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Dexamethasone (Dex), a synthetic glucocorticoid (GC) with long-lasting treatment effects, has been proved to exert a modulatory effect on osteoblast proliferation and differentiation during embryonic osteogenesis. However, it is still controversial if Dex exposure influences endochondral ossification and the underlying mechanism. In this study, chick embryos in vivo and preosteoblast cell cultures in vitro were utilized to investigate the effects of Dex on osteoblast formation and differentiation during the skeletal development. We first demonstrated that Dex exposure could shorten the long bones of 17-day chick embryos in vivo, and also downregulated the expressions of osteogenesis-related genes. Next, we established that Dex exposure inhibited the proliferation and viability of preosteoblasts-MC3TC-E1 cells, and the addition of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) could dramatically rescue these negative effects. On the basis of remarkable changes in the rescue experiments, we next verified the important role of angiogenesis in osteogenesis by culturing isolated embryonic phalanges in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium culture or on the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM). Then, we transplanted MC3T3-E1 cell masses onto the CAM. The data showed that Dex exposure reduced the vessel density within the developed cell mass, concomitantly with the downregulation of IGF-1 pathway. We verified that the inhibition of blood vessel formation caused by Dex could be rescued by IGF-1 treatment using the CAM angiogenesis model. Eventually, we demonstrated that the shortened length of the phalanges in the presence of Dex could be reversed by IGF-1 addition. In summary, these findings suggested that the inhibition of Igf-1 signal caused by Dex exposure exerts a detrimental impact on the formation of osteoblasts and angiogenesis, which consequently shortens long bones during osteogenesis.  相似文献   
参照Ty1-copia类逆转座子逆转录酶的保守区设计简并引物,分别从10个不结球白菜(Brassica campestris ssp.chinensis)品种的全基因组中均扩增出260 bp左右的目标条带. 将目的条带回收、克隆和测序后进行分析,DNAstar分析发现,这些序列存在高度的异质性,28个核苷酸序列变化范围为224~278 bp,同源性范围为16.7%~83.0%.28条序列通过核苷酸聚类分为8个家族.推导氨基酸序列有移框突变、终止子突变或二者兼有;与已登录的不同物种同一类型逆转录酶氨基酸系统进化树分析表明,不结球白菜Ty1-copia类逆转座子与芥菜型油菜、拟南芥、芜菁、甜菜可能有共同的起源.半定量和实时定量PCR检测表明,水杨酸(salicylic acid)和Peronospora parasitica均能激活不结球白菜Ty1-copia类逆转座子,逆转座子在不结球白菜叶片中的表达特征说明它可能参与寄主对病原菌的抗性.  相似文献   


Insertions and deletions (indels) are an important evolutionary force, making the evolutionary process more efficient and flexible by copying and removing genomic fragments of various lengths instead of rediscovering them by point mutations. As a mutational process, indels are known to be more active in specific sequences (like micro-satellites) but not much is known about the more general and mechanistic effect of sequence context on the insertion and deletion susceptibility of genomic loci.  相似文献   
A survey of blood selenium (Se) concentrations in Norwegian Red heifers and dry period cows was conducted to reveal possible association to management, feeding, health and fertility. Selenium contents were determined in 254 herd blood samples consisting of pooled samples from individual non-lactating animals from herds in 5 counties. The Se concentrations showed a normal distribution with mean 0.09 μg Se/g blood, with a standard deviation (SD) of 0.05, and ranged from 0.02 to 0.23 μg/g, with 50 % of the samples being between 0.06 and 0.11 μg/g. The herds with Se concentrations below 0.06 μg/g were smaller (21.4 ± 8.7 cow-years) than those with Se levels above 0.11 μg/g (27.5 ± 14.1 cow-years) (P < 0.01), but there were no differences in milk yield, incidence of replacement, proportion of animal culling, amount of concentrate or grass silage as percentage of energy consumption between the groups. Treatment registration records showed a tendency that more animals in