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UV-light is shown to induce the structural transitions in the erythrocyte membrane described by S-shape curves in plots of the structural response versus the irradiation dose. In contrast to the free acetylcholine esterase (AChE) UV-light acts on the membrane enzyme as a mixed inhibitor (simultaneous change in Vmax and Km). The modification of the environment structure of residual enzyme is suggested to be the main reason of this phenomenon. The effect is under the control of membrane integrity and disappears after its desintegration. Membrane AChE treated ultrasonically both prior to and after irradiation is inactivated without a Km change. The data obtained show the influence of erythrocyte membrane structure on the catalytic behaviour of membrane-bound AChE.  相似文献   
Under study was the influence of a single 3-minute-long exposure to ultrasound of high intensity (2 wt/cm2) upon intraorganic vessels of the liver in albino rats. The circulatory bed was examined 10 min., 5, 15 and 30 days after treatment with ultrasound. Methods ox injection, rentgenography, claering and histology revealed an unfavourable effect of ultrasound causing local construction of arteries and veins in early terms, uneven filling of the capillary bed with the injected mass, dilatation and deformity of capillaries. The above changes grew more pronounced during 15 days, by the end of the month they diminished but not disappeared.  相似文献   
【目的】研究接种植物乳杆菌对小规模饲料稻品质的影响。【方法】以自然发酵的样品为对照,接种不同来源植物乳酸菌发酵饲料稻,发酵30 d后对饲料稻的感官进行评价;通过选择性平板对饲料稻青贮中的不同微生物进行计数;并采用V-Score评价法对发酵品质进行评定。【结果】相对自然发酵的样品而言,接种植物乳杆菌的青贮样品感官评分等级达到优良;乳酸菌为优势菌株,引起腐败变质的好氧菌、霉菌、大肠杆菌等受到抑制;接种发酵的样品中乳酸含量明显增加,氨态氮的产生量为对照的1/2左右,V-Score评分为满分。【结论】供试的植物乳杆菌,尤其是从青饲料和青贮材料中分离的菌株能有效改善饲料稻青贮的品质,可考虑用作青贮饲料稻发酵剂。  相似文献   
根据GenBank中的I型鸭肝炎病毒全基因序列设计了扩增I型鸭肝炎病毒VP1、3D基因的引物, 用该特异性表达引物从I型鸭肝炎病毒cDNA模板中扩增得到目的基因VP1、3D, 用相同的限制性内切酶酶切目的基因和表达载体pET32a后构建重组表达载体, 转化宿主BL21(DE3), 用不同浓度的IPTG诱导VP1、3D基因的表达, 收集菌液进行SDS-PAGE电泳, Western-blotting分析蛋白免疫原性。结果表明, VP1、3D在大肠杆菌中表达量较高, 表达产物的分子量约为48 kD、68 kD, 并能被兔抗DHV-1血清所识别。I型鸭肝炎病毒VP1、3D蛋白在大肠杆菌中表达产物具有免疫原性。  相似文献   
Currently, molecular biologic techniques achieve a great development in studies of soil samples. The objective of this research is to improve methods for microbial prospecting of oil and gas by applying culture-independent techniques to soil sampled from above a known oil and gas field. Firstly, the community structure of soil bacteria above the Ban 876 Gas and Oil Field was analyzed based on 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. The soil bacteria communities were consistently different along the depth; however, Chloroflexi and Gemmatimonadetes were predominant and methanotrophs were minor in both bacteria libraries (DGS1 and DGS2). Secondly, the numbers of methane-oxidizing bacteria, quantified using a culture-dependent procedure and culture-independent group-specific real-time PCR (RT-PCR), respectively, were inconsistent with a quantify variance of one or two orders of magnitude. Special emphasis was given to the counting advantages of RT-PCR based on the methanotrophic pmoA gene. Finally, the diversity and distribution of methanotrophic communities in the soil samples were analyzed by constructing clone libraries of functional gene. All 508-bp inserts in clones phylogenetically belonged to the methanotrophic pmoA gene with similarities from 83% to 100%. However, most of the similarities were below 96%. Five clone libraries of methanotrophs clearly showed that the anomalous methanotrophs (Methylosinus and Methylocystis) occupy the studied area.  相似文献   
