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Bactericidal activity of peroxynitrite.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Peroxynitrite is a strong oxidant formed by macrophages and potentially by other cells that produce nitric oxide and superoxide. Peroxynitrite was highly bactericidal, killing Escherichia coli in direct proportion to its concentration with an LD50 of 250 microM at 37 degrees C in potassium phosphate, pH 7.4. The apparent bactericidal activity of a given concentration peroxynitrite at acidic pH was less than that at neutral and alkaline pH. However, after taking the rapid pH-dependent decomposition of peroxynitrite into account, the rate of the killing was not significantly different at pH 5 compared to pH 7.4. Metal chelators did not decrease peroxynitrite-mediated killing, indicating that exogenous transition metals were not required for toxicity. The hydroxyl radical scavengers mannitol, ethanol, and benzoate did not significantly affect toxicity while dimethyl sulfoxide enhanced peroxynitrite-mediated killing. Dimethyl sulfoxide is a more efficient hydroxyl radical scavenger than the other three scavengers and increased the formation of nitrogen dioxide from peroxynitrite. In the presence of 100 mM dimethyl sulfoxide, 60.0 +/- 0.3 microM nitrogen dioxide was formed from 250 microM peroxynitrite as compared to 2.0 +/- 0.1 microM in buffer alone. Thus, formation of nitrogen dioxide may have enhanced the toxicity of peroxynitrite decomposing in the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide.  相似文献   
Y Zhu  C C Chen  J A King  L B Evans 《Biochemistry》1992,31(43):10591-10601
The native state of a protein molecule in aqueous solutions represents one of the lowest states of Gibbs energy [Anfinsen, C.B. (1973) Science 181, 223-230]. Much progress has been made about the rules of protein folding [King, J. (1989) Chem. Eng. News 67, 32-54] and the dominant forces in protein folding [Dill, K.A. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 7133-7155]. However, the quantitative contributions of different Gibbs energy terms to protein stability remains a controversial issue [Moult, J., & Unger, R. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 3816-3824]. A molecular thermodynamic model has been proposed for the Gibbs energy of folding a residue in aqueous homopolypeptides from a random-coiled state to either the alpha-helix state or the beta-sheet state [Chen, C.-C., Zhu, Y., King, J.A., & Evans, L.B. (1992) Biopolymers 32, 1375-1392]. In this work, we present a generalization of the molecular thermodynamic model for the Gibbs energy of folding natural and synthetic heteropolypeptides from random-coiled conformations into alpha-helical conformations. The generalized model incorporates the intrinsic folding potential due to residue-solvent interactions, the cooperative folding effect due to residue-residue interactions, and the location and length of alpha-helices. The utility of the model was demonstrated by examining the stability of alpha-helical conformations of a number of natural polypeptides including C-peptide (residues 1-13) and S-peptide (residues 1-20) of RNase A (bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A), the P alpha fragment in BPTI (bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor), and synthetic polypeptides (the copolymers of different amino acid residues) including alanine-based peptides (16 or 17 residues long) in water. The computed Gibbs energies correspond well with the experimental data on helicity. The results also accounted for the effects of amino acid substitution and temperature on the stability of alpha-helical conformations of the test polypeptides.  相似文献   
以内质多刺植物霸王鞭(Euphorbia royleana)和仙人掌(Opuntia monacantha)为特征的具有荒漠植被景观的元江干热河谷肉质多刺灌丛是一种特殊的次生植被,是在近代原生植被的强烈破坏下,栽培逸生的霸王鞭和仙人掌在局部特别千热土薄多石之处发展而形成的。该群落外貌和结构特殊,可初步定为一个群丛,下分两个亚群丛。在种类组成上,该群落与热带亚洲干早植物区系联系密切,在区系起源上具有古南大陆残余背景,在群落形成和发展上又与人为活动相联系。  相似文献   
壤白蚁属Parahy potermes Zhu et Huang,新属 模式种:曼允壤白蚁Parahy potermes manyunensis,新种。 属征:兵蚁头近卵圆形,头背面被毛稀少,两侧缘于触角前骤然狭缩,头中部最宽,后缘宽圆,头背面中部明显隆起;左上颚内缘中部第1缘齿上方具2—3枚小齿。 比较与讨论:本新属与地白蚁属Hypotermes Holmgren较接近。但Hypotermes头两侧缘触角前不呈狭缩状;左上颚第1缘齿上方不具锯齿状小齿;头背面中部呈弧状隆起。  相似文献   
