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Studying the microbial symbionts of eukaryotic hosts has revealed a range of interactions that benefit host biology. Most eukaryotes are also infected by parasites that adversely affect host biology for their own benefit. However, it is largely unclear whether the ability of parasites to develop in hosts also depends on host-associated symbionts, e.g., the gut microbiota. Here, we studied the parasitic wasp Leptopilina boulardi (Lb) and its host Drosophila melanogaster. Results showed that Lb successfully develops in conventional hosts (CN) with a gut microbiota but fails to develop in axenic hosts (AX) without a gut microbiota. We determined that developing Lb larvae consume fat body cells that store lipids. We also determined that much larger amounts of lipid accumulate in fat body cells of parasitized CN hosts than parasitized AX hosts. CN hosts parasitized by Lb exhibited large increases in the abundance of the bacterium Acetobacter pomorum in the gut, but did not affect the abundance of Lactobacillus fructivorans which is another common member of the host gut microbiota. However, AX hosts inoculated with A. pomorum and/or L. fructivorans did not rescue development of Lb. In contrast, AX larvae inoculated with A. pomorum plus other identified gut community members including a Bacillus sp. substantially rescued Lb development. Rescue was further associated with increased lipid accumulation in host fat body cells. Insulin-like peptides increased in brain neurosecretory cells of parasitized CN larvae. Lipid accumulation in the fat body of CN hosts was further associated with reduced Bmm lipase activity mediated by insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling (IIS). Altogether, our results identify a previously unknown role for the gut microbiota in defining host permissiveness for a parasite. Our findings also identify a new paradigm for parasite manipulation of host metabolism that depends on insulin signaling and the gut microbiota.Subject terms: Animal physiology, Microbial ecology  相似文献   
殷嘉迪  董金玮  匡文慧  崔耀平  江东 《生态学报》2020,40(17):5904-5914
改革开放以来中国经济和城市化的快速发展促使生产和生活空间挤占大量生态空间,系统认识和评估我国生态空间演化的宏观格局和过程对于生态文明建设具有重要的理论和现实意义。为揭示全国生态空间变化的时空过程,在对生态空间内涵进行界定的基础上,结合全国尺度时序土地利用数据构建生态空间分类体系,并评估1990—2015年中国生态空间演化特征。结果表明:1990—2015年中国生态用地面积持续减少,主要向半生态用地转变,发生在重要的粮食生产区域及周边;半生态用地面积波动明显,前期主要表现为不断扩张,后期大量转换为弱生态用地,发生在主要城市群地区;弱生态用地持续扩张,与城镇化进程不断加速相关。中国生态空间演变过程表现出一定的区域差异和梯度效应,不同区域生态空间变化发生的拐点时间有所不同,呈现"自东向西、由南到北"的3级梯度特征,区域生态空间状况与经济发展战略及生态空间管控具有较强的相关性。本研究对于国家生态空间管控近远期战略方案制订具有一定启示,建议处于不同梯度的各地区应基于区域生态空间演化所处阶段和不同驱动机制,确定分区域生态空间安全红线目标和生态空间管控方案。  相似文献   
啄木鸟科物种作为初级洞巢者与蛀干害虫控制者,对森林高度依赖,是森林生态系统重要的伞护种和环境指示物种。自20世纪以来,由于全球范围的栖息地丧失和片段化,啄木鸟科物种的森林生境急剧萎缩,威胁着该类群物种的生存和繁衍。为探究啄木鸟科动物濒危情况和研究现状,本研究利用世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录(IUCN Red List)和国际鸟盟(BirdLife International)在线数据库,检索并整理出1988年到2023年以下内容:(1)全球啄木鸟的物种数、濒危等级及其变化情况;(2)各大洲的啄木鸟物种数及其受威胁物种的比例;(3)啄木鸟的主要威胁因素;(4)通过Google学术搜索等方式检索并统计啄木鸟相关文章的研究内容。结果显示:(1)目前现存254种啄木鸟,33年间全球受威胁啄木鸟由7种增加至18种,受威胁物种数占当年已命名啄木鸟物种数的比例由3.4%上升至7.0%。(2)亚洲、南美洲和北美洲各分布了83种、93种和56种啄木鸟,受威胁物种占比分别为12.0%、6.4%、5.3%。非洲和欧洲分别分布了36种和11种啄木鸟,当前没有受威胁物种。(3)农业和生物资源利用以及放牧是啄木鸟的主要威胁因素。(4)共检索到研究啄木鸟的有关文章1 024篇,研究覆盖了140种啄木鸟,其中,文章数最多的物种是红顶啄木鸟(Leuconotopicus borealis)(162篇)。研究主要集中在巢相关特征(129篇)、生境选择特征(122篇)、取食行为(112篇)、繁殖行为(99篇)和种群状况(66篇)等基础生态学内容。这些研究为啄木鸟生物学、生态学积累了一定的基础,但物种覆盖程度还远远不够。在生物多样性急剧丧失的大背景下,亟需开展更为广泛和深入的研究。本研究对全球啄木鸟的濒危格局与研究现状进行了全面的分析,以期为后续啄木鸟的研究与保护工作提供参考。  相似文献   
