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S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM)-dependent methyltransferases represent a diverse group of enzymes that catalyze the transfer of a methyl group from a methyl donor SAM to nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur or carbon atoms of a large number of biologically active large and small molecules. These modifications play a major role in the regulation of various biological functions such as gene expression, signaling, nuclear division and metabolism. The three-step SAM-dependent methylation of phosphoethanolamine to form phosphocholine catalyzed by phosphoethanolamine N-methyltransferases (PMTs) has emerged as an important biochemical step in the synthesis of the major phospholipid, phosphatidylcholine, in some eukaryotes. PMTs have been identified in nematodes, plants, African clawed frogs, zebrafish, the Florida lancelet, Proteobacteria and human malaria parasites. Data accumulated thus far suggest an important role for these enzymes in growth and development. This review summarizes published studies on the biochemical and genetic characterization of these enzymes, and discusses their evolution and their suitability as targets for the development of therapies against parasitic infections, as well as in bioengineering for the development of nutritional and stress-resistant plants.  相似文献   
Through their ion-pumping and non-ion-pumping functions, Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase protein complexes at the plasma membrane are critical to intracellular homeostasis and to the physiological and pharmacological actions of cardiotonic steroids. Alteration of the abundance of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase units at the cell surface is one of the mechanisms for Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase regulation in health and diseases that has been closely examined over the past few decades. We here summarize these findings, with emphasis on studies that explicitly tested the involvement of defined regions or residues on the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase α1 polypeptide. We also report new findings on the effect of manipulating Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase membrane abundance by targeting one of these defined regions: a dileucine motif of the form [D/E]XXXL[L/I]. In this study, opossum kidney cells stably expressing rat α1 Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase or a mutant where the motif was disrupted (α1-L499V) were exposed to 30 min of substrate/coverslip-induced-ischemia followed by reperfusion (I-R). Biotinylation studies suggested that I-R itself acted as an inducer of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase internalization and that surface expression of the mutant was higher than the native Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase before and after ischemia. Annexin V/propidium iodide staining and lactate dehydrogenase release suggested that I-R injury was reduced in α1-L499V-expressing cells compared with α1-expressing cells. Hence, modulation of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase cell surface abundance through structural determinants on the α-subunit is an important mechanism of regulation of cellular Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase in various physiological and pathophysiological conditions, with a significant impact on cell survival in face of an ischemic stress.  相似文献   
In the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, the synthesis of the major and essential membrane phospholipid, phosphatidylcholine, occurs via the CDP-choline and the serine decarboxylase phosphoethanolamine methylation (SDPM) pathways, which are fueled by host choline, serine, and fatty acids. Both pathways share the final two steps catalyzed by two essential enzymes, P. falciparum CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase (PfCCT) and choline-phosphate transferase (PfCEPT). We identified a novel class of phospholipid mimetics, which inhibit the growth of P. falciparum as well as Leishmania and Trypanosoma species. Metabolic analyses showed that one of these compounds, PG12, specifically blocks phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis from both the CDP-choline and SDPM pathways via inhibition of PfCCT. In vitro studies using recombinant PfCCT showed a dose-dependent inhibition of the enzyme by PG12. The potent antimalarial of this compound, its low cytotoxicity profile, and its established mode of action make it an excellent lead to advance for further drug development and efficacy in vivo.  相似文献   
