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Increased abundance of Gardnerella vaginalis and sialidase activity in vaginal fluid is associated with bacterial vaginosis (BV), a common but poorly understood clinical entity associated with poor reproductive health outcomes. Since most women are colonized with G. vaginalis, its status as a normal member of the vaginal microbiota or pathogen causing BV remains controversial, and numerous classification schemes have been described. Since 2005, sequencing of the chaperonin-60 universal target (cpn60 UT) has distinguished four subgroups in isolate collections, clone libraries and deep sequencing datasets. To clarify potential clinical and diagnostic significance of cpn60 subgroups, we undertook phenotypic and molecular characterization of 112 G. vaginalis isolates from three continents. A total of 36 subgroup A, 33 B, 35 C and 8 D isolates were identified through phylogenetic analysis of cpn60 sequences as corresponding to four “clades” identified in a recently published study, based on sequencing 473 genes across 17 isolates. cpn60 subgroups were compared with other previously described molecular methods for classification of Gardnerella subgroups, including amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) and real-time PCR assays designed to quantify subgroups in vaginal samples. Although two ARDRA patterns were observed in isolates, each was observed in three cpn60 subgroups (A/B/D and B/C/D). Real-time PCR assays corroborated cpn60 subgroups overall, but 13 isolates from subgroups A, B and D were negative in all assays. A putative sialidase gene was detected in all subgroup B, C and D isolates, but only in a single subgroup A isolate. In contrast, sialidase activity was observed in all subgroup B isolates, 3 (9%) subgroup C isolates and no subgroup A or D isolates. These observations suggest distinct roles for G. vaginalis subgroups in BV pathogenesis. We conclude that cpn60 UT sequencing is a robust approach for defining G. vaginalis subgroups within the vaginal microbiome.  相似文献   
利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析了9株根瘤菌酯酶及SOD同工酶图谱,结果显示快生型根瘤菌与慢生型根瘤菌有明显区别,不仅根瘤菌种间有明显差别,而且菌株间也存在差异。Rhizobiumleguminosarumbiovarsviceae和phaseoli具有相同的SOD图谱和相似的酯酶图谱。快生型大豆根瘤菌的上述同工酶图谱不同于慢生型大豆根瘤菌和其它快生型根瘤菌。  相似文献   
Chronic high glucose levels lead to the formation of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) as well as AGE precursors, such as methylglyoxal (MG) and glyoxal, via non-enzymatic glycation reactions in patients with diabetic mellitus. Glyoxalase 1 (GLO-1) detoxifies reactive dicarbonyls that form AGEs. To investigate the interaction between AGEs and GLO-1 in mesangial cells (MCs) under diabetic conditions, AGE levels and markers of oxidative stress were measured in GLO-1-overexpressing MCs (GLO-1-MCs) cultured in high glucose. Furthermore, we also examined levels of high glucose-induced apoptosis in GLO-1-MCs. In glomerular MCs, high glucose levels increased the formation of both MG and argpyrimidine (an MG-derived adduct) as well as GLO-1 expression. GLO-1-MCs had lower intracellular levels of MG accumulation, 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine (an oxidative DNA damage marker), 4-hydroxyl-2-nonenal (a lipid peroxidation product), and nitrosylated protein (a marker of oxidative-nitrosative