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The effect of various conditions on the accumulation of porphyrins and heme by resting suspensions of anaerobically grown cells of Staphylococcus epidermidis was examined. Anaerobically grown cells contain 10 to 15% of the amount of protoheme found in cells grown aerobically. Resting suspensions of anaerobically grown cells, when incubated aerobically in buffer with delta-aminolevulinic acid and glucose for 60 min, exhibited a fourfold increase in protoheme content. At high levels of delta-aminolevulinic acid, there was also a significant accumulation of porphyrins with the solubility and chromatographic properties of coproporphyrin and uroporphyrin. Protoporphyrin was not accumulated. When oxygen was excluded from the incubation mixture, accumulation of protoheme was prevented, but accumulation of coproporphyrin and total porphyrin was enhanced. Nitrate served as an electon acceptor as indicated by its reduction to nitrite; however, nitrate did not substitute for oxygen in causing the accumulation of protoheme. These results suggested that oxygen is required for one of the late steps of heme synthesis in S. epidermidis, possibly for the conversion of coproporphyrinogen to protoporphyrin. The inability of nitrate to substitute for oxygen suggests a role for molecular oxygen as a substrate rather than as an electron acceptor for heme synthesis.  相似文献   
露水草的光合特性及其生态学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用盆栽和遮阴试验研究了露水草(Cyanotis arachnoidea Clarke) 的光合作用特征,比较了不同遮光水平对光合速率、光合器官特性及光合产量的影响。结果如下:1.露水草是一种耐阴偏阳的C3 类草木植物,其光合作用的光饱和点约为650 μm ol·m - 2·s- 1,光补偿点约为17 μm ol·m - 2·s- 1,且具有高达130×10- 6的CO2 补偿点。2.露水草的最大净光合速率为12.45 μm ol·m - 2·s- 1。叶片净光合速率的日变化规律呈双峰曲线,主峰在11~12 时,次峰在15时左右。3.遮光20% ~50% 有利于露水草的生长。与对照相比,叶片中叶绿素b 的含量增加了47% ~83% ,并且由于净光合速率(相对光合速率)的提高,使光合生产量增加了12% ~18% 。  相似文献   
Evidence for genetic anticipation has recently become an important subject of research in clinical psychiatric genetics. Renewed interest in anticipation was evoked by molecular genetic findings of a novel type of mutation termed "unstable DNA." The unstable DNA model can be construed as the "best fit" for schizophrenia twin and family epidemiological data. We have performed a large-scale Southern blot hybridization, asymmetrical PCR-based, and repeat expansion-detection screening for (CAG)n/(CTG)n and (CCG)n/(CGG)n expansions in eastern Canadian schizophrenia multiplex families demonstrating genetic anticipation. There were no differences in (CAG)n/(CTG)n and (CCG)n/(CGG)n pattern distribution either between affected and unaffected individuals or across generations. Our findings do not support the hypothesis that large (CAG)n/(CTG)n or (CCG)n/(CGG)n expansions are the major etiologic factor in schizophrenia. A separate set of experiments directed to the analysis of small (30-130 trinucleotides), Huntington disease-type expansions in individual genes is required in order to fully exclude the presence of (CAG)n/(CTG)n- or (CCG)n/(CGG)n-type unstable mutation.  相似文献   
In the present study we have characterized the synthesis of members of the HSP30 family during Xenopus laevis development using a polyclonal antipeptide antibody derived from the carboxyl end of HSP30C. Two-dimensional PAGE/immunoblot analysis was unable to detect any heat-inducible small HSPs in cleavage, blastula, gastrula, or neurula stage embryos. However, heat-inducible accumulation of a single protein was first detectable in early tailbud embryos with an additional 5 HSPs at the late tailbud stage and a total of 13 small HSPs at the early tadpole stage. In the Xenopus A6 kidney epithelial cell line, a total of eight heat-inducible small HSPs were detected by this antibody. Comparison of the pattern of protein synthesis in embryos and somatic cells revealed a number of common and unique heat inducible proteins in Xenopus embryos and cultured kidney epithelial cells. To specifically identify the protein product of the HSP30C gene, we made a chimeric gene construct with the Xenopus HSP30C coding sequence under the control of a constitutive promoter. This construct was microinjected into fertilized eggs and resulted in the premature and constitutive synthesis of the HSP30C protein in gastrula stage embryos. Through a series of mixing experiments, we were able to specifically identify the protein encoded by the HSP30C gene in embryos and somatic cells and to conclude that HSP30C synthesis was first heat-inducible at the early tailbud stage of development. The differential pattern of heat-inducible accumulation of members of the HSP30 family during Xenopus development suggests that these proteins may have distinct functions at specific embryonic stages during a stress response.  相似文献   
 Bi(Ⅲ)与金属硫蛋白作用性质研究张保林,黄辉,朱凌燕,岳晟,唐雯霞(南京大学配位化学研究所,配位化学国家重点实验室,南京210093)如何降低顺铂或其它抗癌铂的毒性,一直是癌症化疗中的重要课题之一,最近研究发现预先给大鼠或肺癌病人服用铋盐,可以极大...  相似文献   
