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利用稳定同位素技术和Keeling Plot方法可以有效分割地表蒸散量,进而加深对陆地生态系统水循环的理解.该研究通过原位连续测定麦田的水汽同位素数据,评价Keeling Plot方法在分割地表蒸散中的应用,并揭示华北冬小麦(Triticum aes-tivum)蒸腾在总蒸散中的比例.实验于2008年3-5月在中国科学院栾城农业生态站进行,利用国际上先进的H_2~(18)O、HD~(16)O激光痕量气体分析仪(TDLAS)为基础构建的大气水汽~(18)O/~(16)O和D/H同位素比原位连续观测系统,同时利用涡度相关技术、真空抽提技术、同位素质谱仪技术,获取了必要的数据.研究分析了一天中不同时间段的连续的大气水汽δ~(18)O与水汽浓度倒数拟合Keeling Plot曲线的差异和可能的原因.结果显示,中午时段的拟合结果较好,这也暗示中午时段蒸腾速率高时最可能满足植物蒸腾的同位素稳定态假设.进一步的分析发现植物蒸腾的同位素稳定态并不总是成立,尤其是水分胁迫下进入成熟期的小麦,其蒸腾水汽同位素一般处于非稳定态.利用同位素分割结果显示,生长盛期麦田94%-99%的蒸散来源于植物蒸腾.  相似文献   
Guo Y  Sun S  Wang K  Zhang S  Zhu W  Chen Z 《DNA and cell biology》2005,24(8):510-515
The S2 domain of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) spike (S) protein is responsible for fusion between virus and target cell membranes, and is expected to be immungenic. In this study, we investigated the immune responses against the S2 subunit in BALB/c mice, which were vaccinated either with plasmid DNA encoding the S2 domain (residues 681-1120), the recombinant S2 fragment (residues 681-980) in incomplete Freund's adjuvant, or with inactivated SARS-CoV. The increased number of specific cytotoxic cells (CTLs) and the high titer of specific antibody showed stimulation of both arms of the immune system in these groups. The shift in cytokines suggested that Th1-polarized immune response was induced by plasmid pCoVS2, meanwhile the Th2-dominant response was induced by recombinant S2 fragment and inactivated vaccine. However, the titer of neutralizing antibodies was only detectable in mice immunized with inactivated virus, but not with pCoVS2 plasmid. Taken together, the S2 domain could induce specific cellular immune response and a high level of total IgG but little neutralizing antibodies against infection by SARSCoV.  相似文献   
施肥进步在粮食增产中的贡献及其地理分异   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:15  
采用中长期田间试验对8种模拟施肥模型在温带的海伦试验站、暖温带的沈阳试验站和亚热带的桃源试验站进行了6~10年试验,以比较、评价施肥在粮食生产中的贡献.结果发现,施肥在作物产量形成中的贡献随施肥制度和气候的热量因素所影响;在最佳施肥条件下,施肥在产量中的贡献率分别为海伦(温带)30%、沈阳(暖温带)38%、桃源(亚热带)44%.按这一实验结果可以一般地估计:当其他技术条件不变时,施肥在产量形成中的贡献率最高可达30~45%,随所在地区气候的热量条件而不同.  相似文献   
中国对生物技术的专利保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 生物技术的特点生物技术领域的发明,大致可以分为以下几类:(1)动物和植物品种发明;(2)微生物及遗传物质发明;(3)生物制品发明;(4)获得生物体的生物学方法或遗传工程学方法发明;(5)微生物学方法发明。总体来说,生物技术领域的发明具有以下特点:1.1 发展快近年来,生物技术取得了突飞猛进的发展。首先,在农业方面,高产低病转基因植物的出现,为农作物的大幅度增产开辟了全新的途径;在畜牧业、渔业方面,转基因动物,例如转基因鸡、转基因羊和转基因鱼也为畜牧业和渔业的优质高产提供了极大的方便;在医药领…  相似文献   
草鱼血液学的研究 Ⅰ.九项血液常数的周年变化   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
用741尾健康草鱼种作红细胞、血红蛋白、红细胞比积、红细胞平均体积、红细胞平均血红蛋白量、红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度、红细胞沉降率、血浆总蛋白和血浆葡萄糖浓度等九项血液常数的测定。所得的年均值经变异系数分析,除红细胞沉降率和血浆葡萄糖浓度外,其余各项常数的可靠性基本一致。另从周年变动的规律分析,高值出现在冬夏季,低值出现的月份较为分散。水温仅对总蛋白含量的变动呈现显著的负相关(P<0.01)。而体重与血液常数存在着一定的相关因素,在10—90克之间的鱼种中,血红蛋白、红细胞比积、红细胞平均体积、红细胞平均血红蛋白量与体重呈现直线正相关;红细胞沉降率为负相关。  相似文献   
Geng X  Bai Q  Zhang Y  Li X  Wu D 《Journal of biotechnology》2004,113(1-3):137-149