stress) compared to control cells. Expression of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation complexes I, II, and III was also decreased in GLO-1-MCs. Furthermore, fewer GLO-1-MCs showed evidence of apoptosis as determined by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick labeling assay, and activation of both poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 cleavage and caspase-3 was lower in GLO-1-MCs than in control cells cultured in high glucose. These results suggest that GLO-1 plays a role in high glucose-mediated signaling by reducing MG accumulation and oxidative stress in diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   
1985年4~10月与1986年6~8月,在贵州省沿河县的纸坊村和崔家坨村先后发生了病因不明的传染病。纸坊村约有1/5的村民发病,病死率为12%,崔家坨村有1/10的村民发病,病死率高达30%。发病波及各年龄组,以青壮年为多,有家庭集聚现象。 本病起病急,轻症者只有头晕、乏力、肌痛、多汗、心悸伴以低热,有的初期有短暂的腹泻。重症者有高热(40℃以上)、大汗、心悸、游走性肌肉痉挛伴有明显疼痛和触痛,以腰骶部及四肢肌肉为好发部位。病人烦燥不安,2~5天内死亡。经实验室检查,排除了食物中毒、农药中毒、钩端螺旋体病和弓形体感染。从病人和接触者的粪便中分离到9株病毒,性状一致,为RNA型25nm的球形颗粒,耐酸,耐乙醚,能凝集人“O”型血球。经血清学鉴定为ECHO3型病毒。16份病人双份血清的检测结果表明,恢复期血清对该病毒中和抗体有4倍以上升高者共8例(纸坊村和崔家坨各4例)。病人单份血清也都有较高的抗体。有理由认为两年中先后在两个村庄发生的传染病与ECHO3型病毒有密切关系。查阅文献,尚未见有关ECHO3型病毒引起以肌痛、游走性肌痉挛为特征的疾病的报道。  相似文献   
The production task queue has a great significance for manufacturing resource allocation and scheduling decision. Man-made qualitative queue optimization method has a poor effect and makes the application difficult. A production task queue optimization method is proposed based on multi-attribute evaluation. According to the task attributes, the hierarchical multi-attribute model is established and the indicator quantization methods are given. To calculate the objective indicator weight, criteria importance through intercriteria correlation (CRITIC) is selected from three usual methods. To calculate the subjective indicator weight, BP neural network is used to determine the judge importance degree, and then the trapezoid fuzzy scale-rough AHP considering the judge importance degree is put forward. The balanced weight, which integrates the objective weight and the subjective weight, is calculated base on multi-weight contribution balance model. The technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS) improved by replacing Euclidean distance with relative entropy distance is used to sequence the tasks and optimize the queue by the weighted indicator value. A case study is given to illustrate its correctness and feasibility.  相似文献   
人为干扰对风水林群落林下木本植物组成和多样性的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
华南地区的风水林是乡村聚落的一种特色林分, 具有守护村庄的象征意义。在过去的数百年中, 风水林在乡村的社会文化习俗的影响下而受到保护, 对当地的生物多样性保育有着重要作用。为揭示人为干扰对风水林的影响, 我们选择广东省东莞市大岭山镇同一林分起源的3个具有相似地形的风水林, 研究了在不同干扰强度下其林下木本植物种类组成和物种多样性。多响应置换过程(multi-response permutation procedures, MRPP)分析表明, 人为干扰显著改变了风水林林下木本植物组成(P = 0.001, A = 0.3886), 沿着干扰由弱至强的梯度呈现出中生性植物减少、阳生性植物递增的趋势。多样性指数变化趋势为重度干扰>中度干扰>轻度干扰, 但没有表现出统计学意义上的差异(P>0.05)。随着干扰强度的增大, 3个风水林群落相互间的林下物种相似性降低, 物种替代率呈增加趋势。双向聚类分析较好地反映出林下物种因受不同人为干扰强度影响而表现出在空间分布上的差异。指示种分析进一步确定了不同干扰强度下具有显著指示值(IV ≥60)的指示种。综合分析表明, 人为干扰有利于阳性物种在风水林内定居生长, 并明显地改变了林下木本植物组成, 但未能引起物种多样性的显著差异。此外, 找出对人为干扰产生关键生态响应的林下指示种, 对增进风水林的生物多样性保育以及生态系统管理有着重要的理论意义和实践价值。  相似文献   
