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Meckel-Gruber syndrome (MKS), nephronophthisis (NPHP), and related ciliopathies present with overlapping phenotypes and display considerable allelism between at least twelve different genes of largely unexplained function. We demonstrate that the conserved C. elegans B9 domain (MKS-1, MKSR-1, and MKSR-2), MKS-3/TMEM67, MKS-5/RPGRIP1L, MKS-6/CC2D2A, NPHP-1, and NPHP-4 proteins exhibit essential, collective functions at the transition zone (TZ), an underappreciated region at the base of all cilia characterized by Y-shaped assemblages that link axoneme microtubules to surrounding membrane. These TZ proteins functionally interact as members of two distinct modules, which together contribute to an early ciliogenic event. Specifically, MKS/MKSR/NPHP proteins establish basal body/TZ membrane attachments before or coinciding with intraflagellar transport-dependent axoneme extension and subsequently restrict accumulation of nonciliary components within the ciliary compartment. Together, our findings uncover a unified role for eight TZ-localized proteins in basal body anchoring and establishing a ciliary gate during ciliogenesis, and suggest that disrupting ciliary gate function contributes to phenotypic features of the MKS/NPHP disease spectrum.  相似文献   
Many coxsackievirus B isolates bind to human decay-accelerating factor (DAF) as well as to the coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CAR). The first-described DAF-binding isolate, coxsackievirus B3 (CB3)-RD, was obtained during passage of the prototype strain CB3-Nancy on RD cells, which express DAF but very little CAR. CB3-RD binds to human DAF, whereas CB3-Nancy does not. To determine the molecular basis for the specific interaction of CB3-RD with DAF, we produced cDNA clones encoding both CB3-RD and CB3-Nancy and mutated each of the sites at which the RD and Nancy sequences diverged. We found that a single amino acid change, the replacement of a glutamate within VP3 (VP3-234E) with a glutamine residue (Q), conferred upon CB3-Nancy the capacity to bind DAF and to infect RD cells. Readaptation of molecularly cloned CB3-Nancy to RD cells selected for a new virus with the same VP3-234Q residue. In experiments with CB3-H3, another virus isolate that does not bind measurably to DAF, adaptation to RD cells resulted in a DAF-binding isolate with a single amino acid change within VP2 (VP2-138 N to D). Both VP3-234Q and VP2-138D were required for binding of CB3-RD to DAF. In the structure of the CB3-RD-DAF complex determined by cryo-electron microscopy, both VP3-234Q and VP2-138D are located at the contact site between the virus and DAF.  相似文献   
Next‐generation technologies generate an overwhelming amount of gene sequence data. Efficient annotation tools are required to make these data amenable to functional genomics analyses. The Mercator pipeline automatically assigns functional terms to protein or nucleotide sequences. It uses the MapMan ‘BIN’ ontology, which is tailored for functional annotation of plant ‘omics’ data. The classification procedure performs parallel sequence searches against reference databases, compiles the results and computes the most likely MapMan BINs for each query. In the current version, the pipeline relies on manually curated reference classifications originating from the three reference organisms (Arabidopsis, Chlamydomonas, rice), various other plant species that have a reviewed SwissProt annotation, and more than 2000 protein domain and family profiles at InterPro, CDD and KOG. Functional annotations predicted by Mercator achieve accuracies above 90% when benchmarked against manual annotation. In addition to mapping files for direct use in the visualization software MapMan, Mercator provides graphical overview charts, detailed annotation information in a convenient web browser interface and a MapMan‐to‐GO translation table to export results as GO terms. Mercator is available free of charge via http://mapman.gabipd.org/web/guest/app/Mercator .  相似文献   
Debate over what is a species was already considered old hat when Darwin wrote his seminal abstract (as he called it) more than 150 years ago.1 Endless papers, workshops, and symposia have been presented in an effort to "solve" the species problem. Yet, here we are, at it again. Has there been any progress? I believe that there has been, and that among the many advances enabled by the genomics revolution, progress on species concepts and species recognition is among them. To quote Feder and colleagues,2 we are on the brink of a “unified theory of speciation genomics.”  相似文献   
