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Resveratrol,a natural compound extracted from the skins of grapes,berries,or other fruits,has been shown to have anti-tumor effects against multiple myeloma(MM)...  相似文献   
魏屹  高星 《人类学学报》2020,39(2):223-235
鸵鸟蛋皮串珠从旧石器时代开始成为人类主要的装饰品类型之一,提供人类行为和认知发展方面的重要线索,至今仍广泛流行于非洲的狩猎采集者社会中,充当个人和群体间信息通讯的媒介。本文将从鸵鸟蛋皮的结构和种属鉴定入手,系统介绍旧石器时代鸵鸟蛋皮串珠的发现,及民族学记录中鸵鸟蛋皮串珠的制作与使用,并对20世纪以来有关鸵鸟蛋皮串珠的考古学研究作以概述,以期对我国考古学的相关研究提供有价值的信息与帮助。  相似文献   
在贵州省六盘水市杨梅乡慕尼克村,利用陷阱法捕捉到3号麝鼩属(Crocidura)标本。本次采集标本的体形较小,头体长(49.0 ± 0.8)mm,尾长[(41.8 ± 4.2)mm]略短于头体长(尾长/头体长为85%)。背毛呈浅灰褐色,腹毛颜色浅于背毛,呈灰色。尾部双色,背侧黑褐色,腹侧淡于背侧。前足背部白色,后足则为淡灰色。尾近乎裸露,尾基约1/3着生稀疏白色长毛。颅全长(15.92 ± 0.55)mm,脑颅高(4.75 ± 0.18)mm。上门齿1枚,有一长而大的前尖和一小而矮的后尖。上单尖齿3枚,第1单尖齿最大,第2单尖齿略大于第3单尖齿,1枚第四前臼齿(P4),3枚臼齿。上述特征与东阳江麝鼩(C. dongyangjiangensis)模式标本的描述和鉴定特征基本一致,因此将3号采集标本鉴定为东阳江麝鼩。基于Cyt b基因进行分子系统发育分析,采集标本与麝鼩属物种中的东阳江麝鼩遗传距离最近,在0.004 ~ 0.027之间。系统发生树显示,3号标本与东阳江麝鼩构成一个单系进化分支,进一步证实本次采集的3号标本是东阳江麝鼩,为贵州省分布新记录种。  相似文献   
【背景】接合菌在自然界广泛分布,在工业、食品、医药、生物防治等方面扮演着重要的角色,部分接合菌为有害菌。西藏地区接合菌只有少数零星的报道,其系统调查研究几乎还是空白,大量潜在的物种需要分离、鉴定、认识、保藏和开发。【目的】了解西藏地区的接合菌物种多样性和生物资源现状,为该地区有害接合菌的控制和有益接合菌的开发利用奠定基础。【方法】对西藏全境7个地区19个代表县的701个样品采用平板稀释分离法得到单菌落,然后进行形态和分子(SSU、ITS和LSU r DNA)鉴定,并在此基础上进行生物多样性以及优势和稀有属种分析。【结果】得到西藏接合菌10属26种,包括5个西藏已知种和21个西藏新记录种;其中4个为中国新记录种,分别是:类变形被孢霉(Mortierella amoeboidea)、球孢高山被孢霉(M.globalpina)、灰褐毛霉(Mucor brunneogriseus)、暗色毛霉(M.fuscus)。西藏接合菌的多样性指数分析表明,不同地区间的物种数量和组成存在显著差异,排在前4位的分别是波密县、米林县、当雄县和八宿县。属种分析显示,西藏接合菌的2个优势属为被孢霉属(Mortierella)和毛霉属(Mucor);3个优势种为高山被孢霉(Mortierella alpina)、冻土毛霉(Mucor hiemalis)、匍枝根霉(Rhizopus stolonifer);常见属8个,分别是犁头霉属(Absidia)、放射毛霉属(Actinomucor)、小克银汉霉属(Cunninghamella)、根毛霉属(Rhizomucor)、根霉属(Rhizopus)、共头霉属(Syncephalastrum)、伞形霉属(Umbelopsis)和接霉属(Zygorhynchus);常见种9个,稀有种14个。【结论】西藏地区接合菌资源丰富,各地区生物多样性差异显著,稀有物种占一半以上的比例提示西藏自然环境保护的重要性。  相似文献   
In numerous cellular studies, cells labeled with radioisotopes have been separated from the labeling medium by an aqueous solution in order to determine the quantity of internalized labels; however, the aqueous wash tends to remove significant labeling from the cells. Therefore, in order to preserve all of the internalized labels, non-aqueous medium such as silicone fluids may be used. The termination of the labeling is achieved in the silicone method when, upon centrifugation, the cells separate from the medium and enter the silicone fluid to sediment to the tube bottom. This sedimentation of cells placed above a layer of silicone fluid exhibits a critical dependence on the centrifugal force, and gives rise to an uncertainty of only 2 s in