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一株产碱性蛋白酶菌株的筛选鉴定及酶学特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
【目的】从丝茅草中筛选得到产蛋白酶菌株并研究驯化过程中微生物群落结构,以及探究该菌株的生长特性和蛋白酶的酶学特性。【方法】通过高通量测序探究来源于丝茅草的菌株在不同培养条件下细菌种类及丰度,通过选择性培养基来筛选能够分解酪素并产生蛋白酶的菌株,通过单因素试验方法确定环境因子对菌株生长和蛋白酶活性的影响。【结果】微生物群落结构在基础培养基和牛肉膏蛋白胨培养基中不同。通过含酪素的选择性培养基里筛选到1株产蛋白酶菌株H-16,经生理生化试验和16S r DNA鉴定知该菌株属于Escherichia marmotae,菌株H-16能产生分子量为70 k Da左右的单亚基蛋白酶。胰蛋白胨、蔗糖、30°C或35°C、p H 7分别为菌株生长的最适氮源、碳源、温度和p H。菌株H-16分泌的蛋白酶最适p H为6–8,在50°C及6%盐度以下酶活性几乎不受影响。此外,Cu(II)和Ag(I)等金属离子能够抑制蛋白酶的活性。【结论】该菌株H-16为嗜中温菌株,能够产生碱性蛋白酶。  相似文献   
本研究对葡萄(Vitis vinifera L.)的Golden2-like (GLK)转录因子家族进行了全基因组鉴定和表达模式分析,并利用品种‘玫瑰香’(V.vinifera cv.Muscat Hamburg)进一步验证其在低温胁迫下的响应。结果显示,葡萄Golden2-like家族共46个成员,分为5个亚族,同一亚族的保守结构域相似。46个VvGLK分别定位于细胞核、叶绿体、细胞质和过氧化物酶体中,其启动子区域含多种逆境应答顺式作用元件。基因芯片分析结果表明,22个Golden2-like基因在果实发育过程中变化显著。同时,有15、15和9个基因分别响应盐、干旱和低温胁迫。qRT-PCR分析发现26个基因参与低温应答。VvGLK41在所有胁迫处理中均下调表达。  相似文献   
By using atomic force microscope (AFM), the topography and function of the plasmalemma surface of the isolated protoplasts from winter wheat mesophyll cells were observed, and compared with dead protoplasts induced by dehydrating stress. The observational results revealed that the plasma membrane of living protoplasts was in a state of polarization. Lipid layers of different cells and membrane areas exhibited distinct active states. The surfaces of plasma membranes were unequal, and were characterized of regionalisation. In addition, lattice structures were visualized in some regions of the membrane surface. These typical structures were assumed to be lipid molecular complexes, which were measured to be 15.8±0.09 nm in diameter and 1.9±0.3 nm in height. Both two-dimensional and three-dimensional imaging showed that the plasmalemma surfaces of winter wheat protoplasts were covered with numerous protruding particles. In order to determine the chemical nature of the protruding particles, living protoplasts were treated by proteolytic enzyme. Under the effect of enzyme, large particles became relatively looser, resulting that their width was increased and their height decreased. The results demonstrated that these particles were likely to be of protein nature. These protein particles at plasmalemma surface were different in size and unequal in distribution. The diameter of large protein particles ranged from 200 to 440 nm, with a central micropore, and the apparent height of them was found to vary from 12 to 40 nm. The diameter of mid-sized protein particles was between 40―60 nm, and a range of 1.8―5 nm was given for the apparent height of them. As for small protein particles, obtained values were 12―40 nm for their diameter and 0.7―2.2 nm for height. Some invaginated pits were also observed at the plasma membrane. They were formed by the endocytosis of protoplast. Distribution density of them at plasmalemma was about 16 pits per 15 μm2. According to their size, we classified the invaginated pits into two types―larger pits measuring 139 nm in diameter and 7.2 nm in depth, and smaller pits measuring 96 nm in diameter and 2.3 nm in depth. On dehydration-induced dead pro-toplasts, the degree of polarization of plasma membranes decreased. Lipid molecular layers appeared relatively smooth, and the quantity of integral proteins reduced a lot. Invaginated pits were still de-tectable at the membrane surface, but due to dehydration-induced protoplast contraction, the orifice diameter of pits reduced, and their depth increased. Larger pits averagely measuring 47.4 nm in di-ameter and 31.9 nm in depth, and smaller pits measuring 26.5 nm in diameter and 43 nm in depth at average. The measured thickness of plasma membranes of mesophyll cells from winter wheat examined by AFM was 6.6―9.8 nm, thicker in regions covered with proteins.  相似文献   
小麦胚芽蛋白的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小麦胚芽是面粉加工过程中的副产物,小麦胚芽蛋白具有良好的氮溶解度、起泡性、乳化性以及保水性、氨基酸比例平衡,不仅是饮料、食品以及医疗产品良好的添加剂,而且具有较强的产品开发潜力。对小麦胚芽蛋白的组成成分、理化性质、提取以及麦胚蛋白产品开发利用这四个方面进行简要的介绍,旨在为小麦胚芽蛋白的全面开发利用提供依据。  相似文献   
万霞  张丽兵 《生物多样性》2021,29(8):1003-6511
为了解世界维管植物新物种的基本信息, 明确生物多样性面临的威胁, 总结未来研究方向, 本文对2020年世界维管植物新物种的数据进行了统计分析。根据国际植物名称索引(IPNI)的记录, 截至2021年2月1日, 2020年全球发现1,747种维管植物新种, 由1,544名植物学家(264位中国植物学家, 1,280位国外植物学家)发表在103种期刊和5本书中。1,747种维管植物新种包括被子植物1,689种、蕨类植物52种、裸子植物6种。其中大部分来源于维管植物最大的几个科, 例如菊科、兰科和胡椒科。植物学家描述的美洲南部和热带亚洲维管植物新种超过828种, 是2020年维管植物新种发现最重要的两个地区。中国、巴西和马达加斯加是2020年贡献维管植物新种最多的前三位, 分别有247、223、99个新种。值得关注的是, PhytotaxaPhytoKeys是2020年发表维管植物新种的主要期刊, 分别发表644种和168种。在各物种新名称中, 有5个无效名称和2个不合法名称。尽管近年来对生物多样性的关注日益增加, 但世界上仍有许多物种尚未被发现, 需要对各个地区植物进一步调查和研究, 尤其是生物多样性热点地区和岛屿地区。  相似文献   