the low Se herds were treated for all the diseases included in this investigation (64.8 animals per 100 cow-years) than those in the high Se herds (57.5 per 100 cow-years), while no such differences were revealed for individual disorders. There was, however, a significant difference in bulk milk somatic cell counts (BMSCC) between low and high Se herds, their values being 137 000 and 155 000 cells/ml, respectively. This difference was significantly influenced by herd size. Furthermore, a total of 4 916 lactations were analyzed from individual health and fertility recordings, including 2 934 first lactations and 1 982 later lactations. The present study revealed a reduced incidence of disease treatment with increased Se concentrations from 0.02 to 0.23 μg Se/g blood. In this regard, there seemed to be an optimum of 0.10 to 0.15 μg Se/g for all types of mastitis treatments summarized, and for treatment of retained placenta. Thus, herd Se concentrations below and above these values was connected with increased probability for sum mastitis and retained placenta, reflecting the effect of the quadratic term of Se. The cow (composite) milk somatic cell count (SCC) was lower in lactations from low Se herds than in high Se herds with a marked SCC increase in the Se concentration interval from 0.11–0.13 μg/g blood. In conclusion, heifers and dry period cows in Norway are low in blood Se content and there seems to be a positive association between increased blood Se concentration pre partum and decreased incidence of mastitis, ovarian cysts and anoestrus/silent oestrus post partum.  相似文献   
为制定江西庐山国家级自然保护区珍稀濒危植物的保护策略,采用濒危系数、遗传系数及物种价值系数等评价指标对58种珍稀植物的濒危程度和优先保护顺序进行评估。结果表明,自然保护区珍稀植物的综合评价值(VS)为0.153~0.742,濒危等级为安全的11种,占该区珍稀保护植物总数的19%;稀有的28种(48%);渐危的18种(31%);濒危的1种(2%)。优先保护顺序为Ⅰ级的8种,占该区珍稀保护植物总数的14%,急需保护;Ⅱ级的22种(38%),需要保护;Ⅲ级的23种(40%),可以一般保护;IV级的5种(8%),较为安全。生境破坏和人为干扰是该区珍稀植物保护面临的主要威胁。  相似文献   
为解析酱香型白酒酿造酒醅中酵母菌的菌群结构,获取酒醅中的主要酵母菌,采用高通量测序法分析酱香型白酒酒醅中酵母菌多样性及主要功能菌群,同时采用可培养分离方法获取酒醅中酵母菌活性菌株。从酱香型白酒下沙至五轮次酒醅中共检出59个属、129个种的酵母菌,分离得到酵母菌活性菌株41种,检测到的酵母菌种类与获得的酵母菌活菌在各香型白酒中最多。不同时期酒醅中的酵母菌种类和数量差异明显,其中下沙、造沙轮次以Pichia kudriavzevii为绝对优势酵母菌;一至五轮次随着轮次的递增,酒醅中优势酵母菌的种类增多,其中主要的优势酵母菌有Pichia kudriavzevii、Pichia manshurica、Zygosaccharomyces bailii、Saccharomyces cerevisiae、Candida apicola。酱香型白酒酒醅中蕴藏着极其丰富的酵母菌资源,对酵母菌菌群结构的解析有助于科学地认识酱香型白酒酿造过程中产酒与风味代谢机理,为发酵过程的调控提供一定依据。  相似文献   
我国生物多样性保护与减贫协同发展模式探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物多样性和贫困是全球关注的热点论题,生物多样性保护与减贫是关乎我国可持续发展、人民生活水平提高和2020年能否全面实现小康社会的重要问题。近年来,生态环境保护特别是生物多样性保护与贫困地区区域整体协调发展越来越受到社会各界的关注。本文对我国生物多样性保护与减贫的积极和消极影响关系进行了梳理和分析,采用态势分析法对我国现行的生物多样性保护与减贫的宏观政策在未来二者协同发展过程中的优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行了深入探讨。并在此基础上对以生物多样性可持续利用为核心的保护与减贫协调发展的途径进行了探索,提出了促进二者协同发展的生态移民、绿色资本带动、生态旅游、绿色考评等模式,以期对我国推进生物多样性保护与减贫协同发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   
在本文中描述了乌头属和翠雀属各一新种和一新亚种,唐松草属一新种,侧金盏花属一新亚种,以及毛茛属五新种,首次报道了圆叶唐松草在中国西藏南部的分布,在对叶、雄蕊和心皮的形态特征进行了分析之后认为,这种植物与特产云南的糙叶唐松草有一定亲缘关系。  相似文献   
休眠期和营养期包囊游仆虫的纤毛器骨架及其微管蛋白   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
应用光镜和透射电镜术 ,显示了包囊游仆虫休眠细胞中纤毛器骨架的形态 ,并对该纤毛虫休眠细胞和营养细胞的纤毛器及其α、β -微管蛋白进行了免疫荧光定位的比较研究。由免疫荧光显微术显示 ,包囊游仆虫形成休眠包囊后 ,背部毛基体完整地按原有模式保存下来 ;纤毛杆解聚后微管蛋白多集中在细胞皮层 ,小部分均匀散布在细胞质中。据所得结果认为 ,包囊游仆虫形成包囊后 ,微管蛋白主要有 3个去向 ,即 :①处于自噬泡内被逐步消化 ;②以“微管蛋白库”的形式分布于细胞皮层及细胞质中 ;③保留在残留的基体中。此外 ,以往研究中发现的棘毛基部纤维网络未被标记上 ,提示这些纤维体系可能不属于微管系统  相似文献   
丙酮酸磷酸双激酶(pyruvate phosphate dikinase, PPDK; EC能够可逆催化磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸(phosphoenolpyruvate, PEP)、单磷酸腺苷(adenosine monophosphate, AMP)和焦磷酸盐(pyrophosphate, PPi)生成三磷酸腺苷(adenosine triphosphate, ATP)、无机磷酸盐(orthophosphate, Pi)和丙酮酸(pyruvate).以热玫瑰小双孢菌基因组DNA为模板,PCR扩增得到了编码PPDK的基因,将此基因片段插入表达载体pET24a (+),在大肠杆菌中表达C端融合His-Tag的重组PPDK.与我们先前表达的N端融合His-Tag的PPDK相比,酶的活性提高了20倍,提示该酶的N端对活性十分重要.重组PPDK单体分子量为98 kD.经过镍亲和层析和超滤后,重组PPDK基本达到电泳纯.重组PPDK与荧光素酶偶联能够形成1个ATP-AMP循环反应,在该循环反应中,荧光素酶催化ATP生成的AMP和PPi能够被PPDK重新转化成ATP,产生一个持续稳定的信号.  相似文献   
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