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Zeng Z  Li D  Xue W  Sun L 《Biophysical chemistry》2007,131(1-3):88-95
A simple surface equation of state is proposed to describe pi-A isotherms of pulmonary surfactant monolayers. The monolayer is considered as undergoing three characteristic states during the compression: the disordered liquid-expanded (LE) state, the ordered liquid-condensed (LC) state and the collapse state. Structural models of pure protein (SP-B and SP-C) monolayer are proposed to interpret the behavior characteristics of monolayer in the states. The area, ALC, is defined as an instantaneous LC-state area when the monolayer is under the complete LC state. The area, At, is defined as a transition area from the ordered LC state to the collapse state. And the collapse pressure, pi(max), is defined as the maximum surface pressure that the monolayer can bear before collapse. The ideal equation of state is revised by ALC, At and pi(max), and a new equation of state is obtained, which is applicable for pure components of pulmonary surfactant. The theoretical pi-A isotherms described by the equation of state are compared with the experimental ones for SP-B, SP-C, DPPC and DPPG, and good agreements are obtained. The equation of state is generalized to protein-lipid binary mixtures by introducing mixing rules. The predicted pi-A isotherms agree with the experimental ones for various pulmonary surfactant components and the average deviation is about 9.2%.  相似文献   
探讨多孔淀粉负载青蒿素微球(ART-PS)在体外溶出实验中,相比于青蒿素原药的溶出效果以及在大鼠体内的生物利用度和组织分布规律。在体外溶出实验中,分别在水、人工胃液和人工肠液三种溶出介质中,与青蒿素原药的溶出效果进行比较分析。在体内生物利用度实验中,通过对18只大鼠分别灌胃青蒿素原药与多孔淀粉负载青蒿素微球后,检测不同时间点的血药浓度,考察药物在大鼠体内的吸收和代谢差异。在组织分布规律的研究中,对98只大鼠分别灌胃多孔淀粉负载青蒿素微球和青蒿素原药,在不同时间点检测大鼠心、肝、脾、肺、肾、脑,共6个组织器官中的药物浓度。多孔淀粉负载青蒿素微球的体外溶出率在水、人工胃液、人工肠液中分别是青蒿素原药的4.04、3.59和3.82倍。多孔淀粉负载青蒿素微球在大鼠体内的血药浓度明显高于青蒿素原药,生物利用度提高为青蒿素原药的2.90倍。在组织分布的结果中,多孔淀粉负载青蒿素微球和青蒿素原药都主要分布在心脏和肝脏中,其中多孔淀粉负载青蒿素微球在不同时间各个组织中的相应含量都比原药高。多孔淀粉负载青蒿素微球相比于青蒿素原药,在体外的溶出效果更好,在体内的吸收释放效果更佳,在各组织器官中的药物含量明显高于原药,为解决青蒿素因难溶于水而在实际应用中受限提供了重要的理论依据。  相似文献   
A novel pink-coloured, non-spore-forming, non-motile, Gram-negative bacterium, designated YIM 48858T, is described by using a polyphasic approach. The strain can grow at pH 6.5–9 (optimum at pH 7) and 25–30°C (optimum at 28°C). NaCl is not required for its growth. Positive for oxidase and catalase. Urease activity, nitrate reduction, starch and Tween 80 tests are negative reaction. 