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Two populations of apolipoprotein (apo) A-I-containing lipoprotein particles are found in high density lipoproteins (HDL): those that also contain apo A-II[Lp(A-I w A-II)] and those that do not [Lp(A-I w/o A-II)]. Lp(A-I w/o A-II) comprised two distinct particle sizes with mean hydrates Stokes diameter of 10.5 nm for Lp(A-I w/o A-II)1 and 8.5 nm for Lp(A-I w/o A-II)2. To study the effect of ultracentrifugation on these particles, Lp(A-I w/o A-II) and Lp(A-I w A-II) were isolated from the plasma and the ultracentrifugal HDL (d 1.063-1.21 g/ml fractions) of five normolipidemic and three hyperlipidemic subjects. The size subpopulations of these particles were studied by gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Several consistent differences were detected between plasma Lp(A-I w/o A-II) and HDL Lp(A-I w/o A-II). First, in all subjects, the relative proportion of Lp(A-I w/o A-II)1 to Lp(A-I w/o A-II)2 isolated from HDL was reduced. Second, particles larger than Lp(A-I w/o A-II)1 and smaller than Lp(A-I w/o A-II)2 were considerably reduced in HDL. Third, a distinct population of particles with approximate Stokes diameter of 7.1 nm usually absent in plasma was detected in HDL Lp(A-I w/o A-II). Little difference in subpopulation distribution was detected between Lp(A-I w A-II) isolated from the plasma and HDL of the same subject. When plasma Lp(A-I w/o A-II) and Lp(A-I w A-II) were centrifuged, 14% and 4% of A-I were, respectively, recovered in the D greater than 1.21 g/ml fraction. Only 2% A-II was found in this density fraction. These studies show that the Lp(A-I w/o A-II) particles are less stable than Lp(A-I w A-II) particles upon ultracentrifugation. Among the various Lp(A-I w/o A-II) subpopulations, particles larger than Lp(A-I w/o A-II)1 and smaller than Lp(A-I w/o A-II)2 are most labile.  相似文献   
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a glycoprotein hormone composed of two dissimilar subunits, alpha and beta. Nicks or missing peptide linkages have been found in the beta 44-52 region of the beta-subunit of hCG, whether from pregnancy or trophoblast disease. This article reviews recent reports about the location of nicks in hCG, their origin and occurrence, their effects on the steroidogenic and receptor-binding activities of hCG, and on the immunological activities of hCG and its free beta-subunit. Taken together, the reports show: (1) nicks occur primarily between beta 47 and beta 48, and to a lesser extent between beta 44 and beta 45; (2) the extent of nicking in hCG samples varies widely, from undetectable to 100 percent of molecules; (3) nicks greatly reduce the steroidogenic activity of hCG in vitro (nicked molecules have less than 20 percent of the activity of the intact hormone); (4) nicks may occur at the trophoblast-myometrial interface or in the circulation by the action of human leucocyte elastase or similar leucocytic protease; (5) hCG testing kits using dimer-specific antibodies may not detect nicked molecules and may give different results from those using other antibodies; (6) hCG international reference preparations and the CR series of hCG standards are variably nicked (10 percent to 20 percent), complicating the problem of discordant hCG results in nick-sensitive assays; (7) results from commonly used immunoassays for measurement of the hCG free beta-subunit vary by as much as tenfold because some of the antibodies employed do not detect nick free beta-subunit.  相似文献   
H DeGrazia  D Brown  S Cheung  R M Wartell 《Biochemistry》1988,27(17):6359-6365
Raman spectra from three subfragments of the Escherichia coli lactose promoter region were obtained in 0.1 M NaCl. The three DNAs are 21, 40, and 62 bp in length. The 21 and 62 bp DNAs contain the binding site for the catabolite gene activator protein (CAP). The 40 bp DNA contains the binding site for the lac repressor. A quantitative analysis of Raman band characteristics indicates an overall B-type conformation for these gene regulatory sites. Bands which correspond to A-family (807 cm-1) and B-family (834 cm-1) deoxyribose phosphate vibrations have the same intensities as bands found in heterogeneous DNAs. The spectra of the 21 bp CAP site have, however, a small band at 867 cm-1 and several other small differences similar to some characteristics observed in C-DNA spectra. Several dG nucleosides in the CAP site appear to be altered from the conventional C2'-endo/anti conformation. At 45 degrees C, well below the melting region of these DNAs, small changes occur in the spectra of the 40 bp lac repressor site which are not observed in the other DNAs. A weak band occurs at 705 cm-1, and intensity changes are observed at 497, 682, and 792 cm-1. The changes suggest that the conformations of several dG nucleosides are altered and that a small region may exist with characteristics of an A-family backbone. This conformational change at 45 degrees C coincides with previous NMR observations indicating an enhanced imino proton exchange rate at a GTG sequence within the lac operator site.  相似文献   
We describe a new method to recover the distribution of donor-to-acceptor (D-A) distances in flexible molecules using steady-state measurements of the efficiency of fluorescence energy transfer. The method depends upon changes in the Forster distance (Ro) induced by collisional quenching of the donor emission. The Ro-dependent transfer efficiencies are analyzed using nonlinear least squares to recover the mean D-A distance and the width of the distribution. The method was developed and tested using three synthetic D-A pairs, in which the chromophores were separated by alkyl chains of varying lengths. As an example application we also recovered the distribution of distances from the single tryptophan residue in troponin I (trp 158) to acceptor-labeled cysteine 133. The half-width of the distribution increases from 12 A in the native state to 53 A when unfolded by guanidine hydrochloride. For both TnI and the three model compounds the distance distributions recovered from the steady-state transfer efficiencies were in excellent agreement with the distributions recovered using the more sophisticated frequency-domain method (Lakowicz, J.R., M.L. Johnson, W. Wiczk, A. Bhat, and R.F. Steiner. 1987. Chem. Phys. Lett. 138:587-593). The method was found to be reliable and should be generally useful for studies of conformational distributions of macromolecules.  相似文献   