Bacterial species from the Bacillus genus, including Bacillus cereus and Bacillus anthracis, synthesize secondary cell wall polymers (SCWP) covalently associated to the peptidoglycan through a phospho-diester linkage. Although such components were observed in a wide panel of B. cereus and B. anthracis strains, the effect of culture conditions or of bacterial growth state on their synthesis has never been addressed. Herein we show that B. cereus ATCC 14579 can synthesize not only one, as previously reported, but two structurally unrelated secondary cell wall polymers (SCWP) polysaccharides. The first of these SCWP, →4)[GlcNAc(β1-3)]GlcNAc(β1-6)[Glc(β1-3)][ManNAc(α1-4)]GalNAc(α1-4)ManNAc(β1→, although presenting an original sequence, fits to the already described the canonical sequence motif of SCWP. In contrast, the second polysaccharide was made up by a totally original sequence, →6)Gal(α1-2)(2-R-hydroxyglutar-5-ylamido)Fuc2NAc4N(α1-6)GlcNAc(β1→, which no equivalent has ever been identified in the Bacillus genus. In addition, we established that the syntheses of these two polysaccharides were differently regulated. The first one is constantly expressed at the surface of the bacteria, whereas the expression of the second is tightly regulated by culture conditions and growth states, planktonic, or biofilm.  相似文献   
The lack of clarity on how the intensity and importance of plant interactions change under the co‐occurrence of stress and disturbance strongly impedes assessing the relative importance of plant interactions for species diversity. We addressed this issue in subalpine grasslands of the French Pyrenees. A natural soil moisture gradient further experimentally stretched at both ends was used and a mowing disturbance treatment was applied at each position along the soil moisture gradient. Changes in intensity and importance of plant interactions were assessed by a neighbour removal experiment using four target ecotypes. A structural equation modelling approach was used to assess the relative impact of stress, disturbance, the intensity and importance of plant interactions on diversity at both the neighbourhood and community scales. Without mowing, changes in intensity and importance of plant interactions only diverged in the dry part of the soil moisture gradient. The intensity of plant interactions linearly shifted from competition to facilitation with increasing stress, while the importance followed a hump‐shaped relationship. Species diversity components were tightly related to the importance of plant interactions only, both the neighbourhood and community scales. Mowing disturbance strongly reduced the importance of facilitation along the soil moisture gradient, and suppressed the relationship between the importance of plant interactions and diversity components. Together, our results highlight that 1) the importance is the best predictor of variations in species diversity in this subalpine herbaceous system, and 2) that fine‐scale processes such as plant interactions can affect the entire plant communities. Finally, our results suggest that high level of constraints due to co‐occurring stress and disturbance can inhibit the effects of plant interactions on species diversity, highlighting their potential role in regulating diversity and the maintenance/extinction of plant communities. Synthesis How plant interactions change along environmental gradients is an unsolved debate, particularly when both stress and disturbance interact. This lack of clarity explains why the relative impact of plant interactions (intensity and importance) on species diversity has been rarely assessed. Using an experimental approach, we found that the importance of plant interactions highly contributed to variation in species diversity, confirming that neighbourhood scale processes such as plant interactions can affect the entire plant communities. The co‐occurrence of stress and disturbance inhibited the effects of plant interactions, highlighting that plant interactions may regulate drops of diversity and the maintenance/extinction of plant communities.  相似文献   
During the first trimester of human pregnancy, Natural Killer (NK) cells of the maternal uterine mucosa (e.g. decidua) have a unique phenotype and are involved in crucial physiological processes during pregnancy. We investigated whether modifications of the NK receptor repertoire occur during the first trimester of pregnancy. We found significantly decreased expression of KIR2DL1/S1 and KIR2DL2/L3/S2 receptors, NKp30 and NKp44 activatory receptors, and the CD85j (ILT-2) inhibitory receptor. We also observed significantly increased expression of the NKG2D activatory receptor at the decidual NK cell surface. By flow cytometry, we further highlighted an evolution of NK subsets between 8 and 12 weeks of gestation, with a shift from the KIR2DL1/S1+/KIR2DL2/L3/S2+ subset towards the double negative subset, coupled with a decrease of the CD85j+/NKG2D subset in favour of the CD85j/NKG2D+ subset. Furthermore, cell surface expression of NK receptor ligands, including CD85j and NKG2D ligands, has been characterized by flow cytometry on decidual immune CD14+ and CD3+ cells. HLA-G, the high affinity ligand of CD85j, was detected on both cell types. In contrast, NKG2D ligands ULBP-2 ULBP-3 and MICA/B were not expressed on CD14+ and CD3+ cells, however a variable expression of ULBP-1 was observed. The ligand expression of KIR2DL1/S1 and KIR2DL2/L3/S2 was also analyzed: the HLA-C molecule was expressed at a low level on some CD14+ cells whereas it was not detected on CD3+ cell surface. NK receptor ligands are known to be also expressed on the invading placental trophoblast cells. Thus, the phenotypic evolutions of decidual NK cells described in this present study may preserve their activation/inhibition balance during the first trimester of pregnancy.  相似文献   