F_(IO_2)(吸入气氧浓度)为12.35、9.87及7.7l%,分别吸入10、8及5min时,心功能呈代偿性增强改变。F_(IO_2)为9.37%、吸入20min时心功能的变化趋势与9.87%8min时仍基本相同。继发性缺二氧化碳对缺氧引起的心功能代偿性增强,在一定程度上起抵消作用。F_(IO_2)为9.87%时的缺氧程度约相当于18km高空加压供氧总压值为15.3kPa(115mmHg)时的缺氧。单纯从缺氧因素考虑,将总压值由常用的17.3kPa(130mmHg)降低为15.3kPa是可允许的。  相似文献   
Abstract: One-trial conditioning of the nudibranch mollusk Hermissenda produces short- and long-term changes in excitability (enhancement) of identified sensory neurons. To investigate the biochemical mechanisms underlying this example of plasticity, we have examined changes in protein phosphorylation at different times following the in vitro conditioning trial. Changes in the incorporation of 32PO4 into proteins were determined using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, autoradiography, and densitometry. Conditioning resulted in increases in levels of several phosphoproteins, five of which, ranging in apparent molecular mass from 22 to 55 kDa, were chosen for analysis. The increased phosphorylation of the 46- and 55-kDa phosphoproteins detected 2 h postconditioning was significantly greater than the level of phosphorylation detected in an unpaired control group, indicating that long-term enhancement is pairing specific. Statistically significant increases in phosphorylation as compared with the control group that received only light were detected immediately after conditioning (5 min) for the 55-, 46-, and 22-kDa phosphoproteins, at 1 h for the 55- and 46-kDa phosphoproteins, and at 2 h for the 55-, 46-, and 22-kDa phosphoproteins. The 46- and 55-kDa phosphoproteins are putative structural proteins, and the 22-kDa phosphoprotein is proposed to be a protein kinase C substrate previously identified in Hermissenda following multitrial classical conditioning. Time-dependent increases in protein phosphorylation may contribute to the induction and maintenance of different memory stages expressed in sensory neurons after one-trial conditioning.  相似文献   
Previous studies suggested that varicella-zoster virus (VZV) envelope glycoproteins (gps) are selectively transported to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and that the cytosolic domain of gpI (gE) targets it to the TGN. To identify targeting signals in the gpI cytosolic domain, intracellular protein trafficking was studied in transfected cells expressing chimeric proteins in which a full-length or mutated gpI cytosolic domain was fused to the gpI transmembrane domain and interleukin-2 receptor (tac) ectodomain. Expressed protein was visualized with antibodies to tac. A targeting sequence (AYRV) and a second, acidic amino acid-rich region of the gpI cytosolic domain (putative signal patch) were each sufficient to cause expressed protein to colocalize with TGN markers. This targeting was lost when the tyrosine of the AYRV sequence was replaced with glycine or lysine, when arginine was replaced with glutamic acid, or when valine was substituted with lysine. In contrast, tyrosine could be replaced by phenylalanine and valine could be substituted with leucine. Mutation of alanine to aspartic acid or deletion of alanine abolished TGN targeting. Exposure of transfected cells to antibodies to the tac ectodomain revealed that the TCN targeting of expressed tac-gpI chimeric proteins occurred as a result of selective retrieval from the plasmalemma. These data suggest that the AYRV sequence and a second signaling patch in the cytosolic domain of gpI are responsible for its targeting to the TGN. The observations also support the hypothesis that the TGN plays a critical role in the envelopment of VZV.  相似文献   
Z Zhu  N A DeLuca    P A Schaffer 《Journal of virology》1996,70(8):5346-5356
