostomes. The trigeminal-facial boundary corresponds to the rostral border of LjHox3 expression in the middle of rhombomere 4. Exogenous application of retinoic acid (RA) induced a rostral shift of both the LjHox3 expression domain and branchiomotor nuclei with no obvious repatterning of rhombomeric segmentation and reticular neurons. Therefore, whereas subtype variations of motoneuron identity along the anteroposterior axis may rely on Hox-dependent positional values, as in gnathostomes, such variations in the lamprey are not constrained by hindbrain segmentation. We hypothesize that the registering of hindbrain segmentation and neuronal patterning may have been acquired through successive and independent stepwise patterning changes during evolution.  相似文献   
N-3 fatty acids exert a potent serum lipid-lowering effect in rodents mainly by affecting hepatic fatty acid oxidation and synthesis. However, it has been observed that fish oil and docosahexaenoic acid ethyl ester do not lower serum lipid levels in apolipoprotein E (apoE)-knockout (Apoetm1Unc) mice generated by gene targeting. To test the hypothesis that apoE expression is required for n-3 fatty acid-dependent regulation of serum lipid levels and hepatic fatty acid metabolism, we examined the effect of fish oil and n-3 fatty acid ethyl esters on the activity and gene expression of hepatic enzymes involved in fatty acid oxidation and synthesis using an alternative apoE-deficient mouse model with the BALB/c genetic background (BALB/c.KOR-Apoeshl). ApoE-deficient mice were fed diets containing 9.4% palm oil, fish oil, or 5.4% palm oil and 1% EPA plus 3% DHA ethyl esters for 15 days. In contrast to the reported data on apoE-knockout mice, fish oil and n-3 fatty acid ethyl esters greatly decreased serum triacylglycerol, cholesterol, and phospholipid levels in the Apoeshl mice. The decreases were greater with fish oil than with ethyl esters. The alterations by dietary n-3 fatty acids of serum lipid levels were accompanied by parallel changes in the activity and mRNA levels of enzymes involved in hepatic fatty acid oxidation and synthesis. The reason for the discrepancy between the results of the current study and previous studies is unknown. However, our study at least indicates that a lack of apoE expression does not necessarily accompany deficits in the n-3 fatty acid-dependent regulation of serum lipid levels and hepatic fatty acid metabolism.  相似文献   
In addition to a signal arising from the physical "stretching" of the adipocytes, metabolic and endocrine regulation of leptin production seems to operate in adipocytes. There is however a paucity of literature examining direct role of fatty acid synthesis in regulating adipocytes leptin production. To clarify the relation between fatty acid synthesis and leptin release in adipocytes, we examined leptin release from primary cultured rat epididymal adipocytes with several substances relevance to de novo fatty acid syntyhesis. Bezafibrate (0.5 or 1.0 mM), known to inhibit acetyl-CoA carboxylase, decreased leptin release to 60.3 +/- 7.2 or 47.3 +/- 11.9%, while cerulenin (15, 30, or 75 mM), an inhibitor of fatty acid synthase, increased it by 20.5 +/- 7.7, 58.5 +/- 12.1 or 105.0 +/- 35.0% of the control. Exogenous pyruvate (2.5, 5.0, or 10.0 mM) and malonyl-CoA (10, 20, or 40 mM), substrates and intermediate of fatty acid synthesis, increased leptin release by 11.0 +/- 3.3, 21.5 +/- 5.4, or 61.0 +/- 10.7%, and 11.1 +/- 3.0, 41.1 +/- 9.7 or 56.7 +/- 7.9% of the control, respectively. Considering difference in the site of action of bezafibrate and cerulenin along fatty acid synthesis pathway, one plausible explanation is that malonyl-CoA levels act as a signal of fuel availability to trigger leptin synthesis and/or secretion in adipocytes. Keywords: Leptin secretion; Fatty acid synthesis; Malonyl-CoA; Rat adipocytes.  相似文献   
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