We have sequenced the genome of the emerging human pathogen Babesia microti and compared it with that of other protozoa. B. microti has the smallest nuclear genome among all Apicomplexan parasites sequenced to date with three chromosomes encoding ∼3500 polypeptides, several of which are species specific. Genome-wide phylogenetic analyses indicate that B. microti is significantly distant from all species of Babesidae and Theileridae and defines a new clade in the phylum Apicomplexa. Furthermore, unlike all other Apicomplexa, its mitochondrial genome is circular. Genome-scale reconstruction of functional networks revealed that B. microti has the minimal metabolic requirement for intraerythrocytic protozoan parasitism. B. microti multigene families differ from those of other protozoa in both the copy number and organization. Two lateral transfer events with significant metabolic implications occurred during the evolution of this parasite. The genomic sequencing of B. microti identified several targets suitable for the development of diagnostic assays and novel therapies for human babesiosis.  相似文献   
This study tested whether variable temperatures (from −0.5 to 15 °C) and air exposure could be used under laboratory and under field conditions to store stallion sperm diluted in extender INRA96 without loss of fertility. Experiment 1 (laboratory conditions) measured the effects of two 72 h storage conditions (5 °C with air vs. 15 °C without air). Experiment 2 (fixed field conditions) measured the effects of 22 h of storage without air in disposable containers maintained at four ambient temperatures (7 °C, 17 °C, 27 °C, 39 °C with semen at −0.5 °C to 3 °C, 4 °C to 7 °C, 8 °C to 10 °C, 12 °C to 15 °C, respectively). Per cycle pregnancy rate (PC) was measured after one artificial insemination (AI) in uterine body of 200 × 106 total spermatozoa, 7 h (Experiment 1) or 17 h (Experiment 2) before ovulation. In Experiment 1, PC was similar for both conditions (60% (n = 40 cycles) vs. 63% (n = 40), respectively, 5 stallions × 8 cycles). Only velocity VCL and ALH were slightly higher at 15 °C. In Experiment 2, PC was reduced when ambient temperature was low (semen at −0.5 °C to 3 °C; PC = 25%) rather than intermediate (semen at 4 °C to 7 °C; PC = 53%) or high (semen at 8 °C to 10 °C; PC = 50%) (4 stallions × 8 cycles) (P = 0.002). Sperm stored at −0.5 °C to 3 °C had lower acrosome integrity/responsiveness, similar membrane integrity (HOS test) and motilities, and higher VCL and ALH, than semen stored between 4 and 15 °C. These results demonstrate a wide tolerance of equine sperm to variable positive temperatures and air exposure for 22 h storage and more. However, temperatures close to 0 °C are detrimental for fertility.  相似文献   
The 45/47kDa Apa, an immuno-dominant antigen secreted by Mycobacterium tuberculosis is O-mannosylated at multiple sites. Glycosylation of Apa plays a key role in colonization and invasion of the host cells by M. tuberculosis through interactions of Apa with the host immune system C-type lectins. Mycobacterium marinum (M.ma) a fish pathogen, phylogenetically close to M. tuberculosis, induces a granulomatous response with features similar to those described for M. tuberculosis in human. Although M.ma possesses an Apa homologue, its glycosylation status is unknown, and whether this represents a crucial element in the pathophysiology induced by M.ma remains to be addressed. To this aim, we have identified two concanavalin A-reactive 45/47kDa proteins from M.ma, which have been further purified by a two-step anion exchange chromatography process. Advanced liquid chromatography-nanoESI mass spectrometry-based proteomic analyses of peptides, derived from either tryptic digestion alone or in combination with the Asp-N endoproteinase, established that M.ma Apa possesses up to seven distinct O-mannosylated sites with mainly single mannose substitutions, which can be further extended at the Ser/Thr/Pro rich region near the N-terminus. This opens the way to further studies focussing on the involvement and biological functions of Apa O-mannosylation using the M.ma/zebrafish model.  相似文献   
Starting from both enantiomers of a readily available building block, a straightforward enantioselective approach to constrained 3'-methyl-2',3'-alpha-oxirane-fused and 3'-methyl-3',4'-alpha-oxirane-fused carbanucleosides bearing different purine base analogues is described. The title compounds were evaluated as potential antiviral agents against important viruses. None of the new compounds had significant antiviral activity at a concentration of 100 microg/mL, which was the highest concentration tested.  相似文献   
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