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骨缘当归的化学成分   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
骨缘当归Angellica cartilaginomarginata var.foliata Yuan et Shen,别名:山藁本、野芹菜(江苏),仅分布于江苏和浙江。在江苏镇江等地用干燥全草作山藁本入药,其化学成分未见报道。 样品采自江苏省句容县。将干根磨粉,提取物经中性氧化铝层析,根据色谱及光谱鉴定为两种脂肪酸、四种已知香豆素和一种植物甾醇即:正葵酸(n-capric acid)、月桂酸(lauric acid)、骨缘当归素(cartilaginomarginadin)、蝉翼素(pteryxin)、白花前胡素F(praeruptorin F)、佛手柑内酯(bergapten)及β-谷甾醇(β-sitosterol)。  相似文献   
药用寄生植物菟丝子属,列当属和无根藤属氨基酸的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文测定了菟丝子属、列当属和无根藤属某些种的种子和植株氨基酸的种类组成和含量。结果表明,3个属种子和植株氨基酸均在15种以上,且含量丰富,特别是必需氨基酸的含量较高。文中讨论了氨基酸的药用和在种子鉴定与化学分类上的作用,探讨了开发应用的前景。  相似文献   
25000年以来渤海湾西岸古环境探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
 本文依据孢粉、微体古生物、放射性碳测年、因子分析等资料,表明25000a,BP 以来渤海湾西岸的古植被,古地理环境演变既受气候冷暖变化的影响,又受海平面变化的制约。25000—23000a,BP 为高海平面时期,古植被为森林草甸植被,23000—12000a,BP,气候冷干,为低海平面时期,以草原植被为主,前期和后期为沼泽草甸植被。12000—5000a,BP 气候温凉或温暖湿润为海平面上升时期,为阔叶林草甸或沼泽草甸植被,5000a,BP 以来,气候变凉变干,为海退时期,古植被由沼泽草甸演变为盐生草甸。  相似文献   
鼎湖山森林群落演替之研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
鼎湖山森林群落在自然状态下遵循一定的客观规律向更优化的气候顶极群落演变。本文分析其1955年至1989年(35年)来的演替结果,总结出鼎湖山森林群落演替的进程和模式,进一步应用植物群落演替系统的线性模型和非线性模型对演替进程进行定量研究,并做出相应的演替进程的数量预测。  相似文献   
Bisphenol S (BPS) is an environmental endocrine disruptor widely used in industrial production. BPS induces oxidative stress and exhibits male reproductive toxicity in mice, but the mechanisms by which BPS impairs steroid hormone synthesis are not fully understood. Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2(Nrf2)/HO-1 signaling is a key pathway in improving cellular antioxidant defense capacities. Therefore, this study explored the effects of exposure to BPS on testosterone synthesis in adult male mice and its mechanisms with regard to the Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway. Adult male C57BL/6 mice were orally exposed to BPS (2, 20, and 200 mg/kg BW) with sesame oil as a vehicle (0.1 ml/10 g BW) per day for 28 consecutive days. The results showed that compared with the control group, serum testosterone levels were substantially reduced in the 20 and 200 mg/kg BPS treatment groups, and testicular testosterone levels were reduced in all BPS treatment groups. These changes were accompanied by a prominent decrease in the expression levels of testosterone synthesis-related enzymes (STAR, CYP11A1, CYP17A1, HSD3B1, and HSD17B3) in the mouse testis. In addition, BPS induced oxidative stress in the testis by upregulating the messenger RNA and protein levels of Keap1 and downregulating the levels of Nrf2, HO-1, and downstream antioxidant enzymes (CAT, SOD1, and Gpx4). In summary, our results indicate that exposure of adult male mice to BPS can inhibit Nrf2/HO-1 signaling and antioxidant enzyme activity, which induces oxidative stress and thereby may impair testosterone synthesis in testicular tissues, leading to reproductive damage.  相似文献   
在扬州地区,稻象虫一年发生1代。以老熟幼虫越冬,其越冬存活率免耕田>少耕田>常规耕田,肾发育的高低温临界点为38.16℃和9.84℃,最适发育温度26.52℃,有效积温117.8日度,每头稻虫产卵卵3-29粒,平均18.8粒;成虫羽化后17-31天为产卵盛期;产卵孔平均高度为4.1±1.5cm,水象下卵孔占28.6%:产卵孔与取食孔特征不同.卵期7±1.8天.成,幼虫的各群空间格局基本属密集颁布(仅x^-≤3时的成虫种群为随机分布).单季稻的为害重于双季稻;沙质土壤的发生量多于粘壤土,稻—麦(油菜)两熟制田的为害显重于稻-稻麦(油菜)三熟制田。  相似文献   
本文就甘露醇亚硒酸盐和亚硒酸盐两种增菌培养基对沙门氏菌各血清变型的选择性增菌作用作了研究。研究述及37℃下沙门氏菌与埃希氏大肠杆菌、绿脓杆菌、普通变形杆菌三种竞争菌混合培养生长动力学过程,测出了评价增菌培养基优劣的客观指标EI值;按沙门氏菌传统分离方法,对加有终浓度为10~1、10~2、10~4、10~6、10~8个活菌/毫升的沙门氏菌株与正常人大便的两种增菌培养基,经37℃下孵育20至24小时后作SS琼脂平板划线分离和沙门氏菌血清学鉴定。通过两种培养基EI值及沙门氏菌分离结果的比较证实,甘露醇亚硒酸盐培养基对沙门氏菌株的选择性增菌作用明显优越于亚硒酸盐培养基(P<0.001)。  相似文献   
This paper was adopting intestinal normal microbiota: Micrococcus tntestinalt, sp. and Beneckea campbell, and were prepared to microecologics, also gave a rebuild of intestinal micro ecospecies for ossified eels, and research effect of increasing growth and rejuvenation to them, by the microecologics. Moreover, specially to set up double-control, including a thyroideum medicament and an empty test group, for the comparison and analysis. Our results show that the intestinal microecologics of eel, for increasing growth and rejuvenation to ossified eels, that are botth achieve striking effect. But looked the thyroideum for increasing growth to ossified eels were be very effective. Nevertheless, which for rejuvenation was failed to take effect.Furthermore, we inc-lined to believe that the could be possible still significance of effect, if again added intestinal obligate anserobes of adult eels, and the cerebiogen into this microecologics.  相似文献   
A new antiroll device has been developed to replace the antiroll guide plate for cryostat wax sectioning. With this device, a continuous ribbon of 3-4 μm sections can be obtained. The sections are flat, uncreased. and compression is reduced to a minimum.  相似文献   
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