An affinity purification procedure was developed for the cytosolic epoxide hydrolase based upon the selective binding of the enzyme to immobilized methoxycitronellyl thiol. Several elution systems were examined, but the most successful system employed selective elution with a chalcone oxide. This affinity system allowed the purification of the cytosolic epoxide hydrolase activity from livers of both control and clofibrate-fed mice. A variety of biochemical techniques including pH dependence, substrate preference, kinetics, inhibition, amino acid analysis, peptide mapping, Western blotting, analytical isoelectric focusing, and gel permeation chromatography failed to distinguish between the enzymes purified from control and clofibrate-fed animals. The quantitative removal of the cytosolic epoxide hydrolase acting on trans-stilbene oxide from 100,000g supernatants, allowed analysis of remaining activities acting differentially on cis-stilbene oxide and benzo[a]pyrene 4,5-oxide. Such analysis indicated the existence of a novel epoxide hydrolase activity in the cytosol of mouse liver preparations.  相似文献   
The separation between the two reactive thiols SH1 (Cys-704) and SH2 (Cys-694) and that between SH1 and the active site of myosin subfragment-1 were further investigated by F?rster energy transfer techniques. The SH1-SH2 distance was determined with the probe 5-[[2-[(iodoacetyl)amino]ethyl] amino]naphthalene-1-sulfonic acid (AEDANS) attached to SH1 as the energy donor and 5-(iodoacetamido)fluorescein (IAF) attached to SH2 as energy acceptor. The results derived from measurements of donor lifetimes yielded a donor-acceptor separation in the range 26-52 A, with the distance R(2/3) based on rapid and isotropic probe motions being 40 A. These parameters were not sensitive to added MgADP, in agreement with previous results obtained by using the steady-state method. The SH1-SH2 distance was also determined with AEDANS attached to SH1 and N-(4-dimethylamino-3,5-dinitrophenyl)maleimide (DDPM) attached to SH2. The range in R for the AEDANS/DDPM pair was 12-36 A, with R(2/3) equal to 27 A. The transfer efficiency between these two probes increased by an average of 38% upon addition of MgADP. These results are in agreement with those previously reported (Dalbey, R.E., Weiel, J. and Yount, R.G. (1983) Biochemistry 22, 4696-4706), but the uncertainty in choosing an appropriate value of the orientation factor to describe the AEDANS-DDPM separation does not allow a unique interpretation of the observed increase in energy transfer because it could reflect either an increase in the average orientation factor or a decrease in the donor-acceptor separation. Nevertheless, the results are consistent with the notion that nucleotide binding induces structural perturbations that can be sensed by SH1 and SH2. The distance between SH1 and the ATPase site was determined with AEDANS linked to SH1 and the nucleotide analogue 2'(3')-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)adenosine 5'-diphosphate (TNP-ADP) noncovalently bound to the active site as energy acceptor. The bound TNP-ADP was highly immobilized, with a depolarization factor approaching unity. The separation between AEDANS at SH1 and TNP-ADP at the active site was in the range 15-44 A. The actual minimal separation between SH1 and the active site is probably less than 15 A, which suggests that direct interaction between the two sites cannot be ruled out from energy transfer results.  相似文献   
A lyt-15 mutant reported to be unable to turn over the cell wall exhibited the same rate of wall turnover as the standard strain if the medium contained 0.2 M NaCl, which did not affect growth. Cell wall autolysis was also optimal at 0.2 M NaCl.  相似文献   
Brain cell-free protein synthesis is inhibited by methyl mercury chloride (MeHg) following in vivo or in vitro administration. In this report, we have identified the locus of mercurial inhibition of translation. Intraperitoneal injection of MeHg (40 nmol/g body wt) induced variable inhibition of amino acid incorporation into the post-mitochondrial supernatant (PMS) harvested from the brain of young (10-20-day-old) rats. No mercurial-induced disaggregation of brain polyribosomes nor change in the proportion of 80S monoribosomes was detected on sucrose density gradients. No difference in total RNA was found in the PMS. Initiation complex formation was stimulated by MeHg, as detected by radiolabelled methionine binding to 80S monoribosomes following continuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation. After micrococcal nuclease digestion of endogenous mRNA, both in vivo and in vitro MeHg inhibited polyuridylic acid-directed incorporation of [3H]phenylalanine. However, the in vivo inhibition was no longer observed when [3H]phenylalanyl-tRNAPhe replaced free [3H]phenylalanine in the incorporation assay. The formation of peptidyl[3H]puromycin revealed no difference from controls. There was significant mercurial inhibition of phenylalanyl-tRNA Phe synthetase activity in pH 5 enzyme fractions derived from brain PMS of MeHg-poisoned rats. These experiments revealed that the apparent MeHg inhibition of brain translation in vivo and in vitro is due primarily to perturbation in the aminoacylation of tRNA and is not associated with defective initiation, elongation, or ribosomal function.  相似文献   
Summary Rearranged human chromosomes carrying segments of chromosome 11 were separated from the normal chromosome 11 by high-resolution chromosome sorting. Sorted chromosomes were tested with parathyroid hormone, -globin, insulin, and LDH-A gene-specific probes to determine the genes carried by each chromosome segment. Based on the gene content and karyotypes of these abnormal chromosomes, the parathyroid hormone, -globin, insulin, and LDH-A genes and the unique restriction fragment ADJ-762 are all located on the terminal band of the short arm of human chromosome 11 (band 11p15), with LDH-A proximal to the other loci.  相似文献   
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