determining the time of separation of cells from the medium using General Electric F-50 silicone fluid and a modified Beckman J2-21 centrifuge. It is therefore possible to determine the kinetics of incorporation of labeled amino acids into intracellular pools and proteins. In particular, since this silicone wash method determines the size of the total pool and the aqueous wash method determines the size of the acid-extractable pool, the simultaneous measurements of the size of both pools leads to the determination of the kinetics of labeling of the free amino acid pool. Among many possible applications and extensions of these methods, the studies of formation of intracellular pools and relations among different pools of transported molecules, such as water and amino acids, appear promising.  相似文献   
孙锦霞  王易  刘丹  王莉新 《微生物学通报》2011,38(10):1584-1586
"条件致病菌"是国内医学微生物学教材中普遍应用的一个基本概念,但此概念在建立与应用中都存在明显缺陷,其使用可能对医学学生理解"人体共生微生物群落"与"机会性感染"等重要的医学基础理念造成误解与歧义。谨就此提出一些粗浅的认识与观点,希望通过同行间切磋,就此建立更完善的概念与更合理的表述。  相似文献   
A rapid, sensitive and simple high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS/MS) method was developed for determination of cefazedone in human plasma using metronidazole as internal standard (IS). The chromatographic separation was achieved on an Ultimate XB-CN column (2.1 mm × 150 mm, 5 μm) with an isocratic mobile phase of acetonitrile and 20 mM ammonium acetate in 0.1% formic acid in water (15:85, v/v). Detection was performed using electrospray ionization in positive ion multiple reaction-monitoring mode (SRM), monitoring the transitions m/z 548.2 → 344.1 for cefazedone and m/z 172.2 → 128.1 for IS. Calibration curves were linear over a wide range of 0.20–401.12 μg/mL for cefazedone in plasma. The lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) was 0.20 μg/mL. The intra- and inter-day precisions were less than 7.2%. The average recovery of cefazedone was 90.8–91.0%. The validated method was successfully applied to the pharmacokinetic study of cefazedone in Chinese healthy volunteers following intravenous (IV) administration of 500, 1000 and 2000 mg cefazedone injection.  相似文献   
鼎突多刺蚁群体结构和生活史的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文报告了鼎突多刺蚁(Polyrhachis vicina Roger)的群体结构和生活史。通过研究表明,鼎突多刺蚁一年发生一代,以蚁后、雄蚁、工蚁、幼虫和卵越冬。卵和幼虫在冬天发育停滞(或极慢)。到了春天,随着气温的上升,卵和幼虫又恢复正常发育。据室内人工饲养观察,卵的发育历期为23.8±2.5天(平均温度26℃)幼虫为20.4±4.4天(26℃),工蚁蛹为19.8±5.5天(27℃)。成长工蚁在5—11月出现;8—11月,雄蚁从蛹中羽化;10月,雌蚁从蛹中羽化。雌蚁分飞交尾后,进入邻近蚁巢或回到原巢,脱翅成为蚁后。蚁巢内存在着多后现象。  相似文献   
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