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Multi-protein complexes, termed “inflammasomes,” are known to contribute to neuronal cell death and brain injury following ischemic stroke. Ischemic stroke increases the expression and activation of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptor (NLR) Pyrin domain containing 1 and 3 (NLRP1 and NLRP3) inflammasome proteins and both interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-18 in neurons. In this study, we provide evidence that activation of either the NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways was partly responsible for inducing the expression and activation of NLRP1 and NLRP3 inflammasome proteins and that these effects can be attenuated using pharmacological inhibitors of these two pathways in neurons and brain tissue under in vitro and in vivo ischemic conditions, respectively. Moreover, these findings provided supporting evidence that treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) preparation can reduce activation of the NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways resulting in decreased expression and activation of NLRP1 and NLRP3 inflammasomes, as well as increasing expression of anti-apoptotic proteins, Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL, in primary cortical neurons and/or cerebral tissue under in vitro and in vivo ischemic conditions. In summary, these results provide compelling evidence that both the NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways play a pivotal role in regulating the expression and activation of NLRP1 and NLRP3 inflammasomes in primary cortical neurons and brain tissue under ischemic conditions. In addition, treatment with IVIg preparation decreased the activation of the NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways, and thus attenuated the expression and activation of NLRP1 and NLRP3 inflammasomes in primary cortical neurons under ischemic conditions. Hence, these findings suggest that therapeutic interventions that target inflammasome activation in neurons may provide new opportunities in the future treatment of ischemic stroke.  相似文献   
Attenuated antioxidant activities, irregular cytokines expressions and reduced regulatory T cells, are strongly associated with the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Despite the well‐established beneficial effects of cystamine on lupus‐prone mice, the extent to which cystamine contributes to antioxidant activity and the reduction of regulatory T cells has seldom been investigated. Therefore, this study elucidates how cystamine affects anti‐oxidant activities in NZB/W F1 mice by performing assays of Glutathione (GSH), 1,1‐diphenyl‐2‐ picryl‐hydrazyl (DPPH) and malondialdehyde thiobarbituric acid (MDA). In addition, investigations of the effects of cystamine on CD4+/CD25+ regulatory T cells and interleukin‐6 (IL6)/STAT‐3 signalling were performed with flow cytometry and immunoblots. Experimental results reveal more significantly reduced MDA and increased GSH and DPPH in NZB/W F1 mice receiving cystamine than in those mice receiving PBS. Meanwhile, CD4+/CD25+ regulatory T cells more significantly increase in NZB/W F1 mice receiving cystamine than in those mice receiving PBS, accompanied by significantly reduced IL‐6/phosphorylated STAT‐3 expression. The above findings suggest the beneficial effects of cystamine in terms of increasing antioxidant activities and CD4+/CD25+ regulatory T cells in lupus‐prone mice by suppressing IL‐6/STAT3 signalling.  相似文献   