The phylogenetic relationships among Primates (human), Artiodactyla (cow), Cetacea (whale), Carnivora (seal), and Rodentia (mouse and rat) were estimated from the inferred amino acid sequences of the mitochondrial genomes using Marsupialia (opossum), Aves (chicken), and Amphibia (Xenopus) as an outgroup. The overall evidence of the maximum likelihood analysis suggests that Rodentia is an outgroup to the other four eutherian orders and that Cetacea and Artiodactyla form a clade with Carnivora as a sister taxon irrespective of the assumed model for amino acid substitutions. Although there remains an uncertainty concerning the relation among Artiodactyla, Cetacea, and Carnivora, the existence of a clade formed by these three orders and the outgroup status of Rodentia to the other eutherian orders seems to be firmly established. However, analyses of individual genes do not necessarily conform to this conclusion, and some of the genes reject the putatively correct tree with nearly 5% significance. Although this discrepancy can be due to convergent or parallel evolution in the specific genes, it was pointed out that, even without a particular reason, such a discrepancy can occur in 5% of the cases if the branching among the orders in question occurred within a short period. Due to uncertainty about the assumed model underlying the phylogenetic inference, this can occur even more frequently. This demonstrates the importance of analyzing enough sequences to avoid the danger of concluding an erroneous tree.  相似文献   
Enzyme activity, protein contents, and mRNA contents of group II phospholipase A2 (PLA2) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) surgically obtained from 8 patients were compared with those in either its neighboring liver tissues or control liver tissues. The PLA2 specific activity towards the mixed micelles of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylglycerol and cholate was significantly greater in the tumor tissues (6.62 ± 1.46 nmol/min/mg) than those in the surrounding liver tissues (1.33 ± 0.22 nmol/min/mg) and controls (0.43 ± 0.04 nmol/min/mg). The results of immunoblot analysis using a specific anti-human group II PLA2 antibody and of Northern blot analysis using a human group II PLA2 cDNA as a probe demonstrated that group II PLA2 was responsible for the increased enzyme activity. The contents of immunoreactive group II PLA2 in the tumor tissues (8.81 ± 1.24 ng/mg) were significantly higher than those in the surrounding liver tissues (1.77 ± 0.27 ng/mg); those in the control tissues were below the analytical range of the method used. The group II PLA2 mRNA was also significantly increased in the tumor tissues, compared with that in the surrounding liver tissues, whereas it was not detectable in th controls. This indicates that group II PLA2 in HCC is induced at the pretranslational level.  相似文献   
零下低温对杂交杨树皮层膜脂组成的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以不耐寒的美洲黑杨(Populusdeltoidescv.“Lux”I-69/55,父本)和耐寒性较强的欧美杨(P.euramericanaclcv.I-45/51,母本)的4个杂交F_1代无性系(95杨、559杨、600杨和1381杨)为材料,分析了零下低温寒潮前后枝条皮层的脂质组成。结果表明,寒潮影响下,皮层中磷脂含量增加而组成基本不变,膜脂脂肪酸组成的变化规律是:寒潮前脂肪酸不饱和指数(IUFA)值大的无性系,寒潮前后的IUFA值变化量小;寒潮前IUFA值较小的无性系,寒潮前后IUFA值变化量较大。本文借用力学概念,提出相对抗性概念,给出杨树无性系的相对抗性序列。序列表明F_1代无性系的耐寒性已较不耐寒的父本提高,这与田间观察基本一致。  相似文献   
560 blood samples collected from mentally retarded children in Taipei were karyotypically analyzed for the incidence of fragile X and other chromosome abnormalities. The fragile site at Xq27.3 was observed in 18 patients (3.21%), 11 males and 7 females, out of the 560 blood cultures using M medium. Down syndrome (6.25%), 24 males and 11 females, was the other major category of abnormality. Other abnormalities, including inversion, translocation, deletion, duplication, ring as well as an extra marker chromosome were observed. The overall incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in these children was 14.82%.  相似文献   
Linkage map of seven polymorphic markers on rat Chromosome 18   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A genetic linkage map of seven polymorphic markers was created with F2 intercross progeny of F344/N and LEW/N rats and assigned to rat Chromosome (Chr) 18. Five of the markers described were defined by simple sequence length polymorphisms (SSLPs) associated with five genes: transthyretin (TTR), trypsin inhibitor-like protein (TILP), 2 adrenergic receptor (ADRB2), olfactory neuron-specific G protein (OLF), and gap junction protein (GJA1). One marker was defined by a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) detected with a probe for the human colony stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R) gene. The D18N1R locus was defined by an anonymous DNA fragment amplified by the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique with a single short primer. These seven DNA loci formed a single genetic linkage group 30.4 cM in length with the following order: TTR-6.8 cM-D18N1R-9.1 cM-TILP-4.3 cM-CSF1R-0 cM-ADRB2-10.2 cM-OLF-0 cM-GJA1. The five SSLP markers were highly polymorphic. In a total of 13 inbred rat strains analyzed (F344/ N, LEW/N, LOU/MN, WBB1/N, WBB2/N, MR/N, MNR/N, ACI/N, SHR/N, WKY/N, BN/SsN, BUF/N, and LER/N), three to six alleles were detected for each marker. Remarkable linkage conservation was detected between the region of rat Chr 18 mapped and a region of mouse Chr 18. However, genes associated with these markers have been mapped to three different human chromosomes (Chrs 5, 6, and 18). The markers described here should be useful for genetic mapping studies and genetic monitoring of inbred rat strains.  相似文献   
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