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The avian circadian rhythm pacemaker is composed of the retina, pineal gland and suprachiasmatic nucleus. As an intact input-pacemaker-output system, each of these structures is linked within a neuroendocrine loop to influence downstream processes and peripheral oscillations. While our previous study found that monochromatic light affected the circadian rhythms of clock genes in the chick retina, the effect of the pineal gland on the response of the retinal circadian clock under monochromatic light still remains unclear. In this study, a total of 144 chicks, including sham-operated and pinealectomized groups, were exposed to white, red, green or blue light. After 2 weeks of light illumination, the circadian expression of six core clock genes (cClock, cBmal1, cCry1, cCry2, cPer2 and cPer3), melanopsin (cOpn4-1, cOpn4-2), Arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (cAanat) and melatonin was examined in the retina. The cBmal1, cCry1, cPer2, cPer3, cOpn4-1, cOpn4-2 and cAanat genes as well as melatonin had circadian rhythmic expression in both the sham-operated and pinealectomized groups under different monochromatic lights, while cClock and cCry2 had arrhythmic 24 h profiles in all of the light-treated groups. After pinealectomy, the rhythmicity of the clock genes, melanopsins, cAanat and melatonin in the chick retina did not change, especially the mesors, amplitudes and phases of cBmal1, cOpn4-1, cOpn4-2, cAanat and melatonin. Compared to the white light group, however, green light increased the mRNA expression of the positive-regulating clock genes cBmal1, cAanat, cOpn4-1 and cOpn4-2 as well as the melatonin content in pinealectomized chicks, whereas red light decreased their expression. These results suggest that the chick retina is a relatively independent circadian oscillator from the pineal gland, whose circadian rhythmicity (including photoreception, molecular clock and melatonin output) is not altered after pinealectomization. Moreover, green light increases ocular cAanat expression and melatonin synthesis by accelerating the expression of melanopsin and positive-regulating clock genes cBmal1 and cClock.  相似文献   
<正>遗传多样性反映了物种应对环境变化与进化的潜力,遗传多样性越高,对环境变化的适应能力就越强(沈浩和刘登义,2001)。对于经历过人类猎杀导致种群危机的野生物种,随着短时间内大量个体的消亡,很多潜在的优良基因单倍型也会丧失,在后续种群数量恢复过程中,这些单倍型并不会随着种群个体数量的增加而迅速恢复,即遗传多样性的恢复明显滞后于种群数量的恢复(Frankham et al., 2002)。  相似文献   
SAG (sensitive to apoptosis gene) was cloned as an inducible gene by 1,10-phenanthroline (OP), a redox-sensitive compound and an apoptosis inducer. SAG encodes a novel zinc RING finger protein that consists of 113 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 12.6 kDa. SAG is highly conserved during evolution, with identities of 70% between human and Caenorhabditis elegans sequences and 55% between human and yeast sequences. In human tissues, SAG is ubiquitously expressed at high levels in skeletal muscles, heart, and testis. SAG is localized in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus of cells, and its gene was mapped to chromosome 3q22-24. Bacterially expressed and purified human SAG binds to zinc and copper metal ions and prevents lipid peroxidation induced by copper or a free radical generator. When overexpressed in several human cell lines, SAG protects cells from apoptosis induced by redox agents (the metal chelator OP and zinc or copper metal ions). Mechanistically, SAG appears to inhibit and/or delay metal ion-induced cytochrome c release and caspase activation. Thus, SAG is a cellular protective molecule that appears to act as an antioxidant to inhibit apoptosis induced by metal ions and reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   
To study the effects of -opioid receptor stimulation onintracellular Ca2+ concentration([Ca2+]i)homeostasis during extracellular acidosis, we determined the effects of-opioid receptor stimulation on[Ca2+]iresponses during extracellular acidosis in isolated single ratventricular myocytes, by a spectrofluorometric method. U-50488H (10-30 µM), a selective -opioid receptor agonist, dosedependently decreased the electrically induced[Ca2+]itransient, which results from the influx ofCa2+ and the subsequentmobilization of Ca2+ from thesarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). U-50488H (30 µM) also increased theresting[Ca2+]iand inhibited the[Ca2+]itransient induced by caffeine, which mobilizesCa2+ from the SR, indicating thatthe effects of the -opioid receptor agonist involved mobilization ofCa2+ from its intracellular poolinto the cytoplasm. The Ca2+responses to 30 µM U-50488H were abolished by 5 µMnor-binaltorphimine, a selective -opioid receptorantagonist, indicating that the event was mediated by the -opioidreceptor. The effects of the agonist on[Ca2+]iand the electrically induced[Ca2+]itransient were significantly attenuated when the extracellular pH(pHe) was loweredto 6.8, which itself reduced intracellular pH(pHi) and increased[Ca2+]i.The inhibitory effects of U-50488H were restored during extracellular acidosis in the presence of 10 µM ethylisopropyl amiloride, a potentNa+/H+exchange blocker, or 0.2 mM Ni2+,a putativeNa+/Ca2+exchange blocker. The observations indicate that acidosismay antagonize the effects of -opioid receptor stimulation viaNa+/H+andNa+/Ca2+exchanges. When glucose at 50 mM, known to activate theNa+/H+exchange, was added, both the resting[Ca2+]iand pHi increased. Interestingly,the effects of U-50488H on [Ca2+]iand the electrically induced[Ca2+]itransient during superfusion with glucose were significantly attenuated; this mimicked the responses during extracellular acidosis. When a high-Ca2+ (3 mM) solutionwas superfused, the resting[Ca2+]iincreased; the increase was abolished by 0.2 mMNi2+, but thepHi remained unchanged. Like theresponses to superfusion with high-concentration glucose andextracellular acidosis, the responses of the[Ca2+]iand electrically induced[Ca2+]itransients to 30 µM U-50488H were also significantly attenuated. Results from the present study demonstrated for the first time thatextracellular acidosis antagonizes the effects of -opioid receptorstimulation on the mobilization ofCa2+ from SR. Activation of bothNa+/H+andNa+/Ca2+exchanges, leading to an elevation of[Ca2+]i,may be responsible for the antagonistic action of extracellular acidosis against -opioid receptor stimulation.