IIntroductionIn1993,KuangY[11gavetheopenp毗fern9.2:恤tainsufficientCOnditionsfortheeds-tenceofpO8ltlvependIc劝utionsinN”(t)=N(t)[a(t)一B(t)N()一b(t)N(t—r(t))-c(t)N”(t一巾》】(1)wherea(t),尸(t),b(t),c(t),,(t)are。"negativecontinuouspo。odlcfunctionswithpenodT.Inthispaper,weconsideraspecialcasewheng(t)。0,b(t)>0,c(t)。c,r(t)。,,i.e.O鹏idertheexlstenceOfp用tlvependicdutionsOftkforirlBynsf叩ofsomenewtechnicsandtoPOloglcaldeg…  相似文献   
The decline in DNA repair capacity contributes to the age‐associated decrease in genome integrity in somatic cells of different species. However, due to the lack of clinical samples and appropriate tools for studying DNA repair, whether and how age‐associated changes in DNA repair result in a loss of genome integrity of human adult stem cells remains incompletely characterized. Here, we isolated 20 eyelid adipose‐derived stem cell (ADSC) lines from healthy individuals (young: 10 donors with ages ranging 17–25 years; old: 10 donors with ages ranging 50–59 years). Using these cell lines, we systematically compared the efficiency of base excision repair (BER) and two DNA double‐strand break (DSB) repair pathways—nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) and homologous recombination (HR)—between the young and old groups. Surprisingly, we found that the efficiency of BER but not NHEJ or HR is impaired in aged human ADSCs, which is in contrast to previous findings that DSB repair declines with age in human fibroblasts. We also demonstrated that BER efficiency is negatively associated with tail moment, which reflects a loss of genome integrity in human ADSCs. Mechanistic studies indicated that at the protein level XRCC1, but not other BER factors, exhibited age‐associated decline. Overexpression of XRCC1 reversed the decline of BER efficiency and genome integrity, indicating that XRCC1 is a potential therapeutic target for stabilizing genomes in aged ADSCs.  相似文献   
Water movement in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC) has a significant effect on the biogeochemical process in wetlands. This study investigated the water movement in the SPAC in Poyang Lake wetland, which is a protected area with an important ecological function within the Yangtze River basin, under different water-level conditions by analyzing the responses of river, groundwater, soil and plants to precipitation using stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes. The results show that the stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions (δ18O and δD) of soil water decrease with increasing depth due to the near surface evaporation. During the dry season the water-level in Poyang Lake is low, when it rains the influencing depth of precipitation and evaporation on soil water isotopic signatures was 20 cm below the ground surface. The rain water infiltrates into the soil, recharges groundwater and flows to the river. When the water-level in Poyang Lake is low, the Xiu River is recharged by the groundwater, which recharges the soil water by capillary rise. During the flood season, the water-level is high and the water in Poyang Lake reaches or covers the meadows, recharges the groundwater and soil water. In the meantime, the water in Poyang Lake can be recharged by rain water when it rains. During the dry season when it doesn’t rain, plants mainly use groundwater, but soil water is preferred and plants don’t use rainwater directly when it rains. When the lake water-level is extremely low, the plants in Poyang Lake wetland may suffer from water stress, which is harmful for plant growth.  相似文献   
造血干细胞是具有自我更新能力并能分化为血液中各种血细胞组分的多能干细胞。近来研究显示,不同造血干细胞表面标志物标记的造血干细胞具有分化为不同血细胞的趋势,但是这种分化的内在关系仍不清楚。对小鼠CD34~-/Sca-1~+骨髓造血干细胞、外周血组成随小鼠年龄增长的变化情况进行了分析,结果显示:随着年龄的增长,骨髓中的CD34~-/Sca-1~+骨髓造血干细胞比率显著增加;而外周血各组分则随年龄变化呈现不同的趋势。对不同年龄段小鼠的骨髓造血干细胞及其他组分与外周血组分的同步分析发现,外周血中血小板密度变化趋势与CD34~-/Sca-1~+骨髓造血干细胞变化情况相关系数为0.804 8;外周血中淋巴细胞密度变化趋势与CD34~+/Sca-1~-骨髓细胞的变化情况相关系数为0.947 97;外周血中白细胞密度变化趋势与CD34~+/Sca-1~+骨髓细胞变化情况相关系数为0.763 1(大于0.9为极度相关,0.7到0.9为高度相关)。  相似文献   
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