Alopecia areata (AA) is a genetically determined, immune-mediated disorder of the hair follicle that affects 1%-2% of the U.S. population. It is defined by a spectrum of severity that ranges from patchy localized hair loss on the scalp to the complete absence of hair everywhere on the body. In an effort to define the genetic basis of AA, we performed a genomewide search for linkage in 20 families with AA consisting of 102 affected and 118 unaffected individuals from the United States and Israel. Our analysis revealed evidence of at least four susceptibility loci on chromosomes 6, 10, 16 and 18, by use of several different statistical approaches. Fine-mapping analysis with additional families yielded a maximum multipoint LOD score of 3.93 on chromosome 18, a two-point affected sib pair (ASP) LOD score of 3.11 on chromosome 16, several ASP LOD scores >2.00 on chromosome 6q, and a haplotype-based relative risk LOD of 2.00 on chromosome 6p (in the major histocompatibility complex locus). Our findings confirm previous studies of association of the human leukocyte antigen locus with human AA, as well as the C3H-HeJ mouse model for AA. Interestingly, the major loci on chromosomes 16 and 18 coincide with loci for psoriasis reported elsewhere. These results suggest that these regions may harbor gene(s) involved in a number of different skin and hair disorders.  相似文献   
为了实现罗汉果生产中免除人工授粉和果实无籽化,该研究利用pBI121-Gus构建果实特异启动子2A11与生长素合成相关基因iaaM的嵌合基因(2A11-iaaM)过量表达载体,以罗汉果雌株叶盘为材料,采用农杆菌介导法建立罗汉果高效遗传转化体系,转化和创制单性结实罗汉果种质,通过基因特异引物对的PCR扩增,初步检测出转基因阳性植株,将之移栽大田,观察转基因植株的单性结实性的表现。结果表明:构建罗汉果单性结实性相关的pBAI-Gus植物双元表达载体获得成功;建立了农杆菌介导的罗汉果叶盘遗传转化优化体系,即农杆菌菌液OD_(600)值为0.3~0.5,侵染10 min,最优选择培养基为MS+TDZ 0.7 mg·L~(-1)+IBA 0.5 mg·L~(-1)+Kan 5 mg·L~(-1)+Cef 300 mg·L~(-1);经PCR鉴定共获得4株转基因阳性雌株;将阳性植株扩繁后移栽田间,经田间调查发现,24株阳性扩繁植株中有5株正常开花,占总植株数的20.8%,且其子房未经人工授粉发育成幼果,表现单性结实性。在载体构建和农杆菌介导的罗汉果遗传转化体系优化的基础上,将外源单性结实相关嵌合基因整合进罗汉果基因组并得到表达,为后续研究单性结实罗汉果的遗传生理,创制转基因罗汉果单性结实新种质,以及克服其产业化中需要人工授粉和无籽化提供了理论和应用基础。  相似文献   
Despite the wide use of Chinese licorice root (Glycyrrhiza uralensis) for the treatment of menopausal complaints, little is known on its potential estrogenic properties, and available information relative to its effects on cell proliferation is contradictory. In this study, the estrogenic properties of licorice root were evaluated in vitro by use of several assays. The effects of increasing concentrations of a DMSO extract of licorice root on the growth of MCF-7 breast cancer cells were biphasic. The extract showed an ER-dependent growth-promoting effect at low concentrations and an ER-independent anti-proliferative activity at high concentrations. In further experiments, licorice root was sequentially extracted to yield four fractions: hexane, EtOAc, methanol and H2O. Only the EtOAc extract had effects on cell proliferation similar to the DMSO extract. The hexane extract had no effect on cell growth. In contrast, the methanol and water extracts showed an ER-independent, growth-promoting effect. Similar to its effects on cell proliferation, the EtOAc extract had a biphasic effect on S phase cell cycle distribution and the level of PCNA protein. This extract-induced transactivation of endogenous ERα in MCF-7 cells, supported by inducing down-regulation of ERα protein and mRNA levels, and up-regulation of ERα target genes pS2 and GREB1. These results suggest that the activity of licorice root and the balance between increased risk for cancer and prevention of estrogen-dependent breast cancer may depend on the amount of dietary intake.  相似文献   
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