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Calypso bulbosa is a terrestrial orchid that grows in north temperate regions. Like many orchids, the Calypso has ovules that are not fully developed at anthesis. After pollination, the ovule primordia divide several times to produce a nucellar filament which consists of five to six cells. The subterminal cell of the nucellar filament enlarges to become the archesporial cell. Through further enlargement and elongation, the archesporial cell becomes the megasporocyte. An unequal dyad results from the first meiotic division. A triad of one active chalazal megaspore and two inactive micropylar megaspores are the end products of meiotic division. Callose is present in the cell wall of the megaspore destined to degenerate. In the mature embryo sac the number of nuclei is reduced to six when the chalazal nuclei fail to divide after the first mitotic division. The chalazal nuclei join the polar nucleus and the male nucleus near the center of the embryo sac subsequent to fertilization.  相似文献   
Earlier studies indicated that the gene of an ammonium-inducible glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) was inducible throughout the cell cycle and was expressible shortly after replication early in the S-phase in synchronous Chlorella cells growing at a rate of 13% per h in the absence of inducer. In the present study, synchronous cells cultured at the same growth rate in the continuous presence of inducer accumulated this enzyme in a linear manner, with a positive rate change observed late instead of early in the S-phase. At a growth rate of 26% per h, the positive rate change appeared to be displaced to 1.5 h before the S-phase in the next cell cycle. With 2'-deoxyadenosine, an in vivo inhibitor of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis, the magnitude of the positive rate change was shown to be proportional to the relative increase in DNA in the previous cell cycle. Collectively, these data support the idea that expression of newly replicated genes of this enzyme can be delayed into the subsequent cell cycle in cells in the continuous presence of inducer. Studies with cycloheximide indicated that the inducible GDH and another GDH isozyme were stable in fully induced cells in the absence of protein synthesis. However, after ammonium was removed from the culture medium, the activity of the inducible GDH decreased rapidly in vivo, with a half-time of 5 to 10 min at 38.5 degrees C, whereas the rate of accumulation of the other GDH isozyme did not change. Addition of cycloheximide, at the time of inducer removal, prevented this loss in activity of the inducible GDH. The inability to rescue the activity of the inducible GDH, by readdition of ammonium during the deinduction period, indicates that this enzyme probably underwent irreversible inactivation and/or proteolytic degradation.  相似文献   
Catecholamines induce net salt and water movements in duck red cells incubated in isotonic solutions. The rate of this response is approximately three times greater than a comparable effect observed in 400 mosmol hypertonic solutions in the absence of hormone (W.F. Schmidt and T. J. McManus. 1977 a.J. Gen. Physiol. 70:59-79. Otherwise, these two systems share a great many similarities. In both cases, net water and salt movements have a marked dependence on external cation concentrations, are sensitive to furosemide and insensitive to ouabain, and allow the substitution of rubidium for external potassium. In the presence of ouabain, but the absence of external potassium (or rubidium), a furosemide-sensitive net extrusion of sodium against a large electrochemical gradient can be demonstrated. When norepinephrine-treated cells are incubated with ouabain and sufficient external sodium, the furosemide-sensitive, unidirectional influxes of both sodium and rubidium are half- maximally saturated at similar rubidium concentrations; with saturating external rubidium, the same fluxes are half-maximal at comparable levels of external sodium. In the absence of sodium, a catecholamine-stimulated, furosemide-sensitive influx of rubidium persists. In the absence of rubidium, a similar but smaller component of sodium influx can be seen. We interpret these results in terms of a cotransport model for sodium plus potassium which is activated by hypertonicity or norepinephrine. When either ion is absent from the incubation medium, the system promotes an exchange-diffusion type of movement of the co-ion into the cells. In the absence of external potassium, net movement of potassium out of the cell leads to a coupled extrusion of sodium against its electrochemical gradient.  相似文献   