Genistein is an isoflavone and phytoestrogen that is a potent inhibitor of cell proliferation and angiogenesis. This study was designed to investigate the binding of genistein to human serum albumin (HSA) under physiological conditions with drug concentrations in the range of 6.7 × 10−6 to 2.0 × 10−5 mol L−1 and HSA concentration at 1.5 × 10−6 mol L−1. Fluorescence quenching methods in combination with Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy was used to determine the binding mode, the binding constant and the protein structure changes in the presence of genistein in aqueous solution. Changes in the CD spectra and FT-IR spectra were observed upon ligand binding, and the degree of tryptophan fluorescence quenching change did significantly in the complexes. These data have proved the change in protein secondary structure accompanying ligand binding. The change in tryptophan fluorescence intensity was used to determine the binding constants. The thermodynamic parameters, the enthalpy change (ΔH) and the entropy change (ΔS) were calculated to be −22.24 kJ mol−1and 19.60 J mol−1 K−1 according to the van’t Hoff equation, which indicated that hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions play the main role in the binding of genistein to HSA.  相似文献   
The kinetics of voltage-dependent inactivation of the rapidly activating delayed rectifier, IKr, are unique among K+ channels. The human ether-a-gogo-related gene (HERG) encodes the pore-forming subunit of IKr and shares a high degree of homology with ether-a-gogo (EAG) channels that do not inactivate. Within those segments thought to contribute to the channel pore, HERG possesses several serine residues that are not present in EAG channels. Two of these serines, S620 and S631, are known to be required for inactivation. We now show that a third serine, S641, which resides in the outer portion of the sixth transmembrane segment, is also critical for normal inactivation. As with the other serines, S641 is also involved in maintaining ion selectivity of the HERG channel and alters sensitivity to block by E4031. Larger charged or polar substitutions (S641D and S641T) disrupted C-type inactivation in HERG. Smaller aliphatic and more conservative substitutions (S641A and S641C) facilitated C-type inactivation. Our data show that, like S620 and S631, S641 is another key residue for the rapid inactivation. The altered inactivation of mutations at S620, S631, and S641 were dominant, suggesting that a network of hydroxyl side chains is required for the unique inactivation, permeation, and rectification of HERG channels.  相似文献   
We developed gas chromatography-mass spectrometry assays for the concentration and mass isotopomer distribution of propionyl-CoA, methylmalonyl-CoA, and succinyl-CoA in tissues. The assays involves perchloric acid extraction of the tissue, spiking the extract with [(2)H(5)]propionyl-CoA and [(2)H(4)]succinyl-CoA internal standards, and isolation of short-chain acyl-CoA fraction on an oligonucleotide purification cartridge. Propionyl-CoA is reacted with sarcosine and the formed N-propionylsarcosine is assayed as its pentafluorobenzyl derivative. Methylmalonyl-CoA and succinyl-CoA are hydrolyzed and the corresponding acids assayed as tert-butyl dimethylsilyl derivatives. The assay was applied to a study of [U-(13)C(3)]propionate metabolism in perfused rat livers. While propionyl-CoA is only M3 labeled, succinyl-CoA is M3, M2, and M1 labeled because of isotopic exchanges in the citric acid cycle. Methylmalonyl-CoA is M3 and M2 labeled, reflecting reversal of S-methylmalonyl-CoA mutase. Thus, our assays allow measuring the turnover of the coenzyme A derivatives involved in anaplerosis of the citric acid cycle via precursors of propionyl-CoA, i.e., propionate, odd-chain fatty acids, isoleucine, threonine, and valine.  相似文献   
Exogenous induction of cerebral beta-amyloidosis in betaAPP-transgenic mice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A key commonality of most age-related neurodegenerative diseases is the accumulation of aggregation-prone proteins in the brain. Except for the prionoses, the initiation and propagation of these proteopathies in vivo remains poorly understood. In a previous study, we found that the deposition of the amyloidogenic peptide Abeta can be induced by injection of dilute extracts of Alzheimeric neocortex into the brains of Tg2576 transgenic mice overexpressing the human beta-amyloid precursor protein. The present study was undertaken to assess the pathology after long-term (12 months) incubation, and to clarify the distinctive anatomical distribution of seeded Abeta-immunoreactivity. All mice were injected at 3 months of age; 5 months later, as expected, Abeta deposits were concentrated mostly in the injected hemisphere. After 12 months, abundant, transgene-derived Abeta deposits were present bilaterally in the forebrain, but plaque load was still clearly greater in the extract-injected hemisphere. There was also evidence of tau hyperphosphorylation in axons of the corpus callosum that had been injured by the injection, most prominently in transgenic mice, but also, to a lesser degree, in non-transgenic mice. Five months following injection of AD-extract, an isolated cluster of Abeta-immunoreactive microglia was sometimes evident in the ipsilateral entorhinal cortex; the strong innervation of the hippocampus by entorhinal cortical neurons suggests the possible spread of seeded pathology from the injection site via neuronal transport mechanisms. Finally, using India Ink to map the local dispersion of injectate, we found that Abeta induction is especially potent in places where the injectate is sequestered. The AD-seeding model can illuminate the emergence and spread of cerebral beta-amyloidosis and tau hyperphosphorylation, and thus could enhance our understanding of AD and its pathogenic commonalties with other cerebral proteopathies.  相似文献   
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