大中型食肉动物肇事事件导致人类与野生动物关系恶化,给生物多样性保护工作带来巨大的挑战。若尔盖湿地是我国三大湿地之一,湿地、草原分布广泛,生物多样性丰富,畜牧业发达,但近年来狼(Canis lupus)捕杀牲畜的肇事事件时有发生。为了解若尔盖野生狼肇事件的空间分布以及牧民对人-狼冲突管理的看法,本研究于2022年对若尔盖县13个乡镇83个行政村进行走访调查。结果表明:(1)多数受访者(66.0%)认为在过去5年内,若尔盖县野生狼数量有所增加;(2)狼肇事事件具有明显的空间分异性,最严重的是包座乡。包座乡临近山区,该区域牧场面积广阔、牧民饲养牲畜数量多等原因导致该镇发生狼肇事事件较多;(3)对于狼肇事,绝大多数牧民(85.0%)更希望采取经济补偿或者驱赶措施,只有少数牧民(9.4%)希望采取捕杀的措施;(4)影响牧民对狼肇事管理措施的偏好因子中,受教育程度、年龄、民族以及被杀牲畜数量有显著影响。建议加强狼种群监测管理,采取措施减少狼捕杀牲畜,优化补偿机制,缓解当地牧民与狼之间的矛盾。本研究为当前若尔盖县野生动物保护和管理决策提供了依据,对其他地区大型食肉动物与当地居民冲突管理具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
The occurrence and progress of osteoporosis(OP)are partially caused by impaired osteoblast differentiation.Interleukin-I receptor antagonist(IL1RN)is an immune ...  相似文献   
1. A replication-competent recombinant VSV with RABV-G protein replacement was generated.
2. Single dose of VSV-RABVG immunization induce potent antigen-specific humoral immune response, especially the virus neutralizing antibodies.
3. Mice intranasally immunized with single dose of VSV-RABVG were 100% protected upon RABV challenge.  相似文献   
4 widely used cohesive end-producing restriction endonucleases (REs), EcoR I, Pst I, Sal I and Bam HI were tested in CHO cells for their aberration-inducing effects. It was demonstrated that all these REs significantly increased the frequencies of aberrant cells, the aberration frequencies per cell and the aberration frequencies per chromosome. The effects of REs on chromosomal aberrations are similar to ionizing radiation, but more minutes and interchange figures are observed. Polyploid cells are more susceptible to RE treatment, an interesting finding which may be explained by the mechanisms leading to the formation of polyploid cells.  相似文献   
张微  田颖  张亚琼  李杰  胡严 《动物学杂志》2024,59(3):349-357
红隼(Falco tinnunculus)被列为国家二级重点保护野生动物,是能同时适应农村和城市环境的小型猛禽,对维持城市生态系统稳定具有重要意义。2022年4月至7月,为在北京救助的7只红隼佩戴了卫星追踪器,追踪其活动轨迹,依据追踪的动物活动位点数据,采用净平方位移-时间曲线依次对各红隼的迁徙模式进行了判别,深入分析了迁徙红隼的迁徙时间、距离和路线等,并采用核心密度法分别计算了迁徙及留居型红隼95%及50%活动区面积。研究结果表明,在北京地区红隼的迁徙模式为部分迁徙,追踪的7只红隼个体(N01 ~ N07)中,4只为留鸟,1只为迁徙鸟,2只居留类型无法准确判断。N01为迁徙红隼,其度夏地和越冬地分别在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟和河北廊坊,此红隼秋季迁徙速度明显高于春季,其春季迁徙距离551 km,历时25 d,平均迁徙速度为22 km/d,而秋季迁徙距离412 km,历时2 d,平均迁徙速度为203 km/d,河北承德滦平县是其春季迁徙的重要中途停歇地。不同红隼个体间95%及50%活动区面积均存在较大差异,迁徙红隼N01 95%、50%活动区面积在度夏区分别为93.10 km2、17.50 km2,在越冬区分别为7.03 km2、0.99 km2;留居型红隼95%、50%活动区面积均值分别为1 165.34 km2、178.71 km2(n = 4),其中最大95%、50%活动区面积分别为4 320.26 km2(N02)、648.22 km2(N02),最小95%、50%活动区面积分别为2.80 km2(N03)、0.29 km2(N03)。本研究揭示了北京地区红隼的迁徙模式、迁徙路线、重要停歇地及活动区状况,为红隼的针对性保护和管理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
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