A fluorometric method for monitoring the enzymic hydrolysis of the terminal galactose from GM1-ganglioside has been developed. The released galactose is oxidized with galactose dehydrogenase and NAD and the fluorescence of the product NADH measured. This method can detect as little as 0.1 nmol of galactose. β-Galactosidase from the gastropod Turbo cornutus was employed for the hydrolysis reaction. The rate of GM1-ganglioside hydrolysis is linearly proportional to incubation time for 30 min under the assay conditions employed. In addition to galactose, the other product of hydrolysis, GM2-ganglioside, is identified by thin-layer chromatography. This procedure provides a convenient and specific method for measuring the release of galactose from GM1-ganglioside.  相似文献   
Protein tyrosine phosphorylation was studied in macrophages and fibroblasts to identify putative components of post-receptor mitogenic pathways that might be functionally conserved in different cell types. Nondenaturing conditions were established for the approximately quantitative recovery of anti-phosphotyrosine antibody (alpha PY)-reactive proteins from cells. A common, 57-kDa alpha PY-reactive protein was identified by V8 protease peptide mapping in colony-stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1)- or granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)-stimulated BAC1.2F5 macrophages, in platelet-derived growth factor-stimulated NIH-3T3 cells, and in CSF-1-stimulated NIH-3T3 cells expressing the c-fms/CSF-1 receptor. The 57-kDa protein was phosphorylated on serine and tyrosine and was the only alpha PY-reactive protein band whose phosphorylation was reproducibly increased in GM-CSF-stimulated cells. The effect of the growth factors on the tyrosine phosphorylation of the 57-kDa protein could be mimicked by treatment of the cells with orthovanadate, a phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase inhibitor. In the absence of growth factors, tyrosine phosphorylation of the 57-kDa protein was higher in v-fms or c-fms (F969, S301)-transformed NIH-3T3 cells than in untransformed NIH-3T3 (c-fms) and NIH-3T3 (c-fms, F969) cells. These data indicate that the 57-kDa protein is a common target for growth factor-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation and potentially important for growth factor mitogenic signaling.  相似文献   
Each of five monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) prepared against the type 1 fimbriae of Actinomyces viscosus T14V reacted with a 54 kDa cloned protein previously identified as a fimbrial subunit. This purified protein completely inhibited the reaction of a specific anti-type-1-fimbria rabbit antibody with A. viscosus whole cells. Maximum values for the number of antibody molecules bound per bacterial cell ranged from 7 x 10(3) to 1.2 x 10(4) for the different 125I-labelled mAbs and was approximately 7 x 10(4) for 125I-labelled rabbit IgG or Fab against either type 1 fimbriae or the 54 kDa cloned protein. Although the different mAbs, either individually or as a mixture, failed to inhibit the type-1-fimbria-mediated adherence of A. viscosus T14V to saliva-treated hydroxyapatite, each rabbit antibody gave 50% inhibition of adherence when approximately 5 x 10(4) molecules of IgG were bound per cell. However, binding of each corresponding rabbit Fab had no significant effect on bacterial attachment unless much higher concentrations were used. These findings suggest that antibodies directed solely against the 54 kDa fimbrial subunit do not react with the putative receptor binding sites of A. viscosus T14V type 1 fimbriae. Instead, inhibition of attachment by the polyclonal antibodies may depend on an indirect effect of antibody binding that prevents the fimbria-receptor interaction.  相似文献   