In an attempt to improve stress tolerance of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants, an expression vector containing an Arabidopsis C-repeat/dehydration responsive element binding factor 1 (CBF1) cDNA driven by a cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter was transferred into tomato plants. Transgenic expression of CBF1 was proved by northern- and western-blot analyses. The degree of chilling tolerance of transgenic T(1) and T(2) plants was found to be significantly greater than that of wild-type tomato plants as measured by survival rate, chlorophyll fluorescence value, and radical elongation. The transgenic tomato plants exhibited patterns of growth retardation; however, they resumed normal growth after GA(3) (gibberellic acid) treatment. More importantly, GA(3)-treated transgenic plants still exhibited a greater degree of chilling tolerance compared with wild-type plants. Subtractive hybridization was performed to isolate the responsive genes of heterologous Arabidopsis CBF1 in transgenic tomato plants. CATALASE1 (CAT1) was obtained and showed activation in transgenic tomato plants. The CAT1 gene and catalase activity were also highly induced in the transgenic tomato plants. The level of H(2)O(2) in the transgenic plants was lower than that in the wild-type plants under either normal or cold conditions. The transgenic plants also exhibited considerable tolerance against oxidative damage induced by methyl viologen. Results from the current study suggest that heterologous CBF1 expression in transgenic tomato plants may induce several oxidative-stress responsive genes to protect from chilling stress.  相似文献   
The glycosyltransferases (GTs) are an important and functionally diverse family of enzymes involved in glycan and glycoside biosynthesis. Plants have evolved large families of GTs which undertake the array of glycosylation reactions that occur during plant development and growth. Based on the Carbohydrate‐Active enZymes (CAZy) database, the genome of the reference plant Arabidopsis thaliana codes for over 450 GTs, while the rice genome (Oryza sativa) contains over 600 members. Collectively, GTs from these reference plants can be classified into over 40 distinct GT families. Although these enzymes are involved in many important plant specific processes such as cell‐wall and secondary metabolite biosynthesis, few have been functionally characterized. We have sought to develop a plant GTs clone resource that will enable functional genomic approaches to be undertaken by the plant research community. In total, 403 (88%) of CAZy defined Arabidopsis GTs have been cloned, while 96 (15%) of the GTs coded by rice have been cloned. The collection resulted in the update of a number of Arabidopsis GT gene models. The clones represent full‐length coding sequences without termination codons and are Gateway® compatible. To demonstrate the utility of this JBEI GT Collection, a set of efficient particle bombardment plasmids (pBullet) was also constructed with markers for the endomembrane. The utility of the pBullet collection was demonstrated by localizing all members of the Arabidopsis GT14 family to the Golgi apparatus or the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Updates to these resources are available at the JBEI GT Collection website http://www.addgene.org/ .  相似文献   
系统性硬化症(systemic sclerosis,SSc)是一种慢性可累及全身多脏器的自身免疫性疾病,以广泛的血管病变及皮肤和内脏的纤维化为特征,但其机制迄今尚不明确。已有研究证实,Wnt通路参与了SSc纤维化,但其在血管病变中的病理作用尚未见报道。本研究拟采用博来霉素(bleomycin,BLM)诱导的SSc小鼠模型,探讨Wnt通路在SSc皮肤血管病变中的作用。将18只Balb/C小鼠随机平均分为3组,分别设为对照组(于小鼠背部皮下注射PBS 100 μL/d)、模型组(于小鼠背部皮下注射浓度为 1 mg/mL 博来霉素BLM 100 μL/d)和治疗组(于小鼠背部皮下注射 1 mg/mL BLM 100 μL/d,同时腹腔注射Wnt及β-catenin的抑制剂 iCRT3 5 mg/kg·d),于造模第28 d处死小鼠。小鼠皮肤取材后,通过HE染色及Masson染色观察到经BLM诱导的模型组小鼠背真皮、表皮厚度较对照组皮肤均明显增加(P<0.05),同时模型组的皮脂腺、毛囊等皮肤附属器明显减少,脂肪层厚度变薄并被纤维组织包绕,模型组皮肤胶原沉积较对照组增加;通过免疫组织化学染色在组织学层面鉴定α-SMA表达情况,发现模型组及治疗组α-SMA在皮肤组织中均高表达,α-SMA阳性表达在血管周围较对照组明显增加;通过ELISA方法检测出模型组小鼠血清中IL-6及IL-17表达量较对照组明显升高(P<0.05),治疗组小鼠血清中IL-6及IL-17的表达量较模型组明显下降(P<0.05);提取皮肤微血管片段,通过q-PCR检测到模型组及治疗组小鼠皮肤微血管中β-联蛋白的mRNA基因表达水平较正常组升高;通过Western印迹检测皮肤微血管Wnt5A、β-联蛋白、α-SMA、col1A1的蛋白质表达情况,发现纤维化相关蛋白质α-SMA及col1A1在模型组表达升高,较对照组有统计学差异(P<0.05),治疗组较模型组表达下降(P<0.05),Wnt通路相关蛋白质β-联蛋白及Wnt5A在模型组表达明显升高,较之对照组有统计学差异(P<0.05)。本研究提示,BLM能成功诱导小鼠系统性硬化症皮肤表型,Wnt通路的异常激活参与了BLM诱导的硬皮病小鼠皮肤微血管病变,特异性Wnt通路抑制剂iCRT3可能通过直接或间接的方式下调细胞因子IL-6及IL-17,从而降低BLM诱导的小鼠皮肤微血管中的α-SMA及col1A1蛋白质表达,改善小鼠皮肤微血管病变,干预BLM诱导的小鼠血管病变的进展。  相似文献   