1. Yellow perch (Perca flavescens) are often the only surviving fish species in acidified lakes. We studied four lakes along a gradient of recovery from acidification and that had different food web complexities. All had abundant yellow perch, two had low piscivore abundance, one had a well‐established piscivore population and one was manipulated by introducing piscivorous smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu). We hypothesised that there would be strong effects on perch abundance, behaviour and diet induced by the presence of piscivores. 2. In the manipulated lake, the bass reduced yellow perch abundance by 75% over a 2‐year period. Concomitantly, perch use of the pelagic habitat fell from 48 to 40%. 3. In contrast to findings from less disturbed systems, yellow perch in the littoral zone of the manipulated lake did not strongly shift from zooplankton to benthic food sources after the arrival of piscivores. Diet analysis using stable carbon isotopes revealed a strong continued reliance on zooplankton in all lakes, independent of the degree of piscivory. The failure to switch to benthos in the refuge area of the littoral zone is most likely related to the depauperate benthos communities in these formerly acidified lakes. 4. Yellow perch in lakes recovering from acidification face a considerable ecological challenge as the necessary switch to benthic diet is hindered by a low abundance of benthos. The arrival of piscivores in these recovering lakes imposes further restrictions on perch access to food items. We infer that future recovery of perch populations (and higher trophic levels) will have to be preceded by the re‐establishment of diverse benthic macroinvertebrate communities in these lakes.  相似文献   
Although loss of genetic variation is frequently assumed to be associated with loss of adaptive potential, only few studies have examined adaptation in populations with little genetic variation. On the Swedish west coast, the northern fringe populations of the natterjack toad Bufo calamita inhabit an atypical habitat consisting of offshore rock islands. There are strong among‐population differences in the amount of neutral genetic variation, making this system suitable for studies on mechanisms of trait divergence along a gradient of within‐population genetic variation. In this study, we examined the mechanisms of population divergence using QST–FST comparisons and correlations between quantitative and neutral genetic variation. Our results suggest drift or weak stabilizing selection across the six populations included in this study, as indicated by low QSTFST values, lack of significant population × temperature interactions and lack of significant differences among the islands in breeding pond size. The six populations included in this study differed in both neutral and quantitative genetic variation. Also, the correlations between neutral and quantitative genetic variation tended to be positive, however, the relatively small number of populations prevents any strong conclusions based on these correlations. Contrary to the majority of QST–FST comparisons, our results suggest drift or weak stabilizing selection across the examined populations. Furthermore, the low heritability of fitness‐related traits may limit evolutionary responses in some of the populations.  相似文献   
Phosphatidylinositol transfer protein (PITP) is a ubiquitous eukaryotic protein that preferentially binds either phosphatidylinositol or phosphatidylcholine and catalyzes the exchange of these lipids between membranes. Mammalian cytosolic PITPs include the ubiquitously expressed PITPalpha and PITPbeta isoforms (269-270 residues). The crystal structure of rat PITPbeta complexed to dioleoylphosphatidylcholine was determined to 2.18 A resolution with molecular replacement using rat PITPalpha (77% sequence identify) as the phasing model. A structure comparison of the alpha and beta isoforms reveals minimal differences in protein conformation, differences in acyl conformation in the two isoforms, and remarkable conservation of solvent structure around the bound lipid. A comparison of transfer activity by human and rat PITPs, using small unilamellar vesicles with carefully controlled phospholipid composition, indicates that the beta isoforms have minimal differences in transfer preference between PtdIns and PtdCho when donor vesicles contain predominantly PtdCho. When PtdCho and PtdIns are present in equivalent concentrations in donor vesicles, PtdIns transfer occurs at approximately 3-fold the rate of PtdCho. The rat PITPbeta isoform clearly has the most diminished transfer rate of the four proteins studied. With the two rat isoforms, site-directed mutations of two locations within the lipid binding cavity that possess differing biochemical properties were characterized: I84alpha/F83beta and F225alpha/L224beta. The 225/224 locus is more critical in determining substrate specificity. Following the mutation of this locus to the other amino acid, the PtdCho transfer specific activity became PITPalpha (F225L) approximately PITPbeta and PITPbeta (L224F) approximately PITPalpha. The 225alpha/224beta locus plays a modest role in the specificity of both isoforms toward CerPCho.  相似文献   