Isolation of a neuraminidase gene from Actinomyces viscosus T14V.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A genomic library of Actinomyces viscosus T14V DNA in lambda gt11 was screened for expression of neuraminidase activities. Four recombinant clones were detected that gave blue fluorescence upon incubation with a fluorogenic substrate, 2'-(4-methylumbelliferyl)-alpha-D-N-acetylneuraminic acid. Of these, two were identical, and all of the neuraminidase-positive clones shared a common 3.4-kbp DNA region. Expression of the enzyme activities in Escherichia coli carrying the cloned DNA was independent of the lacZ promoter of the vector. Maxicell analysis revealed that the 3.4-kbp DNA insert directed synthesis of a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 100,000 Da. The protein from cell extracts of E. coli clones migrated as a single band that stained for enzyme activity after electrophoresis in a nondissociating polyacrylamide gel. Moreover, human erythrocytes incubated previously with cell lysates from neuraminidase-positive E. coli were hemagglutinated by Actinomyces spp. The enzyme expressed by E. coli was active on substrates containing alpha-2,3 and alpha-2,6 ketosidic linked sialyl residues. Similar substrate specificities were obtained for both the extracellular and cell-associated neuraminidases from A. viscosus T14V. The 3.4-kbp insert hybridized to DNA fragments in a Southern blot containing A. viscosus T14V chromosomal DNA that had been digested with various restriction endonucleases. Data from hybridization studies show that A. viscosus T14V contains a single copy of the neuraminidase gene.  相似文献   
2',5'-Dideoxy,3'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl Adenosine (2',5'-dd3'-FSBA) was synthesized and found to be an agonist and affinity label for the "P"-site of adenylyl cyclase. This compound irreversibly inactivated both a crude detergent-dispersed adenylyl cyclase from rat brain and the partially purified enzyme from bovine brain. The irreversible inactivation by 100 to 200 microM 2',5'-dd3'-FSBA was blocked in a concentration-dependent manner by several established P-site inhibitors of adenylyl cyclase, 2',5'-dideoxyadenosine, 2'-d3'-AMP, adenosine, and 2'-deoxyadenosine, but not by inosine, N6-(phenylisopropyl)adenosine, adenine, 2'-d3':5'-cAMP, or 5'-AMP, agents known not to act at the P-site. Moreover, irreversible inactivation by 2',5'-dd3'-FSBA occurred in the presence of ATP at concentrations up to 3 mM, making it unlikely that inactivation was due to an effect on the enzyme's catalytic site. Adenylyl cyclase was also irreversibly inactivated by 5'-FSBA, although modestly (less than 20%) and apparently nonspecifically. Dithiothreitol protected the enzyme from irreversible inactivation by 2',5'-dd3'-FSBA, but reversible inhibition of the enzyme was still observed, although with reduced potency. When 2 mM dithiothreitol was added after a 30-min preincubation with 2',5'-dd3'-FSBA, the rat brain enzyme was partially (approximately 80%) reactivated. The data suggest that 2',5'-dd3'-FSBA may irreversibly inactivate adenylyl cyclase by reacting with a cysteinyl moiety in proximity to the P-site domain of the enzyme. These data together with results of studies of P-site inhibition kinetics published elsewhere (Johnson, R. A., and Shoshani, I. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 11595-11600) strongly suggest that the P-site and catalytic site are distinct domains on the enzyme. 2',5'-dd3'-FSBA, and especially its radiolabeled analog, should prove to be a useful probe for structural studies of adenylyl cyclase, particularly with regard to the P-site.  相似文献   
The successful invasion of Plasmodium is an essential step in their life cycle. The parasite reticulocyte‐binding protein homologues (RHs) and erythrocyte‐binding like proteins are two families involved in the invasion leading to merozoite‐red blood cell (RBC) junction formation. Ca2+ signaling has been shown to play a critical role in the invasion. RHs have been linked to Ca2+ signaling, which triggers the erythrocyte‐binding like proteins release ahead of junction formation, consistent with RHs performing an initial sensing function in identifying suitable RBCs. RH5, the only essential RHs, is a highly promising vaccine candidate. RH5‐basigin interaction is essential for merozoite invasion and also important in determining host tropism. Here, we show that RH5 has a distinct function from the other RHs. We show that RH5‐Basigin interaction on its own triggers a Ca2+ signal in the RBC resulting in changes in RBC cytoskeletal proteins phosphorylation and overall alterations in RBC cytoskeleton architecture. Antibodies targeting RH5 that block the signal prevent invasion before junction formation consistent with the Ca2+ signal in the RBC leading to rearrangement of the cytoskeleton required for invasion. This work provides the first time a functional context for the essential role of RH5 and will now open up new avenues to target merozoite invasion.  相似文献   
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