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity studies showed that strain YIM 48858T is a member of the genus Rubellimicrobium, with similarities of 96.3, 95.7 and 95.5% to Rubellimicrobium mesophilum MSL-20T, Rubellimicrobium aerolatum 5715S-9T and Rubellimicrobium thermophilum DSM 16684T, respectively. Q-10 was the predominant respiratory ubiquinone as in the other members of the genus Rubellimicrobium. The major polar lipids were diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylcholine, phosphoglycolipid, glycolipid and the major fatty acids were C18:1 ω7c, C16:0 and C10:0 3-OH, which are very different from the valid published species. The DNA G + C content was 67.7 mol%. Both phylogenetic and chemotaxonomic evidence supports that YIM 48858T is a novel species of the genus Rubellimicrobium, for which the name Rubellimicrobium roseum sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is YIM 48858T (=CCTCC AA 208029T =KCTC 23202T).  相似文献   
多胚水稻ApⅢ(双13)的胚胎学观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对多胚水稻(Oryza sativa L.)ApⅢ的大量成熟颖果、人工萌发的幼苗和开花后3~5 d 的幼嫩颖果进行的整体解剖和显微制片观察表明:ApⅢ的5000粒成熟颖果中,89.0% 含单胚单苗,8.9% 和1.2%分别含双胚双苗和三胚三苗;700多粒幼嫩颖果中,90.0% ~95.0% 含单胚,5.0% ~7.0% 含双胚。因制片的数目有限,未见到含三胚的;在含单胚和多胚颖果中,胚均位于同一胚囊的珠孔端,未见到胚囊以外存在不定胚。根据上述结果,似可以认为ApⅢ单粒颖果的双胚和三胚是由同一胚囊内的卵细胞和1或2个助细胞受精或不受精发育而来的  相似文献   
祁连山两侧中国沙棘不同居群的遗传多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用RAPD技术研究了祁连山中段中国沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoidoes ssp.sinensis)4个居群和1个对照居群的遗传多样性水平,探讨中国沙棘边缘居群的遗传变异以及天然屏障祁连山对中国沙棘居群遗传结构的影响。结果显示,祁连山地区中国沙棘居群水平的Nei’基因多样度(h)和Shannon多态信息指数(I)分别为0.2070和 0.297 4,基因分化系数(Gst)为0.319 3,均高于中国沙棘整个分布区的平均值,表明该地中国沙棘边缘居群遗传多样性水平及居群间的遗传分化都有增加的趋势;居群间每代迁移数(Nm=1.065 9)显著低于异交风媒植物(Nm= 5.380),表明祁连山的隔离对中国沙棘居群间的基因交流有限制作用,造成了该地中国沙棘边缘居群间较高的遗传分化。  相似文献   
不同类型杂交水稻组合及其亲本苗期同工酶位点分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对6个杂交水稻组合及其亲本苗期14种酶的同工酶进行检测,并对其中较为清晰稳定的酶带进行了位点分析,以探讨杂种优势遗传基础。共获得了28个位点的相关资料,包括每个位点的性质、表型多态性和每个位点所编码的酶活性及酶带平均迁移率。所有供试材料在其中25个位点上均未表现出多态性,只有部分组合与其亲本在Est-4、Amy-1、Aat-2等3个位点上存在多态性,其中有81.8%的差异组合其酶带表现出共显性特征。对共显性与杂种优势的关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   
目的:建立蛭龙活血通瘀胶囊的质量标准.方法:采用薄层色谱法对蛭龙活血通瘀胶囊中黄芪进行定性鉴别;采用HPLC-ELSD法对君药黄芪中的黄芪甲苷进行含量测定.结果:蛭龙活血通瘀胶囊中的黄芪薄层色谱中,在与对照品相应的位置上,显相同颜色的斑点;黄芪甲苷在0.0236mg/ml~0.236mg/ml间呈良好的线性关系,r2=0.9998,样品平均回收率为99.02%(n=6),RSD为1.02%.结论:所建立的鉴别法专属性强,定量方法操作简单,精密度、重现性好,可以作为控制活血蛭龙通瘀胶囊的有效方法.  相似文献   
徐芸  薛京伦 《遗传学报》1990,17(6):469-475
本文从构建杂种细胞14-7-1的基因组文库出发,用种特异的探针分离出含有人体基因组顺序的重组子,并进一步分析了其中13个克隆,得到8个单拷贝顺序。通过与已建立的杂种细胞克隆分布板杂交以及染色体的原位杂交方法,将1个单拷贝顺序FD11-1定位在11p11-q11上。由于已经报道在11号染色体上具有3个连锁群,它们分别位于11p15、11p13和11q13上,因此,FD11-1有可能为11号染色体连锁基因图的建立提供1个有意义的座位。  相似文献   
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