玉米(Zea mays)只有1对45S rDNA位点并在分裂期染色体形成次缢痕,是研究植物细胞rRNA基因组织和表达模式的简单模型。采用荧光原位杂交(fluorescence in situ hybridization,FISH)、CPD(PI与DAPI组合)染色和银染技术,分析了玉米根尖分生细胞rRNA基因的组织和表达模式。45S rDNA探针在所有间期细胞核中显示2种杂交信号:荧光强烈地位于核仁周边的纽,而相对较弱地分布于核仁内的点。在部分细胞中可观察到点与纽相连或从纽发出;点的数目越多,纽变得越小;点的数目多少与细胞的活性呈正相关。研究结果表明,纽代表了处于凝缩状态的非活性的rDNA染色质,纽解凝缩形成的点是rRNA基因活跃转录的细胞学表现;不同阶段间期核的点的数目变化反映了被活化的rRNA基因数目不同。间期和前期细胞的CPD染色和相继的银染结果显示,大部分rDNA染色质没有参与核仁的形成。rDNA FISH显示,同一间期细胞的2个同源rDNA位点的表达水平存在差异,同源染色体次缢痕的长度差异以及Ag-NOR和银染核仁的异态性进一步证实了这种差异的存在。FISH结果显示,早中期细胞的rDNA染色质相对解凝缩,银染在所有早中期细胞和部分中期细胞显示了明显的核仁,表明玉米的rRNA基因在有丝分裂早中期有较活跃的转录,其转录在晚中期才停止。  相似文献   
Sixty chickens were randomly divided into two groups (30 chickens in each group) to determine the effect of oral administration of chicken intestinal antimicrobial peptides (CIAMP) on the humoral immune response. Chickens of both groups were fed the same diet. In the treatment group chickens received drinking water supplemented with CIAMP (1 microg/ml) right after hatching. Samples of blood, bursa of Fabricus, spleen and intestine were taken at day 1, 4, 7, 10 and 17 of experiment. CIAMP supplementation enhanced the content of IgG and IgM in serum from day 4-10 and day 10-17, respectively, (p < 0.05), IgM-forming cells in bursa of Fabricus and spleen at the age of 7 days (p < 0.05) and IgG-forming cells in bursa of Fabricus at the age of 4 days (p < 0.05). In addition, CIAMP enhanced the IgA-forming cells in caecal tonsils diffuse area at day 4 (p < 0.05). Furthermore, CIAMP enhanced the antibody response to infectious bursal disease virus vaccine (IBDV) in chickens 21 days following IBDV vaccine administration (p < 0.05). These results suggested that CIAMP could modulate the humoral immune response of chickens and increased the antibody titres of infectious bursal disease virus vaccine.  相似文献   
中心体蛋白Cenexin是成熟中心粒的唯一标志分子。为阐明中心粒在大鼠精子发生中的成熟以及功能,我们首先通过RT-PCR技术从大鼠睾丸组织中扩增出了Cenexin cDNA片段,原核表达重组蛋白后,用其免疫小鼠制备了高滴度的抗Cenexin的多克隆抗体,然后利用免疫荧光染色、Western Blot和半定量RT-PCR方法,研究了大鼠精子发生过程中Cenexin蛋白和基因的表达特征。结果显示Cenexin mRNA水平在精原细胞和精母细胞中较高,随后表达水平下降,而蛋白质分子在精原细胞到精子细胞中都定位于细胞的一个中心粒上,表示有成熟中心粒的存在,在长形精子细胞中该蛋白位于鞭毛的基体部。附睾的绝大多数成熟精子中Cenexin免疫染色消失。中心体蛋白Cenexin在精子变态期的表达变化可能与精子鞭毛形成的起始有关。  相似文献   
We used an allelogenic Cre/loxP gene targeting strategy in mice to determine the role of cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) in hepatic energy metabolism. Mice that lack this enzyme die within 3 days of birth, while mice with at least a 90% global reduction of PEPCK, or a liver-specific knockout of PEPCK, are viable. Surprisingly, in both cases these animals remain euglycemic after a 24-h fast. However, mice without hepatic PEPCK develop hepatic steatosis after fasting despite up-regulation of a variety of genes encoding free fatty acid-oxidizing enzymes. Also, marked alterations in the expression of hepatic genes involved in energy metabolism occur in the absence of any changes in plasma hormone concentrations. Given that a ninefold elevation of the hepatic malate concentration occurs in the liver-specific PEPCK knockout mice, we suggest that one or more intermediary metabolites may directly regulate expression of the affected genes. Thus, hepatic PEPCK may function more as an integrator of hepatic energy metabolism than as a determinant of gluconeogenesis.  相似文献   
微生物鉴定系统在肠道病原菌检测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立简便、快速、系统的病原菌生化检测方法。方法通过应用ATB微生物鉴定系统对112株可疑肠道病原菌菌株进行检测分析,并与国家标准法结合鉴定。结果ATB微生物鉴定系统在112株可疑肠道病原菌菌株中检测出肠道病原菌66株,鉴定结果与国家标准法结果一致,而对常规检测不能确定的37菌株也能给出明确的鉴定结果。结论该系统操作简便、快速,缩短了鉴定周期,提高了鉴定效率,检测范围广,可以作为肠道致病菌检测常规方法的辅助工具,有利于病原菌的快速检出。  相似文献   
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