The prediction of transmembrane (TM) helix and topology provides important information about the structure and function of a membrane protein. Due to the experimental difficulties in obtaining a high-resolution model, computational methods are highly desirable. In this paper, we present a hierarchical classification method using support vector machines (SVMs) that integrates selected features by capturing the sequence-to-structure relationship and developing a new scoring function based on membrane protein folding. The proposed approach is evaluated on low- and high-resolution data sets with cross-validation, and the topology (sidedness) prediction accuracy reaches as high as 90%. Our method is also found to correctly predict both the location of TM helices and the topology for 69% of the low-resolution benchmark set. We also test our method for discrimination between soluble and membrane proteins and achieve very low overall false positive (0.5%) and false negative rates (0 to approximately 1.2%). Lastly, the analysis of the scoring function suggests that the topogeneses of single-spanning and multispanning TM proteins have different levels of complexity, and the consideration of interloop topogenic interactions for the latter is the key to achieving better predictions. This method can facilitate the annotation of membrane proteomes to extract useful structural and functional information. It is publicly available at http://bio-cluster.iis.sinica.edu.tw/~bioapp/SVMtop.  相似文献   
Betel nut chewing has been reported to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and all‐cause mortality. The reason is unclear. In this study, we investigated the association between betel nut chewing and general obesity (BMI ≥25 kg/m2) and central obesity (waist circumference (WC) ≥90 cm). A total of 1,049 male subjects, aged ≥40 years, were recruited from Taichung city in Taiwan in 2004. The relationships between betel nut chewing and general and central obesity were studied by multiple linear and logistic regression analyses. The prevalence of current and former betel nut chewing was 7.0 and 10.5% in our male Taiwanese cohort. Current/former betel nut chewers had a higher prevalence of general and central obesity when compared with individuals who had never chewed betel nut. Adjusted for age, diabetes, hypertension, lipids, smoking, alcohol drinking, physical activity, income, and education level, the odds ratios (ORs; 95% confidence intervals) of general and central obesity among the lower consumption of betel nut chewers were 1.78 (1.07, 2.96) and 1.19 (0.70, 2.02), respectively, compared to 2.01 (1.18, 3.41) and 1.89 (1.10, 3.23), respectively, among higher consumption chewers compared to individuals who had never chewed betel nut. The increasing ORs of general and central obesity with higher betel nut consumption revealed dose–response effects. Using multiple linear regression analyses, after adjusting for potential confounders, betel nut consumption was statistically significantly associated with BMI and WC. In conclusion, betel nut chewing was independently associated with general and central obesity in Taiwanese men. Dose–response effects of the association between betel nut consumption and general obesity as well as central obesity were found.  相似文献   
Chu T  Chiu M  Zhang E  Kunes S 《Developmental cell》2006,10(5):635-646
The developmental signal Hedgehog is distributed to two receptive fields by the photoreceptor neurons of the developing Drosophila retina. Delivery to the retina propagates ommatidial development across a precursor field. Transport along photoreceptor axons induces the development of postsynaptic neurons in the brain. Hedgehog is composed of N-terminal and C-terminal domains that dissociate in an autoproteolytic reaction that attaches cholesterol to the N-terminal cleavage product. Here, we show that the N-terminal domain is targeted to the retina when synthesized in the absence of the C-terminal domain. In contrast to studies that have focused on cholesterol as a determinant of subcellular localization, we find that the C-terminal domain harbors a conserved motif that overrides retinal localization, sending most of the autocleavage products into vesicles bound for growth cones or synapses. Competition between targeting signals at the opposite ends of Hedgehog apparently controls the match between eye and brain development.  相似文献   
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