ICP0 and ICP4 are immediate-early regulatory proteins of herpes simplex virus type 1. Previous studies by Knipe and Smith demonstrated that these two proteins are characteristically observed in the nuclei of wild-type virus-infected cells but predominantly in the cytoplasms of cells infected with several ICP4 temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant viruses at the nonpermissive temperature (NPT) (D. M. Knipe and J. L. Smith, Mol. Cell. Biol. 6:2371-2381, 1986). Consistent with this observation, it has been shown previously that ICP0 is present predominantly in the cytoplasms of cells infected with an ICP4 null mutant virus (n12) at high multiplicities of infection and that the level of ICP27, a third viral regulatory protein, plays an important role in determining the intracellular localization of ICP0 (Z. Zhu, W. Cai, and P. A. Schaffer, J. Virol. 68:3027-3040, 1994). To address whether the cytoplasmic localization of ICP0 is a common feature of cells infected with all ICP4 mutant viruses or whether mutant ICP4 polypeptides, together with ICP27, determine the intracellular localization of ICP0, we used double-staining immunofluorescence tests to examine the intracellular staining patterns of ICP0 and ICP4 in cells infected with an extensive series of ICP4 mutant viruses. In these tests, compared with the localization pattern of ICP0 in wild-type virus-infected cells, more ICP0 was detected in the cytoplasms of cells infected with all ICP4 mutants tested at high multiplicities of infection. Each of the mutant forms of ICP4 exhibiting predominantly cytoplasmic staining contains both the nuclear localization signal and the previously mapped ICP27-responsive region (Z. Zhu and P. A. Schaffer, J. Virol. 69:49-59, 1995). No correlation between the intracellular staining patterns of ICP0 and mutant forms of ICP4 was demonstrated, suggesting that mutant ICP4 polypeptides per se are not responsible for retention of ICP0 in the cytoplasm. This observation was confirmed in studies of cells cotransfected with plasmids expressing ICP0 and mutant forms of ICP4, in which the staining pattern of ICP0 was not changed in the presence of mutant ICP4 proteins. Studies of cells infected at low multiplicities with a variety of ICP4 ts mutant viruses at the NPT showed that both ICP0 and ts forms of ICP4 were localized predominantly within the nucleus. These observations are a further indication that the aberrant localization of the ts forms of ICP4 at the NPT is not a direct result of specific mutations in the ICP4 gene. In the final series of tests, the localization of ICP0 in cells infected with a double-mutant virus unable to express either ICP4 or ICP27 was examined. In these tests, ICP0 was detected exclusively in the nuclei of Vero cells but in both the nuclei and the cytoplasms of ICP27-expressing cells infected with the double mutant. These results demonstrate that ICP27, rather than the absence of functional ICP4, is responsible for the cytoplasmic localization of ICP0 in ICP4 mutant virus-infected cells. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that the aberrant localization of ICP0 and certain mutant forms of ICP4 in cells infected with ICP4 mutant viruses is mediated by high levels of ICP27 resulting from the inability of mutant forms of ICP4 to repress the expression of ICP27.  相似文献   
Characterization and application of soybean YACs to molecular cytogenetics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) are widely used in the physical analysis of complex genomes. In addition to their value in chromosome walking for map-based cloning, YACs represent excellent probes for chromosome mapping using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). We have screened such a library for low-copy-number clones by hybridization to total genomic DNA. Four clones were chosen for chromosome tagging based upon their low or moderate signal. By using degenerate oligonucleotide-primed PCR (DOP-PCR), we were able to use relatively small amounts of soybean YAC DNA, isolated directly by preparative pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, as FISH probes for both metaphase chromosome spreads and interphase nuclei. FISH chromosomal analysis using the three of the clones as probes resulted in relatively simple hybridization patterns consistent with a single homologous locus or two homoeologous loci. The fourth YAC probe resulted in a diffuse hybridization pattern with signal on all metaphase chromosomes. We conclude that YACs represent a valuable source of probes for chromosomal analysis in soybean.  相似文献   
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