A new technology for renaturation with simultaneous purification of the recombinant human interferon-gamma (rhIFN-gamma) in downstream of biotechnology is presented. The strategies to develop the new technology in industry scale were suggested. Based on chemical equilibrium and molecular interactions, the principle of rhIFN-gamma refolding by HPHIC was described. The kind of stationary and mobile phases were evaluated and found the former to contribute to the rhIFN-gamma refolding more than the latter. The extract containing the rhIFN-gamma in gram scale in 7.0 mol L(-1) guanidine hydrochloride solution of 700 mL was directly pumped into a unit of simultaneous renaturation and purification of proteins (USRPP, 10 x 300 mm i.d.) packed by small particle packings of hydrophobic interaction chromatography and a satisfactory recovery of bioactivity and mass of the rhIFN-gamma was obtained. With flow rate 100 mL min(-1) and a gradient elution by only one step in 4h, the purity and specific bioactivity approach to 95% and 8.7 x 10(7) IU(-1) mg, respectively. To evaluate the goodness of the presented new technology in this study, a usual method with the renaturation by dilution method firstly and then purification with a series of LC in literature was employed to compare with each other. The obtained result in terms of purity, recoveries of mass and bioactivity, cost time as well as expenses, the former is much better than the latter. Comparing the total bioactivity of rhIFN-gamma in the extract before to that after the renaturation by the USRPP, the total bioactivity of rhIFN-gamma increased 62-fold.  相似文献   
Although insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) has been associated with retinopathy, proof of a direct relationship has been lacking. Here we show that an IGF-1 receptor antagonist suppresses retinal neovascularization in vivo, and infer that interactions between IGF-1 and the IGF-1 receptor are necessary for induction of maximal neovascularization by vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). IGF-1 receptor regulation of VEGF action is mediated at least in part through control of VEGF activation of p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinase, establishing a hierarchical relationship between IGF-1 and VEGF receptors. These findings establish an essential role for IGF-1 in angiogenesis and demonstrate a new target for control of retinopathy. They also explain why diabetic retinopathy initially increases with the onset of insulin treatment. IGF-1 levels, low in untreated diabetes, rise with insulin therapy, permitting VEGF-induced retinopathy.  相似文献   
应用双晶X光荧光光谱仪研究生理性和病理性植物组织中某些元素的分布特征已有报道。本研究工作中采用日本国东芝厂出品的AFV701型双晶X光荧光光谱仪,测定并比较了植物感染病毒前、后的叶片中,不同硫状态相对比例的改变。应用此仪器首先测定各种标准硫化物硫状态的化学位移数值,在确定标准图谱及可分性之后,再测定感染蚕豆萎蔫病毒(BBWV)、黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)、芜菁花叶病毒(TuMV)的茄、苋色藜、烟草和萝卜等四种寄主植物的显症病叶中不同硫状态的相对比例。发现应用此技术能明显地区别出病态植物与健康植物中硫状态相对比例的变化差异。  相似文献   
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