Dermal glands (sensilla sagittiformia) secrete when brown dog ticks, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, are mechanically disturbed, presumably as a defensive mechanism. Recently, we observed that these glands secrete due to the pressure stimulation of engorgement. In this study, we examine how dermal gland secretion alters the physiology of R. sanguineus, particularly if this secretion is an important mechanism during blood feeding. The ability of ticks to retain water was not modified by dermal gland secretion, but heat tolerance was enhanced. Short-term heat shock was improved slightly (1 h at 50 °C to 1 h at 56 °C) and featured reduced injury responses and greater recovery after heat shock. When exposed to their host body temperature (37 °C) for prolonged periods, individuals that had secreted survived over 1 week longer than individuals that did not secrete. Dorsal application of squalene, the main component of dermal gland secretion, did not increase temperature tolerance, suggesting that the act of secreting rather than the physical properties of the secretion itself is responsible for the increase in heat tolerance. Based on our results, dermal gland secretion may be an essential mechanism in certain tick species (Amblyomma, Dermacentor, Hyalomma, Rhipicephalus, but not Ixodes) for tolerating body temperature and not succumbing to heat stress during the extended time periods of feeding on a mammalian host, serving as a mechanism to prevent heat damage from the host during feeding.  相似文献   
Numerous hypotheses have been proposed for the historical processes governing the rich endemism of Madagascar's biodiversity. The ‘watershed model’ suggests that drier climates in the recent geological past have resulted in the contraction of forests around major watersheds, thereby defining areas of endemism. We test whether this hypothesis explains phylogeographical patterns in a dry forest‐dependent rodent, Eliurus myoxinus, an endemic species widely distributed through western Madagascar. We sequenced the mitochondrial cytochrome b locus and nuclear introns of the β‐fibrinogen and the growth hormone receptor genes for E. myoxinus. Using a parametric bootstrapping approach, we tested whether the mitochondrial gene tree data fit expectations of local differentiation given the watershed model. We additionally estimated population differentiation and historical demographic parameters, and reconstructed the spatial history of E. myoxinus to highlight spatial and temporal patterns of differentiation. The data do not support the watershed model as a clear explanation for the genetic patterns of diversity within extant E. myoxinus populations. We find striking patterns of latitudinal genetic structure within western Madagascar, and indicate possible roles for environmental and ecological gradients along this axis in generating phylogeographical diversity. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 500–517.  相似文献   
Several lines of experimental evidence are presented suggesting that the L antigens in low potassium (LK) sheep red cells are associated with separate Na(+)K(+) pump flux is distinct from the action of anti-L(l) on K(+) leak flux, implying that K(+) leak transport sites may not be converted into active pumps by the L antiserum. Treatment of LK red cells with trypsin completely abolished both the stimulation of K(+) pump flux and the enhancement of the rate of ouabain binding brought about by anti- L. That this effect is due to a total destruction of the L(p) determinant associated with the LK pump was evident from the complete failure of anti-L(p) to bind to trypsinized LK red cells. The L(p) antigen can be effectively protected against the trypsin attack by prior incubation with anti-L, indicating that the sites for antibody binding and trypsin action may be closely adjacent at the structural level. Trypsin treatment, however, did not interfere with anti-L(l) reducing ouabain insensitive K(+) leak influx, nor did it prevent binding of anti-L(ly), the hemolytically active L antibody which is probably identical with anti-L(l). The functional independence of the L(p) and L(l) sites was documented by the observation that anti-L(l) still reduced K(+) leak influx in LK cells with experimentally induced high potassium concentrations, at which K(+) pump flux is fully suppressed, whether or not anti-L(p) was binding to the L(p) antigen associated with the LK pump.  相似文献   
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